The clash of idiots

Iranians run Iran. So Iranians can threaten to switch it off.


The clash of idiots
by alimostofi

I just read this article only to realise how great opportunities are lost, no thanks to brains that have been totally obliterated by dogma. At the IAEA meeting today the Seyyed representative had the opportunity to say something half decent. At least, like those that preceded him over the past twenty years, he could have been wishy washy and uncomitted, and gone back to Qom. But no he has to get up and make a first class arse of himself.

But we in the Iranian Opposition, or for that matter, every Iranian with at least five years education, is not really surprised to see how the Seyyeds are sitting in the driving seat of one of the oldest nations of the world, and do not really know what to do. But they are only there because the people of Iran do not have any faith in civil disobedience. The Seyyed rulers know that as long as the people of Iran do not confront them with the idea of a General Strike, they can put Iran in harms way. They even think that by acting as brashly as they have they are being really cool. Yeah man, we are acting tough. We are so powerful that we can nuke the world. That is supposed to not only keep the Iranian proud, but help them bring their Mahdi back. Of course the Christians and Jews know very well what the Seyyed is thinking and respect it.

But to the Iranian whose Spirit run deeper than all religions, all these myths are a load of hog wash. We Iranians know that our culture is based on truths that do not put any nation in harms way. Now not many Iranians actually know this, but our very own Zend-Avesta has all we need to have the positive strong and peaceful attitude to change Iran without the need of other powers. We in Iran need the people to realise that we can find within us the power to unite along peace and free will that give us the choice to act with the alien or just plainly ignore him.

You probably do not know that you have that choice. But the fact is that you do. Your Life is in your hand. I know, you are thinking, "oh US this, and Mullah that". Forget it. All we all need to do is to agree that we create our own choices and that with our Free Will no one, and I mean no one, with any religion or politics or whateva, can stop you. So do not fall for news comments like the one I have just spoken about. Just think that the Seyyeds are actually depending on you to fall for all that wool they are pulling over your eyes.

So what is the can do approach? Enough theory and history. We are all fed up of waiting for some international confrontation. Our destiny is in our own hands. Simply contest any Seyyed or foreigner that thinks they can control Iran, with the notion that they can do absolutely nothing if the people of Iran decide to switch off Iran. Yup simply put, the whole country is run by Iranains, not by Seyyeds or USA or Russians, or Chinese. Iranians run Iran. So Iranians can threaten to switch it off.

So if you are a newspaper person, or someone of high rank tell the enemies of Iran that they cannot do anything. But if you don't tell anyone like I have told you, then the aliens will carry on the way they have. So bring up the conversation, and see them become dumb founded.


more from alimostofi

Seyyed will press the button

by alimostofi on

It used to be the case, when two Christian nations had nuclear weapons, then the MAD principle applied.


But in the case of AhMADinejad, he feels that he is the messenger of Mahdi, and he has right to first go to warn his adversaries in UN, and then to actually push the button in the name of the Mahdi.


The people of Iran must non violently remove the Seyyeds, who are a clear and present danger to Iran and the world. 


Ali Mostofi



Proper Exposure

by alimostofi on

In light of AhMADinejad's visit this comment seems quite appropriate:


In 1939, a journalist named Alan Cranston was outraged by a sanitized English-language
translation of Adolf Hitlers Mein Kampf, so he edited his own abridged
version that bared the German dictators sinister soul. Cranston, who
later became Californias longest-serving Democratic senator, understood
something that Obama, Romney, McConnell et al do not: The best way to
discredit a tyrant is to let him do it himself, in his own poisonous




Ali Mostofi



Re: bacheh tehrooni

by jamshid on

If you are not suppose to bark back at a dog, then why did you bark back by responding to me? 


Then you say why in the world should you respond to me? Why do you ask me? Ask yourself. You are the one who responded to me.


However, as I predicted you are reverting to fosh and labeling, instead of giving me a good answer. You continue to expose your Islamist nature.


To: Jamshid re: bacheh_tehrooni, .....

by bache_tehrooni (not verified) on

There is a saying in Iran: You don't bark back at a dog, when it barks at you.
Why in the world should I respond to your intellectually empty writings? That time is reserved for intelligent people, not YOU.


Re: bache-tehrooni, ghomi, telavivi, etc

by jamshid on

No, I am not a member of the 75M club. I am a hard working man and I earn a decent living without being paid by foreign, Iranian or any other goverment.


Your futile attempt to label me only exposes the small mind you have. Furthermore, it shows that you don't have any good answers to what I wrote. Your inability to engage intellectually is exposed. This is due to your bankrupt way of thinking. When ignorant people like you don't have any good answers, they revert to labeling. If that does not work, next they use dirty words.


