
Interviewing for a position in porn industry

Zeba is a 20 year old Persian woman, originally from California, who is attending Ohio State University to become a veterinarian.


Recently by Ghormeh SabziCommentsDate
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day
Dec 02, 2012
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day
Dec 01, 2012
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day
Nov 30, 2012
more from Ghormeh Sabzi

zeba the prostitute

by maloos2004 on

there are woman like NEDA and there are stupid selfish ugly woman like 

Zeba.  Shame on you

little trash.


This is so sad.

by vildemose on

This is so sad.

ex programmer craig


by ex programmer craig on

I can respect your positions, and I know that you are sincere in your disapproval on moral grounds. And I agree with you... I certainly wouldn't want any woman in my family, or even any female friends, to be involved in the porn industry.

I do have problems with some of the regulars on this website who have no problem whatsover with prisoners being raped in iran, and probably have fantasies about being prison guards (say it ain't so, Mola!) pretending like they are outraged by a woman voluntarily deciding to work in the porn industry.

David ET

No they are not hypocrites or are they?

by David ET on

Yes and she has 8 siblings!

Rest assured that those who clap for Zeba's stupidity , are not hypocrites and if they ever happen to find out that by any chance their own sister, daughter, niece or cousin was on a hard core porn video they will proudly post it here and other places for sexual consumption of other fellow males too. In fact if some girl in family is in need of money for college , that is a smart option that they may propose.

No they are not hypocrites or are they? 

ex programmer craig


by ex programmer craig on

Zeba has had only 4 boyfriends and her current BF thinks she is doing nude solo modeling!

She is. All of her clips are solo.

ex programmer craig


by ex programmer craig on

Please send us the second video, part II of the show

I already found the real videos. You didn't? IRI must be getting pretty lazy about training its operatives these days. I guess that's a waste of effort, when they can make any accusations they want without proof, or just arrest people without makinbg any accusations at all. Well, I'm here to help and I'll be glad to email you the links if you like! She's pretty hot! Be careful your pants don't explode.

Mola Nasredeen

Zeba Jan,

by Mola Nasredeen on

Dear angel, Please listen to Shahre Hurt and send the dvds quickly.

Koochik shoma,


Shahre Hurt


by Shahre Hurt on

To Each His Own! Why do you think youre responsible for other people's sexual activities? Who gave you the moral authority to even comment about this issue? Are we still stuck in the era of "all women are whores except my grandma, my mom, my sister, my wife, and my daughter"? News flash: All women are not whores, and your women may well be!!! Everytime you sleep with a woman you should remind yourself that she is someones sister or daughter (I hope you leave alone the grandma, mom, or wife) But who cares? This young bright lady had the courage to say how she plans to pay for her education. She is not the best example for our younger generation, but she is an angel compared to the Hymen-Repaired Virgins from old country... Take your pick...and live with it...




Damet Garm Ziba, being a doctor is about giving and she is alaready getting that aspect going. Bedeh Ziba joon, bedeh. Damet Garm...

Mola Nasredeen

Zeba Khanoom,

by Mola Nasredeen on


I have a sick animal in need of quick veterinarian attention. Please send us the second video, part II of the show. Please include the price and shipping expenses. Hazrate shotor wants to know if you take credit cards and money order. We'll be at your clinic promptly after viewing part 2 of your performance. 

ghorbane shoma,



فراموش نشود که


فراموش نشود که در حال حاضر ٦٠٠ هزار زن بدکاره در تهران به برکت اسلام ناب محمدی به عنوان روسپی و به علت فقر و نیاز مالی تن فروشی می کنند. سر اقایان اسلام دوست سلامت. کلاهتان را بالاتر بگذارید و فقط به زیبا خانم کالیفرنیایی گیر دهید. ٦٠٠ هزار روسپی کجا و زیبا خانم کجا!

David ET

Here is the review by the site that took her films and photos

by David ET on

I guess you can take it from there. She will probably regret this un-erasable mark when she grows up......what a waste and exploitation of the gifts that she is blessed with .

Iranian or not this is a growing worldwide multi-million dollar commercial industry that feeds on exploiting young and yes many of them college girls (and boys). Be careful and talk to your youth! 

and no Koursoh this culture that you and the youth are being sold with that it is OK and smart to let total strangers sexually and psychologically degrade and abuse you privately and publiclly is not smart!!! 

