Neo-Con asset

Reza Pahlavi not mindful that bringing death and destruction to innocent civilians is the ultimate in terror


Neo-Con asset
by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich

Once again the neo-cons have given Reza Pahlavi a platform, but it is not clear who the intended audience is. The feigned altruistic appeal in his speech bears an eerie resemblance to the rehearsed Iraqi appeals before that country was invaded. Those appeals cost over one million Iraqi lives. This is a well-written speech, disguised as it may be, to convince. Whether the speech was delivered to persuade the American public of the necessity of intervention and war or the purpose of it was the alienation of Iran’s Arab neighbors, much like his father had in favor of Israel, one can be certain that Norman Podhoretz has given it his blessings, if indeed he has not been the writer himself.

It must be recalled that the events of 9/11 and the tragedy that struck America transformed George W. Bush. On November 19, 1999, Bush the candidate delivered a speech at the Ronald Reagan library at Simi California saying: ….. “And let us have an American foreign policy that reflects American character; the Modesty of true strength, the humility of real greatness.” However, 9/11 prompted him to turn over the foreign policy of the country to the neo-cons who had been waiting in the wings for decades, and who had planned the assault on the Middle East for over a decade. They were ready with a response and in effect, they hijacked the American foreign policy.

On September 20, 2001, Mr. Bush’s assertions were that the United States would pursue global terrorist groups and any nation that harbors or supports terrorism. His National Security Agenda (2002 NSS) was quintessentially neoconservative calling for preemption. Underlying the Bush foreign policy is the assumption that the use of military force to overthrow non cooperative governments in troubled areas is the remedy for terrorism; a page from neo-con D. Perle’s book “An End to Evil”.

Pahlavi invites an attack on Iran by stating that “Iran's clerical regime's continued support for terrorism”.

For neo-cons it is easy to push their agenda and convince the general public that the policies being implemented are based on American values as so many of them have careers in the media or academia (they developed a close tie with Georgetown Center for Strategic Studies among others). One such promoter of American ‘values’ is Benador Associates. Benador Associates arranges their TV appearances and speaking engagements, and helps to place their articles in newspapers. Ms. Benador, the founder of Benador Associates, along with Senator Liberman is busy promoting Reza Pahlavi (Lieberman endorsed McCain who likes to sing Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran). It is worthwhile mentioning another very prominent Benador client and Reza Pahlavi’s colleague and promoter.

Michael Ledeen, the contributing editor of National Review Online has endorsed the "Total war strategy" - His idea is advanced through Benador Associates. “Total War Strategy” was first put forward by Adam G. Mersereau. Ledeen writes: “The method used to destroy Iran, as known in the neo-con circle, will be 'Total War'. A total war strategy does not have to include the intentional targeting of civilians, but the sparing of civilian lives cannot be its first priority ... The purpose of total war is to permanently force your will onto another people group.” See Guardian

Pahlavi calls the regime in Iran terrorists, aware that such definitions will draw the US military into a bloody battle for the preemption doctrine. He is not mindful of the fact that bringing death and destruction to innocent civilians is the ultimate in terror.

More importantly, language is the best tool for political and social dominance. Those who ‘own’ the language can use value-laden terminology to their great advantage and ‘define’ the other. Terrorism is the definition given by the neo-cons to those they wish to master. It is only relevant if one heeds it. The intellect is often sharper than the biting words. However, it would seem that Reza Pahlavi has felt the need to adapt to his inferior position and adapted to the prevailing definition of social order by trading status for security.

Reza Pahlavi must also know that Iran’s history is filled with a pattern of external powers collaborating and destroying the country’s advancement in its nascent stages at every turn, whether technological empowerment as in the case of the railway, or socio-political, such as democracy and the nationalization of oil, or the current self sufficiency in seeking nuclear technology.

He should recall that after the concessions granted by the Persian government to the (Russian) Discount and Loan Bank of Persia for the construction of the railway line Julfa-Tabriz (1913), the ‘allied’ forces in line with Winston Churchill’s advice, forced the man who had built it, his grandfather, Reza Shah Pahlavi, to abdicate and leave the country. Iran’s democracy and its oil nationalization movement of 1951 to 1953 under Mossadegh were brought to an end by the British with the help of the CIA-backed coup. His father owed his throne to the CIA, it is worthwhile mentioning. Today, it seems that Reza Pahlavi is asking the same favor from similar groups.

