
Finally, is catching up with the rest of the internet

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by Jahanshah Javid

You may have noticed changes in in recent days. Well now it's official: 12.0 has gone live!

The site has gone through many changes in its look and feel since its launch in 1995. This time, however, the transformation is more fundamental. For the first time visitors have the power to self-publish. You can leave comments immediately on the site, have your own blog and submit articles more efficiently. Basically, you are no longer at my mercy to have your voice heard around here (do I hear "thank god"?!)

Finally, is catching up with the rest of the internet and will offer you the kinds of services you have long been expecting.


About a year and a half ago the cost of maintaining rose by $500 per month. That was enough to make me realize that I cannot go on as usual, which I would have, forever, publishing material manually on my own, unconcerned about the site's gross technical deficiencies and financial mess.

Unable to pay the bills, I spoke to a good friend of mine and declared my unconditional surrender! I told him I am now ready to listen to his repeated advice and bring into the 21st century.

Within a few months, he attracted a group of Iranian and American investors in the San Francisco Bay Area and "Iranian, LLC" was formed. What you see today is in large part the result of their faith in the site's mission and potential.

The total investment so far has been less than $100,000. So we are a very small company. But that's the beauty of the internet. You can be small and do very big things. I remember when I wanted to start in my Manhattan studio, I spent only around $7,000 to buy a computer, scanner and modem with my mother's credit card and I was all set.

Twelve years and more than 30,000 pages later, the site became way too large to manage and maintain on my own. I'll give you a simple example that you can relate to: Readers would comment about something and it would take me weeks to include it in the Letters section. That, in this day and age, is totally unacceptable. Those who have put time, thought and energy into reacting to a piece don't want to wait practically forever to see it published.

Now when you register, you can see your comments online immediately. You can start a blog and publish with a click of a button. How beautiful is that?


We have adopted the Drupal "content management system" to help keep track of the articles and make everything more accessible. This will relieve the burden of crafting each page manually (and making mistakes), but it does impose some rigor and challenges that may be annoying until we can smooth out the rough spots. Please be patient with "teething pains" -- and be sure to use "Contact Us" to point out bugs or features you want.

This is a new beginning, although there's still a long way to go. For now, I would like to give my thanks and appreciation to several volunteer testers who helped us get here with their constructive comments and suggestions. They are Parham, Nazy Kaviani, Leva Zand, Mehran Ebrahimi, Sanam Dolatshahi, Nazli Kamvar, Javaneh Javid and Bruce Bahmani.

And most of all a big thanks to our team -- Business Manger Wayne Willis, site engineer Foaad Khosmood and designer Ardalan Payvar -- for their hard, wonderful work, despite my tantrums and unreasonable requests.

I'm very happy I listened to my friend's advice. I hope you will too.


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کارها ی شبانه روزی تو


جهان جان خواشحالم که بیدارشدن های صبح زودت بالاخره به پایان رسید و از این پس زندگی میکنی و بقول معروف نفسی میکشی. همیهشه دوستدارت عباس ع - تورنتو


Tabrik :)

by goali12 on

JJ jan,

eyval agha, this is awesome. even though I don't have the time to write any more, not a day goes by that I don't stop by here to see what's new. Wish your mom was here to see've made all of us proud.

keep up the good work.

flovius JJ

by flovius on

Great work JJ!

You are a modern Iranian hero:  Your hard work has created a CYBER NEW

IRAN for the Diaspora and for all patriotic Iranians.

I would be happy to contribute $500 yearly in support of your efforts.

I am sure many other Iranians would also do so.  Please give us a mailing address.

Persist and prevail!




Congratulations on A Job Well Done

by bebintv on

The new site looks great. I know people will need some time to adjust, but I think it was a step in the right direction.

I also commend you on your blog section, I think it was a terrific idea. Wishing you all the best in this new venture.


Your friends from

Persian Online Reality & Entertainment Television


A poem for you

by shirzan on

I think the year was nineteen ninety two                

When on SCI, I first set my eyes on you

SCI was home to xAle, dAyi, Amo, JR and you                             

G-man, Ben, Mac, Ostad and Mr. Mortazavi too

There was news, fights, "colts", poetry and  water " ice cold"                         

 a town bully, Hoshy Moshy, dirty jokes and food so good

SCI was our first cyber home in ghorbat  

We had fights, fun, and made friends in a bat    

so much to say, we even met at geedar for fun

Friendships made to last for many years to come                                                     

Aftab TV was your home before                                                

 So all the punches made you explore

what could be better than SCI you pondered               was your answer, you said

Wrote a plea, invited a few and got started                                  

  money: tight, work: much and pay:not sighted

Few crashes, many sleepless nights, not much fun                       

hungry days, daughter came and a wife met on line

Memories of Iran, taste of home, grandma's scent                    

our hearts filled with joy, sorrow and even regret

You gave us all a voice and a great place to call home           

good, bad, najes, left, right, a community was born

Twelve years later, Look at you my friend JJ                                  

 I am proud to say WELL DONE, this is your DAY                            

Congrats, xAle

Jahanshah Rashidian

New Presentation

by Jahanshah Rashidian on

Congratulation for the New Presentation.



by aynak on


A few years back, there were a number of sites such as or jebhemelli ...... where one could express his/her view on the topic de jur. Of course that did not last very long and now days most Iranian internet sites are just the one way medium we were all accustomed to, like T.V, Radio and Manbar. Amazing how we could turn a new medium with so much potential to have lively exchanges and debates for all to particpate, back into the outdated one way channel of communication.

