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* Qajar paintings at Brooklyn Museum of Art
First Exhibition of Persian Painting from the Qajar Dynasty, 1785-1925
at Brooklyn Museum of Art October 23, 1998-January 24, 1999
Press Preview Thursday, October 22, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
The first major exhibition to explore visual arts in Persia during the
Qajar Dynasty, focusing on extraordinary large-scale court and popular
religious paintings, will be presented at the Brooklyn Museum of Art from
October 23, 1998, through January 24, 1999. Providing a window into imperial
as well as daily life of a vanished culture, Royal Persian Paintings: The
Qajar Epoch, 1785-1925 will comprise 106 exceptional works. It includes
important loans from thirty-six internationally renowned private and public
collections in seven countries. Among the lending institutions are The
State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg; the Victoria and Albert Museum,
London; the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; the Institute of Oriental Studies
of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg; the Arthur M. Sackler
Gallery, Smithsonian Institutions, Washington; and the Musee de Louvre
in Paris. Also included in the exhibition will be a selection from the
Museum's collection, which contains the most important holdings of Qajar
art in North America... FULL
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* Dr. Mirza Aghassi in the Bay Area
Dr. Hamid Mirza Aghassi will have a lecture entitled "Ethics, Values,
and Morality in Today's Society" in Farsi at the Sunnyvale Community
Center located at 550 E. Remmington Dr. (please call (408) 730-7350 for
directions) at 8:30 p.m. on this Friday, October 23rd.
Also, Dr. Mirza Aghassi will teach an interactive Quran class in English
on Sunday, October 25th, from 12 noon to 5 p.m. at 50 Catalpa Lane in Campbell
(off-Winchester Blvd. between Campbell Ave. and San thomas Expwy). This
class is geared towards youth (12 & older) as well as adults. For further
information regrading either programs, please call 1(800) 919-2011.
Both lectures are presented by Bonyad-e-Towhid in a series of cultural
enrichment programs for the Iranian community in the Bay Area, and have
free admissions.
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* Habibollah Payman's lectures in Europe
The program for Dr Peyman's meetings and talks in Europe
Dr. Habibullah Peyman, leader of the Jonbesh-e Mosalmanan-e Mobarez
(JMM), has been invited by the Secretary of the German Green Party faction
in the European Parliament to tour Europe.
The Council for the Co-ordination of democratic Organizations (Shuray-e
Hamahangy- e Nahadhay-e Democratic) has arranged for him to give lectures
and to have meetings and talks with Iranians in various cities of Europe.
The main topic of the lectures is "An Analysis of the present situation
of the Movement for Freedom and People's rule in Iran". The
dates and names of the host organisations in various cities are as follows:
Friday 23 Oct: Hambourg, Germany. Kanoon-e-Seyasi Farhangi-e-Iranian
Saturday 24 Oct. Berlin, Germany. Jameye Iranian-e- Azadikhah
Friday 30 Oct: Coln, Germany. Jameye Iranian-e- Democrat
Saturday 31 Oct: Frankfurt, Germany. Talashgaran-e-Jamey-e-Baz
Friday 6 November: Paris, France. Comite-ye-Bargozari
Sunday 8 November: London, England.
Comite-ye-Bargozari Fyvie Hall, University of Westminister, Regent Street
(the closest Underground Railway Station is Oxford Circus), London
For further information, please contact A.Abdi@btinternet.com
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* Student scholarship, northern California
Following is the application for Iranian Student Scholarship offered
by the Society of Iranian Professionals (SIP) in northern California. Please
distribute this to your friends and family. Also in order to broaden SIP's
ability to sponsor more students , SIP would welcome any donation for this
cause. For more information please contact: 408-496-9093 or send email
to: officers@sip-ca.org or visit us
at www.sip-ca.org
Mazdak Rooein, SIP Officer
Iranian Student Scholarship 1998-99 - Society of Iranian Professional
(SIP) Application Form
Last Name:
First Name:
Phone Number:
Class Level:
Expected Date of Graduation:
1. Summarize your educational background, school performance, and academic
2. Summarize your extra-curricula activities. Include Iranian related
activities & participation:
3. Describe your career and personal objectives after the graduationand
for the next 5 years:
4.Why do you feel you deserve this scholarship and how it would benefit
your studies now?
