Prostitution behind the veil (5)


Prostitution behind the veil (5)
by CBC

PARTS: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation: Minna and Fariba are neighbours and good friends. They support one another. Both have to live under the pervasive curtailment of women's rights and the double standards of today's Iranian society. They make a living walking the streets looking for men. They have a choice between leaving their small children at home alone or bringing them along when they have sex with men. The film is a sympathetic portrait of the two women, exploring their day-to-day life and the workings of prostitution in a country that bans it and prosecutes adulterers, sometimes with the penalty of capital punishment.

Thanks to SK.



I am a social worker in the

by ShaheenS (not verified) on

I am a social worker in the states and I've dealt with many prostitutes. Many of them are addicts as well. While it's true that their living conditions are generally below the norm, I can say definitively that it's not as bad as what is portrayed in this movie. Most of them if they are mothers will receive state assistence and the state will also pay for part of childcare. Keep in mind that as far as welfare is concerned the US is one of the worst western countries, so conditions are much better in Canada and Europe. Not all prostitutes are poor here. We don't even see those escorts that work with agencies. Typically their income is high enough that they can afford to live without any form of aid.


Very Sad

by Mullah Kosh (not verified) on

Marg bar Muallhs!


Wordless. Do you think

by It is Ok (not verified) on

Wordless. Do you think Khamanaie or Khatami or Rafsanchani care if they see this film or are they swamped with major problems such as nuclear and revolution. This country has been starved for the last 25 years by sanction imposed by the west. Nevertheless, it is a challenging position this country is deeply in. I say that the system should pay more attention to education and provide occupation to the lost youngsters rather then building nuclear reactors. Only the poor are the sufferers and victims of the system.



by justsayno (not verified) on

There are plenty of drug prostitutes here in the western world and some of them are teen runaways too, crack addicts, you name it, they are here. However its seems that drug addiction is becoming an epidemic in Iran, fueled by unemployment and lack of hope. If a father sells his daughter for $250 for drugs while the mother is too drugged up to stop him, that is a tragedy of hopelessness. Third world countries all have similar tragedies, it just hits home when its your country. Drugs have been in Iran for a long time and now hopelessness is fueling the addiction. Unfortunately, I have no answer for it, but I do have compassion. Drug addicts get treated like the scum of the earth everywhere in the world, in fact they get the brunt of society's ills thrown at them. Cops will abuse them physically and verbally just because they can. People look down on them as they walk by. Addicts are people who have lost hope, but they are no less human. An addict's brain has changed, and addiction becomes a ravaging disease. Would a terminally ill patient get beat up and cursed? I've heard lots of stories about Iran with drugs and sex in them somewhere, to the point where I'm dumbfounded. The strict Morality laws have created a creed of desperate people doing everything they can to get around the laws and numb themselves from their hopelessness.



by Iranian1 (not verified) on

What is portrayed in the movie is the life of two prostitutes. do you think there is no prostitutes in other countries and do the prostitutes have a better life no other countries?


This documentary is

by anonym (not verified) on

This documentary is extremely biased. There is no wonder cause it is made by a refugee, someone who claims she has escaped the country after the revolution!

I am not saying that there is no problem in Iran, THERE ARE LOTS OF PROBLEMS, but every country has it's own unique problems!


I am disgusted and repulsed

by db (not verified) on

I am disgusted and repulsed by what Iran has turned into.

The Mullah's are Iran's cancer and the cancer needs to be eliminated.


Let's save the children!

by Free (not verified) on

Is this what people wanted in 1358?

Yes, let's save the children!



by Parsua (not verified) on

It is awful! It is beyond comprehension! How are we going to clean this hell hole in the future ? Only God knows..............
And You all are worried about bombing this country? This place has been bombed long time ago................Save the children at least!!!!!