Change this

Letter from an Iranian - American who has lived in U.S. for the past 34 years


Change this
by Hamid Izadi

Senator Barack Obama:

In your speech at AIPAC you made numerous comments which showed your true color. The color of a true American politician similar to all other United States politicians. The same color which has existed for decades with no CHANGE.

I wonder if you plan to visit the Palestinians and make a speech to them also? Do you plan to visit Palestine as you have visited Israel and learn about what they have gone through and see, first hand, the homes which have been destroyed by Israel's rockets? By the way, while in Israel, did you visit their torture chambers where Palestinian people are held and tortured? Do you also plan to bring home all the Palestinians who have been kidnapped by Israel , or returning the three soldiers held by Hezbollah to Israel will complete your task?

Israel and Palestine have been going at it for over fifty years. Your speech and your UNCHANGED line of thoughts regarding resolving their issues will insure that it will also go on during your Presidency.

Instead of donating 30 billion dollars to assist Israel in making more guns, bombs, tanks to kill more people; why don't you donate 30 billion to help stop genocide and hunger in Darfur; or help the homeless and jobless in America? Or help stop child trafficking in East Asia or other similar humane projects?

One can never bring peace in the world by building an army of killing soldiers and weapons of warfare and mass destruction as United States and Israel has done in the past, continue to do today and plan to do in the future. As long as warfare side by side with oil companies are running the show in the United States, puppet politicians like you have no choice but to play their games and their hands, in order to become and stay a United States politician and maybe become president.

However, as you said, the United States and Israel indeed have a lot in common. The United States in the short history of its existence has the massacre of millions of American Indians. Slavery and lynching of Blacks. The Civil War. The atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Massacre of Koreans and Vietnamese. Coups or support of the coups in Iran and other countries to place puppets like the Shah of Iran, Saddam Hossain of Iraq, Mubarak of Egypt and other dictators in power in order to insure its own interests are met, while suppressing the people of other countries by such dictators. Israel by aide and guidance of his big brother and role model ; America, has and plans to continue walking a similar path.

Your story as to how the United States fought Hitler and freed the Jewish people was also very interesting. However the truth is that the United States DID NOTHING and closed its eyes while Hitler took over half of the world and killed about six million Jews in torture chambers and in concentration camps. The United States only entered the war after its own land was attacked - after Pearl Harbor incident.

Yes, as you said, Iran does pose a threat to democracy in the region; but how is Iran in building an atomic bomb pose a threat to Israel, with hundreds of atomic bombs and plus being protected by thousands more atomic bombs held by the United States is beyond my comprehension. I guess the United States and Israel need all these atomic bombs and other various weapons of mass destruction and their huge armies of warfare for peace purposes but only Iran needs them to start a war. Your pure ignorance and lack of logic is mind boggling. College degrees and experience in politics will not do one good when common sense has failed them.

You mentioned how Bush's policies resulted in Iranian hard-liners tightening their grip and election of Ahmadinejad. You are absolutely right, but your similar views with Bush regarding the Middle East and Iran will insure a second term for Ahmadinejad as President and a tighter grip of Iranian hard-liners which will result in more censorship, more political prisoners, more torture and less democracy and freedom in Iran for Iranian people.

You mentioned nothing about what Iranians go through and have gone through for the past thirty years as the result of their dictatorship regime. You and other American politicians could care less what happens to Iranians in Iran. What's important to American politicians, including you, is US domination over the rest of the world and economy of oil, warfare and other giant companies.

You and John McCain have exactly the same views with regards to the Middle East and Iran. Instead of chasing your tail; and running around Bushes, use a little more honesty just like John McCain in expressing your views. Join McCain and sing along his favorite song with him: Bomb, Bomb, Bomb - Bomb, Bomb Iran.

The fact is that more than a person (or a Government) is required to play a game. United States, Israel, Hamas, Ben Laden, Saddam, Mobarak, King Abdullah , Ahmadinejad, Mollahs of Iran and others are all required for a good game of game playing with seven billion people around the globe. Toward the end Sadam did not play the game right as requested by the masters of the game and thus was terminated by them. I am sure US will find someone else to fill his position.

