Cursing Bahais is cursing Islam

Another Bahai cemetery vandalized


Cursing Bahais is cursing Islam
by Parvaneh A. Farid

How interesting it is to see that contradictions are boiling in Iran in all matters.

Bahais are the largest religious minority in Iran with an official population of 300,000 members and many many more who have become Bahais but, for their own safety, have not registered. In other words, any individual who believes Bahaullah is the Manifestation of God for today and believes in all the other past religions and believes that the teachings that Bahaullah has brought to humanity are the healing message to the world is actually a Bahai.

The concept of Human Rights is a vague one in Iran and is hardly being practiced in any aspect of lives of the people in society. Because of this Bahais suffer - as do others. Others such as the those who want to bring knowledge to the minds of the people, be it journalists, university students and teachers, women who have realized they have rights which have been hidden from them, and many others.

Bahais all around the world, with the population of 5 and half million, are trying hard to see how they can, based on the teachings of Bahaullah, learn to live and make the world a better place. Their motto is as Bahaullah said: “All men have been created to carry forward an ever-advancing civilization.”

Elsewhere we learn that for that to be realized by all of us we need education - spiritual education, material education, and human education. This is beautifully exemplified in a series of courses which Bahais worldwide are going through and inviting others to participate in. These are the so called “Ruhi courses”.

In the very first of the series one learns that “The betterment of the world can be accomplished through pure and goodly deeds“. This is the very first quotation that a group of people who decides to go through the course discuss with each other.

Later they learn “Truthfulness is the foundation of all human virtues.” and then they discuss what other virtues there are and why truthfulness is the foundation. Later in this course there is a section about what prayer actually is. And we learn that according to the Bahai writings it is a loving conversation with God, the sweetest state in the whole creation and quoting the Prophet Mohammad: ”it is a ladder with which soul ascends to the spiritual world.”

Nearly two weeks ago another Bahai cemetery was vandalized by ignorant men in Iran. This time in Semnan. They also scribbled some graffiti: “Down to Bahais, down to Ruhi courses!” [photos (1) (2)]

To them I have a kind invitation to just learn what the Ruhi courses are about. To those men who are so full of fear that they cannot even see the grave of a Bahai, I reach out my hand and ask you to sit down and be calm for a few moments and reflect on what you are doing. Have you ever sat down to reflect? Are you Muslims who recite your obligatory prayers 3 times every day? Are you people who wash your faces and hands before your prayers?

I suggest that you look in the mirror right above the water basin and look into your own eyes and connect to your soul… and let your prayer be a real one such as that one in the scriptures of Islam which Bahais also quote from. We love the Prophet Mohammad. We love Islam. Do you?



modest bahais?

by another cabbage (not verified) on

واقعا چه آدم های از خود راضی هستند که به خود "treasure" میگویند


Its hard to reason with

by badem (not verified) on

Its hard to reason with religious people like you. your biggest problem is that you cant differentiate a person from (Ideology, Religion, etc ...). These are something a person subscribes to and they are open for debate and criticism. I am against organized religion of any sort and will criticize it. You want to take that as insult or being disrespectful to you, then that's your problem, deal with it.

There are no data on the youth of Iran and their religious believes. But even the government of Iran has admitted that Iranian youth are not as religious as they were years ago. This is not a surprise, its following a global trend as well as their resistance against Iran's theocracy. This is fantastic in my mind and i totally welcome this. It can promise a better future for our people.

The problems that the youth are struggling with in Iran are tremendous; unemployment, poverty, drugs, hopelessness etc. But this doesn't mean that i have to welcome the Baha'i faith as a solution. And please before you start preaching me about reading about bahai faith I must say I have done my homework and know about bahai faith. I admit it has some good stuff in it like the strong emphasis on education. but all of that comes with a package which includes organized religion. That i can not stand. especially when they come here and brag about how they are the "treasure of [Iran]". If you are the treasure then what are the rest of Iranians? Cabbage? .... you might as well start a "bahai supremacy" gang... hehe

This humble "Cabbage of Iran" will fight for your rights to study, practice your religion and have every other right that every other Iranian has but will give you a very hard time if you try to brain wash the youth with your religious believes ;)


Treasure بودن ربطی به دین نداره

IranianForEver (not verified)

Treasure بودن ربطی به دین نداره

همه انسانها مثل گلهای رنگارنگ یک باغ هستند.تفاوت رنگها و تفاوت عطرها باعث زیبایی باغ شده. خانم شیرین عبادی هموطن مسلمان ما خانم مری اپیک هموطن مسیحی مااقای دلشاد هموطن کلیمی ما دکتر فرهنگ مهر هموطن زرتشتی ما و اقای حسین امانت هموطن بهایی ما.