You are exposed for what you are.


to: JAMSHID, IDIOT resident

by bache_tehrooni (not verified) on

why in the world do you even try to write jamshid? Are you doing this because you are a paid member of $75M Club (soon to be $150M Club)? Go get a life man (or sister)!

Ghamar Khanoom


Israel and the BOMB

by rezasantorini (not verified) on

We don't know if they have it or not. But, what is important is that they will NOT use it unless attacked with it. If the world thinks they have it, it has served as a deterent. Thus the war is not escalated. Remember the SCUDS...they did not shoot back. The US used it and when it was found out just how dangerous the after effects were, they did not use it again. They are even very careful and cautious about using it for fuel. What happened in Russia is a scare for the whole world.


Re: Fariborz maleknasri M.D. (M.D.???)

by jamshid on

I don't know what kind of M.D. you are but for the sake of your patiences, I hope your knowledge of medicine is better than politics.


You say (quote): "The victory that the iranians achieved 1978/9...." 

Do you even know what you are saying? Victory? What victory? Victory in destroying our country? Is there such a thing as victory in destroying one's country???


Yes you are right when you say "No other nation has ever achieved such an heroical conquerry over strangers..."   I bet you are right. That's because no nation has ever wanted to destroy itself.


M.D.??? Seems to me you have an I.D., Doctor of ignorance.


The Silent Majority

by alimostofi on

As I have said earlier in the post, the way to remove the Seyyeds is to win the argument face to face. As you know, AhMADinejad is in NY, and will be interviewed. What do you think he could say if he was asked, "What could you do if the people of Iran decided to stay at home?" But will the question be brought up?

Ali Mostofi



Civil disobedience is............

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

That is the best Idea. The victory that the iranians achieved 1978/9, yes they achieved it by means of civil disobedience. No other nation has ever achieved such an heroical conquerry over strangers. the question is what does one promis himself from a eventuall appearing of civil disobedience now? Are we waiting for our american friends to come and take and kill and not to leave till they are thrown out with brush and with tears in their eyes? after our sons and daughters have performed civil disobedience like the one in the years 1978/9? greetings


The problem............

by Faribor Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

If one remmembers the days as the iranians marched down the streets and demonstrated for getting free of subjugation by strangers and they were at once shut down and steel the ones who could keep protesting protested as long as the strangers had to leave, yes then we can not claim iranians are now not capable to change. the capability is steel in a maximum degree and the need to change anything is zero. I think in behalve of Logic one can not negate this idea.How about we speake about SAEGHE? greetings


Iran run by mafia

by faribors maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

Let us say it is true. But: for many many years was iran run by strangers mafia. they stole all the nations wealth and as they had to leave, there went at least 56 billions with them. Could the nations wealth be brought to abroad now? to our american friends? is the nations wealth stolen since then? greetings


general strike

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

there was once -may be in 1980 or 81 - a general strike in Iran. unfortunately one knew about it several days befor Date in Munic, Paris and London but not in Iran. so have the Iranians no faith in that like strikes, sorry. besides they who ARE in Iran do not see any Reason for a Strike, can that be? Of course western Diplomates see a lot of reasons but not the real iranians. otherwise, i must say iranians have positiv experience with strikes - i remember on late sewenties - and wenn they should mean one is necessary so they will strike, why not. Greetings


Az mast ke...............

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

Was that after the western had to leave Iran crying or before? Anyway this honourable and all other western Diplomates are very very happy that their words about iranians are steel quoted, IRANIANS are NOT. It is time to quote our own people. For example: WE CAN. Greetings


Civil disobedience

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

The Iranians have experienced civil disobedience and know abaut its positiv effects. During 1978, that was the year of civil disobedience with risk of ones life. But the greate iranian nation, yes the greate iranian nation did not obeyed. Nights they went to roofs and called for freedom from beeing controlled by strangers. and they have been successfull. Carl schmitt a german Philosopher has once sayed - he is dead since many years - he who decides about state of emergency is unflappable. the Iranians have proved their unflappibility. So I think we can not say Iranians have no faith in civil disobedince. can it be that they do not see any reason for civil disobedince? can the answer be yes? because of the only 29 years young history? I hope for every of us to find the right way. Not only for himself alone - what is also one of the humanrights for every body - but for his nation too. Greetings


Az mast ke bar mast

by Kamangir on

As a western diplomat said many decades ago: Iran is like a child trying to act like an adult.


