It’s Your Business and No One Else’s!

Remember, you, as an Iranian are in charge of your own future


It’s Your Business and No One Else’s!
by Mateo Mohammad Farzaneh

To All Iranians:

Those who care to know about your objection to the 22 Khordad 1388/12 June 2009 presidential election results outside of Iran are well aware of the situation. They also know the response that you have received since it is well reported by all media outlets and video clips you post on-line. As an Iranian-born, child of the revolution, historian, teacher, and defender of freedom I ask you to look only within yourselves to help find the necessary remedies to solve your issue.

I can only speak historically when I inform you that I am not aware of any moment that the East or the West has ever helped any nation if they did not see something in it for themselves. If they assisted anyone, it’s been by default. You and Iran are no exception. Meaning, you should be aware if any non-Iranian entity tries to assist you because more likely than not they are doing it for their own sake. We cannot, once again, become victims of our own willful oblivion.

Do you remember when the Russians bombarded our nascent parliament in 1908 because they did not approve of an Iran that was ruled by law, order, and popular vote? Do you remember when the Iranians fought the British in their struggle to nationalize their oil industry in early 1950s and the end result was a coup by their friends, the Americans? Do you remember the hunger and destitution caused by the imposed sanctions in reaction to Dr. Mosaddeq’s success in ending the British oil monopoly while the United Nations was no where to assist you?

Do you remember your struggle during the 1979 Revolution, when neither the West nor the East took time to listen to your struggle, because it was not their concern since they did not think their interests would be threatened? But after they noticed that heavy political and financial loss was coming their way they did everything to thwart your efforts.

Do you remember the time that at one of the most dire situations in modern Iranian history, after the Revolution had been won and different factions were fighting for survival, Iraq under Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship (and later assisted by the French and Americans) attacked, invaded, occupied, raped, looted, and pillaged Iranian cities and citizens and after a while the West deemed appropriate to help the aggressor and not the victim?

Do you remember when the West (namely Germans) stocked Saddam’s chemical weapon’s arsenal and he in turn used them against Iranian fighters and no one objected? Remember that manufacturers of these weapons were busy lining their pockets and experimenting on humans while no animal could survive the effects of these chemicals. Are you aware that those fighters are amongst you and live a life that death is preferred over?

Do you remember when the Iran Air flight over the Persian Gulf was shut down by an American aircraft carrier in 1988 killing hundreds of innocent Iranians onboard, no one cared to assist you in objection to such an act? Do you see how the world has tried to stop the Iranian nuclear energy program and no one in the world cares to listen to the Iranians’ need for it but rather everyone is trying to do their best to stop it?

Remember, you, as an Iranian are in charge of your own future. Neither I nor any other person, irrespective of their genuine desire, can ask foreign powers to meddle into your affairs at this very sensitive time in history.

Power to the People and Remember the Past!




by jeromeco on

Each One of Us is A Very Precious Creation /There is no difference /We All Live Here Together on Our Shared Planet Earth & We Can Choose to offer Appropriate Love / Compassion / Generosity of Spirit / Wisdom & Understanding / and the quiet stillness of valid truth /There is no room across Our Shared Planet for Any Kind of Violence to Any Human Being /We Can Choose to hold hands together - All of Us – /We Are Each One of us Responsible for what We See & Hear on Our Streets /TV screens/Radios & Newspapers /When new choose not to help we bring into being other peoples’ Perspectives /When We Choose to Contribute Our Own Perspective We confront our own Unwillingness to take Personal Responsibility and we begin to leave that behind /We All Live Here on the Same Planet Together & We Have Our Chances to Choose Appropriate Love & Compassion alongside Wisdom & Courage /We Have the Challenge to try and understand there is no “Them-and-Us” / There is Only “Us” /There is No Difference




by Reza86 on

There is nothing like a dream to create the future. -Victor Hugo


wow--even after all i have

by Irani88 (not verified) on

wow--even after all i have seen this past week--you have managed to surprise me about the lack of depth & tact that some people have. She is risking her life for freedom and equality, and your response is to objectify her and others.



by Irani88 (not verified) on

When I see the brave men and women risking it all....for their right to freedom, the last thing I think is that they are waiting around for someone to come save them or to fight their war for them.