Thank you JJ and all who have made this possible.  This is indeed beautiful.


Baloot, in our heart!

by Baloot on

Congratulation JJ jan for your new achievement. I wish you best and I hope you do better in Iranian of the day part. You know what i m talking about!
Thank you for all you do to educate and entertain us. I try to be more active in my Iranian's blog to do my part.


tabrik tabrik

by Ardalan on

Let me also add my voice to the chorus of congratulatory notes you've been getting on changes to the theiranian.  javid jan, you have a good heart and deserve all the success you have had a part in helping others achieve.  steam ahead boy:)

Kaveh Nouraee

Thank You

by Kaveh Nouraee on

Khasteh Nabashi, JJ.

What you and your team have done here is simply amazing. Thank you for conceiving and nurturing this website as you have, and best wishes for continued success.


To khodaei baba!

by Nader on

Jahanshah jan, khaste nabashi!

Thnks for all the hard work. Hopefully once we get used to the new format, thing will go smoother!


Mohammad Kazerouni


by Mohammad Kazerouni on

Nice Job JJ.....


The site looks great.... and so far no bugs... keep up the good work and best wishes in your new venture.



Phantom of

Life is an Opera

by Phantom of on

Life is an opera. You are deservingly on center stage.

Your are my confident.

With love,

The Phantom of the 

ardeshir keivan

Now it is a real

by ardeshir keivan on

Congratulations! Now everybody can say this is a website that belongs to all the iranians on the world.


Congratulations on the new

by Niki on

Congratulations on the new site. I'm curious to see how the new interactive features will impact the face of



by asefati on

congrat...and i must say it was a good move.


also may i suggest you test the new site in firefox, as me and may other visitors use it.







by sima on

Very nice, very nice... clean design and user-friendly.

 But what happened to two of my own favorite sections: "who's who" and "archive"?

Also I wonder how the direct commenting will work out. Will we now have to read every hatemail, slander and abuse that people like to hurl at each other?

Khasteh nabashid JJ et al!




by saberiannf on


 Jahanshah Jan,

 Khaste Nabashi..... I know how difficult it must have been to go through this transformation. I just wanted to thank you for you dedication, for bringing everyone together. You do great work and I have learned a great deal from



Faramarz Saberian


No more guardian council!

by mertsi1340 on

The title of this comment is a joke of course. I think by giving us the power to comment on each article directly without them having to go through you, you encourage us to come back to lively (and I am sure sometimes enraging and blown out of proportion) discussions on different subjects.

The design of the site is very modern and while I have not had the chance to explore the entire site, it feels much more professional.

Once again thank you for all your efforts.

Red Wine

Iranian.Com Is My Home

by Red Wine on

Jahanshah Khan,Dear friend,i am the reader of since summer 97 and always i feel good here.

The best articles,many and many intresting sections and etc.. is my home and i am glad to be here and doing something special for you and for the other iranian friends.

Javid Iran and Javid 




I raise my estekan...

by Parham on

...and propose a toast, first in praise of all the hardship Jahanshah has endured throughout the years, but mostly to the all "new and improved" with bring-your-own-article-damn-it properties, the one and only site to have been listed in all results from searches related to Iran since the beginning days of the Internet.

Problem being I can't find the toaster now...


Congrats and to the next 100 years

by salim on


Congrats...Thanks for the all the hard works and efforts. We truely appreciate it!




Welcome to the 90's!

by bahmani on

Well it's about time! Hopefully you can rest a bit and get back to your own beautiful written voice, one that at least I will say I have missed hearing. What many do not know, is that while JJ has been swamped with the burden we as writers for his site, have placed on him with our (mostly) ego satisfying contributions, he has been so busy that he as been largely silent in this ongoing debate of what it is to be an Iranian in this day and age. Now that we can do the work to satisfy our attention getting needs more instantaneously, I hope we get to read a lot more of what is on JJ's mind these days! Welcome back brother!


Freedom of publishing

by hazratee on

Thank God. I believe in democracy and freedom of speech and totally against discrimination and favoritism.

Nazy Kaviani


by Nazy Kaviani on

Jahanshah Jan, Khasteh Nabashi. I know is your job, your home, your hobby, and your labor of love. Thank you for all the years of keeping it going. Thank you for making it better. Most importantly, thank you for giving each and every one of us a voice with which to express our opinions, popular or not. I, for one, can vouch for the accuracy of the "Nothing Is Sacred" credo you hold so dear. Best of luck with the change and the many more which will come, making better and better everyday. You rock.