Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
I wish the Pahlavi family,
by ganselmi on Wed Mar 18, 2009 02:54 PM PDTI wish the Pahlavi family, especially HIM Reza Pahlavi II, all the very best for the Persian New Year - Norouzetaan pirouz!
Agha, 2 Kilo paneer...
by Saman on Wed Mar 18, 2009 02:53 PM PDTThe intense drum roll/background music + voice echo reminded me of Grim Reaper wishing me a happy New Year!
If I didn't speak Farsi, I'd probably mistake this for a North Korean, communist propaganda PSA!
Long live Iranian feta cheese (3rd-world Persian Varriors).
"Irandokht".....get off your high horse
by Anonymousfishgirl (not verified) on Wed Mar 18, 2009 02:20 PM PDTYou live in an idealistic dream world....
this guy is a joke...his family is a joke.......
Happy Nurooz to all Iranians
by farokh2000 on Wed Mar 18, 2009 02:06 PM PDTI am not sure if by showing up in public forums he is trying to apologize for his Dad's actions, or remind people that no matter how bad his Dad was, he was better than the current Mullahs, or does he feel he represents leadership for the future, or what?
To me, he is another one of those filthy rich who stole millions from the people of Iran and have a wonderful life in the West.
Is he sincere? I doubt it.
Does he represent anyone? I don't think so.
Happy Nurooz to all.
by capt_ayhab on Wed Mar 18, 2009 01:43 PM PDTYou asked [.......what has he done?....]
Just like his father... NOTHING
get over it!
by bob (not verified) on Wed Mar 18, 2009 01:19 PM PDThe is just saying happy new year. is that not a good thing?
let the man have his peace. if he wants to say happy new year then let him.
what his dad did is what his dad should answer for.
oh over thing, we iranian have to get over this thing of being rude to one other. it has to stop that is why we have crazy people ruling iran now.
be kind to one other no matter what everyone view points are.
happy norooz!
Hi Kaveh
by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on Wed Mar 18, 2009 12:45 PM PDTI'm referring to his "serious talks" about Iran as well as the many things he has said about Iran. I've even read his crappy pamphlet of a book. He's worthless and so is this "message". Now if you're saying that his interviews and what he has said about his potential as a "monarch" are not important, then what the hell is he even giving these messages for?
Two fictinal books
by Iranyvaliazad on Wed Mar 18, 2009 12:39 PM PDTI lost interest when I saw that filthy book right next to Shahnameh ... two fictional books, Shahnameh promotes all the good will and love for the country and the other is for satan & death worshipers ... A person who doesn't have the sense to not mix these books or at least not to bring the filthy book to happy cermonial table doesn't have sense to do anything else.
Mr. Reza ... countless Iranians have lost their heads because of what is written in that filthy book ... remove that book from your life.
Past Actions?
by Kaveh Nouraee on Wed Mar 18, 2009 12:00 PM PDTThey guy has supposedly never worked a day in his life, has had everything handed to him (rather it was supposedly stolen then handed to him), has never done anything for Iran.
I'm sorry, I don't see where "action" comes into play, past, present or otherwise. Other than appearing here and there in the media, what has he really done? I'm not saying this to credit or discredit him, but really, what has he done?
Maybe what it's about is that some people are actually afraid of him returning to Iran to claim the throne. I doubt that will ever happen. Nothing is going to change in Iran because we can't get our act together.
It's just 70 million people going in 70 million different directions.
Dear "Crush", Dear "IRANdokht", Dear "capt_ayhab",
by MiNeum71 on Wed Mar 18, 2009 11:47 AM PDTjust stay my fellow travellers and take it easy, Reza Pahlavi isn´t responsible for his dad´s xxx; probably he will never see his Iran again, and that is sad enough (as for many of us).
I wish you Merry Eid ;)
No Kaveh It's NOT about the "norooz message" at all
by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on Wed Mar 18, 2009 11:45 AM PDTThat's the point. The comments from this video immediately went to "reza pahlavi goh mikhoreh". Why? When reza talks, thanks to his past actions, he is not giving a sincere happy norooz. Even if he was, he has ruined his ability to do this. He's a hack a political phony at best. This has nothing to do with Norooz. Don't turn this on the people who don't like him.
Why else was this posted here if not to arouse a debate about his sincerity? Why would a Pahlavi ever post a happy message on the internet? It's all advertisement and nothing more. All the other days of the year he's up to his bs and this one is not different. Why doesn't he come on this site himself and post a message? he is obviously too good and busy I suppose? Whatever the reason, it nulls any sincerity contained in his "message".