Today with the help o thef internet and other means of technology most people around the world , despite being bombarded daily by Jewish dominated media of the west , with its self-censored news , and religious media of the east, governed and censored by their governments, are well aware of the truth and what is really going on behind the mask of democracy of the west and the so called equality and justice of political religions ( Muslim, Christian and Jewish) behind the mask of their gods, priests, rabbis and Mollahs.

Islamic Fascism, Zionist Fascism, Christian Fascism, Hezbollah , Hamas , al Qaida , Governmental Terrorism of United States, Israel and other countries are all in fact branches of the tree of Capitalism. Even though branches of this tree have their own differences; the function of the entire tree is to keep the working class of the world in a quality of poor living conditions and slaves to big corporations , filthy riches , and corrupted governments , government officials and politicians all around the globe. Time will come when the suppressed people of the world will chop down the entire tree from its roots and dispose it down the garbage landfill of history. Don't let history judge you as its garbage.

By the way, I don't expect that any homeless person will get a house, any jobless person will find a job or any factory worker gets the salary he truly deserves by the end of your presidency. I also shall be left health insuranceless along with millions of other Americans.




Hamid Izadi




by KevinHuels77 on

For the guy who says "First Amendment For All" 

I wasn't going to comment on your reply to Sonya, but I felt the need to point out some things briefly. In your last paragraph you said that she is insulting millions of Americans who support Obama. Then you say that it is not a civil debate. Can I ask you what you consider a civil debate? I find no need to walk on eggshells and try not to hurt people's feeling when I'm debating. As I often say to people I disagree with "I don't respect your opinion, but I'll accept it as one." Do you think you have a right in this country to not have your feelings hurt? Where does it say that in the First Amendment? You know, the amendment that you claim to know so well. Does it say that Americans must play nice?....nah I didn't think so. Too bad. People will step on your toes, get over it. That's what freedom is. Free speech is simply that. No one cares if you are offended, and its obvious that she is more liberated in what she believes and isn't worried about offending those, like you who prefer to cencor yourself before you speak. I'm getting tired of people thinking that just because someone states there somehow makes it a personal threat. IF YOU WERE IN A REAL DEBATE YOU'D BE CRYING BY THE END OF IT.


We have no choices or voices.

by KevinHuels77 on

I agree fully with this essay. I think it cuts to the core of what is really going on in the middle east and America's complacency in this conflict. I am not from the middle east, I have been an American citizen all of my life, but I have been studying American coverage of the middle east for 4 years since 9/11 and the subject of misunderstanding lies in the American media's need to leave out important information unless it supports Israel, then we can hear all about it! We never hear about the Palestinian suffering or the torture camps. It's almost as if American politicians agree with something in which they do not fully understand. Doesn't anyone see that America has there own agenda to keep? I've taken many courses on the media conflicts of the Israelis/Palestinians, and I have met many Israeli's and Palestinians first hand and have talked to them personally about what they think is the biggest problem in the middle east. Many of them have said the United States' envolvement has made it worse.

Here in America, our so called democracy is compromised by the fact that we don't get to see all sides of an issue, we only see what the media companies want us to see....Pro-Israel news. The American media also tries to cast this issue off as if it is not a religiously based conflict. Using language to shut the American citizens up such as calling an israeli soldier a "freedom fighter" and a palestinian a "terrorist" creates a bias in our way of thinking and reinforces all Americans to support Israel. All it takes is a little research to see the hypocracy of this administration, but if Americans are kept fat, happy, and ignorant then people will continue to sit by and watch politicians who are supposed to be for change, continue the same ideals as any other politician.

