
Flying doves
Childhood memories of an American in Iran
By Jim Culp
March 14, 2000
The Iranian
In Iran, we lived in northwest Tehran up toward Shemran, at Meydun-e
Golhak, but i have forgotten the name of the kucheh. Amazingly such small
things come back to me now from time to time ...
I raised kabootars (doves) and kept them in a box home which I built
on top of the outbuilding where we kept our 50-gallon naft (kerosene) drums,
with which we fueled our stove and did home heating in the cold winters.
I loved to feed and to fly the doves; they loved to fly. When I whistled
and clapped they would always come back even when they flew with other
doves . They were fun and beautiful to watch and they would change course
in flight or do a tumble or loop if I would clap my hands loudly and call
to them >>>

Xerxes, the opera
First performed in London, in 1738
By Cyrus Kadivar
March 14, 2000
The Iranian
To most people the name Xerxes equates to the ancient king who ruled
Persia (486-465 BC). In Greek history, Herodotus refers to the Persian
king as the "tyrant" who bridged the Hellespont, captured Athens,
then watched his Aegean fleet destroyed in a storm.
There is an echo of this incident in Byron's famous poem describing
the "Great King" seated on the base of Mount Aegaleos watching
his ships sinking at Salamis.
That's the history bit. But how many people know of Xerxes, the opera?>>>

Conspiracy at Desert One
A novel
By Bernace Charles
The Iranian
Chapter Thirty-Three >>>
U.S. seen easing Iran trade sanctions this week
WASHINGTON, March 14 (Reuters) - The United States was expected to ease
some import bans on Iranian goods this week, U.S. officials said on Tuesday,
in what would mark a step toward a thaw in two decades of icy relations.
White House spokesman Joe Lockhart said there might be an announcement
later this week on Iran. Other U.S. officials said the administration would
likely announce an easing of a ban of non-energy imports from Iran, but
had no further details. >>>
Those who visit iranian.com are asked to register. Here's one person's
response to the registration form questions:
City: agegofti
Name: beto marboot nist
From: hamoonkegoftam@allah.com
More Letters
* Have some mercy
Ataollah Togha writes:
In the editorial intro to "Breaking
the rules" you wrote: "Yesterday's assassination attempt
against Saeed Hajjarian, a pro-Khatami newspaper publisher, was a shocking
reminder that Iran's conservative hardliners will resort to any means to
try to stop the movement toward a more open and liberal society. But, as
this feature clearly shows, Iranian society is going through fundamental
changes, regardless of what the extremists expect the Islamic Republic
to be."
I think all regular readers of the forum you publish (=The Iranian)
are already quite familiar with the domain of concerns of Ms. Fassihian
through her lengthy articles ["Breaking
the rules"]. I myself were once tempted (you can read "fooled")
and took time and responded to one of her early articles, although I later
realized that it probably wasn't worth the effort. Oh well ...
Honestly, isn't that because you needed to rationalize publishing such
an article at a time when the "local Iranians" (as Ms Fassihian
uses the word) are concerned about those who are fighting for the true
meaning of the (much abused) word "freedom", and thus paying
such high prices? Please open your eyes, and have some mercy for those
who fought for you >>>
* Reply: Not the right time
Dokhi Fassihian writes in reply
to Ataollah Togha:
I also expressed to the editor that I didn't think it was the right
time to publish "Breaking
the rules" because of the tragic incident regarding Mr. Hajjarian.
So I appreciate this particular concern. It was the editor's decision,
with my hesitation, to publish it with a section on top about Hajjarian.
This article was a simple piece on how young Iranians in Iran spend
their free time and where to dine in Tehran. And so the remainder of your
criticisms are irrelevant, vague and unintelligible.
Sorry, but just because you have chosen to not appreciate a group's
point of view - -in this case the majority of Iranian youth -- does not
invalidate their beliefs and feelings. It seems you are the one who is
narrow-minded and intolerant, not to mention highly disrespectful.
Iran-U.S.: Important conference on Iran,
Friday in DC
The American Iranian Council (AIC), in association with the Asia Society,
Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service, and the Middle East
Institute, invites you to participate in a conference on IRAN'S NEW PARLIAMENT:
Implications for US-Iran Relations, Friday, March 17, 2000, Hampton Room,
Omni Shoreham Hotel, 2500 Calvert Street, NW, Washington, DC 20008, 8:30am-4:30pm.
Opening Address, 9:30-10:30 am by a US Department of State Official >>>
Books & Music from Iran