I'm willing to put aside my kind sweet manners for this in order to call him out. But don't worry, it will only reflect on ME not you.
To Those Of You Who Loathe Reza Pahlavi
by Kaveh Nouraee on Wed Mar 18, 2009 11:24 AM PDTWhy are you devoting so much energy towards your hatred of him?
And over what? A New Year's greeting?
If you didn't want to hear from him, then why did you click on the "play" button to hear and see this?
You get so upset and worked up, thinking if he burps, he's trying to claim the throne.
C'mon, the only "throne" he will likely ever sit on says:
American Standard
1.6 Gallons Per Flush
And so what if he gained some weight? Do you look the same as you did in 1979? 1989? 1999?
It's funny (funny strange not funny ha-ha) that Reza and his family got kicked out of Iran, and yet he and his mother still manage to somehow display a measure of dignity, even though they know how much some people loathe them. Meanwhile, the mollahs have been saying "khaak bar saret" to all of us for the past 30 years and yet they're still treated with reverence.
by Iran parast (not verified) on Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:50 AM PDTBar Shahe Javan Durood bar Sardar Sepah Ariyamehr buzorg va Shahbavoy gerami Javid Shahanshay Iran
Took the words out of my mouth
by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:35 AM PDTThanks Captain. My sentiments too.
Irandokht, this isn't about Norooz. Reza Pahlavi is not just "anybody" wishing us Norooz. If he wants to be just an "anybody", he should ONLY deliver Norooz wishes to people, rather than go on Fox News or go to Czech Republic for Regime Change seminars.
You're probably a much nicer lady than I am and that is why what I wrote about Reza Pahlavi bothered you. But honestly, his comments are not sincere and I don't take him seriously. Maybe that's why I always find myself talking about his weight and stoutness. There's nothing else of substance to him except his kilograms.
by capt_ayhab on Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:15 AM PDTI know I was being a bit childish, but perhaps that was my way of showing my disgust for the entire ilk of Reza Mir5.
Him and his son are sole responsible party for the mess we are in right now. Shah's failure as a leader, as monarch, as a human being proved to be disastrous for our nation.
How many times did he flea the country like the BOZDEL he was? And who says that being a leader is birthright of this Reza #2. What kind of leadership qualities has he demonstrated in past 30 years?
Some say he is good man. Let me ask a question, how much money did he donate to people of Bam after earthquake? Let me guess, he was too busy [flirting] with AIPAC, and donating to their cause. The guy is incapable of managing his own finances let alone the rest.
I personally see NO sincerity in his actions nor his words. New year is just another photo-op for this guy.
Please upset nabash ba man, You know I have world of respect for you and I sincerely appreciate your support of me. In this case let me vent my anger of this loser.
Regards and Sale noe mobarak @--}---------- [A rose masalan]
c'mon you guys
by IRANdokht on Wed Mar 18, 2009 09:50 AM PDTMarge and Capt'n
you know I love and respect you both, and we agree on many things, so I have a question to ask you: what does it matter how chubby he's gotten?
Someone says Norooz mobarak, just say same to you and move on. His message was nice and hopeful and he did not mention monarchy or any claim on the throne (he's never done that as far as I know)
Is it really necessary to make fun of the way he looks?
آخه پسرم
امیر کبیر انگشت بدهان و غیره (not verified)Wed Mar 18, 2009 09:46 AM PDT
یعنی آنقدر سر ایشان شلوغ بود که باید شاگرد خواربار فروش محله، آنهم با بینی گرفته و سرما خورده نطق آقای شازده-دوفر را بخواند؟
صد رحمت به ابوی ایشان که اقلا نطق عیدش را خودش میخواند و یکی دوبار جرات کرد از انگلیس کمی انتقاد کند ولی پول زیاد انسان را گاهی بسکوت مرگبار میکشد.
این جوان هم باید از اول دست از این سیاست بازیها میکشید و میرفت مثل بسیاری از جوانهای زحمتکش در یک شعبه مرسدس بنز کاری میگرفت و گذران عمر از جیب خودش میکرد.
Another year, another new pant size for Reza
by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on Wed Mar 18, 2009 09:34 AM PDTMiNeum : Reza is DYING to be that "moral authority". hahahaha. He has publicly said that he's "open to a constitutional monarchy because Iranian people need a uniting post such as king." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. I'm telling you. This guy. Any guy.... don't they wish to be the fatso who gets the chicks and nice suits in order to say "Iranians are proud of their country". Screw Reza Pahlavi.
