انتقاد از رهبر آزاد است؟

نامه جمعی از وبلاگ نویسان ایرانی به آیت الله خامنه ای در مورد مرگ امیدرضا میرصیافی


انتقاد از رهبر آزاد است؟
by Bloggers

به دنبال درگذشت امید رضا میرصیافی وبلاگ نویس جوانی که در درون زندان درگذشت و گزارشگران بدون مرز احتمال قتل او را مطرح کرده اند جمعی از وبلاگ نویسان ایران تصمیم به ارسال نامه ای به آیت الله خامنه ای رهبر و بالاترین مقام جمهوری اسلامی گرفتند. متن این نامه به شرح زیر است:

آیت الله سید علی خامنه ای مقام رهبری جمهوری اسلامی ایران

با سلام

همانطور که مطلع هستید یک جوان وبلاگ نویس به نام امید رضا میرصیافی که به جرم اهانت به شما در زندان به سر می برد و به دو سال و نیم زندان محکوم شده بود چند روز پیش در زندان درگذشت. گزارشگران بدون مرز احتمال قتل او را بر اساس شواهدی که پیوست این نامه است اعلام می کنند. امید رضا میرصیافی قبل از زندان به حکم خود معترض بود و آن را ناعادلانه می دانست و معتقد بود هیچگونه توهینی به شما نکرده است و حتی در رای دادگاه مشخص نشده بود که جملات توهین آمیز ایشان چیست؟

پس از فوت ایشان ما با مطالعه آرشیو وبلاگ ایشان که به دلیل مطالب همان وبلاگ زندانی بود، متوجه نشدیم که کدام مطلب ایشان در مورد شما توهین آمیز بود و مستحق دو سال و نیم زندان بوده است؟

ایشان در یک دادگاه غیر علنی محاکمه شد در حالی که درخواست برگزاری دادگاه علنی را داده بود.

حال سوال ما که تعدادی از وبلاگ نویسان ایرانی هستیم در چند موضوع تقدیم می شود:

1- با توجه به اینکه اتهام امید رضا توهین به شما بود و ما موفق نشدیم مطلب توهین آمیزی در وبلاگ ایشان پیدا کنیم لطفا توضیح دهید که کدام مطلب ایشان در مورد شما چنان توهین آمیز بود که حکومت جمهوری اسلامی، ایشان را مستحق دو سال و نیم زندان می دانسته است؟

2- چرا دادگاه ایشان به صورت علنی برگزار نشد و چرا مفاد اصل 168 قانون اساسی که بیان می دارد متهم سیاسی باید در دادگاه علنی و با حضور هیات منصفه محاکمه شود در مورد ایشان رعایت نشد؟ چرا دفاعیات ایشان در دادگاه به اطلاع افکار عمومی رسانده نشد؟ آیا شما برای متهم سیاسی این حق را قائل نیستید که در برابر افکار عمومی بتواند از اتهامش دفاع کند؟

به غیر از ایشان تقریبا تمام متهمین سیاسی در سالهای اخبر در دادگاه غیر علنی محاکمه می شوند. آیا حکومت به صورت ناعادلانه این افراد را محاکمه می کند که دوست ندارد افکار عمومی شاهد دفاعیات متهم باشند؟

3- آیا شما در جریان اتهام امید رضا میرصیافی و دفاعیات ایشان بودید؟ اگر بودید آیا با حکم دادگاه موافق بودید؟

اگر در جریان نبودید لطفا توضیح دهید که مگر در سال چند نفر به اتهام توهین به شما زندانی می شوند که شما از پرونده این افراد بی خبر هستید؟

آیا این مسائله را نابجا می دانید که ما انتظار داشته باشیم که بالاترین مقام حکومت ، از جریان پرونده افرادی که به اتهام توهین به خود او زندانی می شوند مطلع باشد تا مبادا شخصی بی گناه به دلیل انتقاد از او به زندان نیافتد؟

4- جناب آیت الله خامنه ای در سخنرانی در سال گذشته فرموده بودید انتقاد از رهبر آزاد است حال سوال ما این است ما وبلاگ نویسان باید چگونه از شما انتقاد کنیم که به زندان نیافتیم و عواقب زندان که متوجه چندین زندانی سیاسی در یک ماه اخیر شده است ، متوجه ما نشود؟