Check our fourteen new books from Iran including an authoritative history
of the Achamenid empire, writings by leading reformists, Forough Farrokhzad's
complete works, exquisite books of classical poetry with miniatures, Manichaean
psalms and more! >>>
New music albums
* Taherzadeh, Manochehr: Aakharin
barg * Eyvazi, Mohammad Reza. : Rangin
kamaan * Banan.: Shaakh-e
gol (2) * Ta'rif, Sadiq: Maah
baanoo * Lachini, Fariborz: Paaeez-e
talaaee ... >>>
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Video Store
Copyright © Abadan Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved.
May not be duplicated or distributed in any form
Reformers blame hard-liners for violence
TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iranian political factions closed ranks on Tuesday
to condemn the shooting of a prominent reformer, but they split over blame
as reformists accused hard-liners of provoking the attack with inflammatory
speeches. Reformers close to President Mohammad Khatami singled out Ayatollah
Mohammad Taqi Mesbah-Yazdi, a hard-liner known for his strident attacks
on democracy and attempts to justify violence to stop reforms which he sees
as threats to Islamic values. >>> FULL TEXT

Iranians urged to pray for reformer
TEHRAN, Iran Tehran's city council urged Iranians today
to pray for a reformer gravely wounded in an assassination attempt, an appeal
that in this country usually indicates little hope for recovery and imminent
death. Saeed Hajjarian, who is in his late 40s, has been in a coma with
a bullet lodged in the back of his neck since Sunday, when he was shot in
the face by an unknown assailant >>> FULL TEXT
Leader of Iranian Zoroastrian community
March 14 (AFP) - The religious leader of the Iranian Zoroastrian community,
Dastur Rostam Dinyar Shahzadi, has died at the age of 85, the Iranian Zoroastrian
Association announced in a statement issued on Tuesday >>> FULL

MKO claims Iranian jets tried to bomb camp
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - An Iranian opposition group in exile claimed
that Iranian jets tried to bomb its military camp in Iraq but were driven
off by the camp's air defense units. The Mujahedeen Khalq said in a statement
that the jets wanted to attack Camp Anzali, 75 miles northeast of Baghdad
Clinton sanctions decision sends US-Iran
relations "back to square one"
March 14 (AFP) - Iran-US relations seemed to be back to square one Tuesday
following Washington's decision to renew economic sanctions against Tehran,
erasing a few timid moves towards dialogue. Foreign ministry spokesman Hamid-Reza
Asefi, quoted by the official news agency IRNA, said the decision by US
President Bill Clinton contradicted recent statements indicating a softening
of Washington's attitude >>> FULL TEXT

Oil production will meet only domestic
demand by 2020
March 14 (AFP) - Iran's oil production will only be enough to meet domestic
demands by 2020 if energy consumption continues to rise, the Iran Daily
Tuesday quoted an energy expert as saying. Majid Saffariania also told a
seminar on industrial energy consumption management Monday that 20 percent
of Iran's annual domestic electricity output is wasted in the production
and distribution system, the paper said >>> FULL TEXT

World Premiere of MARYAM at Los Angeles
Independent Film Festival
release, March 2000: Maryam , written and directed by Ramin Serry, is set
for its World Premiere as part of the Los Angeles Independent Film Festival
on Friday, April 14th with an encore screening on Sunday, April 16th >>>
Private TV
Tehran (Hamshahri) - A look at the "failure" of Iran
six state TV channels and the need for private stations >>> FULL

(Asr-e Azadegan) - Following the assassination attempt against a leading
reformist, film producers and distributers have decided to withdraw their
protest action against Tehran City Council's decision to raise taxes on
film ticket sales >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Good news. bad news
(Hamshahri) - Khodadad Azizi has signed with the San Jose Clash, but Mohammad
Khak-pour and Javad Zarrincheh did not reach agreements with U.S. teams
and areexpected to return to Iran >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

(Iran Varzeshi) - This is not my ideal Esteqlal, says Mansour Pour-Heydari
in an interview. Have patience >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN
(Hamshahri) - The latest on the national team's trip to Cyprus >>>
Persian Service
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interviews and features on Iranian current affairs ... LISTEN HERE

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The Web
Women in Iran: Official
This is the Center for Women's Participation Presidency
of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Beyond Iran
Gendercide Watch
Gendercide means deliberate extermination of people of a
particular sex, whether female or male. This sobering site presents news
and frequently updated case studies of contemporary and historical gender-selective
atrocities and crimes worldwide.
web sites
Quote Unquote
As far as looking at [the possibility of removing some economic sanctions
against Iran], I'm not going to get into specifics today ... The administration
will have someone speaking at the American-Iranian Council on Friday and
they will address that subject.
-- Joe Lockhart, White House spokesman
March 14, 2000
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