Neo-Con asset

Reza Pahlavi not mindful that bringing death and destruction to innocent civilians is the ultimate in terror


Neo-Con asset
by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich

Once again the neo-cons have given Reza Pahlavi a platform, but it is not clear who the intended audience is. The feigned altruistic appeal in his speech bears an eerie resemblance to the rehearsed Iraqi appeals before that country was invaded. Those appeals cost over one million Iraqi lives. This is a well-written speech, disguised as it may be, to convince. Whether the speech was delivered to persuade the American public of the necessity of intervention and war or the purpose of it was the alienation of Iran’s Arab neighbors, much like his father had in favor of Israel, one can be certain that Norman Podhoretz has given it his blessings, if indeed he has not been the writer himself.

It must be recalled that the events of 9/11 and the tragedy that struck America transformed George W. Bush. On November 19, 1999, Bush the candidate delivered a speech at the Ronald Reagan library at Simi California saying: ….. “And let us have an American foreign policy that reflects American character; the Modesty of true strength, the humility of real greatness.” However, 9/11 prompted him to turn over the foreign policy of the country to the neo-cons who had been waiting in the wings for decades, and who had planned the assault on the Middle East for over a decade. They were ready with a response and in effect, they hijacked the American foreign policy.

On September 20, 2001, Mr. Bush’s assertions were that the United States would pursue global terrorist groups and any nation that harbors or supports terrorism. His National Security Agenda (2002 NSS) was quintessentially neoconservative calling for preemption. Underlying the Bush foreign policy is the assumption that the use of military force to overthrow non cooperative governments in troubled areas is the remedy for terrorism; a page from neo-con D. Perle’s book “An End to Evil”.

Pahlavi invites an attack on Iran by stating that “Iran's clerical regime's continued support for terrorism”.

For neo-cons it is easy to push their agenda and convince the general public that the policies being implemented are based on American values as so many of them have careers in the media or academia (they developed a close tie with Georgetown Center for Strategic Studies among others). One such promoter of American ‘values’ is Benador Associates. Benador Associates arranges their TV appearances and speaking engagements, and helps to place their articles in newspapers. Ms. Benador, the founder of Benador Associates, along with Senator Liberman is busy promoting Reza Pahlavi (Lieberman endorsed McCain who likes to sing Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran). It is worthwhile mentioning another very prominent Benador client and Reza Pahlavi’s colleague and promoter.

Michael Ledeen, the contributing editor of National Review Online has endorsed the "Total war strategy" - His idea is advanced through Benador Associates. “Total War Strategy” was first put forward by Adam G. Mersereau. Ledeen writes: “The method used to destroy Iran, as known in the neo-con circle, will be 'Total War'. A total war strategy does not have to include the intentional targeting of civilians, but the sparing of civilian lives cannot be its first priority ... The purpose of total war is to permanently force your will onto another people group.” See Guardian

Pahlavi calls the regime in Iran terrorists, aware that such definitions will draw the US military into a bloody battle for the preemption doctrine. He is not mindful of the fact that bringing death and destruction to innocent civilians is the ultimate in terror.

More importantly, language is the best tool for political and social dominance. Those who ‘own’ the language can use value-laden terminology to their great advantage and ‘define’ the other. Terrorism is the definition given by the neo-cons to those they wish to master. It is only relevant if one heeds it. The intellect is often sharper than the biting words. However, it would seem that Reza Pahlavi has felt the need to adapt to his inferior position and adapted to the prevailing definition of social order by trading status for security.

Reza Pahlavi must also know that Iran’s history is filled with a pattern of external powers collaborating and destroying the country’s advancement in its nascent stages at every turn, whether technological empowerment as in the case of the railway, or socio-political, such as democracy and the nationalization of oil, or the current self sufficiency in seeking nuclear technology.

He should recall that after the concessions granted by the Persian government to the (Russian) Discount and Loan Bank of Persia for the construction of the railway line Julfa-Tabriz (1913), the ‘allied’ forces in line with Winston Churchill’s advice, forced the man who had built it, his grandfather, Reza Shah Pahlavi, to abdicate and leave the country. Iran’s democracy and its oil nationalization movement of 1951 to 1953 under Mossadegh were brought to an end by the British with the help of the CIA-backed coup. His father owed his throne to the CIA, it is worthwhile mentioning. Today, it seems that Reza Pahlavi is asking the same favor from similar groups.