Governor Bush (president) and his flock of oil-sucking sheep (administration) have always fooled the American people that they are the good guys...This is due to the media's constant usage of "soft language" like calling Palestinians/Iraqis/Iranians "religious fundamentalists," which may indeed be true in some cases, however we are not any less extreme, the only way that the American media companies can shut the American critics up is by calling the support of Israel and Iraq war a "faith-based initiative." There is no difference between a "faith-based initiative" and "religious fundamentalism." They both have an agenda, but the American News likes to make you think that a "faith-based initiative" is quite different than "religious fundamentalism." But of course it's just our "good-guy badge" so we feel like we are doing good in the world.

 But I like this article "Change This" by Hamid Izadi, because it proves that once again the American citizens are being fooled by another face with a different name. Though I do think that Obama is better than McCain, there is one important truth to remember. As Americans we are given the illusion of rights and choices. At any time that can be taken away from us. Americans think that we as citizens can choose, like a REAL democracy...power does what it wants. THE ONLY CHOICES WE HAVE ARE WHAT THEY ALLOW US TO CHOOSE....and this article proves that even the "change" candidate that we supposably "chose" will do whatever he wants to anyway.



First Amendment belongs to ALL

by observer (not verified) on


I was hoping that your American half would be less bigoted in her views than those of your Iranian genes but evidently it was too much to expect. Your views are characteristic of most hyphenated Iranians. Like your friend Hamid Izadi, you see it as your right to use, or abuse rather, the rights and privileges accorded to you by the Bill of Rights but the moment you are at the opposing end of the same rights and privileges, you scream in protest! Well, Sonia dear, I have a little bit of news for you and Hamid Agha: The First Amendment was not written for your benefit only. The Bill of Rights is a two-way street! You can use it but is also used against you. BUT, abusing the Amendments, is not on. Izadi, is hurling abuse against the presidential nominee for the Democratic Party by saying:

"Your pure ignorance and lack of logic is mind boggling. College degrees and experience in politics will not do one good when common sense has failed them."

This is outright insult. This is no longer a civil debate. This is offending millions of American voters who have placed their hopes in the person of Barack Obama. Are you telling them that they are stupid and ignorant people? Is that what you people have learned after three decades of living and benefiting under the greatest democracy in the world? The First Amendment, for your information doesn't allow you to abuse other humans for the sake of free speech. This is no long free speech. It is filthy speech. The person who opens his or her mouth to such language has waived his or her rights to a debate. But being what he is Izadi has the temerity to tell others to refrain from personal attack!!

Now who is non-observant Sonya sweet, you or moi?


A fashion killer

by Hajminator on



Give us your name and I'll make a little pretty poeme just for you in persian, english or french as you like.


To the unobservant "Observer"

by Sonya (not verified) on

If you have not noticed, there is an amendment to the United States Constitution encouraging the freedom of speech. It was important enough to be the very first amendment and is one of the core foundations of American democracy. Nowhere in this amendment does it limit these rights to only those born in America. Is an Iranian citizen of the US any less of a citizen than a person born in the country with descendants from around the world? The mention of 34 years was to demonstrate his citizenship and to give perspective. Just because a person wishes to promote change in the government does not mean they are against the government. All citizens should speak out for change- it is the only way progress is made. Otherwise it would be called a dictatorship. Blind compliance leads to total control.
By the way, am I allowed to challenge the government? I was born here, but I am 50% Iranian...Should I comply half of the time- that seems proportionate. What about if I have a kid- they'd be only 25% Iranian. I think I'd go with majority rules on that one and consider them American. Tell me what YOU think!


Hamih Agha

by observer (not verified) on

اگر کسی باید عذر از کسی بخوهد آن شمایید که باید از دو ملت عذر خواهی کنید: از ملت آمریکا برای توهین به نمایندگان منتخب آنها از هردو حزب و بدفهمی اصول دموکراتیک حاکم در این مملکت و از ملت ایران به خاطر حمایت کردن از مواضع دیکتاتوری سرکوبگر که در طول سه دهه از غارت جان و مال آنها دمی نیاسوده است. همان سه دهه‌ای که شما افتخارا در آمریکا حضور داشتید.