"Beware of prejudice! Light is good in whatsoever lamp it is burning. A rose is beautiful in whatsoever garden it may bloom. A star has the same radiance whether it shines from the east or from the west."



by Elham Tofigh (not verified) on

Badem, you talk about respect, but write disrespectful. Don't you think that those people who truly believe in Islam or Bahaism would get offended by your comments? Is that respect?

I agree with you that a great number of ignorant people "sheepishly follow the mullahs", but I do not agree with you that the younger generation is not interested in spirituality. You should talk for your self and not on behalf of a generation. Besides, do you really think youth in Iran are happy with drugs, declining morals and no goals in life? If that is great news to you, then I really have pity for you.


Treasures of Iran

by Ajang Farid (not verified) on

Dear Mehraban,

Your question as to why Baha'is may be referred to as "treasures of Iran" is very important. However, before making vague conclusions it is neccessary to investigate a little: Baha'is in Iran (as well as around the globe) are deeply engaged in making this planet earth a better place, through moral education of our future generation, the children and the youth, through training men and women alike to be creators of peace in the family, through acts of service to society, through social economic development projects to create social justice, and much more. The skills to do so are learnt in the these so called Ruhi courses, which are open to all - total transparency. Since Baha'is don't have a clergy, these courses are inter-active venues where everyone can share his/her thoughts and LEARN from each other. There is no priest or mullah who imposes his personal interpretations on masses who follow man made doctrines blindly! Shouldn't the warning sign go off in our heads when innocent children, youth and adult are oppressed, because the clergy fears losing its influence?

As human beings, being endowed with the gift of understanding, we should all investigate ourselves what it is that Baha'is do in Iran and why they may be considered by many as "treasurers of Iran".

As to the definition of the Baha’i Faith being a religion or a sect, I can again only invite you to investigate and see for yourself that it is an independant religion with its own Divine Revelation and Manifestation of God, which main purpose is to unite the peoples of the earth… a unity in diversity.

Recently I saw this very insightful video, which adresses the Iranian people. I find the last sentence of this video very befitting for all of us:

„Open your eyes, open your mind, open your heart!”



I don't have anything against Bahais

by Mehrban on

But I have to wonder why someone here says they are the treasures of Iran?

Actually I do not know much about them but it seems to me like an organized religion, sect (depending on your definition) and this article with the Ruhi courses and loving conversation with god, and come and see for yourself , etc. sounds a bit like things that make a warning sign go off in my head. 


Criminals cannot run away from justice

by ساسان کردستانی (not verified) on

حکم دستگیری عمرالبشیر؛ پیامی به سران رژیم تهران

امروز بالاخره از طرف دادستان دادگاه بین المللی لاهه، حکم دستگیری عمرالبشیر رییس جمهور سودان رسمأ صادر شد. او به اتهام سواستفاده از قدرت و نسل کشی مردم فقر زده و بی پناه دارفور، باید هرچه زودتر در مقابل دادگاه لاهه ظاهر شود.

رییس جمهور سودان به شکنجه، تجاوز به عنف و مرگ و نابودی صدهاهزار نفر از مردم دارفور در خلال سالهای اخیر متهم شده است.

ما در سال های اخیر موارد مشابهی را در مورد سرکردگان یوگوسلاوی سابق و رهبران سابق عراق و ....شاهد بوده ایم، اما در این زمینه آنچه اهمیت دارد این است که عمر البشیر هم اکنون در قدرت است و بر صندلی ریاست جمهوری کشور سودان تکیه زده است !

عمر البشیر هرگز تصور نمی کرد روزی پایش به دادگاه بین المللی کشیده شود، آنهم هنگامی که در مصدر قدرت قرار دارد.

آیا این اخبار به گوش رهبران جمهوری اسلامی در ایران می رسد ؟

آیا آنها می دانند که جنایتکاران امروزه نمی توانند از دست عدالت فرار کنند؟ و حتا زمانی که با تکیه بر تفنگ و زور و شکنجه و زندان و اعدام بر 70 ملیون انسان ایرانی فقر زده حکومت می کنند باز دست عدالت هر آن می تواند گردن آنها را بگیرد و به دادگاه بکشد؟

آیا زمان آن نرسیده تا یکبار به کارنامه 30 ساله خود نگاهی بکنند و از خود بپرسند پس از عمر البشیر ممکن است نوبت آنان باشد؟


سه دانشجوی بهایی از دانشگاه سهند تبریز اخراج شدند

فعالان حقوق بشر در ایران (not verified)

2009 Wednesday 04 March
سه دانشجوی بهایی از دانشگاه سهند تبریز اخراج شدند
فعالان حقوق بشر در ایران

سه دانشجوی پزشکی دانشگاه سهند تبریز به دلیل دیانت بهایی خود از دانشگاه اخراج شدند.

