MSNBC: Happy 13888

Rachel Maddow congratulates Iranian on new year


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wrong calander

by MRX1 on

wish every one stop using this stupid omati calander that has nothing to do with Noruz or Iran period!



by airforcewife (not verified) on

For years ..None of the US officials or media even pretend like we I think this is a good sign.....they just might got it , how important the Norowz is for us ...
Also: thank u Mr.Bacheh Shir about mentioning that Islam and norowz are not the same thing.....I don't think western world has a clue about IRAN and our traditions....if they really want to make some progress , they need to start lisiting and reading.
Eid hameghy mobarak....


now let's see if there is

by nima-usa (not verified) on

now let's see if there is gonna be any real policy changes on either side.


Nowrooz is Persian not Islamic!

by Bacheh Shir (not verified) on

Nowrooz is a Persian New Year celebration and is actually goes back more than 3000 years. And it shouldn’t be confused with year 1388 which is based on Islamic calendar.


Dear Tafreshi

by Majid on

Thank you and I agree with you 100%.

Check this out, you're going to like this one as well.



Thank you Rachel for mentioning our Norooze on your show.

by Sialashgar on

For that I love you.

You are a great human being befitting a lady of




Mr Majid, thanks for posting this clip

by Tafreshi on

The recognition of Iranian peoples' New Year is an encouraging sign. The mention of Iranian New Year by President Obama, Michael Honda (US member of congress), Rachel Maddow and others will help for a real dialogue between Iranians and Americans. Thanks for posting it.