History Advocates: Teach History Of Persian Civilization In California Schools
Interview with Jaleh Niazi. If your child attended school in California, you may have noticed that they essentially have not learned anything about the Persian
Interview with Jaleh Niazi. If your child attended school in California, you may have noticed that they essentially have not learned anything about the Persian
Part 1 In your article “Beyond Impunity: Can International Criminal Justice Prevent Future Atrocities?” you talk about “war of values, and not of peoples”. What
Payam Akhavan, currently a professor at McGill University in Canada, has received a doctorate degree in Juridical Science from Harvard University and is an expert
اگر از جنبه های فرهنگی و اجتماعی حجاب بگذریم و فقط پیامدهای آن بر بهداشت و سلامت زنان را بررسی کنیم، چه خواهیم یافت؟ در
بسیار شنیده ایم که انقلاب مشروطه به هدف هایش نرسید، مبارزات دهه 1320 و ادامه آن به رهبری حزب توده ایران از یک سو و
Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3 امریکای 1912 شاهد اوج گرفتن مبارزات حق طلبانه قشرهای گوناگون از جمله زنان و سیاهپوستان بود. زنان
Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3 عبدالبهاء لقب عباس افندی است. عباس افندی پسر بزرگ میرزا حسینعلی نوری، ملقب به بهاءالله، است که
Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3 بهار امسال یک سده از آغاز سفر چند ماهه عبدالبهاء به امریکا می گذرد. عبدالبهاء در طول
زمستان سال 1994 بود. پسرم هنوز ده سال بیشتر نداشت، و پدرش از زندگی ما غایب بود. از هنگامی که حامله بودم از همسرم جدا
A new definition of PRISONERS OF CONSCIENCE* caught my eye in an email exchange with a friend at Amnesty International. While it included political prisoner,
As protests against the stoning of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani arose amongst the public and western officials, the IRI embassy in London announced that the verdict
Behnoush Babzani organied a bone marrow drive at Campbell Community Center in the San Francisco Bay Area earlier this month. She kindly answered my questions
Michael McFaul, a professor of political science at Stanford University, is one of the directors of the Iran Democracy Project (IDP) at the Hoover Institute,
Piers Bannister, a researcher on the death penalty for Amnesty International, has had an active role in international lobbying for a global moratorium on the
When the Islamic Republic of Iran assured the western countries that stoning was not practiced anymore, Asieh Amini dared to defy the state by writing
On October 10th, 2007, the World Day against the Death Penalty will focus on the proposed UN General Assembly resolution for a universal moratorium on
Drewery Dyke has been a researcher with Amnesty International's International Secretariat in London since 1999. He has worked on human rights issues in Kuwait, the