5. Briefly describe your personal financial needs, expenses, and any
current financial support:
6. Please list names and phone numbers of three references, at least
one academic reference:
Please submit: completed application, school transcript, one letter
of reference, one page essay on: The future and challenges of Iranian Community
in North America? by November 20, 1998 to: SIP Scholarship, P.O. Box 3753,
Santa Clara 95055. For information contact: 408-496-9093 or send email
to: officers@sip-ca.org
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* Berkeley play based on Hedayat's story
BEHIND GLASS WINDOWS: A play written and directed by Torange Yeghiazarian
based on a short story by Iranian writer, Saadegh Hedayat. A shattering
love story that questions our perception of love and reality. This contemporary
stage adaptation of the original short story focuses on the illusory nature
of love and relationships from the perspective of second generation Iranians
growing up with dual traditions.
DATE: October 15, 1998, through November 8, 1998
CONTACT: Marya Zamroud
PHONE: (510) 986-9194
Previews: October 15th & 16th
Run: October 17th through November 8, 1998; Thursday through Sunday, 8pm
Location: DARVAG's Adeline Street Theatre 3280 Adeline Street, between
Alcatraz and Ashby, Berkeley. Walking distance from the Ashby BART station
Tickets Prices: General $12
Previews/students $8
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* Iranian American Republican fundraising, San Diego
On Sunday, October 25, 1998, from 11:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m., the San
Diego Chapter of the Iranian American Republican Council ("IARC")
is proud to host a fundraising brunch honoring California State Treasurer
Matt Fong in his candidacy for United States Senator from California.
The brunch will be held at Del Mario's, 2010 Jimmy Durante Boulevard,
Del Mar, California (619) 509-9999. The cost is $100 per person or $175
per couple. Everyone is cordially invited to attend.
For more information or to purchase tickets please contact Sepi Rahimzadeh
our chapter VP at sepir@irvinghughes.com
or (619)238-4393 or Shirin Ahkami our chapter secretary at sahkami@chsd.org
or (619)495-4963.
We look forward to seeing you on October 25, 1998, and please do not
forget to vote. To learn more about the IARC, please visit IARC's website
at www.iarcnational.org.
Iranian American Republican Council
San Diego Chapter
Ali M. M. Mojdehi, President
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* Dariush Mehrjui in Columbus, Ohio
Dariush Mehrjui introduces THE PEAR TREE (1998)
Wexner Center for the Arts
Ohio State University
Sunday, Nov 15 / 2 pm
Special Admission Price: $7; $5 Wexner members, students, etc.
Immediately following his retrospective at the Film Society of Lincoln
Center in New York, Iranian director Dariush Mehrjui comes to the Wexner
Center in Columbus, Ohio, to present his most recent film THE PEAR TREE,
which Variety described as "a lush, golden evocation of first
A philosophy major at UCLA, where he also studied filmmaking with Jean
Renoir, Mehrjui is a director of considerable sophistication and insight,
with his recent feature, Leila (shown at the Wexner Center in September)
hailed internationally for its sympathetic critique of the role of women
in modern Iranian society.
For this special matinee presentation, Mehrjui will introduce The
Pear Tree, and discuss his work with Associate Curator Dave Filipi
and Dr. Akbar Mahdi, Associate Professor of Sociology at Ohio Wesleyan
University and a liason for the Iranian Cultural Association, Columbus,
Ohio.(Program: app. 3 hours.)
Presented with the support of the IRANIAN Cultural Association, COLUMBUS,
OHIO. For further information, contact:
David Filipi Associate
Curator, Film/Video
Wexner Center for the Arts
Ohio State University
1871 N. High St. Columbus, OH 43210
Tel: 614-688-3307
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* Conference: Challenges for Iranians Abroad, Indianapolis
DANESH Institute, Inc. in cooperation with Society for Promotion of
Persian Culture present: Third Annual Conference, October 24, 1998
Location: Indiana University-Purdue University, Student Activities
Center, 815 W. Michigan Street, Indianapolis, Indiana
* Challenges for Iranians Abroad in the Onset of the Next Millennium:
Agenda for Action
* Role Reversal & Its Consequences in the Iranian Immigrant Family
* The Experience of lranian Women in the United States: The Case
of the Twin Cities
* Living in Exile: Iranian Acculturation in Literature
* Impacts of the Political Relationship between Iran & the United
States on Iranian Immigrants
* Challenges for Iranians Abroad: Summary & Agenda for Action
Chair & Facilitator: Irene Queiro-Tajalli, Indiana University
Contact: Dr. Cyrus S. Behroozi, 317-283-8757
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