نمک ميخوري ، نمکدان نشکن

حميد ايزدي (not verified)

Dear observer
اين نامه را به آقاي براک اوباما نوشتم و واسه او فرستادم بنابراين بايد اول وي را مطلع مينمودم که نامه نگار در کجا قرار دارد و وي يک ايراني - امريکايي است( نه امريکايي- ايراني، چون اول ايراني بودم و بعد مقيم امريکا شدم و هميشه ايراني خواهم ماند ولي ممکن است مثلا روزي به کانادا بروم و بشوم ايراني- کانادايي) که 34 سال از زندگيش را در امريکا گذرانده است

جمهوري اسلامي هم گلابي نيست که اگر من و امثال من در ايران بودند تا حالا افتاده بود
مردم ايران هيچ که از ما فرنگ نشينان و فرنگ زدگان کم ندارند بلکه در بيشتر موارد زياد هم دارند ، خود يک ماه است که از ايران برگشته ام

امريکا هم ميزبان من نيست نازنين
من بره نبوده ام که از استراليا براي نشخوار کردن به امريکا فرستاده شده باشم و بايد سکوت نمايم و هر چه به خوردم دادند بخورم و دم نزنم، بلکه يک ايراني آزاده خواه ميباشم که تصميم گرفته ام امريکا را محل اقامت خويش نمايم و بنابراين وظيفه شهروندي دارم که از کمبودهايش انتقاد نمايم و در رفع معضلات سياسي و اجتماعي آن کوشا باشم
تاريخ امريکا را برو بخوان ، اين کشور با خموش ماندن مردم مهاجر بنياد نگشته است جانم
آزادي بيان و آزادي قلم بوده که امريکا را امريکا کرده ، حال شما ميفرماييد که من بشاشم توي آن دو اصل. يک بارگي بفرماييد امريکا را هم ايراني ديگر نمايم
نمک ميخوري نمکدان را نشکن. خموشي ايرانيان در امريکا آن نمکدان آزادي بيان و آزادي قلم را شکسته و خفقان و استبداد را جايگزين دمکراسي و آزادي نسبي آن مينمايد و فرهنگ شرقي را جايگزين غربي

کمي فکر کن ، کمي منطق بکار ببر و بعد چيزي بنويس. قول ميدم که ضرري ندارد

چه خوب بود که به جاي توجيح آنهمه بي حرمتي هايت يک معذرت خواهي کوچولو ميکردي، البته بيشتر ما ايرانيان از جمله خودم قادر نيستيم چنين کاري کنيم، در فرهنگمان نيست ، يکي از همان کمبودها و کسريهاي فرهنگي ما که تعدادشان هم کم نيست ، اگر کم بود الان ايران و ايراني در چنين وضع اسفناکي بسر نميبرد


آقای ایزدی

observer (not verified)

این من نبودم که جنبه خصوصی به موضو ع داد - شما بودید. وقتی کسی سرتیتر مقاله خود را شماره سالیان اقامتش در آمریکا قرار میدهد دیگر انتظار نباید داشته باشد که بحث فقط صورت عمومی به خود گیرد. شما به رخ همگان میکشید که چون سی و چهار سال است در امریکا تشریف دارید پس حرفتان را باید بهتر بخرند! و اسمش را هم میگذارید منطق!! این کدامین منطق است که فقط یک طرف بحث را میبیند و هیچ تقصیر را به گردن طرف مقابل نمیاندازد. اگر شما و امثال شما دلسوز وطن بودید تا بحال جمهوری اسلامی سرنگون شده بود. اشکال کار اینجاست که آقایان و خانمها در مهد آزادی نشستید و از درون به میزبانتان سنگ میاندازید. دشمن اصلی در همان وطنی است که سی و چهار سال پیش ترکش کردید. دشمن اصلی شمایید که فاقد قدرت تشخیص هستید.

تا دیدار بعدی: زت زیاد!