I didn't write the following nor did the higlights, they did, the same ones who interviewed her and later took her films and photos. This is what they think and say about her and those like her: 

Zeba is a 20 year old Persian princess originally from California, and is attending Ohio State University to become a veterinarian.  Like most college students trying to find a part time job during school, Zeba is finding out that most employers want some work experience from the applicants.  Well lucky for Zeba, her employment venture in porn is the only industry were a young girl with no experience can start out at the top as a superstar, and then slowly works her way down to the smut gutter, LOL!!  When I asked Zeba how she got her name, she stated that her mother named her Zeba, which means “Beautiful one or Beautiful Child”.  I have a name for her….. Whore! LOL.  The Webster’s Dictionary defines “whore” as 1: a woman who engages in sexual acts for money.  Yep, Zeba is a whore, and she likes to explore her sexuality in anyway she can.  She stated to me that she often masturbates in her car during rush hour traffic; she just started watching porn regularly, and she has just recently gotten into girls.  When she gets drunk at college parties she likes to hit on cute girls and she has just recently had her first few lesbian experiences!  I just love exploiting young naïve girls that have limited sexual experience, but are to stupid to know what their limits should be.  From talking to Zeba, you know she is intelligent.  Unfortunately, in her own words, “I’m old enough to know better, but young enough not to care”.  Zeba has had only 4 boyfriends and her current BF thinks she is doing nude solo modeling!  I’m sure her boyfriend will care, along with her 8 brothers and sisters when they see what a college whore she is!  


To Payam

by koorosh10 on

Yes. I buy that she is a college student. I think a women could be beautiful and smart.


to Koorosh,

by پیام on

Do you really buy the story of she being a college student? It just sounds naughty and turns men on. You know what I am talking about. Come on man, get real. Admit it, you just wanna see het get busy.


This makes me proud to be an

by koorosh10 on

This makes me proud to be an Iranian. There is nothing wrong with this. If you are beautifull and have a great body, why not show it off. Go Zeba. You are also a good human being that you want to bocome a Vet and help animals. If some backward people have some problem with you, ignore them. They are jelous. I hope I see your picture on every magazines with your autography on it.    

gitdoun ver.2.0

i agree payam

by gitdoun ver.2.0 on

payam i agree this is corrupt and should have no place in a iranian society. but in a secular society "Everything and Anything GOES!!!"  if counseling, parents being involved hasn't stopped these kinds of activities in america why do u think they will be successful in iran??? 


Mola Nasredeen

"Where's the beef?"

by Mola Nasredeen on

I inquired.

"What beef?" said shotor.

"you know Hajagha, the beef... the beef for the scoreboard" I said.

"what scoreboard?" said he.

"the scoreboard to give points for Face, Hair, Pestoon, Paro pacheh, ghombol..."

He intruppted me: "Khejalat bekesh mola!"

And I went back looking at the pictures of the female candidates for the Ahmadi's cabinet talking to myself "Ajab teekeh hae, I wonder how they look like in a bikni?"

Hajagha was looking at me chap chap, he knew what I was thinking about. 


I am overwhelmed by your reactions.

by پیام on

I sometimes wonder what happened to "sharaf" and "gheyrat" among Iranians. The defence that whores and wanna be whores get here is overwhelming.

My 2 ct's: 

Well, it seems to me that people who see no harm in choosing a career as a pornstar (and act like they are at college and are just doing this to be able to pay for their school), are either out of their minds or are just the happy custumers of the porn industry. In the free Iran which me and my compatriots are struggling for, one will be able to choose a decent and productive career Those who choose to act indecent, are strongly adviced not to since this kind of behaviour degrades the society in it's whole.

And for you sex freaks, let us all enjoy real sex with our partners, and not the 21st century equivalent of it ( watching someone else doing it and getting off by that).


Does she have parents by any chance?

by Irooni on



Got to do it fast

by MRX1 on

Apparently even porn industry is not doing well these days and industry is in upheavel. She better do it fast before she ends up getting panuts for her talent.



by Q on

sounds like she is going to be a surgeon anyway. And you have to wonder what the other surgeons had to do to pay expensive medical school bills in this economy.

gitdoun ver.2.0

get used to this.....

by gitdoun ver.2.0 on

in a Secular iran..... there WILL be porn industries made and baked in Iran itself.   not to mention Swinger Clubs on city blocks (wife swapping) , Gay Clubs, and the likes.  benefits or price to pay for having a secular society??


Dear Ghormeh Sabzi

by Minoo66 on

Thank you for sharing your wife's academic achievements with us.

I'm pretty sure that, in this critical era of Iranian society, you've made your " Fundamentalist(Hezbollahi)" family and family-in-law very proud.


I'say - Each to their own, agha Payam

by Mamane-Omid on

She seems like an articulate inteligent young woman who knows what she wants to do. In a democrtic system its nobodys businees what one decieds to do, as long as there is no harm to others. So, get with it, please.


I wish her luck.




We have Iranian women being eye surgeons and we have this.

by پیام on

Dear god, pls give her some brain and bring her back to the right path . And let the dumb Americans act as porn stars and not our Iranian sisters.