Still your not solving the issue

by IraniIrani (not verified) on

To have a mass CD operation like you talk about Ali Jaan, falls under the same issue, because you will have to organize, you will have to walk in teh streets and talk to people and tell them when, where and how. Sooner or later, you would be asking the wrong person or the wrong person would be catching on to what you and your comrades are doing, and you would be punished and so would your family, believe me. They have us by the balls, at least the Burmese military junta holds back when Monks and nuns demonstrate, these thieves even arrests their own mollahs who speak against them.


Iranians have been saving face against Islam and its backwardnes

by Anonymous666 (not verified) on

Haj Hossien, Iranians have been saving face against Islam and its backwardness in addition to its savagery for last 14 centuries. So, what's new?

They are doing it again in Iran at present time. Iranians are modern, free thinkers, and enjoy life and open society. While, tribal Arab Islamists (Mullahs, Seyeds, and Mafia Ghashabs and charlatans) that took over Komitehs at the time of unrest against shah love backwardness, superstition, and repression.

So, these two forces have always been clashing. Again, nothing is new. Spain kicked them out. Now, Do Iranians want to kick Islam out with a big kick? I am guessing this is the case. But, it will be done Iranian style. This is to be seen. Interestingly, we will have international moral support.


Muslims Against Sharia

by Anonymous911 (not verified) on

Muslims Against Sharia condemn, in the strongest possible terms, the decision of Columbia University to provide a speaking venue for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Apparently letting Akbar Rafsanjani speak at the National Cathedral was not the height of American Dhimmitude, because providing a venue for the world's foremost anti-Semite, whose proclaimed goal is the destruction of the USA and Israel, definitely takes the cake. What is surprising is that we don't hear any complaints from Columbia alumni who should be ashamed of their silence.
This is from the group's website:


Brothers and Sisters!
Do not make the next generation of Muslims clean up your mess!
Fight Islamic Fascism now, so your children won't have to!
Meanwhile... The Columbia Dean says that the university would invite Hitler as well!
Actually, Columbia did invite Hitler.

** Sign the petition HERE against Columbia's disgraceful invitation to Ahmadinejad.



Iranians are winning

by alimostofi on

What Haj Hossein has observed about Iranians is correct. But the conclusions he has drawn are incorrect. Let me explain. I see the success of Iranians in all areas is based on the Iranians' zeal for modernization, no matter who or what. We all know how the doctors in Iran both feel morally and practically obliged to work in Iran. So do a number of other professionals. All these people put up with the hefty Seyyed paperwork needed to get anything started. And the Iranian economy has suffered badly because of all the bureaucratic nightmares. But the Seyyeds carry on making it more and more difficult for the professional Iranians. But the patriotic Iranians stay in Iran, and fight on with all the hurdles that the Seyyeds put in front of him. In fact the professional Iranians are winning, and have managed to show to the Seyyeds that Iran can modernize with the Seyyeds failing to stop many projects. So many projects are still stopped for being "un-Islamic", but the Iranian professional fights on. Many Iranian professionals purposely find ways to bypass the Seyyeds and the Seyyeds are getting more and more frustrated. In fact things were moving along at quite a clip until AhMADinejad took over. He has really tried to stop the progress, and in many ways the downturn to the Teheran Stock Exchange is due to his brash and ignorant comments about the economy. So yes the professional Iranians have managed to fight from within and there is a quiet counter revolution taking place. Poor old Seyyed has had to resort of laws about hair to show his might. In the meantime the Seyyed is siphoning all the oil to pay for useless centrifuges underneath Natanz when the locals there are dying of hunger.

Ali Mostofi



You Are Only Partly Correct Anonymous

by Haj Hossein (not verified) on

Anonymous Jaan, you are only partly correct. Some of government contracts and business are given to what you call Mafia. Of course, in America they are called Special Interest Groups.

However, there are millions of Iranians who do not have anything to do with the government have started very successful businesses, companies, and corporations. They are hiring the best of Iranian graduates. Believe it, Iran is being run by Iranians. If you do agree with me, go to Iran and see for your self. This is what the West cannot stand, not the islamic goverment.


Haji Hussien, Iran runs by mafia

by Anonymous_for_you (not verified) on

Haji Hussien, Iran runs by mafia. Mafia can build few buildings. They have poured stolen Iranian wealth into real state because they are afraid of sanction and their accounts subject to be seized.

Iranian people want to be the government and not slave to mullah mafia. They know very well that this mafia Islamist government has no interest of this nation.


Iranians Like IRI

by Haj Hossein (not verified) on

It appears that you are the one who is brain dead. For the following reasons:

1/. Do you think if Iran was a Zoroastrian nation, the enemy would give us a break? Hardy! The enemy is after our raw resources to feed its appetite. They do not give damn what your religion is.