Bazi az shoma mani va

by ensaniyat (not verified) on

Bazi az shoma mani va mafhoom-e democracy ra heech nafamideh id. Agar che ed-ea ziad darid.

Besiyar moteasefam.

*(man hich nesbati ba nevisandeh in maghaleh nadarm, va balad ham nistam farsi type konam. Agar jaye ba'zi az shoma boodam la-aghal az khodam khejalat mikeshidam)


Dear Mr. Izadi, Thanks for

by Massoud I (not verified) on

Dear Mr. Izadi,

Thanks for your interesting article.
Although at this point in time, I don't agree with all that you have said, but I find points that I need to give time to for a result.

I see that some have tried to attack you personally and I am sorry about that.

I wish more people would realize the effect of what they say not only on the parties who see/hear it, but on themselves in the long run, although they are not aware of it at the time!

Massoud I



by حميد ايزدي (not verified) on


اگر من بيايم و پاسخ بي حرمتيهاي شما را با همان سبک بي حرمتانه شما پاسخ دهم و با تهمت و افترا و حمله شخصي به شما سرزنشتان نمايم ، آنگاه خود را همسطح و همتراز شما نموده ام و در آن صورت خود نيز سزاوار آن پاسخ و سرزنش ميباشم
شما يک انتقاد يا يک نقد از مقاله من ننموده و يک نظر هم نداده ايد
اول فرموده ايد که من ايراني نيستم و بعد ميفرماييد که من به عنوان يک ايراني از امريکا شير دوشيده ام !
واقعيت اين است که شما هيچ از زندگي من نميدانيد ولي تصميم گرفته ايد که مسايل را شخصي فرماييد
ميشود لصفا توضيح دهيد که نوع برخورد شما چه فرقي با نوع برخورد جمهوري اسلامي با مردم دارد
تصميم بر اينکه يک ايراني در ايران بماند يا در خارج زندگي نمايد تصميمي خصوصي ميباشد و هيچ در ماهيت و هوويت وي تاثير ندارد
چه بسيارند ايرانياني که در ايران ماندند ، ليک جز ضرر چيزي براي هموصنان خويش نبودند و بر عکس
چرا نمينويسيد که شما داريد از کي و از چي دفاع ميفرماييد و موضع شما چيست ؟آيا شما يکي از مريدان و عاشقان بوش و حمله اش به ايران ميباشيد يا نه؟
خوب بود که شمايي که کمر به حمله شخصي به من و اسم و نام فاميل من بسته ايد ،لااقل اين شهامت را ميداشتيد که نام حقيقي خويش را نيز زير نوشته
خويش ميگذاشتيد


For those who have a little memory

by ImtheKing on


I will never forget that it was Jimmy Carter a democrat president who has done all his possible (and he succeded) to withdraw our last king, we also have to damn him for the 10 years war with Saddam. So, don't be pro-Obama or pro-McCain, Iran would suffer from USA till it will have petrol so another Hafez poeme for you little memory americano-iranians:

جنگ هفتاد و دو ملت همه را عذر بنه چون ندیدند حقیقت ره افسانه زدند


Observer: LOL, well-done.

by abc (not verified) on

Observer: LOL, well-done. Don't listen to your detractors. In the manner of cut throat ruffians ,would try to silence you even through cyber space. Don't let them curtail and supress your quick-witted improvisiations.


To observer

by Qioumars on


Inam cos-sher bod neveshti?

To key mikhahi adam shi, observer?


All the same

by ImtheKing on

I'm sorry for all Obama lovers here, but neither he nor McCain would do something that Blood suckers 10000 km away from USA will disagree. That's the real truth.