And his lack of understanding of nuclear power…

Pahlavi should know that at the Iraq war created a pro-natalist atmosphere. Families were even given incentives to have more children. In addition, the war caused immense damage to the infrastructure prompting the new government to rethink its position about starting up the nuclear power plants. Furthermore, according to Saad Rahim, an analyst at Washington consultancy PFC Energy claims that Iran needs to diversify its energy needs in addition to a change in its policies, otherwise, "Iran's net crude exports could fall to zero." But since Pahlavi’s concerns are to please the neocon bosses, and to convince the American people that Iran is a threat, the truth is being concealed.

On every continent nuclear and radiation techniques are put in the service of humankind. Recently, it was witnessed that due to a problem with a Canadian nuclear reactor that produces medical isotopes used to diagnose and treat cancer and cardiovascular disease, patients in Canada, U.S. and other countries had their tests and treatment postponed. Since Pahlavi is in the U.S., he is no doubt indifferent to the plight of the Iranians and their welfare.

Iranian nationalists have asked the world at large, America in particular to leave them alone. Pahlavi has no love for Iranians, much less an understanding of them. Even the Cuban-Americans who have held the foreign policy of this country towards Cuba hostage for decades, do not have the audacity to select a leader and have someone represent Cuba from exile. A self-appointed traitor who has surrendered his reins to the neo-cons does not speak for Iranians.


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by VatanDoost (not verified) on

From the article:

"A self-appointed traitor who has surrendered his reins to the neo-cons does not speak for Iranians."



Pahlavi/Khomeini (British assets)

by 007 (not verified) on

Mrs. Ullrich

Ayatollah Khomeini loved Reza Pahlavi and encouraged him to focus on his education and schooling instead of Iran's internal affairs. The grandson of Ayatollah named Hossein did visit him four years ago in Washington D.C. You are a dreamer!!! You better shut the fuck up!!! IRAN will remain a dictatorship for life! Both Khomeini and Pahlavi are British assets. IRAN has 2500 years of monarchy. KHOMEINI was trained by British agents in INDIA to combat Soviets 15 years prior to the Islamic Revolution. MEK and RAJAVIS are in their own Dreamland at CAMP ASHRAF and have no chance whatsoever. DEMOCRACY IS A DREAM!!!

Mohammad Ala

Thank you.

by Mohammad Ala on

Ms. Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich:

Thank you.  Let me be the third person to say: You are a true Iranian.



Thanks, you are a true Iranian.

by Javadagha (not verified) on

Thanks Soraya for your time. Thanks for being honest. Thanks for using your real name and placing your picture next to it.

I agree with many here to forget about Reza Pahlavi. He comes to our minds and writings because of the interviews which he gets, but let us ignore him.

As someone already mentioned: You are a true Iranian.


Thank You Kamran

by Q on

It's so nice to see someone making good sense on these so called "comments" once in a while. Your have great resources listed.

The fact is those who constantly jump and attack Soraya Sepahpour are just making excuses because their fantasy of "overthrowing" the Iranian government is slipping from their grip.

What else is Pahlavi going to say? He is nominally against "war", not too different from Bush and Cheney who SAY they don't "want" war. But he fails to understand that IT'S OVER for him and the Monarchy. Thinks people still care what he says... well, they do, but they are not Iranian.

As for those starry-eyed retro-revisionists who think freedom is Beer, MacDonalds and Playboy Magazines, they are the true tragedies of the Iranian diaspora. It's been 30 years, and these people still don't get it. They don't understand what the hell hit them in the revolution and they sure as hell don't understand the Iranian people and what they truly want.


Only Israeli Mossad Agents Don't Want a Nuclear Iran

by SaracenWarrior (not verified) on

The only people who don't want Iran to go Nuclear are the vile, disgusting, rancid, putrid, filth called Israeli Zionists. They are the scum of the earth that mean nothing but harm to every Iranian and Muslim in the world. They are a parasite that feed off of Americans, Iranians, Arabs, Turks, Europeans, Asians, etc. The Zionist banks are full of your interest money. Go see what real Americans have to say about the Zionists:


Enjoyed your article greatly...from a bona fide nationalist...

by sadegh on

Love your piece, though I may disagree with it in parts, the overall message hits the mark.  To hell with Reza Pahlavi, an entitled worm, whose father was a petty criminal who pilfered god knows how many millions of dollars (if not billions) from the Iranian people.  The money from teh Shah's Swiss bank accounts still provides for his spawn's lavish lifetstyle to this day.  Iran has had enough nitwits governing it in recent history and once we're rid of the mullahs not many inside Iran will make the same mistake by asking for yet another pawn who will prostitute our beloved nation to the despicable pimp which is American imperial hubris.


