Senator Barack Obama:
In your speech at AIPAC you made numerous comments which showed your true color. The color of a true American politician similar to all other United States politicians. The same color which has existed for decades with no CHANGE.
I wonder if you plan to visit the Palestinians and make a speech to them also? Do you plan to visit Palestine as you have visited Israel and learn about what they have gone through and see, first hand, the homes which have been destroyed by Israel's rockets? By the way, while in Israel, did you visit their torture chambers where Palestinian people are held and tortured? Do you also plan to bring home all the Palestinians who have been kidnapped by Israel , or returning the three soldiers held by Hezbollah to Israel will complete your task?
Israel and Palestine have been going at it for over fifty years. Your speech and your UNCHANGED line of thoughts regarding resolving their issues will insure that it will also go on during your Presidency.
Instead of donating 30 billion dollars to assist Israel in making more guns, bombs, tanks to kill more people; why don't you donate 30 billion to help stop genocide and hunger in Darfur; or help the homeless and jobless in America? Or help stop child trafficking in East Asia or other similar humane projects?
One can never bring peace in the world by building an army of killing soldiers and weapons of warfare and mass destruction as United States and Israel has done in the past, continue to do today and plan to do in the future. As long as warfare side by side with oil companies are running the show in the United States, puppet politicians like you have no choice but to play their games and their hands, in order to become and stay a United States politician and maybe become president.
However, as you said, the United States and Israel indeed have a lot in common. The United States in the short history of its existence has the massacre of millions of American Indians. Slavery and lynching of Blacks. The Civil War. The atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Massacre of Koreans and Vietnamese. Coups or support of the coups in Iran and other countries to place puppets like the Shah of Iran, Saddam Hossain of Iraq, Mubarak of Egypt and other dictators in power in order to insure its own interests are met, while suppressing the people of other countries by such dictators. Israel by aide and guidance of his big brother and role model ; America, has and plans to continue walking a similar path.
Your story as to how the United States fought Hitler and freed the Jewish people was also very interesting. However the truth is that the United States DID NOTHING and closed its eyes while Hitler took over half of the world and killed about six million Jews in torture chambers and in concentration camps. The United States only entered the war after its own land was attacked - after Pearl Harbor incident.
Yes, as you said, Iran does pose a threat to democracy in the region; but how is Iran in building an atomic bomb pose a threat to Israel, with hundreds of atomic bombs and plus being protected by thousands more atomic bombs held by the United States is beyond my comprehension. I guess the United States and Israel need all these atomic bombs and other various weapons of mass destruction and their huge armies of warfare for peace purposes but only Iran needs them to start a war. Your pure ignorance and lack of logic is mind boggling. College degrees and experience in politics will not do one good when common sense has failed them.
You mentioned how Bush's policies resulted in Iranian hard-liners tightening their grip and election of Ahmadinejad. You are absolutely right, but your similar views with Bush regarding the Middle East and Iran will insure a second term for Ahmadinejad as President and a tighter grip of Iranian hard-liners which will result in more censorship, more political prisoners, more torture and less democracy and freedom in Iran for Iranian people.
You mentioned nothing about what Iranians go through and have gone through for the past thirty years as the result of their dictatorship regime. You and other American politicians could care less what happens to Iranians in Iran. What's important to American politicians, including you, is US domination over the rest of the world and economy of oil, warfare and other giant companies.
You and John McCain have exactly the same views with regards to the Middle East and Iran. Instead of chasing your tail; and running around Bushes, use a little more honesty just like John McCain in expressing your views. Join McCain and sing along his favorite song with him: Bomb, Bomb, Bomb - Bomb, Bomb Iran.
The fact is that more than a person (or a Government) is required to play a game. United States, Israel, Hamas, Ben Laden, Saddam, Mobarak, King Abdullah , Ahmadinejad, Mollahs of Iran and others are all required for a good game of game playing with seven billion people around the globe. Toward the end Sadam did not play the game right as requested by the masters of the game and thus was terminated by them. I am sure US will find someone else to fill his position.
Today with the help o thef internet and other means of technology most people around the world , despite being bombarded daily by Jewish dominated media of the west , with its self-censored news , and religious media of the east, governed and censored by their governments, are well aware of the truth and what is really going on behind the mask of democracy of the west and the so called equality and justice of political religions ( Muslim, Christian and Jewish) behind the mask of their gods, priests, rabbis and Mollahs.
Islamic Fascism, Zionist Fascism, Christian Fascism, Hezbollah , Hamas , al Qaida , Governmental Terrorism of United States, Israel and other countries are all in fact branches of the tree of Capitalism. Even though branches of this tree have their own differences; the function of the entire tree is to keep the working class of the world in a quality of poor living conditions and slaves to big corporations , filthy riches , and corrupted governments , government officials and politicians all around the globe. Time will come when the suppressed people of the world will chop down the entire tree from its roots and dispose it down the garbage landfill of history. Don't let history judge you as its garbage.
By the way, I don't expect that any homeless person will get a house, any jobless person will find a job or any factory worker gets the salary he truly deserves by the end of your presidency. I also shall be left health insuranceless along with millions of other Americans.