Else I absolutely share "Ba Farhangue" point of view and Hafez further says:

Hafeza Elm-o-Adam Varz que Dar Majlesseh Shah (me)

Harkeh ra Nist Adab Layegueh Sohbat Nabovad


To Mr Izadi and Ba farhang

by observer (not verified) on

I wish to dedicate this adhoc poem to all those who appreciate culture and humor (you see Mr/Miss Ba Farhang, if you like it I can aslo say it in Farhangi manner:

ایزدی ا ی ایزدی ا ی ایزدی

آمدی و بار دیگر ضر زدی

شعر‌هایت بند تنبانی و بری از قافیه

نثرت انگاری که در جا تر زدی

چهار سال و سه دهه در ینگه دنیا بوده ای

مفت خوردی و خوابیدی و ور زدی

گوییا باور نداری در وطن غوغا شده

صبح تا شب حرف کوس شعر زدی

این اوباما هم مثل تو مهاجر بوده است

لیک مثل تو نه بگرفتی گرین کارت و نه جر زدی

موی او از روز اول فرفری می بوده است

تو اوباما نیستی بیخود به مویت فر زدی

بر حذر می دارمت از زور افزون ایزدی

ترسم از زور فزون تنبان خودرا تر زدی


هنر نزد ايرانيان است و بس

با فرهنگ (not verified)

شما دو نفري که در زير نظر من در اينجا نظر
داده ايد چقدر بي ادبانه سخن گفته ايد
فرهنگتان را از ايران با هواپيما از اوج آسمانها با خود آورده ايد يا اينکه در خارج سطح فرهنگتان به اين اوج رسيده است


How dare you?

by Observer (not verified) on

to even open your mouth and call yourself Iranian if you have counted every single year you have been in the USA and are shamelessly showing it off? You left Iran before the fall of the Shah and not after it. So obviously you have preferred to abandon your homeland, for the land of opportunity and after 1979 you decided that there were less opportunities for you in Iran so you stayed in America. Now after 34 years of milking this country's resources and benefits for your own good, regardless of what your former countrymen were going through, you are calling yourself, Iranian? I wish you had not mentioned those damn 34 years. At least nobody would know the depth your treachery. Shame on you!


I'm truly amazed at how many

by disgusted (not verified) on

I'm truly amazed at how many Iranians wish to see this country destroyed...shame on all of you!!

If you want to live in a socialist country or a communist one, please leave the US. I blame the immigration laws in this country too for not doing a background check on all you commies.

I will vote for McCain and will hard to make him win. With so many anti-Americans living in the US, McCain is the only sane choice.


Hamid for US President! & CAN ALL AMERICANS..."THINK"?

by Persian Angel (not verified) on

It would be wonderful if Hamid ran for President of the USA, that way we could have at least one viable candidate that has truly good character. At least we would know he would not go around destroying strategically placed countries without conscience.
Also, "BK" used flawed and irrelevant thinking in his response; what does whether he lives in America or not have anything to do with it? If he lives here, is he supposed to just automatically enjoy every aspect, even if injustices are committed? The fact that he loves this country enough to want the best for it says much more good about him than you using a high-school level 'cut down'. Please gain some intellectual maturity and present a real argument of substance. Of course, that typifies many Americans today, little thinking ability with much rudeness. At least Hamid is trying to actually get people to THINK. Thank YOU.

Maryam Hojjat

Well said!

by Maryam Hojjat on


You said everything truthfully which happenning in the world of politics. However, there is not even one American President or politician who thinks about benefits of other countries and their people as you said.  For these powerful western persidents  whether in America or Europe all is matter to bring economic prosperity to their own people in expense of other countries and their people. It does not matter if one million innocent young people were killed in eight years war between Iran & Iraq.  Acutally this war was orchestrated somehow with no win-win. 

May leaders of these victimized countries like our IRAN learn to think about wefare of their people rather than being puppet of western countries.


Jimmy's second term....

by Antibullshit (not verified) on

Obamba is Jimmy Carter's second term in comming.
If you enjoyed Jimmy, you will enjoy obamba.

It really does not matter who gets in to the White house as far as the Iraninas are concerned. The U.S. policy in middle east is for Islamfication. Over the past 3 decades both republican and democrat administrations have carried out this policy.