با تشکر از وقتی که می گذارید و پاسخی که خواهید داد

جمعی از وبلاگ نویسان ایرانی

امضاها تا اکنون

علی بهرامی //iranmandegar.blog.de

فریماه کیان زاد //www.iran-bano.blogfa.com

آرش کیان زاد //www.iran-bano.blogfa.com

آرش روزبه //jighodaad3.blogfa.com

علی بیات //pendarema.blogspot.com

مهرداد بزرگ //enzeva16.blogfa.com

شهریار ایرانی //www.shahriar-aachen.blogspot.com

النا تابش //navidepadeshahi.blogfa.com

آرمین سنایی //www.noend.blogfa.com

طیبه قنبری //zaitoun.wordpress.com

مریم رییس دانا //www.ayandegi.persianblog.ir

تارا نیازی //www.taraniazi.com

داود تندیس //www.tandisd.blogfa.com

احمد باطبی //ahmadbatebi.us

داريوش شاهد //www.aliveiranian.blogspot.com

علی زمردی //www.misaghzomorod2000.blogfa.com

محمد شوری جزه //www.assize.blogfa.com

میثم طهماسبی //siradmiral.blogspot.com

نوشین پارسی //beedare.blogfa.com

هنگامه انصاری //faryadekhamosheman.blogfa.com

بهزاد پیله ور //www.pilehvar.blogspot.com

محمد علیجانی //www.tnmp.blogfa.com

پیام یزدیان //payam.malakut.org/

کوروش جنتی //www.sooresrafil.blogfa.com

کاوه پاک نژاد //www.greentea2500.wordpress.com

علیرضا ادیبان //1blondi.wordpress.com

آریا صادقی //greenlandhighway.blogspot.com

محمد حسن یوسف پورسیفی //www.mhyousefpourseifi.blogfa.com

کیانوش سنجری //ks82.blogspot.com

امیر حسین اعتمادی //amiretemadi.blogfa.com

سیامک فرید //belgiran.blogfa.com

صنم کازرونی //newsiniran.blogsky.com

فرشته قاضی //fereshteh.blogfa.com

شیوا نوجو //zananemelli.blogspot.com

عباس معروفی //maroufi.malakut.org

علی رضا محمد ظاهری //shampilix.wordpress.com

سمیه جهانگیری //www.sohreh.blogfa.com

کاوه رضایی //notes.kaaveh.net/

حمید توکلی //www.kntoosi.com

شهریار ایازی //komite-aghwam.blogfa.com

عبدالقادر بلوچ //balouch.blogspot.com

کریم پورحمزاوی //ayandema.blogspot.com

بهزاد مهرانی //www.behzadmehrani.blogfa.com

شایگان اسفندیاری //gameron.wordpress.com

فریبرز شمشیری //www.rottengods.com

وحید میلانی //www.1canadian.blogspot.com

امیرحسین اعتمادی //navayerahayee.blogspot.com

اختر قاسمی //akhtarghasemi.blogfa.com

سیامک عبدی //www.siamakold.blogspot.com

سعید صحرایی //ssahraei.blogspot.com

مهناز خزاعی //m-khazaie.blogfa.com

امیر شکیبا //nedayekavir2.blogfa.com

فضائل عزیزان //azizanpress.blogspot.com

محمد افراسیابی //amooarvand.wordpress.com

پیمان روشن ضمیر //ospeyman.org

علی رضا نوری زاده //www.nourizadeh.com

جهانشاه جاويد //iranian.com/main/blog/jahanshah-javid

در صورتی که شما وبلاگ نویس هستید و مایلید این نامه را امضا کنید لطفا تایید خود را به همراه آدرس وبلاگ خود، به این ایمیل بفرستید.

لیست کامل امضاها :



انتقاد از رهبر آزاد است؟

Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified)

of course it is free to critisize the leader. But only by poeple who have earned the competency. The leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran is controlled by 86 men who are religious in their daily lives and virtuous, restrained, moderate and reasonable and abstemious. These men are all voted by believers. the have the competency even to set up the leader if they find it necessary. So I think it is better not to promote the emotions over the uncertain story. And be sure the true supporter of the Islamic republic lay under the Ground and if they are alive so they live in their Islamic Republic. A true supporter of the islamic republic of Iran and of the iranian nation does not click on "IRANIAN".
As the history of the last 30 years showes the time is not far that even in the united states of america "they" would not like have sites in which poeple bring untruth and illogicals anymore.
better get reasonable by time. Greeting