And his lack of understanding of nuclear power…

Pahlavi should know that at the Iraq war created a pro-natalist atmosphere. Families were even given incentives to have more children. In addition, the war caused immense damage to the infrastructure prompting the new government to rethink its position about starting up the nuclear power plants. Furthermore, according to Saad Rahim, an analyst at Washington consultancy PFC Energy claims that Iran needs to diversify its energy needs in addition to a change in its policies, otherwise, "Iran's net crude exports could fall to zero." But since Pahlavi’s concerns are to please the neocon bosses, and to convince the American people that Iran is a threat, the truth is being concealed.

On every continent nuclear and radiation techniques are put in the service of humankind. Recently, it was witnessed that due to a problem with a Canadian nuclear reactor that produces medical isotopes used to diagnose and treat cancer and cardiovascular disease, patients in Canada, U.S. and other countries had their tests and treatment postponed. Since Pahlavi is in the U.S., he is no doubt indifferent to the plight of the Iranians and their welfare.

Iranian nationalists have asked the world at large, America in particular to leave them alone. Pahlavi has no love for Iranians, much less an understanding of them. Even the Cuban-Americans who have held the foreign policy of this country towards Cuba hostage for decades, do not have the audacity to select a leader and have someone represent Cuba from exile. A self-appointed traitor who has surrendered his reins to the neo-cons does not speak for Iranians.


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Anonymous Lover of Iran

by Daryush on

1-You believe that Iran no longer exists (imagine that! during all the hardship of our history if true Iranians thought the same as you), and that explains your logic. You think that we are in this position because we turn our back to America or America played her games to put us where we are?
2-Israel is continuously threatening Iran fro preemptive strike long before Ahmadinejad's comments (Check Netanyahu’s speeches), and that’s makes Israel an enemy of Iran. They are the ones who push for war and destruction of Iran. Simple as that. Zion is proudly displaying his loyalty, so I can’t fake caring for him. He is not Iranian. You might not be anymore either. We are going through some difficulties in our long history and this shall pass. You just want to take the sweet part and for now Iran is dead to you. (And don’t BS me as oh Iran is what I love IRI is the problem, whatever it is, it’s our problem and our country) Q is Iranian, Zion is Israeli. Zion might have valid points, but he is not the one who is with us (including you) when the times of trouble hit our land.
In daghal doostan keh mibini
magasaanand gerd e shirini.
When Googoosh has a concert in Iran, I’ll call you to visit!


Daryush What the Hell Are you talking about?

by Anonymous Lover of Iran (not verified) on


With your logic, then the Mullahs in Iran are Arab lovers and we should not listen to them. Any muslim who has adopted the islamic religion should not be listened to because he is not a true Iranian either since he adopted the religion of the Arab invadors. The MKO are Stalin lovers and we should not listen to them. We could say this about every group and say "they are not true Iranians"...

Zion my have a passion for Judaisim and Israel but that does not reduce the value of his arguments and there is no hidden agenda- he has expressed it openly which is more than we can say about Q's hidden agenda. Also, who is the enemy here? Israel was not the enemy of Iran. Iran made Israel (the zionist entity) as its enemy as I recall in 1979. The Zionist Entity" is a scapegoat for the IRI. As I recall, it was the IRI mullahs (your great IMAM Khomeini) who purchased weapons from the Zionists in order to save his ass from the invading Arabs from Iraq. Furthermore, prior to the IRI bastards, Iran
was doing about $400 million in business with the "Zionists", there were direct flights between tel aviv and Tehran and the Israeli and Iran played two soccer matches.

Finally, I have made a pledge to my country AMERICA. Not some backward land called the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN. Iran as a country no longer exists. There is an entity by the name of IRI which is forced upon the Iranian nation against their will. America comes first. If you are in America and you are an American citizen, we should be watching you and see where your true loyalty is.


Daryush What the Hell Are you talking about?

by Anonymous Lover of Iran (not verified) on


With your logic, then the Mullahs in Iran are Arab lovers and we should not listen to them. Any muslim who has adopted the islamic religion should not be listened to because he is not a true Iranian either since he adopted the religion of the Arab invadors. The MKO are Stalin lovers and we should not listen to them. We could say this about every group and say "they are not true Iranians"...