So many Hezbollahis in America...

by Kamran (not verified) on

There are so many pro-Israeli enthusiasts here that should soon be called the Even the American public is slowly waking up to the fact that a group of bloodthirsty and sadistic Likudniks have infested this country (See former U.S. assistant secretary of the treasury Dr. Paul Craig Roberts // and are wasting American blood in foreign lands that has nothing to do with America's national interests (See former U.S. Congressman Paul Findley // Of course Likudniks' dream of Niles-to-Euphrates is slowly getting closer to reality (See Linda Heard //, which should bring lots of joy to many of commenters here. As for those who call this patriotic and very courageous lady false names, I suggest, they also check Justin Raimondo (//, retired USAF lieutenant colonel Karen Kwiatkowski (//, Professor Juan Cole (//, John Pilger (//, Professor Michel Chossudovsky (//, Professor Noam Chomsky (//, Professor Norman Finkelstein (//, Professor Shadia Drury (//, Professor William Beeman (//, Former chief scientist of the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy veteran, former nuclear bomb tester at Lawrence Livermore, former technical director of nuclear bomb testings at Sandia, and a nuclear weapons physicist, Dr. James Gordon Prather (// Please report all above Hezbollahis to your nearest Hillel.


Bahai, P. Pilot, same as Soraya, you are missing the point,

by aaj sr (not verified) on

What we need is unity. What you are offering is disparety and disorder among oppositions. So what do you call your act? I call you "traitor", "dishonest" "hypocrite".
What you and Soraya are trying to achieve is spreading and widening the differences among oppositions. You do not want to see Iranian find a common ground to overthrow the regime. Remember this Regime is not going to last long. Sooner or later, history have prooven that inhuman, and brutal regimes will fall, unIslamic regime is not an exception. I, backed by the HISTORY, guarantee you that.
ALMOST everyone agrees on: No war, No sanction (incidentally that's what Reza says too)
By defending the Regime, and beating the oppositions
you are prolonging the existance of the Regime.
If that's not the case, then what is your solution?
Have you ever mentioned any, I mean any of Regime's atrocities, inhuman handling of the people?.

Granted the previous regime made a series of mistakes, and for that millions of innocent people are being brutaly punished since last 29 years. A daily event, where never experienced in our history.

Reza Pahlavi is saying the same as any dissident is crying and hoping for and that is the elimiation of so called Islamic Mullarchy. If you guys have anything tangbile to prove that Reza is corrupt, or he has said anywhere, anything against Iranian interest and Iranian People, bring them on, if you do not have anything to prove, then please Shut up.
If you have anything to proof that he has ever said that he wants to be the next King and or he wants to run the country, bring it on, otherwise please shut up.
I am pro democracy, seperation of Mosque and State; now you want to call me pro this or that I couln't careless.


Reza, Your own dad would have called you a traitor!

by gol-dust on

Watch the video on this site today! see, your dad says: "there are five who are going to be executed! If they would have attempted to kill me I would have pardoned them, but they were working with another country against iran. therfore, they are traitors and they deserve to die! There you have it!

he also, added that"the jews are too strong in the US to the point that they would hurt israel's future! they control newpaper, media, banks, and finanical intitutions!"  Your own dad, might have wipped your ass Mr. traitor!


reza p is no asset. he is a

by assessor (not verified) on

reza p is no asset.
he is a loser. read the last line.
all this was on internet.
Reporter: Every once in a while there are rumors about the royal family's wealth. Some estimate it at 80 billion francs ($16 billion), a part of which was lost in an imprudent investment. What is your response to these rumors?

Shahbanou Farah: Unfortunately, no matter what I say, these rumors will continue. Nevertheless, I must deny all these rumors about our wealth as well as what you said about losing some of it [in a failed investment].

