The Iranian Times

Thursday, March 16, 2000 / Esfand 26, 1378, No. 939

Flower delivery in Iran

Sehaty Foreign Exchange

Flower delivery in Iran

Iranian books



Why don't women learn Karate?
Conversations with my son

By By Yasaman J.
March 16, 2000
The Iranian

My seven-year-old son, Roshan, came out of the shower wrapped in a towel. As he was putting his clothes on, I started hanging his clean clothes on little hangers and putting them in his closet.

He looked at the towel and said: "Do women in Iran wear a towel on their head even when they go to bed at night?" He has been more curious about Iran since the recent soccer games although he could not understand why we kept screaming and calling grown men "Bacheh-haa" as in "Bachehaa hamleh konid".>>> GO TO FEATURE


Can't just fake it
Violence reported by wives are more likely true

By Simin Haghighi
March 16, 2000
The Iranian

I would like to offer a few comments in response to the recent article published in The Iranian, "She changed overnight". Other readers have noted the many flaws in this article; most are obvious and some subtler. For those of us who have gone through violent experiences with a spouse it is perfectly clear that there is more to the story than the writer is telling.

Though the law enforcers err on the side of caution with regards to suspects of domestic violence, pressing charges, be it for a felony or misdemeanor do not happen automatically and without solid grounds. >>> GO TO FEATURE


Conspiracy at Desert One
A novel

By Bernace Charles
The Iranian

Chapter Thirty-Five & Thirty-Six >>> GO TO FEATURE


Men of the year

March 16, (Asr-e Azadegan) -- Abdollah Nouri was the most "successful" man of the past year and Hashemi Rafsanjani the least >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN


Radio debut

Farrokh Javid writes:

KRSI, Radio Seday-e Iran, which has an audience of nearly one million in the U.S., and Canada alone, has started to broadcast programs in Iran. For the time being, it is only two hours for Iran, beginning at 8 pm Tehran time. Yesterday was its debut and I personally had at least five callers from Iran during my half-hour show (between 9 to 9:30 am EST). The programs are broadcast via a satellite in Europe, on short wave 25 meter band on12065 khz.

More Letters

* Final destination: Democracy!

Abdy Hashemi writes: In an eye-scatching demonstration, on 18 February, the people of Iran elected a new reformist parliament and set aside most of the conservative heavy weights. More than 300 international journalists reported this event which brought recognition from world politicians, including those at the White House.

This fantastic transition to a near-total civilian rule is largely the outcome of President Khatami's policies. He respects oppositions; always reciting "long live my opponents". Unlike the Shah and his puppets who believed in the total eradication of opponents, Khatami encourages criticism but needs support at the same time; after all "Rome was not built in one day". He is steering Iran, in a very charismatic and diplomatic way, towards democracy and is pulling the support of the masses and intellectuals...

Before his triumphant return to Iran Ayatollah Khomeini was pictured in Paris waving to his followers. Time magazine printed this on its front cover with the caption "The hand that shakes the throne". Now Khatami, as a true follower of Khomeini, is leading the same people to their final destination - DEMOCRACY! >>> FULL TEXT

* Cheraa roozegaar eentoree kard?

Gold Boy writes: man yeh javoon-e Irani hastam. chand kalameh harf daashtam. meekhaam begam keh cheraa roozegaar eentoree kard baa maa? cheraa tafreeh nadaareem? cheraa maa hameh khasteh shodeem? cheraa hamash hamin chizaaee hast keh too TV neshoon meedan? ["Breaking the rules"]

aahaay kasee keh een email ro meekhooneh: een harfaa dard-e del-e tamaam-e javoonaast. hamamoon yaad gerefteem sobh paasheem bereem sar-e kaar, berim daaneshgaah, nemidooneem chee meekhaaeem. aslan cheh kaar baayad bekoneem? faqat taa cheshm baaz kardeem joz badbakhtee cheez-e degehee nadeedeem.

baabaab maa ham aarezoo daareem beh khodaa. aarezoom een hast keh yeh rooz az Iran beram valee cheh kaar konam? nemeetoonam. chon poolesh ro nadaaram.

omidvaaram keh yeh rooz Iran az shar-e een aakhoondaa raahat sheh.