Zion my have a passion for Judaisim and Israel but that does not reduce the value of his arguments and there is no hidden agenda- he has expressed it openly which is more than we can say about Q's hidden agenda. Also, who is the enemy here? Israel was not the enemy of Iran. Iran made Israel (the zionist entity) as its enemy as I recall in 1979. The Zionist Entity" is a scapegoat for the IRI. As I recall, it was the IRI mullahs (your great IMAM Khomeini) who purchased weapons from the Zionists in order to save his ass from the invading Arabs from Iraq. Furthermore, prior to the IRI bastards, Iran
was doing about $400 million in business with the "Zionists", there were direct flights between tel aviv and Tehran and the Israeli and Iran played two soccer matches.

Finally, I have made a pledge to my country AMERICA. Not some backward land called the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN. Iran as a country no longer exists. There is an entity by the name of IRI which is forced upon the Iranian nation against their will. America comes first. If you are in America and you are an American citizen, we should be watching you and see where your true loyalty is.


Imad Mughniyeh, Leading Hezbollah Official Wanted by U.S., Kille

by Shalom Goldman (not verified) on

Thanks to Lord Moses for this event! But, I have disappointing news for Qumars Belchian that this guy(Imad Mughniyeh) was put down by his masters, the Mullahs that is!?


May Lord Moses bless all non-Muslim Iranians.


Anyone who is a proponent of bombing Iran

by Anonymous-2 (not verified) on

Anyone, whether it be Iranians, non-Iranians, Muslims, Zoroastrians, atheists, Jews, Zionists whatever the hell nationality and religious denomination, who are an advocate of bombing Iran should get the hell out of this website.

To those psycho maniacs who are advocate of destruction of any country and killing of its people, a mental asylum is waiting for you. If they are full then I suggest you volunteer as a mercenary to fight in Iraq and see how it feels to have a bomb fall onto your head and shred you to pieces!!

What a bunch of retards! These sick minds are what has infested our world with the deadliest virus and should be destroyed.


Zion a Question you need to answer

by Daryush on

When you have made pledge to Israel instead of your own country (Iran), than no Iranian should take your word serious. Not because of your pledge to another country, but the fact that you are more proud about the city in somewhere in the Middle East and can relate to that (As a Saudi Arab would relate to Ka’abeh-in Mecca) makes you more in line with an enemy of Iran. This gives us a view to realize where your pledge is and how far you would go for the sake of Iran. In your case, it won’t be too far. I am not bashing you but stating a fact based on your religion and pledge to it that makes you an Israeli and not an Iranian. You don’t see me putting the Statue of Liberty as my identity, do you?
What I am getting at here is for the Iranians to separate true Iranian vs. an Iranian by birth (Maybe). Q is a true Iranian whether I agree with him or not, while Zion is not. So I can take Zion’s advice about the Iranian solution, but I can’t take it as a face value! I have to double check to see where his agenda is hidden. Again, nothing against him, I am just stating the facts. Same as I can live in the United States but care more about Iran, he cares more about Israel.
Just to clarify.


Shalom Goldman

by Anonymous.22 (not verified) on

Regarding bombing our COUNTRY, please shut the hell up; go clean your dirty mouth and mind As****. Thank you.


come on AnonymousEsq

by Anonymo7 (not verified) on

Esq, as we say in Persian don't try to find meat in sholezard (kind of rice pudding). People with all orientations did not react well with what Q said regarding IP exposure, "left" bashing does not make sense based on a silly statement by Q. ...
Also we have to understand that cases like this "Shalom" guy show that Q is trying to solve a problem (albeit the wrong way).


I am a true Iranian-Jew

by Shalom Goldman (not verified) on

I resent the fact that an Arab by the name of Qumars Belderchian resorts to character assassination on this forum. Qumars's behavior is nothing more than a Islamo -Fascist terrorist of the kind perpetuated by the Islamic republic of Mullahs. Qumars is worried shitless that the Islamic republic, the very system that pays for his living expenses in America, soon will be bombed. I pray to Lord Moses that that event occurs sooner than later! This menace of a system, cancerous volcanic pimple, ugly entity on the planet Earth must be eradicated, eliminated, and annihilated, Islamic Republic of Mullahs that is!?