2/. Do you think if Iran would behave differently, the enemy would be nice to us? I do not think so. Mr. Mosadegh was extremely kind to the American president of the time. But the Americans were plotting his overthrow while having a friendly communication with him. After all, no one was nicer to these people than Saddam Hussein. Just see what they did to him.

3/. Do you think that Iranians do not believe in civil disobedience? Think again. Iranians had three revolutions during the past 100 years. They are very capable and they will do so should it be necessary.

4/. The only reason Iranians do not do anything now is because they believe in this government. Iranians see that their country is making progress every day. Every few months a new university, a new hospital, a new project starts in their neighborhood.

5/. Iranians see their country is being run by one of their own. Yes, the Iranian government has made many mistakes and it will continue to do so. But it is an Iranian government. Their decisions are not dictated to them.

6/. Lastly, the west has always been the enemy of Iran. It was a western government (the Greeks) that burned the Zoroasterian Achaemenid cities. It was another western government (The Romans) that attacked the Zoroastrian Parthian and Sassanid for over 200 years.

7/. You argument is so simplistic that sounds childish.



by Bert Chadick (not verified) on

Is anyone in Iran paying attention to the current situation in Myanmar (Burma)? It's almost like everyone woke up this morning and decided they didn't want to be slaves anymore. Would this work in Iran?

I don't know the mindset of the Revolutionary Guard, and if they would gladly shoot fellow Persians in the name of Allah and the Mullas. In the West we have a definitely skewed view of Islamic culture, what with all the crazies blowing themselves up and running planes into buildings. I just wonder if the RG would kill their country folk.


The Day of "Government of people, by the people, for the people"

by Anonymous666 (not verified) on

The call for one General Day Strike way in advance on one specific day may work. This general strike day can be for "Government of people, by the people, for the people". IRI can not disagree with its message.

But, they tie this movenment to outside forces. So, it should be acknowleged as a "Day" every year. The Day of "Government of people, by the people, for the people" in Iran.

This is great for Iran ever being free.


Your interchangeable use of

by Anonymousr (not verified) on

Your interchangeable use of the term "seyyed" with the Mullahs / people in charge of the Islamic Republic regime is 1) inaccurate, 2) a distortion, and 3) highly offensive


Details of Civil Disobedience

by alimostofi on

IraniIrani you are absolutely right. And the last thing I or anyone who wants CD, is to create harm. Perhaps I did not make that clear. What needs to be done is not for people to go out in the streets. People just need to stay at home.


But more to the point, the fact that the authorities in any nation can do absolutely nothing to ge the people to work, if the people want to stay at home, means that CD can work. Every government in the modern world knows this. Slavery is over.


So why are the people of Iran slaves to the Seyyeds? The fact is that the people have not actually talked about it enough, like you and me right now. Once more and more people talk about it, and the people are convinced that they can unite in peace, then the threat of non violent peaceful regime change can take place.


It sounds silly, but yes we people of Iran can get rid of these people by just talking about the inherent strength of staying at home. it is as simple as that. Once enough people talk about it, that it becomes a national issue, then the Seyyed rulers will realise that the people really can do it.


At the moment they know that only a couple of people are barely talking about it.


Ali Mostofi



The Problem with civil obidience

by IraniIrani (not verified) on

The main issue with civil obidience in Iran is that when 1500 students march down the streets for change and reforms, every single one of them are mapped out by the secret police, and then their families are in danger. I dont mind giving my life or getting whipped by the IRI if the end result is to get them out of power, but when my family comes in danger by the savages, then it changes everything..


Salha del talabe jame jam az ma mikard!!?

by Hamid_Rokgu on

Van  che khod dasht ze bigane tamana mikard!!


Are manam motaghedam ke tasmime har fardi, har keshvari be daste tak take  adamash, kochektarin ghadami ke to zedegi var midarim , naghsh dare dar taain masire zendegiye fardi va ejtemai?

sardamdaran ta faghti mitavanad az mardom kuli be keshand ke mardom hazer be kuli dadan bashand?Lope ghaziye to hamin noktast? Vagarna kheili sadast hameye kase kuzeharo sare digaran khali bekonim , ve begim " Agha daste khode ma nabud" Inam ye jur shone khali kardan az zire massuliate?


first class arse?

by sabra and shatila (not verified) on

I read the article you linked to. I don't see at all how the "seyyed" Iranian made an ass out of himself at all.
If you were looking for an excuse to bitch at IR, which is fair enough, this was the wrong article and topic to choose. The concerns expressed about Israel's nuclear weapons are legitimate and shared by many countries in the world. Except that no one has the guts to say anything except Iran.