And I am certain that these guys know their history very very well.

However, as I see them, getting beaten, and shedding be able to walk around holding signs in english and chanting the slogans that reflect what's in their hearts, risking everything to take videos and risking even more by sending them to the world, I am certain that the support of the people around the world (not gov'ts but the people) brings much energy and a boost to their morale, and the knowledge that they are being heard, seen, and even sometimes the midst of their confusion, pain, excitement, resolve, and hope, to give them more power, more certainty, and even more courage!(not that they really need any...they seem to have plenty)

That is a distinction we all need to make.

You may know many facts about history, but i must say i think your knowledge of human psychology seems limited. Otherwise your tone, and even your verbiage....and especially your title would have been much much different.


protestor in the photo is very hot! Does she a need body guard?

by gol-dust on

She wants freedom! We need more women protestors against the regime.


Who has ever asked their people before, Fred?

by farokh2000 on

"Fred", I am not sure if you are an AIPAC agent or just a die hard supporter of those criminals.

Did U.S. President ask the Nation here for permission to build and drop the Nuclear Bombs on Japan?

Did GW ask the people of this Country for permission to attack Iraq and Afghanistan and murder all those innocent people, for no reason, whatsoever, besides taking their resources and their Country?

Did the Israeli Government ask it's people to build it's Nuclear arsenal to intimidate, attack and occupy all that land that they have and murder all the innocent people they have?

If you have followed the current news, you would know that United Nations "watch Dog" has never confirmed all the garbage that the Western Media and the U.S. claim about the the reasons for the Iranian Nuclear projects.

That doesnot mean the Mullahs are good people. They are evil, but they were also brought in by CIA, no?

If you don't agree, you can tell me who was protecting Khomeini in exile for more than 25 Years in Iraq and France and who brought the Shah in power before that.



Partialy true

by MRX1 on

Islamo facists recived all sort of logistical helps from Angelo American alliance in 1979. not to mention help from PLO killers. American reveloutioneries were supported by the french.Confdercy recived support and help from Brittain. Soviets recieved help from Americans in world war II and list goes on an on...

There is nothing wrong for asking help or support from some one else. This does not make you  an automatic stooge or a traitor. There are times in life you simply need help, specialy  if you are underdog or overwhelemed by supperior force.  I admire this attidute of doing it yourslef sort of thing but in a real world some times that simply won't fly.

rosie is roxy is roshan

It's my business too

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

because I say so.

And if you weren't referring to individual Westerners you should've been a little more meticulous with your use of language, especially at the beginning, which you can very easily since you speak that western English about as well as I do.

Oh I could go on and on about Obama's stance and the Brits  busting their asses with those new satellites, and facebook and twitter--Western all--nd this damn California-based website...

but why bother? I'll just leave you to your paranoia fest, you still haven't recovered from the Mongols salting your soil. This strated waaay before the Great Game, this...tone of yours. And a lot of it's the tone,not thecontent. Oh, so Iranians can grow and have this great new Revolution thanks to this (western technology-based) global village, but no other people's consciousness could be raised.  Obama risked his political

 reputation to stay neutral just was all a trick, you see..

he was trying to trick you.

Oh and one more thing: why don't people like you stop saying that iranians WERE BRIBED BY Kermit Roosevelt and start saying Iranians TOOK BRiBES?

From every single sector of the society, for him to pull off that coup-Iranians TOOK BRIBES.

And some took cheap ones at that.


Ya know what? I don't like vour tone.

(But I'm sure you just loooved mine).

Warmest regards,

Morgan Shuster



Don't concern yourself

by Fred on

You tip your hand where you say: “Do you see how the world has tried to stop the Iranian nuclear energy program and no one in the world cares to listen to the Iranians’ need for it but rather everyone is trying to do their best to stop it?” 

The shallowness of your nuke argument resembles a certain self described “world famous scientist” nuke lover.  Where did you get that Iranian people wanted the nuclear program in the first place, when were they asked about it to be put ahead of so many dire needs that they have due to the mismanagement and thievery by the Islamist republic?

When was the first time that this murderous Islamist regime cared for Iran or Iranians to start now with the nuke?