May Lord Moses bless all true non-Muslim Iranians and why not?


Ari; This is exactly what she is looking for....

by aaj sr (not verified) on

Once in a while she writes a controversial note, a rather radical essay that has nothing to do with misery of Iranian people. And apparently she is doing it over and over and all very similar in content. We as suckers follow her like a bunch of "goat followers".
She never, even once condemn the atrocities, brutalities of the regime and no one as such questions her (she doesn't give a damn neither, if you do).
So let's see her next episode in a week or so.

p.s. The more she writes, they more we get to know her!!, so we welcome her writing.


Definitely a very dynamic conversation on multiple subjects

by Ari (not verified) on

Dear all:

I have to give it to you - the subject went from Reza Pahlavi to IPS identification, and legal discussion of what is "defamation", to rights for nuclear energy, to bombing Iran, discussion on Muslims, Jews, Zionists, Christians and then voting for Obama as the peace candidate. In between we have been provided a link established by an MEK dimwit providing names of who are the Pro-IRI Lobbists in the U.S.. Is there anything else that has not been covered?

I do believe that it is quite comprehensive and very informative. I am not being cynical I really do mean it!

And finally but definitely not last, to all who are defending Iran's rights, and the Iranian people bravo!

We all need to thank Soraya for this article which has brought all of us together in a discussion forum on such a variety of subjects.

Thank you Soraya for a job well done.


Jamaleto, Q and the rest of the OGHDEYEE LEFT

by AnonymousEsq (not verified) on


First, I am not a christian. Second, I am not a republican. Third, whether I say I am or I'm not, it does not matter because this site allows you to remain anonymous so I could be lying or telling the truth and you have no way of knowing, which leads me to Q.....

Mr. Q, Again you are wrong as to your defamation analysis. This site is a mixture of people with names, no names and multiple names. Calling someone an idiot or a liar or saying that Soraya is on the payroll of the IRI (even if she is not- with her political stance and views, its the functional equivalent of being on the payroll of the IRI) DOES not constitute Defamation. Especially since Soraya Khanoom is a public personality since she writes in multiple papers and blogs. Calling her these names and saying that she is an agent of the IRI is free political speech. There is no Malice and there are no damages here. No one would hire her for any serious job anyway. Look at her face for heavens sake. Could you sleep next to that at night? Moreover, Hillary Clinton a few weeks ago alleged in a debate that your Lefty Obama presidential candidate was an "attorney for slumlords" . Did Osama sue her for defamation?

IF you want to file a defamation claim or threaten
people with claims, go ahead (you will lose on Summary Judgment). That is what OGHDEYEE
CHAP people do when they can not win.

I also notice that you always have to have the last word even when you are 100% wrong (like saying below that Iranians from Iran could not view this site when Mr. Ben Medadi clearly showed us that they could- I think you owe Zion the Zionist an apology here but can you apologize to a zionist?). Go ahead. Its all OGHDEH. People who can not admit they are wrong or can't admit that they have lost, always end up losing in life.


You know very well

by Zion on

It is absolutely wrong what you claim about dynamic IPs being restricted to the same house. It is nonsense. Also whether or not it `usually` remains the same has no bearing on a court of law.
You are not dealing with children, and treating others will not go unnoticed by others either. This Supposed Shalom Goldsmith is obviously an anti-semitic jerk who is trying to be sarcastic. He is a clown and harms no one as do others. So you don`t need to wast energy to use for your advantage.
You know very well what I am against. I have expressed it very clearly. I have nothing to lose anyway, it is the situation of people inside that is in question and the real intention of you and a couple of other people who are asking for something that would put in harms way.


Nuclear Energy is our Right

by Daryush on

No one can take the Right from us, no matter what. It is our Right to have any source of energy that we want


question for "Q"

by question (not verified) on

You sound like a trained CIA or KGB agent. :) What is your real occupation, seriously? At first I thought showing this IP address is a good idea, but you are changing my mind!! Pleaae don’t give a lecture about IP address, I know enough about it. Now the question is what really do you have in your mind?! And what are you chasing for??


