Cover Story
Out of the blue
Discovering paintings by Manoucher Yektai
A few weeks ago I was at an Iranian street festival in New York. It
was the first ever held there, and it showed. Thousands showed up , but
there weren't many booths offering any services.
As I was looking through the books on a table, I came across a thin
booklet, Manoucher Yektai; Paintings 1951-1997 ( 1998 Guild Hall
Museum, New York).
I had never heard of Yektai's name and certainly knew nothing about
his art. I glanced through the selected paintings and was immediately struck
by their richness and maturity. I had no doubt in my mind that Yektai is
not just an excellent Iranian artist, but among the very best in the world...
go to feature
Ariasp Firoozian
asks you to correct his English:
Befor everything : I must tell you that my language in English (maybe
in persian,too) is not good. But becouse I want to learning english and
same that one friend say me: "I want to improve my ability in English
and this help me to do it." I must to write in english :( (not always).
If I wrong (I say to all of my friends) excuse me and If you can, write
to me & say me where I had wrong sentences. Thanks, Thanks & Thanks.
Revolution: 1979-1999
More Letters
* Acceptable form of enticement
Guive Mirfendereski writes: The circumstance described in Iraj Mirza's
poem about "The Veil" speaks to the nuances of courtship.
In his day and age and, incidentally, not so many years ago, either, the
woman's demeanor in the poem would have been viewed as a part of an acceptable
form of enticement, a sort of a compromise between drive and refrain, wanting
and not, attracting and repelling, tradition and free-wheeling abandon.
* Not all men are pigs
Ozhang Karimi writes: I was really moved by reading this
very emotional article ["Mommy's Boy"]... I always
thought all men are pigs and I thanked god for not having any sons, but
today after I read your true and honest emotions about your mother I think
differently. May be I shouldn't be so pessimistic about all men. Thanks
for your wonderful article... FULL
* Film: Mehrjui's
"Leila," Ohio
* Conference: Challenges
for Iranians Abroad, Indianapolis"
New section
Music CDs Persian and
general music CD store

* Persian Classical Music
Hossein Omoumi / Audio CD / Released 1993

* Persian
Classical Melodies, Volume 1
Maroufi & Khorram/ Audio CD / Released 1996

Iran says will use all means in Afghan
TEHRAN, Sept 8 (Reuters) - Iran said on Tuesday
it would use ``all possibilities'' to free Iranians held in Afghanistan
and called on the Afghan Taleban Islamic movement to respond quickly ``before
it is too late.'' ``The Islamic Republic of Iran will revert to making use
of all possibilities to free its diplomats and citizens held in captivity
by the Taleban militia,'' Iranian Foreign Minister Kamal Kharrazi said in
remarks to journalists published by the official Iranian news agency IRNA
U.S. warns Iran against attack on Afghanistan
WASHINGTON, Sept 8 (Reuters) - The United
States on Tuesday expressed serious concern over the buildup of Iranian
forces on Afghanistan's border and urged Tehran against military action
Attackers "arrested"
TEHRAN, (Tous) - A number of persons have been arrested in connection
with last week's beating of two moderate ministers ... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN
Khatami says security forces subject to
TEHRAN, Sept 7 (Reuters) - Iran's President
Mohammad Khatami said on Monday Iranian security forces were answerable
to the law, calling on them to respect even dissidents' right to free speech,
Tehran radio reported. ``There should be an atmosphere in society in which
dissidents also have the right to express themselves,'' the radio quoted
the moderate Khatami as saying at a meeting with officials of Iran's Intelligence
(internal security) Ministry ... FULL TEXT
Quote Unquote
Cho tir az kamaan raft, naayad beh shast.
(An arrow shot will not come back to the hand: An occasion lost cannot
be redeemed)
Persian Proverb
From "1001 Persian-English Proverbs"
By Simin K. Habibian
The Web
Not bad... not bad at all... Professionally design and content-filled
Web sites
of the Day

Lajevardi assassination
Musician of the Week

Music artists index
Book of the Week

The Complete Poems of Iraj Mirza
From Iranbooks
See feature
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