این لینک ها حامل ویروس کامپیوتری ا ست جی جی ور پریده

Anonymousddd (not verified)

این لینک ها حامل ویروس کامپیوتری ا ست جی جی ور پریده
حمید توکلی //www.kntoosi.com


fixed link on Omid

by shameoniri (not verified) on



by shaheid (not verified) on


To supporters of the butchers of Iranian sons and daughters:

by shameoniri (not verified) on

This is what he wrote in his blo:

"Instead of bending and unbending in prayers for a God dwelling cozily in the seventh heaven I learned to be an insignificant meek person who for the entire world would not take a whit worth of dirty money. I learned that I am the creator and the created. I learned that the salvation is not achieved by wandering through the primrose path of sticking to the dogmas and the preordained codes. But it is in having faith in the dignity, nobility and liberty of the human beings. I learned that humans are not a bunch of weak slaves or debilitated beings, but they are commanding and free agents who can create whatever they wish. I learned that I have to learn in order to set myself free. I learned to unlearn whatever I had learned earlier in my life and found my thoughts on a firm and correct base from the scratch. I learned I had been moving on the wrong track for 20 years. I learned I could be born again in any way I'd want to.

I have never been a person who would stoop to self-censoring and will never be," wrote young Iranian blogger Omid-Reza Mir-Sayafi on his blog in 2006. "I'd rather not write at all if I have to stop being frank and honest in my words."

Mir-Sayafi died on Wednesday in Tehran's infamous Evin Prison, where he was serving a two and a half year sentence for allegedly "insulting Imam Khomeini and the Supreme Leader Khamenei" and posting "seditious" materials on his blog.

The young man's doctor, Dr. Hesam Firouzi (who is jailed in the same prison for allegedly "propagating against the state") described his condition as "not at all fit for confinement." Mir-Sayafi should have been hospitalized right away, according to Dr Firouzi. "All they did was to refer him to the prison's psychiatrist, who gave him some medication with which Omid-Reza finally took his own life."

Dr. Firouzi blames prison officials for the blogger's death. "Despite all my pleas they did not take him to a hospital," he explained while describing the scene after Mir-Sayafi passed out. "They did not even do anything in the prison's infirmary. And I had to wash his stomach and inject the ampules myself. But it was too late."

Mir-Sayafi's blog, like its author, is no longer accessible. But with some searching one can find an archive containing the blogposts that led to his imprisonment. Browsing the archive reveals that Mir-Sayafi's main area of expertise was traditional Persian music. But he also wrote poetry and penned articles for Farsi electronic art journals. He was apparently well known in Iranian intelligentsia circles.

I never knew or met the deceased. But discovering his writings has, for me, brought him to life. There is a poetic melancholy haunting his postings, as in this excerpt: "I feel like a stranger in my own house...Is it really the ancient Persia I am living in? Is it the land of Cyrus the Great?... It must be a nightmare I am having. This is not Persia. This is the Islamic Republic."

In one of his blogposts, he describes a turning point in his life where he stopped being a passive bystander and instead became an active participant in the struggle against repression, a "second birth" as he puts it himself. That birth was only a prelude to the tragedy which ensued.

It happened in February 2000. He had been walking up a street which ran along a famous park in Tehran when he encountered hundreds of people scuffling with the police forces: one of those demonstrations common to the reformers' era.

I was standing around one of the gates beside a young couple when a 17 or 18 year-old Hezbollah boy approached us in spiteful steps.

Beat it! Disperse!" he spat.

As we didn't pay any attention, the boy raced towards the young couple addressing the young man: "Didn't you hear me, Zan-Jendeh ["husband of a whore"]? Didn't I just tell you to get the fuck out of here?"

The young man was too shocked to give even the smallest hint of a reaction. Obviously he could not simply ignore the insult - yet if he did anything he was sure to get arrested. Having witnessed the scene up close, and without any second thought, I ran at the Basiji boy and shoved him aside.

Of course he was beat up severely by the boy and his compadres with their batons.

He ended up in the Evin prison.

His anagnorisis--when the protagonist realizes the true identities of those surrounding him along with his own--took place in the solitary cell of Evin prison where he spent twenty days. The degree of injustice our protagonist had suffered was devastating enough to radically change his outlook: "I came out of the prison another Omid-Reza."