Joel, excellent observation

by Q on

indeed Shalom is a made up name. We already exposed him last year. He tends to use fake names and always sound like a genocidal maniac full of hate. He uses Jewish sounding names like "Zimmerman" or "Goldman" and claims Iran is about to be bombed. He must have been very disappointed last year. I don't think he is Jewish, just a racist retard. This is part of the reason why we need accountability on this site.

Real Iranians have no problems with Jews or the Jewish religion.

Zion: geographical locations can provide lattitude/longitude. It doesn't matter if you change your IP. It can be traced to the same ISP and even the same house. It's a true piece of information about someone which can't be faked easily. It actually doesn't change very often.

In any case, if it won't work you have nothing to lose, and no one can be identified. So why are you against it again?

Joe L.

Who are warmongers?

by Joe L. on

I have been here for past a few weeks and I have realized that they are many warmongers here. I am not sure what they are doing coming to your site? I am an American who has many friends that are my brothers. Judging from our presidential candidates all the conservatives warmongers are out. You can see that the people don't want that mentality anymore. Also regarding the comment of Shalom, I don't think that's real. It is put in there to make Jews look bad and sound like warmongers. All the Jews that I know along my Iranian brothers want peace. At the end I like to add again to be careful who you vote for, since the chance of any wars is minimized under Obama.


Thanks Ben

by Zion on

It is only reasonable to assume people from inside Iran will find ways to curb filtering, though their methods probably need to be updated regularly.

Q, what are you talking about now?
`Dynamic IPs can still show geographic locations.`.
How is that supposed to change anything? You want to file charges against an entire geoghraphical region now?
Get a life man.


It is time to take serious actions against

by Shalom Goldsmith (not verified) on

the Islamic Republic of Terrorists (IRT) by massive bombardment of their nuclear facilities. The inhabitants of the IRT are not civilized enough to deserve nuclear energy. They should revert back to what their ancestors used as source of energy, camel dung!?

God bless Lord Moses.


It is time to take serious actions against

by Shalom Goldsmith (not verified) on

the Islamic Republic of Terrorists (IRT) by massive taking their nuclear facilities down. The inhabitants of the IRT are not civilized enough to deserve nuclear energy. They should revert back to what their ancestors used as source of energy, camel dung!?

God bless Lord Moses.


Yes we can

by Jamaleto (not verified) on

Hey if I am Islamist and pro IRI then you are Christian and pro Bush. Bush already has killed 1,000,000 people. I am not pro IRI or Islamist, although I can understand that it's better for Iranians to find their way. Unlike susul like you who is nothing but a Khayeh maal e gharb for a piece of bread. Your hands like a begging idiot is raised to foreigners who have fucked Iran for centuries. So instead of talking shit to me, who is an Iranian with pride that no matter what's happening to my country, I would not beg for anyones mercy, you should look at your Christian face in the mirror and ask yourself, what the hell do I know? And listen to greats like me that you may learn something so you won't remain a punk for ever. You are like a dude who scams the system for welfare, want to scam Iranians to put a western puppet. We ain't gonna let it.

Yo Zion, I asked you what the hell is on your Avatar? are you ashamed of it?


IRI is a terrorist state

by Anonymousxz (not verified) on

IRI is a terrorist state according to state department...anyone who supports this terrorist regime by extension is aiding and abetting a terrorist closed.


Ben, I'm not sure that makes sense,

by Q on

it's common knowledge that the site is banned in Iranian ISPs, as JJ himself has said and as most people who go back know. But I know some Universities are outside that ISP system so maybe that is all the traffic from them or from the government itself. It makes no sense to me.

If you use a proxy (which doesn't always work with this website since the new look was introduced last year) your IP number will show from the proxy and therefore, not show up as being from Iran.

I don't think those numbers are credible or recent. How does Alexa get this data?

And Zion, speaking of credibily, perhaps you should stick to Zionism and not venture into computer engineering. Dynamic IPs can still show geographic locations.


dear "Esq."

by Q on

The statement are purely Opinion on this website and they will never stand up as defamation in a court of law.

Wrong! Some statements are opinion, some are intended as fact. Being on a website does not change anything. If what you say is true, than defamation has no meaning because anything can be called "an opinion."

You don't get to label what's an opinion, a court decides that. First of all, no one here says "in my opinion X is working for IRI", they just say it in various ways. Second, even if you put "in my opinion" in front of a slanderous statement, it doesn't excuse you.