Hamid Izadi
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
First, these leftists and
by Farhad Kashani (not verified) on Thu Jun 12, 2008 05:09 PM PDTFirst, these leftists and IRI apologists were all over Obama praising him because he didn’t get the chance yet to express his view on the threat the IRI faces. They thought since Obama criticizes Bush, then he must feel some sympathy for the IRI, or he “understands” the IRI, and he’s gonna become the president and go shake hands with Khamenei and apologies on behalf of the U.S, not willing to understand that no one, except for a few Islamic fascists and some leftists loonies like Chavez, no one has any sympathy for the IRI. So as soon as Obama expressed his concern about the threat that the IRI faces, these leftists and IRI apologists turned 180 degrees against him. Now they call him a “Zionists” (They call everyone that), and “AIPAC puppet”, and they are attacking him now relentlessly because he expressed what the vast majority of Iranians and the vast majority of the world feels!
The "right one"
by sz (not verified) on Thu Jun 12, 2008 04:47 PM PDTWith all due respect when you say: “You have two choices, since this is a two-party system and realistically nobody else would have a shot, so pick the right one to vote for now, and when you get him in the office tell him what you expect of him.” Based on what criteria is the “right one” picked? Can’t this logic be applied to either candidate? And what assurances do you have that you can read the “right one’s” true intentions regardless of his stated policies? Is this something like what majority of Iranians saw in Khomeini and heard what they wanted to hear despite his repeated statements to the contrary? And finally why would the “right one” change his/her stated policy once in the Oval Office? With all that in mind and the almost identical speeches at AIPAC, as far as Iran and the region is concerned, what does Senator Obama has over Senator McCain that gets you to recommend him so cavalierly?
Different Ways of Making a Point
by Essence of Wisdom (not verified) on Thu Jun 12, 2008 04:35 PM PDTHamid,
Although I share your sense of frusturation but I have to say couple of things.
First in politics the number one rule is gain power first or as some refer to it here get elected first.
Secondly I have to say that there are letters to politicans and then there are letters. There are letters that are meant or at least come across as a lecture with no constructive, compromising or alternative solutions -- basically meant to vent off or in some cases a more mischievous intention as in how now the same Iranian diaspora that are pro-monarchist who didn't like Obama when he was too dovish with IR are now jumping on the bandwagon posing as frustrated supporters given his hawkish speech.
Then again there are criticism that is meant to address a point of difference in a more constructive mean. I personally think if you are not one issue American voters then in this election between Sen. McCain and Sen. Obama you can find other reasons to still side with him -- while exerting your concerns and wishes on him.
In fact here is the letter that I actually did send to Sen. Obama and general message that I shared with his campaign in Chicago and Senate office via a phone call.
Dear Senator Obama,
Although I doubt you will ever read this but I still felt compelled to at least write it – hoping that someone at least relay the general theme to you.
The reason for me writing to you has to do with your speech at AIPAC which for an active supporter felt like a punch in the gut. I for one wasn't expecting that you attend AIPAC and be confrontational, but also wasn't expecting you to sound so much like President Bush – of course with a better oratory skill.
Since I had missed the news two days before your speech I was surprised to hear about your (new) position on Kyl-Lieberman bill. My position has and is still the same as Senator Webb's, and although you never voted against the bill, but given your rebuttals to Senator Clinton on this matter I always thought and promoted you as that your position was like Sen. Webb. However hearing your remarks at AIPAC, and then hearing how you are willing to include EVERYTHING -- meaning EVERYTHING -- EVERYTHING when it comes to dealing with Iran, I wondered what is the difference between your positions on starting dumb wars and this administration's or for that matter Senator Clinton's willingness to obliterate a nation of 70 million!!
Your speech came across as that you too were either okaying or open for another preemptive war with a country that at best even if assuming they develop bunch of nuclear weapons couple of years now will be just a minor strategic threat to US vs. a real one in a tactical military sense, and in the case of Israel although it will be a strategic threat but given the implicit US umbrella support not an existential threats. Thus making such a war -- knowing how Iranians are -- another dumb war.
In as far as the ongoing occupation of Palestine. I do agree that not ALL the problems in Middle East is rooted in the actions of Israeli government but to dismiss and not seriously address any of the many numerous human rights violations or UN resolution was not the type of 'change' we were promised by you - it is status quo US policy. You were the one that said it is as doing the same thing over and over expecting a new result!!
This whole week all my friends congratulated me for your victory knowing that I had invested a lot of time and energy to promote your campaign. So when they found out about my criticism of you they were a bit surprised. But as I had mentioned in my blog after your speech in Minnesota, we as supporters have a responsibility in not only supporting you but also holding you accountable for what you promised us (not what we expected from you). Of course you will make mistake and may veer away as I think you have done in this case but it is our responsibility to at least voice our opinion and exert our pressure.
Take it easy Hamid khan!
by IRANdokht on Thu Jun 12, 2008 04:13 PM PDTSome are blaming Obama for not being an experienced politician and you are blaming him for two centuries of America's political history?!
It sounds like you are not aware that to make any changes, Obama needs to get his foot in the door first. He has to play the game and receive the nod from AIPAC or he would never get the chance to even start.
Your tone is accusatory and I find it over the top. You have two choices, since this is a two-party system and realistically nobody else would have a shot, so pick the right one to vote for now, and when you get him in the office tell him what you expect of him.
Slamming Obama now, even if it is for the bow he gave to AIPAC, does not make sense. Who are you trying to help in this race? McCain?
by farokh2000 on Thu Jun 12, 2008 02:27 PM PDTWell said Hamid.