Mir-Sayafi clearly had too heroic a spirit to survive long. While the regime tried its best to keep him silent in life, in a magical, sad irony his voice still resonates even after his death when reading his July 2006 post on Akbar Mohammadi, a political prisoner who died in Evin Prison. In advance, Mir-Sayafi - though writing about another young man - penned his own eulogy:

Whether he died a natural death or was killed under torture, does not matter. He is no longer among us...Dear Akbar! I Wish you a peaceful journey...trust me, you won't be missing many things in here...We are sorry that all we did for you were just writing letters, chanting slogans or shedding a few tears...Forgive me!

Today the Persian new year started. Although we all know that axiomatic phrase that, hope never dies, ["Omid" in Farsi means hope.] if you hear my voice, Omid, know that we will miss you in the new year and all the years to come, and as you yourself said it about Akbar, your "fame shall never fade."

I end this all too short a tragedy by one of our hero's soliloquies:

Sooner or later, we have to leave our keys and check out. But the question is: Go where?...

The writer, who uses a pseudonym for his own safety, is a university student in Iran


More on voting

by Iranyvaliazad on



Here Mosavi is kissing those whose hands are stained with blood of Iranians including the Bloger that is mentioned in this post.


Run, do not walk, to vote for these pre-selected animals to show your approval and support of IRI.


Please translate this into

by jay (not verified) on

Please translate this into English so more people can read it and sign. Thank you


ارشیوقابل دسترسی نیست

akbarian (not verified)

قابل دسترسی نیست //rooznegaar.blogfa.com

ارشیو سایت امید رضا در اینترنت قابل دسرسی نیست. می‌‌شود از نویسندگان این نامه پرسید این ارشیو کجاست.آ یا آنها هم دروغ میگویند. چه طور میشود با دروغ به جنگ دروغ رفت.

Farah Rusta

Silence of the sheep

by Farah Rusta on

A few weeks ago, before the bloggers’ petition was being
posted on this site, when I first brought up the case of Omid Reza Mirsayyafi in a blog about the “Iranian experiences” of the travel writer Ricky Steves, an army of regime apologists under various guises rushed to defend their beloved state by cleverly (and sometimes crudely) equating the interests of the people to the interests of the state (Islamic regime). They reminded me that I should not ruin the nice image Mr Steves was giving of Iran and Iranians by bringing in the nasty image of the of the other side of life in Iran and the state’s killing of Omid Reza, hence disturbing the tender Nowrooz sentiments of our Californian Iranians. Now, and only two weeks later there is a bloggers petition being collected to register a protest about the death of Omid Reza, and a valid question is being asked by two anonymous commentators, addressed to the anonymous (mainly) Californian apologists, as to why they have chosen to be sheepishly silent.  

And lo and behold, a new Priestess is born!  Suddenly the Californian apologists find their cause championed by no other than the daughter of Iran herself. Even without being accused of anything the self-appointed Priestess feels so pressed to say something and to protect her silent sheep that she forgets that Omid Reza lost his life not by apologizing on behalf of the regime and equating the interests of the people on the same footing as the interests of the State, but by reminding the Chief Priest that the lives of the sons of Iran, himself being one, were at least of the same value as the lives of the sons of Palestine and the Lebanese Shiites. Omid Reza lost his own life in the process.   Is our Priestess so upset by couple of reminders by two equally anonymous commentators like herself that question the absence of the Californian moralists (better known as apologists) from this blog that she has to fly the apologists flag without being asked?  

I wonder why.



Thanks for the link

by IRANdokht on

Like I mentioned before, we don't need to agree with each other or any blogger's political point of view, they may not agree on everything either, elections included. 



I was not wondering about that

by Iranyvaliazad on

Yes, I realize that they are showing support for their fallen comrade, I believe all of us commentators except for a handful, constantly (I don't mean just here on this web site) do whatever we can to expose the true face of these blood thristy moslem clerics.  I guess, knowing the evil nature of moslem clerics, I won't be sending a letter to them hoping that they see the "light".  Believe me, moslem clerics are well aware of their evil actions and know how wrong those actions are, further more, this is not the first time writers, teachers, workers, and folks from all walks of life has "written" to these animlas and yet the moslem clerics continue to KILL .... Ghandi wouldn't last 5 minutes against blood thirsty moslem clerics.