Conference: 2nd Iranian-American conference, Washington DC

The Iranian American Cultural Association (IACA) of the Washington, D.C. area will sponsor its second conference entitled "Iranian-Americans: Passages to the Public Persona" at Georgetown University, Intercultural Center, Room 115, on Saturday, 8 April 2000, 2:00-6:00 p.m. >>> DETAILS HERE


Books & Music from Iran

Check our fourteen new books from Iran including an authoritative history of the Achamenid empire, writings by leading reformists, Forough Farrokhzad's complete works, exquisite books of classical poetry with miniatures, Manichaean psalms and more! >>> GO HERE

New music albums

* Taherzadeh, Manochehr: Aakharin barg * Eyvazi, Mohammad Reza. : Rangin kamaan * Banan.: Shaakh-e gol (2) * Ta'rif, Sadiq: Maah baanoo * Lachini, Fariborz: Paaeez-e talaaee ... >>> GO HERE

Music store


NEW: Champions: Iranian national soccer team

Three hours of interviews, trainings, matches, Biographies, and fans of Iranian National Soccer Team, covering Iran's soccer history from 1978-2000. Premium quality. Produced by: Alireza AmirGhasemi & Behrouz Deravi.

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More news

Albright readies Iran announcement

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Clinton administration is setting the stage for a major policy announcement designed to encourage reformists in Iran. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright will make a major speech here Friday to the American-Iranian Council, a private group based in Princeton, N.J., that seeks better relations with Tehran, State Department spokesman James P. Rubin said today >>> FULL TEXT

Iran says U.S. export cover could help food trade

TEHRAN, March 15 (Reuters) - Iran said on Wednesday it was ready to buy farm goods and medicine from the United States, but indicated that purchases were hampered by a lack of U.S. export guarantees. ``The Americans have allowed the sale of grain and medicine to Iran to break into a new market. In any case, we are ready to buy at competitive prices,'' Iranian Commerce Minister Mohammad Shariatmadari said >>> FULL TEXT

Doctors more upbeat on condition of shot Hajjarian

TEHRAN, March 15 (AFP) - Doctors treating shot Iranian reformist politician Said Hajarian were more upbeat on his condition Wednesday, saying there was growing hope he would pull through. Dr Mohammad Ghodsi, spokesman for Hajarian's medical team, told journalists Hajarian's blood circulation was under full control and the assistance to his breathing from a ventilator would be reduced over the next few days >>> FULL TEXT

Author of death threat against Hajjarian arrested: press

TEHRAN, March 16 (AFP) - The alleged author of a death threat against leading Iranian reformist Said Hajarian before Sunday's attempt on his life has been arrested, a press report said Thursday, quoting a government official. The daily Kar-o Karegar, quoting an official of the intelligence ministry, said the man was named Ahmadi, but gave no further information >>> FULL TEXT

Author of death threat against Hajjarian arrested: press

March 16 (Fath daily) - Ansar Hezbollah hardliners have issued what amounts to a death threat against reformists >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Iran bows to complaints over Afghan refugee deportations

TEHRAN, March 16 (AFP) - Iran told representatives of refugee organisations Thursday it would concentrate on voluntary repatriation of Afghans living in the country, implying that a wave of deportations is over, a source with one of the organisations told AFP. "Iran considers it a priority to implement the agreement concluded in February" with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the source said >>> FULL TEXT

Iran refuses accused Jews to choose lawyers

NEW YORK, March 16 (AFP) - A judge in the Iranian city of Shiraz, who will preside over the trial of 13 Jews on espionage charges, has refused to let them choose their own lawyers, according to a Jewish advocacy group based here. In a statement released Wednesday, the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations (CPMAJO) said "the judge is insisting on court appointed attorneys. >>> FULL TEXT

Turkmens may boost gas supply to Iran to 13 bcm/yr

ASHGABAT, March 16 (Reuters) - Turkmenistan may ship rising volumes of natural gas to southern neighbour Iran in coming years by boosting the annual capacity of an existing pipeline to 13 billion cubic metres, Turkmen officials said on Thursday. Foreign Minister Boris Shikhmuradov told reporters on the fringes of an oil and gas conference that Turkmenistan could send up to 13 bcm of natural gas through the Turkmen-Iran pipeline by the end of 2000 >>> FULL TEXT

Film reviews

Tehran (Hamshahri) - A review of Iranian films screened in the past three months and persisting problems >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Year book

Tehran (Hamshahri) - Film magazine has published its year book on Iranian cinema >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN


Tehran (Asr-e Azadegan) - A short story about Noruz during the Iran-Iraq war >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN


Tehran (Iran daily) - Sports writers select the year's best athletes >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN


Tehran (Hamshahri) - The national soccer team has arrived in Cyprus >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN


Tehran (Hamshahri) - Sports highlights of the past year >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN


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The Web



The Labor Party of Iran's web site. Lots of links and info on the Iranian Marxist-Leninist movement.

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Quote Unquote


Sanctions can be modified at any time... We believe there are important changes in Iran, and we are considering ways to respond to those changes.

-- James Foley, U.S. State Department spokesman
March 15, 2000

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Shahin & Sepehr

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Sholeh Hojabr Ebrahimi
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