These rumors are political propaganda spread by the current Iranian regime. I am very disappointed that some become mouthpieces for such rumors.

Reporter: Recently there have been reports in the English-language press to the effect that your son, Reza II, has become totally bankrupt.

Shahbanou Farah: Of course it is true that my sons, my mother, and myself were tricked by someone who pretended to be our friend. He pretended that he could invest and manage our money. We trusted him and this was a big mistake. And it is true that I support my son [financially].

Private Pilot

People: Pahlavis are finished! Move on, please!!!

by Private Pilot on

Private Pilot


reminding Mr. Gilani

by anIsfahani (not verified) on

Gilani says: "Someone should remind this lady she is as dumb as she looks. Iranians have been shaking from cold this winter....."

Gilani, From her writings she seems very smart. You on the other hand write much dumber than you look, perhaps because your picture is not clear.
And yes Mr. "brain" economic sanctions against Iran that likes of you support have a lot to do with Iranians shaking from cold .....

Private Pilot


by Private Pilot on

I wonder why Pahlavis are still a subject debate and discussion among Iranians when it come to the politics of Iran.  Who cares?  Only Pahlavis think they are stull relevant.  Let's play into their hands and follow their game plan.


And amongst all of the them Reza Joon is the total idiot.  Have you ever listened to him talk.  He repeats what he reads of the blogs.  No thought behind it at all.  Don't worry about the return of Pahlavis.  No chance in hell!!!!

Private Pilot

Mort Gilani

I hate her with a passion

by Mort Gilani on

I do not have time to analyze her crap as all of her writings are based on fallacious assumptions. Here, she has the audacity to say:

And his lack of understanding of nuclear power…

On every continent nuclear and radiation techniques are put in the service of humankind. Recently, it was witnessed that due to a problem with a Canadian nuclear reactor that produces medical isotopes used to diagnose and treat cancer and cardiovascular disease, patients in Canada, U.S. and other countries had their tests and treatment postponed. Since Pahlavi is in the U.S., he is no doubt indifferent to the plight of the Iranians and their welfare.

Someone should remind this lady she is as dumb as she looks. Iranians have been shaking from cold this winter when Iran sits on the fourth largest reservoir of oil and second largest reservoir of gas on this plant. She thinks Iranians are failing because Reza Pahlavi, MKO and neo-cons are conspiring against mullahs including preventing them from building a base in Neptune


Dear Soraya

by Ahmad Bahai (not verified) on

Dear Soraya,
As you can tell from some of the comments posted in response to your article, unfortunately we have some very "intellectually backward" people on this site. Fortunately, many of them are not Iranians. They are mostly Israeli agents with the goal of disrupting any meaningful discussion on any topic related to Iran. However, there are some anti-Iranian parasites among the posters too who have no stomach for discussion and real intellectual discourse.
Someone who lives in Iran had told me the following which I find it very true at times: There was something real nice about Iran's revolution and that was the fact that a lot of those who considered themselves above other iranians, left the country, and we are very happy about that. I think we can see some of those "above others" appear as posters on this net and we know with their personal attacks on a writer how stupid they are.
I like to thank you for your writing, and encourage you to do more. Don't get discouraged by some of the nonsense you find here. Most iranians are good people and positive and prefer to know their history. After all, "those who forget the history are bound to repeat it". You are a great Iranian.



There are two kinds of graduate students in this world:

by Adviser (not verified) on

a) Those who are smart, creative, generate good and completer work, and defend their theses within its allocated time,

b) Those who are Kheng , Koddan , and Khereft (KKK). This group of student generate a lot of repetitive, degenerate, substandard, and nonsense junk way beyond the normal allocate time! These students nevr finish and continue to be professional students for ever.

This Abjee Soraya is of the latter kind. That's why we continue to see so many repetitive, degenerate, substandard, and nonsense junk from her!