Anyhow, changing a subject a bit, one of blogers' links took me to this site:  //tahrimeentekhabat88.blogfa.com/

I found it interesting ... I think we should listen to this blogger


why wonder?

by IRANdokht on

This effort is clearly aimed to show support for the departed blogger Omid Reza MirSayafi who lost his life. Why not continue speaking up? Why allow his sacrifice be in vain?Why let his name be forgotten?

The letter signed by many bloggers shows that the community of Iranian bloggers are not going to be silenced. It's a courageous action showing that these bloggers are united against the actions of the government.  

It's about time that we learn to act as a group of concerned Iranians and unite for the goal of free speech instead of trying to silence others who may have a different view than ours. I believe this could be the one positive outcome of these heinous actions of IRI regime.  

We have to support them, show that Iranians can unite against censorship and dictatorship and that the bloggers won't be alone and the thousands of their readers speak in their support too.




by Iranyvaliazad on

As many commentators pointed out, there is no sense sending a letter to Mafia boss, the top moslem cleric.  And I am very sure that those who have signed the petition are smart folks that already aware of the fact that IRI is a fascist government and emailing letters of discontent is futile ...  so, I am wondering why these people did send such a letter!  What are their points or goals?

I am sure baffeled.



by Mashty (not verified) on

You are right. Some people are oghdeyee. I agree with you in this.


Farah Rusta

by IRANdokht on

If you go on a soap box and point finger at anyone else for not having taken action, you ought to show proof of your sincerity, show proof that you have done so yourself or just shut the pie hole.

I am not a blogger and I am not going to sign a letter that is written on behalf of the bloggers, or I would diminish its effect by my action.

My question to you and to anyone else who's ready to jump on other people's throats is: Why would anyone use this subject matter to attack other members of this site?

One of the bloggers who was pro-IRI more than anyone else I have seen around here was Hoder. This group of bloggers and many others who write and publish articles have even written and signed petitions concerning his release. So who are you people attacking as pro-IRI bloggers?

why can't you learn by observing the noble acts of others?

The bloggers showed dignity and courage in writing this letter and signing it with the knowledge that the last blogger who spoke up and brought up this question was imprisoned and died under mysterious circumstances. 

Why would two anonymous entries from people who do not even divulge their email contact information with this site be allowed to take advantage of this situation and muddy the waters?

I hope I was clear! Now please respect these bloggers and stop using them to point your finger at others. 


Farah Rusta

Irandokht, your reaction is revealing :)

by Farah Rusta on

There is a Persian proverb which says when a stick is lifted, the thieving cat runs away. Nobody accused you to be a regime apologist so why did you have to take a defensive stance? Or is there something more behind those "innocent" eyes?!


In any case neither Korosh nor Anonymous500 are suggesting to be bloggers, so they are not expected to sign the petition. How about you? Are you a blogger?

I know, I am not :))



Maryam Hojjat

Shame on IRI Again & Again....

by Maryam Hojjat on

This barbaric, Arab regime kills Iranian childern delibrately to terrorize public.  The Rahbar  does not hear anyone except pay with Iranian resources to his Arabs families such as Hezbollah & Hamas who are his people. 

Payandeh IRAN & Iranian

Death to Akhoonds & Mollahs

Down with IRI  


شعر گشادکی

Shaw-Air (not verified)

شاعر بی نام فرماید:
نامه سر گشاده خبرنگاران بی مرز --- نکند دخول به سر ملایان بی مغز


Open Letter

by A Persian (not verified) on

The content of the open letter is fine; but remember, you are not sending the letter to a legitimate regime or to an educated and civilized leader. He will never ever respond.

Long live secular and mulla-free Iran.


waste of time

by MRX1 on

if you don't know your enemy, you will never win against him, it's that simple.

writing letters, blogs, demonstrating in front of U.N, delivering cakes and compliments or what ever is just a feeling good sort of ideal. reality is: these people have to be forced out of power. To do that  they have to be killed either by a domestic force or combination of domestic and foreign force. easier said than done, but that's the only way.


So Naive!

by Anonymous123321 (not verified) on

چه کسی سردمدار این طومار نویسی ساده لوحانه است؟ این تصور ابلهانه را، که قادرخواهید بود با حاکمیت ایران سؤال و جواب منطقی داشته باشید، به دور باید ریخت. حال فرض کنید کسی در «وبلاگ» خود «خامنه ای» یا هر کس دیگریرا مورد اهانت قرار داده باشد؛ مگر این دلیل میشود که او را بگیرند و بعد هم بکشند. این نوع عریضه نویسی تلاش مخفیانه ایست برای مشروعیت بخشیدن به حکومت آخوندی و بس.