The Islamist republic has been exposed so have all its little helpers, what the people of Iran could really use is for the usual suspects to take a long vacation and leave them be. They got their hands full with the Islamist cutthroats trying hard to murder more of them at the moment to worry about an illegal full cycle nuke program which even the Egyptian has finally “got the gut feeling” what it is all about.  The Nuke that you all want the Islamists to have to insure their rule is a poison pill for the Iranians. Go sell it somewhere else.



by gorbeapashmalo (not verified) on


After being victims of multiple false and propagandistic media campaigns one would think that we would be able to read between the lines when our mainstream media sources act in lockstep with one another in marketing the agenda du jour.
Have we already forgotten the “flowers and candy” which the gracious Iraqi people were going to greet us with? You know, as “Liberators.” The weapons of mass destruction? The fear campaign waged against us to surrender our national treasure to a few Wall Street firms? When the mainstream media moves together in uniform, repeating the same talking points, it’s time to get suspicious, not complacent.
As soon as Ahmadinejad was declared the victor in Iran’s election EACH of our mainstream media sources were ready to cry foul and dismiss the results as an “obvious” fraud (see links below). One might think that a functioning media would produce ONE inquisitive reporter that was brave enough to even entertain the idea that Ahmadinejad, the incumbent with extremely high support in the country’s rural and poor areas, actually won. Unfortunately, we don’t have reporters like that in our mainstream media (which is why their readership continues to plummet).
If you doubt that the Iranian election media bombardment was deliberate, ask yourself - Do you know who won last months Panamanian election ? Did you even know there was an election? It’s not your fault if you don’t. Actually, I don’t see how you could know without a functioning media.
Have you heard much about the democratic elections in Saudi Arabia lately? Of course not. They don’t have elections. Any media outrage for the people of Saudi Arabia? A country ruled by one of the most repressive regimes on the planet. But hey, they’re our allies. We don’t talk about them (and certainly won’t tweet it).
What about the 2006 (monitored) democratic election in Gaza in which the people resisted western threats and bribes and elected Hamas as their leader? We responded by punishing the people of Gaza and cutting aid to the region. Well, they committed a supreme crime. They voted the wrong way and must be punished for it. I’m waiting for a sympathetic #GazaElection hashtag on Twitter, though I won’t hold my breathe.
Have you heard ANYTHING from the mainstream media of the democratically elected governments that we REMOVED? The fact is that we don’t care about democratic elections.
Dr. Michael Parenti, is one of the nations leading political scholars. In his book “Against Empire,” Parenti tells us that “The United States has overthrown democratically elected governments in Guatemala, Guyana, The Dominican Republic, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Syria, Indonesia, Greece, Argentina, Bolivia, Haiti, and numerous other nations were overthrown by pro-capitalist militaries that were funded and aided by the US national security state.”
The #IranElection hype has nothing to do with democracy and everything to do with effecting US public opinion. Why are “Iranian’s” microblogging in English and on Twitter (which they do NOT use)? According to Mehdi Yahyanejad, manager of a Farsi-language news site based in Los Angeles, “Twitter’s impact inside Iran is, there is lots of buzz, but once you look . . . you see most of it are Americans tweeting among themselves.” The Alexa rankings confirm that Twitter’s penetration in Iran is nearly 0%.
The United States is the last country on earth that Iran wants attention from. They certainly don’t want us involved in their elections. We’ve already removed a democratically elected government in Iran during the 1953 coup d’etat of Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed Mosaddeq. I’d venture to guess that most of the people expressing sympathy for the “Iranian Students” on twitter would have a hard time finding Iran on a map. Those that could would quickly realize that on either side Iran’s borders lies 2 countries which we are very familiar with - Iraq and Afghanistan. Both of which are militarily occupied by our armies. Both ruled by our puppet governments.
Ask yourself - If Iran’s army invaded and occupied both Canada and Mexico, would we want their “Help”? Would we find popular Iranian websites and keep them informed of our nation’s vulnerabilities in their native Farsi?
The media campaign, however obvious it is to some of us, has probably been successful. I’ll bet that if you poll the American people today (and they probably will), you’d find that 40-50% would support military involvement in Iran to “Help” with their elections. I’d also assume that those 40-50% are the same people (more or less) who believed we invaded Iraq because of 9-11, another testament to the effectiveness of propaganda marketing.