Hard liner/Soft liner is a psuedo name for the same regime that was put in place in Iran by Nato/CIA with the help of Ayatollah BBC.


Obama supporter

by jane doe (not verified) on

who agrees with your comments, nicely said! Unfortunately in order for him to get elected he has to keep his friends close, but his enemies closer...


Humans or animals?

by Ali Parsa (not verified) on

Mr. Izadi, I respectfully disagree with a part of your comments quoted below:
"if you begin to underestand human and realize that we are the lowest creature on the earth made by god then you will live much more in comfort and deal with this evil being much easier obama is being as his nature desires evil.
don't expect any good from any human n then you will live in peace good luck"

How do you account for countless people who have made our lives better with their genuine scientific inventions and philosophical contribution all throughout human history? Were these exceptional people evil? Even in our present America there are millions of people who are struggling against the backdrop of colonial mentality driven by ignorance, arrogance and greed. Yes, they have made such a mess that we are seemingly at a point of no return, but there are still some who intensify their struggles as the going gets tough.

Most schools of thought are in the opinion that the challenge of being human is to do more good than evil or at least enough good to compensate for the evil that is in human nature by default.

When Thomas Jefferson said, "Enlighten people and tyranny of body and mind disappear like evil spirit in the dawn of a day" he laid the foundation of this nation on informed and educated citizens. Unfortunately the forces of evil extremists is destroying not only America, but the world that is devoid of wisdom and insight to emulate what is good in America rather than what is evil.

After much contemplation I have come to believe that with the exception of natural calamities, uneducated and unethical "humans" have destroyed our world more than the beasts, for the beasts kill only for their fill, but some so called "humans" never stop to kill and destroy their own kind. Only this group is called "disgrace to human race" or the lowest creature you refer to and not the whole humanity.

If we only admit that the nature has given us both the disease and the cure we can eradicate or at least control the spread of the disease. After all what challenge is there in sitting down and getting tense at the forces of evil overcoming the forces of good?



by mistake (not verified) on

salam mr izadi
i think the reason it bothers you the way obama is going to be is because you are ignoring a historical fact about human and that is :
you just discribing a human "obama" nature and what makes us human
we are god's mistake and the only evil in univers as we know it
we have to be as such to be called human otherwise we ba animal !!!
so if you begin to underestand human
and realize that we are the lowest creature on the earth made by god
then you will live much more in comfort and deal with this evil being much easier
obama is being as his nature desires
don't expect any good from any human n then you will live in peace
good luck



by ToofanZeGreat on

Honest, truthfull and something that was needed to be said. I hate people who are fake and full of bullshit. Merci agha.


Mr. Izadi

by BK (not verified) on

Clearly you're no fan the US political system and capitalism and yet you've chosen to live in the US, arguably the most capitalist country in the world, (and I quote) "for the past 34 years".

Question is: why?


Obama bama or not bama-"We the People"?

by Ali Parsa (not verified) on

I fully agree with Irandokht that Obama's number one priority is to get his food in the door whether he is going to change things or not. As the first black or biracial person-as he likes to be called, he has a unique challenge of overcoming the the barriers that no other presidential candidates have. As an Obama supporter I, too, was surprised at Obama's pledge of allegiance to AIPAC and the Zionist extremists as soon as he won the nomination of his party. No offense to all Jews because I love the moderate Jews and some of my best friends have been Jewish and against Israel's foreign policy. Let us not forget that if Obama had not said what AIPAC liked he would have even far less chance of being elected than he has now. So, please give the man the same chance as you would give McCain if you have less to lose with Obama, or at the worst scenario pick the least of the two evils!


Hamid agha

by confused? (not verified) on

The election is in November dude!
he's not the president yet


His speech was an insult to inteligence of the world!

by Tired of rethoric (not verified) on

May be when Bush accused Obama of appeasment he meant his speech in front of AIPAC. I know Bush spoke before Obama but we all know that Bush sees the future "pretty" good! :-)