Kerry’s Iran
I see too many Iranian Republicans these days. Ed Gillespie may want to consider relocating his headquarters to Los Angeles, known in the Iranian community
I see too many Iranian Republicans these days. Ed Gillespie may want to consider relocating his headquarters to Los Angeles, known in the Iranian community
On Sunday more than fifty women’s rights activists were violently beaten and arrested for exercising their rights to freedom of expression. These courageous activists had
A review of “Reading Legitimation Crisis in Tehran” by Danny Postel Prickly Paradigm Press, Chicago. How do you explain the silence of the US progressives
I translated this short piece from Parastoo Dokuhaki's zan-nevesht blog. Looks timely. — Ramin Ahmadi She is asking me: How is work at “Vaqaye”?
Are you one of the in crowds? Did you live inside Iran during the horrible decade of war with Iraq, in those dark times of
If the former Governor of Vermont Howard Dean becomes the next President of the United States, what would be his administration’s policy toward the Islamic
What is left of the Islamic reforms in Iran? Could the Islamic reform agenda be revived under a different name using new tactics? If it
Our fists in the air and red in the face, we were chanting. “Death to the Shah” and “Death to America” were our daily rhymes.
By Ramin Ahmadi, MD, MPH and Joanne Cossitt, MA Griffin Center for Health and Human Rights On the eve of the 2001 presidential elections in