روز گذشته مورخه 13 اسفند، سه تن از دانشجویان مهندسی پزشکی دانشگاه سهند تبریز به دلایل نامعلوم و به گفته مدیریت این دانشگاه به دستور سازمان سنجش آموزش کشور سایت تحصیلی آنان بسته شده و از انتخاب واحد وثبت نام برای ترم آینده ممنوع شدند.

سینا دانا ، سماء نورانی و فراز وزیرزاده سه دانشجوی بهایی اخراجی هستند . پیگیری این دانشجویان برای مشخص شدن دلیل اخراجشان نیز تا کنون با قطع تلفن از سوی مدیریت دانشگاه پاسخ داده شده است.

لازم به یادآوری است اخراج و محرومیت از تحصیل دانشجویان بهایی در جمهوری اسلامی سابقه ای طولانی دارد.

Mona 19

از پس زندگان برنیامدی با مردگان در آویز...

Mona 19

Say: "O people of the Book! Do ye disapprove of us for no other reason than that we believe in Allah, and the revelation that hath come to us and that which came before (us), and (perhaps) that most of you are rebellious and disobedient?" Holy Quran 5:59

Persecution of Bahais in Iran







Love the poem Rostam-e zaal

by Parvaneh A Farid (not verified) on

Dear Rostam-e-zaal

Thank you very much for the beautiful poem, we indeed can make it with a little help from our friends.


Cursing Islam is a great service to Iranians

by badem (not verified) on

I find this article very silly. Is the author trying to appeal to the Muslim's of Iran? Since when Muslim's care about Bahai's? There are not many Muslim's left in iran. there are those who sheepishly follow the mullahs and then there are those who know the whole thing is a massive bs but like to pretend its not for obvious reasons.

The younger generation wants to distance itself from any sort of spirituality and religion for that matter. which is great news.

Any person in Iran has to be respected and have all his/her rights reserved. Not because he or she follows or not follows a certain religion. We have had enough of your religious people and your game with peoples emotions.

Just talk about human rights and leave out the hocus pocus. believe me, we will understand you and respect you a lot more.

someone said: "The Baha’is are really treasures of that[iran] land." I would say !!! WTF. Is there no limits to your self-complacency?

at the end i would like to add "Haj Asghar" must be hallucinating. hehe


Why Injustice towards Orthodox Baha'is ?

by Orthodox Baha'i (not verified) on


Dearest Haj Asghar

by scb (not verified) on

Dearest Haj Asghar

Wonderful. If what you say is true, it explains why the mollahs are so grim and desperate.

On the other hand, the Baha'i Faith ORIGINATED IN IRAN from the HAND OF AN IRANIAN!! Why shouldn't Iranians find it compelling? Here is a religion that is meant to be universal and for which nobody forces anyone, ever.

"Verily, this is that Most Great Beauty foretold in the Books of the Messengers, through whom truth shall be distinguished from error, and the wisdom of every command shall be tested."

Tell this to the bazaris from me also: "Allah'u'Abha!"


Thank you for this article.

by Fareed (not verified) on

Thank you for this article. I, too, am ashamed how bahais are treated in Iran. Little do the oppressors know, that bahais are a treasure in our country.


Do Baha'is love Orthodox Baha'is ?

by Orthodox Baha'i (not verified) on

Do Baha'is love Orthodox Baha'is ?
Why UHJ is always asking to shun the Orthodox Baha'is ?
Why so much fear of Orthodox Baha'is ?
Why Injustice is being done to them ?


تخریت قبرستان بهائیان در سمنان

AnonymousA. (not verified)