Do a little homework, before you grace us with your legal opinion next time. From the "blogger's FAQ" at the electronic frontier foundation. I'll just highlight some important parts:


What are the elements of a defamation claim?

The elements that must be proved to establish defamation are:

  1. a publication to one other than the person defamed;
  2. a false statement of fact;
  3. that is understood as

    a. being of and concerning the plaintiff; and
    b. tending to harm the reputation of plaintiff.

  4. If the plaintiff is a public figure, he or she must also prove actual malice.


merely labeling a statement as your "opinion" does not make it so. Courts look at whether a reasonable reader or listener could understand the statement as asserting a statement of verifiable fact. (A verifiable fact is one capable of being proven true or false.) This is determined in light of the context of the statement.


A statement of verifiable fact is a statement that conveys a provably false factual assertion, such as someone has committed murder or has cheated on his spouse.


Do blogs have the same constitutional protections as mainstream media?

Yes. The US Supreme Court has said that "in the context of defamation law, the rights of the institutional media are no greater and no less than those enjoyed by other individuals and organizations engaged in the same activities."


What are some examples of libelous and non-libelous statements?

The following are a couple of examples from California cases; note the law may vary from state to state. Libelous (when false):

  • Charging someone with being a communist (in 1959)
  • Calling an attorney a "crook"
  • Describing a woman as a call girl
  • Accusing a minister of unethical conduct
  • Accusing a father of violating the confidence of son


How do courts look at the context of a statement?

For a blog, a court would likely start with the general tenor, setting, and format of the blog, as well as the context of the links through which the user accessed the particular entry. Next the court would look at the specific context and content of the blog entry, analyzing the extent of figurative or hyperbolic language used and the reasonable expectations of the blog's audience.

Context is critical. For example, it was not libel for ESPN to caption a photo "Evel Knievel proves you're never too old to be a pimp," since it was (in context) "not intended as a criminal accusation, nor was it reasonably susceptible to such a literal interpretation. Ironically, it was most likely intended as a compliment." However, it would be defamatory to falsely assert "our dad's a pimp" or to accuse your dad of "dabbling in the pimptorial arts." (Real case, but the defendant sons succeeded in a truth defense).

What is "Libel Per Se"?

When libel is clear on its face, without the need for any explanatory matter, it is called libel per se. The following are often found to be libelous per se:

A statement that falsely:

  • Charges any person with crime, or with having been indicted, convicted, or punished for crime;
  • Imputes in him the present existence of an infectious, contagious, or loathsome disease;
  • Tends directly to injure him in respect to his office, profession, trade or business, either by imputing to him general disqualification in those respects that the office or other occupation peculiarly requires, or by imputing something with reference to his office, profession, trade, or business that has a natural tendency to lessen its profits;
  • Imputes to him impotence or a want of chastity.

Of course, context can still matter. If you respond to a post you don't like by beginning "Jane, you ignorant slut," it may imply a want of chastity on Jane's part. But you have a good chance of convincing a court this was mere hyperbole and pop cultural reference, not a false statement of fact.

What is a "false light" claim?

Some states allow people to sue for damages that arise when others place them in a false light. Information presented in a "false light" is portrayed as factual, but creates a false impression about the plaintiff (i.e., a photograph of plaintiffs in an article about sexual abuse, because it creates the impression that the depicted persons are victims of sexual abuse). False light claims are subject to the constitutional protections discussed above.


I realize many of you love to continue making up baseless lies about other people and "exposing" them as being criminal or working for terrorists, or being on the payroll of the IRI. This is only a fraction of what people have said about Soraya just in this article.

These directly harm people who are proud enough to use their real names and are therefore illegal. In today's America, it's even more dangerous because it can get abused by overzealous "war on terror" administration. But sooner or later, somebody will get real mad and file a law suit and identify the attackers. In the process it may shut down this website until the case is over and they obtain all the contact information from

That's why I recommend that the site proprietors take the necessary precautions now.

I am continuously amazed by Iranians who do a lot of crying and "roze khooni" about the fear and the lack of freedom in Iran, coming over to America and still living in the same fear, and the same lack of freedom... Iranians inside Iran say a lot more controversial things on blogs. But these Iranians are running around hidden, like cockroaches trying to dodge "islamist" agents. It's like their idea of "freedom" is actually ass-backwards: don't use it yourself, but attack those people who do choose to use it, resulting in less people being open in general. What a complete waste of human energy.