Man From Iran : Not a

by hate lies (not verified) on

Man From Iran : Not a scintella of truth in anything you said. People in Iran don't have universal health care..maybe because you're a basij or hizballhi so you think everyone in Iran lives like you. Yes, America has many social ills but also it has the largest economy and productivity and one of the highest income per capita. Iran's GDP is less than Turkey and Peru and those countries don't even have oil. The income per capita of Mexicans are higher than the Iranians...You simply don't understand what you're talking about. Comparing US to IRan is simply demented bordering hallucination of a diseased brain.



by afshin on

It seems every ex-Ghajar has an ax to grind with the Pahlavis.  Ms. Ulrich, would you care to share with us your family tree.  Though most here may not realize it, Ghajars in general have always had some sense of resentment towards the Pahlavi dynasty.  From the time when Ahmad Shah was thrown out on his ass, to Mosaddegh (Ghajar), to even Hoveyda's brother (Ghajar), they place every problem Iran has had in the last 80 years squarely on the shoulders of the Pahlavi family.  Reza Pahlavi has ALWAYS stated his unwavering opposition to any military intervention in Iran.  The entire premise of passive resistance is based on a non-violent regime change through civil disobedience with the ultimate goal of a national referendum.  How on god's green earth does that rhyme with military intervention.  In his speech at Georgetown, had you bothered to even read it, he would see that he's urging people not to take their eye of the ball.  That just because the latest NIE gives Iran a clear bill of health, does not mean that the government in Iran has the most noble of intentions.  This by no means implies a support for military adventurism by outsiders in Iran.  Something that will not happen, no matter what your political ideology.  It's simply not possible for the US to engage Iran militarily at this time.  More than likely nothing meaningful will happen between Iran and the US anyway, until a new administration is in place.  And perhaps everyone is simply biding their time until that moment comes.  Your portraying Pahlavi as a sell out and traitor does not validate any of the points you were hoping to make.  It simply put another face to those hollow accusations we've all been hearing of late.  Just another disgruntled clueless Ghajar.


God bless America (to Objective Man)

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

He Objective Man, I partially agree with you,

God bless America,
God curse Warmongers with more failures and why not?

It's good for America, it is good for Iran, and it is specially good for Iranian-Americans (*)

*Except those Iranian Charlatans who want to con the Americans to sacrifice and bring them to power


To: Ali (Re: I agree wuth the others who...)

by Young Man From Iran (not verified) on

I think you have mistaken Iran with Israel. Israel under zionists have killed millions, destroyed thousands of villages, and made millions more homeless. You as an Iranian living abroad can go back to Iran anytime and live like a king. Most (not all) Iranians are very happy with the system of government in Iran today. It is not perfect, but works better than most other countries. Look at health insurance, we all are covered under national health plan in Iran. We pay co-pay (which is not much), but we have access to medical services at anytime. I hear in USA, you have 47 million uninsured people. In the entire country in Iran, we may have one hundred thousand homeless, I hear you have over 1 million homeless just in New York City (NYC)!!!!. In iran we have may be 2-3 million on drugs. I hear US drug rate is in the tens of millions. Who are you to talk?


I agree with the others who

by ali (not verified) on

I agree with the others who think this "article" is nonsense.
you keep blabbering about neo-cons and your hunches that reza pahlavi is for an attack on iran.
although I am not a big fan of reza pahlavi, I do know that he has repeatedly stated that he is against an american attack on iran.
and what about the beloved democrats who have always been in office when iran has undergone political turmoil??? what about that idiot carter who single handedly handed the country to the mullahs and kept calling the shah a brutal dictator- during his reign not only iran was destroyed but afghanistan as well. and on top of that, his idiotic foreign policy and his ineptness planted the seed for the islamic radicalism which we see today.
instead of writing this bs, focus on what the mullahs have done to our poor people and many billions of dollars have been stolen by the fat akhoonds in the name of god and how many millions of iranians have been killed or maimed since these british stooges took over our homeland???? the only thing a mullah is afraid of is use of force, and that's what it will take to free our vatan of this cancer!!!


Ulrich technique which has

by Not Anonymous (not verified) on

Ulrich technique which has now become something of a trademark, the systemic nitpicking of tiny facts and sources while ignoring the larger issues.. but her real preferred method of debate by far is character assassination. Ulrich's main defense, as it has been in nearly all her writings in which she pimps herself for the crimianl leadership of IRI is to cast aspersions on on critics of the IRI, attacking their intellectual competence, distorting the truth, spreading misinformation, and worst of all, viciously, attacking their personal character.