تخریت قبرستان بهائیان در سمنان

شامگاه سه شنبه 29 بهمن ماه گلستان جاوید( گورستان بهاییان) سنگسر مورد
هجوم واقع شد. غسال خانه این محل به آتش کشیده شد و حدود 50 سنگ قبر تخریب گردید.
این در حالیست که چندی قبل با مسئولین جامعه بهایی سمنان تماس گرفته شده و به آنها تذکر داده شده است که اجازه دفن اموات خود را در گورستان بهاییان سنگسر ندارند.
آنچه بر شگفتی می افزاید این است که هیچ اجازه ای توسط دولت برای تاسیس گورستانی در شهر سمنان نیز به بهاییان داده نشده است و در عین حال بهاییان سمنان اجازه به خاک سپردن عزیزان خود را در گورستان سنگسر هم ندارند. مدتی بعد از این تماس ، تخریب و آتش زدن گلستان جاوید سنگسر صورت می گیرد.
علاوه بر آزار و اذیت رو به تزاید بهاییان در سراسر ایران، سمنان مورد حملات ویژه قوای دولتی قرار گرفته است.یورش بیگاه به منازل 20 خانواده بهایی، دستگیری صهبا رضوانی و اعلان محکومیت 3 سال و 8ماه حبس تعزیری، سخنرانی و توهین و تهمتهای روحانیون در مدارس، نوشتن شعارهایی بر ضد بهاییان بر دیوارها، ایجاد محدودیتهای شغلی و ارتباطی برای شاغلین و دستگیری و حبس عادل فنائيان، طاهر اسكندريان ، عباس نوراني و اینک تخریب و آتش زدن گورستان آنان.
سوالی که در اذهان می گردد و به هیچ منطقی گرههای کورش گشوده نمی شود اینست که اگر یک بهایی در سمنان از دنیا برود چه باید بکند؟ در سمنان که اجازه تاسیس گورستان داده نشده است در سنگسر هم اجازه دفن بهاییان سمنانی داده نمی شود پس با این اجساد بر جای مانده چه می توان کرد؟.
20 سال پیش ماجرایی مشابه این اتفاق در کرج روی داد. اجساد بو گرفته که از سوی دولت جواز دفن بدیشان داده نمی شد توسط چند بهایی به مقابل در شهرداری کرج منتقل شد زیرا جایی برای خاک نمودن آنها وجود نداشت. آن چند نفر به اتهام ایجاد ضوضای عمومی، 15 سال از عمر خود را در زندان به سر بردند.
اینست سرزمینی که جای آب در جویهایش خون جاریست و جای دل در سینه های مسئولینش ، سنگ.



Sadly, so many Iranians

by Manijeh H (not verified) on

Sadly, so many Iranians living abroad today are ashamed by the actions of Iran in the name of Islam. I agree that cursing the Baha’is is cursing Islam. The Baha’is are really treasures of that land. “The True One is come evident as the shining sun; O pity that He should have come into the city of the blind!"

Rostam - e - zaal

What would you do if I sang

by Rostam - e - zaal on

What would you do if I sang out of tune,
Would you stand up and walk out on me.
Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song,
And I'll try not to sing out of key.
Oh I get by with a little help from my friends,
I get high with a little help from my friends,
Oh I'm gonna try with a little help from my friends.

What do I do when my love is away.
How do I feel by the end of the day
(Are you sad because you're on your own)
No, I get by with a little help from my friends,
Mmm I get high with a little help from my friends,
Mmm I'm gonna to try with a little help from my friends

Do you need anybody?
I need somebody to love.
Could it be anybody?
I want somebody to love.

Would you believe in a love at first sight?
Yes I'm certain that it happens all the time.
What do you see when you turn out the light?
I can't tell you, but I know it's mine.
Oh I get by with a little help from my friends,
Mmm I get high with a little help from my friends,
Oh I'm gonna try with a little help from my friends


only 300,000?

by Haj Asghar (not verified) on

Ammo where you got your numbers? From mollahs? I go to bazar in down town. Instead of the usual alloakbar, all I hear is allahoabha. I think you should ask bazaris how many. Easy 10% if not more. Many dont say because of perseution but in heart they are bahais. May be there are 300,000 moslamon left in iran but all the rest are bahai, jew, christian, jahova vitness, armanie, evangelic, catholic, mormen. Not that many come out and say but ask bazaries. They have their ears to the floor. They know new trends because they want to make money. You go to their homes they pray toward West not South. They put Khomaini's picture on the south wall so they gooz to him when they dolla o rast (dont know how to say that in English).

Mollahs finished eslam. Like comunist finished comunist. Now mollahs are praying for obama to revive islamic republic. If he sides with people of Iran, mollahs are finished. If he becomes like carter, regan, bush father, playboy and bush son, may be mollahs have one two years more life. But I assure you mollahs are finished. No oil money. No mollah. Just like shah. Arabistan, in your 1976 year over produced oil, shah ran out of money and could not pay salaries so bazaries raised prices and strike and shah fell. Now the same thing. Arabistan is over producing oil. Mollahs running out of money. Bazaries increasing prices 50%. One push and mollahs are finished. If obama does not side with mollahs. they are finished forever. If obama is moslamon and wants to save mollahs then we have to wait until new president in us.


gee we are a danger to the world...

by Terry (not verified) on

God forbid should we teach our follwers to behave as Bahaullah commanded...

where are the SEALS....