At some point, you have to realize it's a pathological condition.

Ben Madadi

Re: Zion (regarding Iranians accessing this website)

by Ben Madadi on

Although this website is banned in Iran people succeed to access it. They can go roung the filter and access any website. There is some sort of a technical method, I guess. Look at this data:


More than 15% of viewers come from Iran, according to Alexa. However very few Iranians leave comments simply because they are fearful of possible persecution!


Islamist liability

by Fred (not verified) on

Those who are crying wolf and complain about emotional distress and damages to their careers should be beware that it is a double edge sword. By defending the Islamists they are in effect their proxy representatives and as such, albeit rhetorically, do give aid and comfort to their cause. As the Islamists’ ideology has demonstrably inflicted considerable damages on innocents, by extension those who defend it become accessory to it and as such can be held liable. The Southern Poverty Law Center has successfully used this same argument to seek compensatory and punitive damages from individuals and organizations advocating hatred just as Islamist do.


Jamaleto the Bazandeh

by AnonymousEsq (not verified) on

Boro Martikeh! you don't even now what you are talking about. You are a bacheh Enghlabi loser. Q was making stupid arguments for the sake of arguing. Legally he has no standing. You can't come up with anything on my legal analysis which proved that Q was wrong so you attempt to attack my comments on lefties. I don't listen to the none sense radio talk show hosts. Read Farhad Kashani's post below. He is 100% correct. He is on the money. These people here are Marxist/Communist/Ultra leftist garbage leftovers who hate anything that America has done. But they enjoy America and American rights to the fullest. Hypocrites! Go live under Chavez and Castro. You are so obsessed with your stupid (and wrong) world views that you side with IRI murderer assholes just to make the US look bad. You (collectively) call anyone who disagrees with you "zionists". Real clever!

Joe L.


by Joe L. on

I enjoyed and learned a lot from this article. Thank you.

Joe L.

Vote Obama

by Joe L. on

America has had enough of conservative "values" and is ready for a change. My Iranian friends, vote Obama to change America. To make America a country that makes you proud rather than ashamed. We had enough of fear mongering dictators and Christian Fascists. Let's make America free again.



by Zion on

`This site is unreachable in Iran. A number of well known liars claim they are in Iran, but it`s impossible`.

So you claim Q, so you claim. However as we have seen here your claims aren`t really that `credible`.
I wonder how you could know this, unless you have an indepth knowledge of what filtering techniques the IRI uses to prevent people inside Iran. You wish, perhaps, to share your knowledge with us?

Now since you also claim to be such a legal expert, let me put your mind and others at ease.
You see Q, even if you can convince a court to demand IP inoformation based on defamtion, highly highly unlikely especially given the possibility of someone residing inside Iran and hence in danger, the IP information would mean nothing. Most ISP (Internet Service Providers) in North America use Dynamic IP allocation. That means that an IP allocated to a certain user can change automatically in time. So the ISP do not keep any form of account history, and won`t disclose this information either. Even if you can get yet another court order to force the ISP to disclose IP information, all it can provide is the information about the computer the IP is allocated to at that time which again proves nothing.
The only other option is to get your hands on the IP records of importnat search engines like Google, in which case, based on the search history the identity of the IP user in a given period of time can possibly be narrowed down to a single individual . Well guess what, such powerful companines like Google won`t disclose this kind of information. Google has withstood disclosure even against repeated government demands based on securitry reasons, and all that for good reason. Because the search history is extremely private and can contain confidential information like internet banking and the likes that even with a defamtion `verdict` are off limits to the court. So basically, if you seriously think you can get three separate court orders against powerful ISPs and companies like Google, and that they will lose their battle for privacy against such court orders, all of that based just on a few defaming comments you got in a relatively obscure website..., I can only feel sorry for you. How childish can one get?

If you are such a legal expert you should know all of this. So why do you keep insisting on these childish `threats`?

The case for IPs from inside Iran is of course completely different. The IP there is (I presume) directly or indirectly under the control of the Iranian regime which will make Iranians inside quite vulnerable.

Hence the concern I have voiced. That could be a serious issue and every one here should pay attention.