Islamist PhD candidates in Western universities are also part-time Islamic Republic's blackberry carrying mouthpieces in the academia, and they often use such criticism as a way of disguising the regime's ineptitude and their responsibility for Iran's deplorable conditions— including the suppression of civil society, which is undergoing another severe crackdown as I write. Islamic Republic's agents strategy and goals are simple. To maintain the IR in power, and for that they need an enemy. Therefore, they seek to keep their rhetoric on a perpetual war footing by playing up the notion that the Bush's neocon administration is conspiring to overthrow them, destroy the Islamic republic or unfairly barking up at the wrong tree by grotesquely distorting and twisting RP's assertions.

She calls on the great powers to practice benevolence, and justice, yet she incessantly and routinely fails to talk about these ideals in the Islamic Republic itself.

She defines herself by declaring her unwavering support for the criminal and immoral leadership of the IRI. She defends the butchers and the bandit mafia governing Iran and she expects to be taken seriously. She always sounds completely hysterical and redundant, doing what she is good at, fearmongering and bashing America.

It is all just a loud barking out of the Islamists/jihadists dog. When all said and done, Islamism/khomeinism will be a bad memory of the past. As much as fascism, Nazism, communisms, and apartheid were nightmares of the past.

She is essentially a loud twat.It wouldn't surprise me if she doesn't even write her own essays.

Warmongering for the IR and silmultaneously talking about justice and peace, she has become what she claims she abhors. Only God knows what mental abberant condition she must have that makes her non-cognizant of her ironic stance?


Ms. Soraya

by khosrow (not verified) on

Ms. Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich:
Reza Pahlavi, Shah, Neo-Con, Iraq, global warming........ Why don’t you write about your own failures first? It has been 30 years and still shah hatemonger blames everything on Pahlavi’s! Never once these leftist bastards admitted that they fucked up by supporting the Mullahs and the whole Persian Gulf neighborhood has not seen peace since! Why is it that you and your leftist buddies are worried about responsibility of "failures" in Iraq but seems pretty comfortable with fascists governing Iran? It appears that you forgotten that these fascists sent child “foot soldier” to the minefields? You would have not bashed the shah so much if one of those kids were you own! Why not write about reasons for 4 millions Iranians who have left Iran because of stupidity of leftists “intellectuals” for following a 79 years old mullah to save Iran? Or has anyone seen a single article by these bastards concerning chemical war victims who must be in miserable shape now? No of course not, it would hamper their hatred of the Shah! Frankly I am totally puzzled as why these bastards don’t just shut up and beg forgiveness for being “intellectuals”.

Oh yeah, When did you associate the Georgetown university with the New-Con movement supported by evangelist Christians? Trust me, this catholic university is closer to your views than mine.



by Esfandiar (not verified) on

Great article. This is the most realistic approach to this subject. Pahlavi never had and never will have any place in Iran. The age of information and Internet has changed the thought process and the foundation of all human being thinking. It is no longer easy for Pahlavi to hide their platform. This is a doomed dynasty. One just need to look at the history of this family.


The Pahlavis

by Anonymous42 (not verified) on

The Pahlavis are a bunch of traitors who are only backed by the CIA. They are nothing more than CIA agents who would do anything to get their power back. Reza Jr. is nothing more than a thief and an idiot. You stupid Iranians are thinking of the past and not the future. THE PAHLAVIS ARE THE PAST!! AND GOOD RIDDANCE!!!!


To Anonym7 and the rest of single-digits Sandniggers...

by Objective Man (not verified) on

Irrespective of whether it's McCain or somebody else, the undoing of what was done to Iran in 1979 shall continue! That's the Mullahs have served their purpose and the Middle East must be come under the total and complete control of America! Islamic Republic is next in the line to come under the control of the civilized world. It's good for America, it's for the business, and it will be good for Iran and Iranians.

God bless America and why not?


What do you suggest

by Mehran (not verified) on

Sepideh, i don't know why you are picking on Pahlavi's. They are long gone and are irrelevant and you talking about them is even more irrelevant.

Also, if you are so smart, could you tell us how we can get rid of this disgusting leeches called Mullah's. It is easy to criticize this and that but what is your solution.

P.S. loose the picture.



by ARASH KAMANGIR (not verified) on

Iran loves Soraya sepahpour-Ulrich.


Wonderful. Thank you for this article.

by Ace (not verified) on

The truth hurts. Reza Pahlavi should get a real job.... asslicking pays well though.