From the Shah to Dubai
There is no doubt that Dubai is a friend of America, as the Shah was thirty years before, but the question is the forces that are beyond their control
March 15, 2006
Flying nowhere
Crash of the Iranian military's C-130 does not come as a surprise
December 8, 2005
Hidden force
Saadi Diba never lost his zeal for Iran, but had lost hope for any chances for his countrymen to ever be directed to the righteous path of democracy
October 17, 2005
of the end
I am happy for Ahmadinejad's victory because I believe
it is the beginning of the end of a quarter century of tyranny
and mayhem in Iran
July 1, 2005
Iranian-American politicians must have no ties to Iran,
beyond a reasonable doubt
September 25, 200
Iranian-American politicians must have no ties to Iran,
beyond a reasonable doubt
January 12, 2005
he was needed most
U.S. does not produce men like Hume Horan anymore
August 25, 2004
gunned down
Mastermind of the Nojeh coup attempt
July 21, 2004
last of Iran's gilded age
Asghar Mahdavi Dare-Amineh-Zarb
June 22, 2004
Sense & humor
Another statesman lost
May 7, 2004
who she is
It is around Ameri that Iranians in Diaspora should congregate
and support
May 6, 2004
Only Iranian president of the U.N. General Assembly
March 2, 2004
in the middle
Hoveyda sacrificed by opposing camps, one to save the crown
the other to trash it
June 26, 2003
Paul Bremer?
Member of elite US team to help Iraq reconstruction is half-Iranian
May 19, 2003
Mahmoud Ghaffari is the President of ESCS (www.escs.biz) consulting firm specializing in Ecommerce, web development, Supply Chain and Enterprise Resource planning software implementation, design and training, for small to medium sized manufacturing companies. He is also a professor of Gaming and Simulation Programming at Devry University and Ecommerce at National University. He is a candidate for PhD in Information Systems from Nova Southeastern University. For more info on his family visit www.ghaffaris.com. Contact him at mahmoudg@ghaffaris.com
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