ارتجاع در اوج قدرت خود...

me mehran (not verified)

متاسفانه رهبر ج.ای. کارهای مهمتر از این قبیل مسائل را داره و اصلا تره هم به این جور چیزا خورد نمیکند. وب لاگ نویسی و کلا اینترنت یک غولیست که از شیشه بیرون آماده و این رو خود آقایان بهتر از هر کس دیگر میدانند. سایت این شهید باید حداقل تا محو رژیم آخوندی پا بر جا بماند.


With blogging alone nothing will change

by Arash Kamangir (not verified) on

Electronic mail (email) was invented as a convenient way of communication with others without meeting or facing them. I think we Iranians can agree on one thing that the mullahs will not be removed from power with blogging alone. We have to face the reality that the regime is tough, bloodthirsty and ruthless. Without anorganized resistance the mullahs will rule over us for the next 1000 years. The price of removing mullahs will be high. Now the question facing all of us is do we want to pay the price or not?


آدرس وبلاگ

habib222 (not verified)

آدرس وبلاگ امید رضا چیست وبلاگ امید رضا باید برای همیشه زنده بمونه.


ولا یت فقیه

shabaan ali (not verified)

اگر شما به خدا نامه بنویسید احتمال اینکه جواب بگیرید بیشتره. با خدا بیشتر می‌‌توانید رابطه برقرار کنید. میتوانید کارهای خدا را پیش بینی‌ کنید مثلا می‌‌توانید پیش بینی‌ کنید کی توفان میاید و شاید زلزله. منطق خدا بسیار روشن است و قابل فهم. اما ولا یت فقیه نه قابل پیشبینی‌ هست و نه قابل فهم. در یک کلام ولا یت فقیه بالا تر از خدا قرار دارد. همان چیزی که شرک می‌‌نامند.


korosh and 500

by IRANdokht on

You two are absolutely right! only cowards hide at times like this.

Would you please point out which one of the signatures listed above is yours? 

Thank you much



"Where are they??"

by Korosh (not verified) on

You are very right my friend. The coward, islamic agents and apologists who are constantly trying to avert the public's attention from the atrocities that happens in our country are nowhere to be found. They are cowards and they are by nature afraid of the Truth. They hide behind their fake university degrees from fake universities that ahmadinejad got his phd. They always use fictional or half-truths about what happens in the rest of the world to excuse for the ir blood thirsty regime and their appalling treatment of the innocent people.
Here are the tactics they use on every evidence of the criminal regime:

1-Denial: They first tactic is to deny that this has happened in ir even if you have videos or pictures to support the accusations. ie public beatings, stoning...

2-Justification: They try to justify ir criminal activities by siting fictional or half-true accusations of atrocities in other countries.

3-Ignore: This tactic is rarely used when there is irrefutable evidence against them. This case is one of those rare cases where all the ir apologists and agents hide themselves in the shadows and holes.

Let us dream and work towards a new Iran where all our citizens are treated with respect and human rights.


Where are Thous Smarties??

by Anonymous500 (not verified) on

I wonder where are all those nice, gentle, smart and peace loving, caring and non-"bacheh-porroo" Iranian-Americans who are so eager to lambast the USA over any issues, but are so silent when these crimes of the IRI are raised on this BB? Where are thou Iranian-Americans where are thou? Oh I got it!! The only thing that is of relevance to these smarties are the shorcomings of the USA, because after all, "we the non-bacheh-porroos live in this country, not in the IRI and therefore we can't be bothered with the problems of the IRI, but only with the problems of our new country, USA" right? Right!!
That is a kind of response that we could get from a non-"bacheh-poroo" who is not in need of the "sang-e paay-e Ghazvin"!!


I'm not a weblog nevis

by Ostaad on

Where do I sign?

Farhad Kashani

Criticism? You can’t even

by Farhad Kashani on

Criticism? You can’t even call this Fascist “Agha” (Mr.!)!


Khamenei is one of the top worst dictators in the world. With him around, Iran will never be free, nor prosperous, there will never be peace in the Middle East or the world and Islamic Fundamentalism Terrorism will never go away.


Khamenei and the 200 or so other IRI officials who have been running this regime for 30 years now are the mole.