Captain Jan, He would look great on a big package of Sadaf products, judging by the jolly and stout physical appearance. Shekam is always relevant.
by ali123 (not verified) on Wed Mar 18, 2009 09:09 AM PDTall you haters that keep bashing this poor guy should go read some books about iran's history in the past century.....and you should then go kiss the grave of reza shah for what he did for iran in the midst of a bunch of uneducated, backward akhoonds who were trying to keep iran stuck in the 14th century.
go and kiss his grave, because without him, the mullahs and the british would have brought iran to it's needs back in the 1930's instead of the 70s.....
javid iran!
Best Wishes
by Abol Hassan Danesh (not verified) on Wed Mar 18, 2009 08:50 AM PDTBesh wishes for all for the incoming Persian New Year.
Happiness, prosperity, health, wisdom for all! Amen
(I am still struggling to improve my english-- apparently there is no end in sight :)
Baba, he is just saying Happy New Year!!!
by listen_and_watch (not verified) on Wed Mar 18, 2009 08:47 AM PDTMan, you guys! He is just saying Happy New Year!
Why are you reacting as if he is reading you his new constitution or claiming to be the next shah?!!
He is just saying Happy New Year -- for God's sake!
It would be expected that he do that. He is Iranian.
Don't forget that if Mullah's could ban Norooz holiday, they would in a second. Mullah's HATE Norooz because it does not have anything to do with Islam. We Iranians have the responsibilty to preserve Norooz. Saying Happy New Year and remembering this ancient tradition is one way of keeping it.
Peace! Do not be so hateful!
MRX1, when it comes to inferiority and...
by Shadooneh (not verified) on Wed Mar 18, 2009 08:19 AM PDTother complexes, shortcomings, diseases and warts please, speak for yourself. Last time I checked you were not elected by ANY Iranian to represent them. Stop saying "we Iranians" are this and that, and do not assume other Iranians share your problems, will you pal?
by capt_ayhab on Wed Mar 18, 2009 07:47 AM PDTDude one word : DIET
He is so irrelevant and delusional.
Dear "Crush"
by MiNeum71 on Wed Mar 18, 2009 07:44 AM PDTIn improved societies like in Sweden, Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark the royalties carry out an important task as a kind of moral authorities, in Germany or Austria the presidents do this.
Iranian pre79 monarchy was a dictatorship and is not compareable to the improved European ones. And forget the UK monarchy and the UK, the island monkeys suck.
Forget about RP, but don't forget to vote for Moussavi in June
by Hopeful reformer (not verified) on Wed Mar 18, 2009 07:38 AM PDTWe certainly deserve him.
He is a good man
by MRX1 on Wed Mar 18, 2009 07:37 AM PDTand he means well. Unfortunatley no one has found a cure for all the ailement, inferior complexties and oghdeh that we Iranian suffer from. If jesus get's resurected tommorow and starts working in Iran trying to say or do good things for us, it will be only matter of time that people start attcking him or nail him on the cross. to think that all he is doing is wishing people a happy new year...
key words
by Alborzi (not verified) on Wed Mar 18, 2009 07:17 AM PDTIt reminded me the card I used to send to my teachers they all had the key word "Farkhondeh", if he and his supporters think that norooz is changing anything, they are wrong. They represent the class system, any Iranian (most of whom were not religious), could identify with Ideals of a class less society. These foofools are laughable by the guys in Iran. The monarchists are only in LALA land. West wood that is, 9021
I am missing a digit. Oh well, I am sure the teacher will give me better grades.
Hi Ali
by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on Wed Mar 18, 2009 07:07 AM PDTAre you kidding? Reza Pahlavi has metaphorical blood on his hands. Don't laugh I'm serious. If you think that Reza the Prince or Reza the future King doesn't require blood for him to be either of those, you're wrong. He is not the second coming of Jesus Christ. He is not a peaceful guy, and he has no balls. He can't even manage attending a book signing. Therefore, in order to acquire or maintain any sort of power, he too will be a butcher. Maybe he can be like his dad and allocate it, but it doesn't matter. Your comparison doesn't help. The people who love and adore Reza still justify what his father did in many ways. Reza may not have killed, but that doesn't make him a potential leader. Why are your standards so low? I'll take achievement over name any day, unless it's Alex Trebek.
To: Crush
by Ali P. on Wed Mar 18, 2009 06:54 AM PDTThe people you refer to as "bunch of butchers", all have a significant number of sincere supporters back home and abroad.
Name recognition is important in politics.
A good, qualified leader may very well be out there, but since no one has heard of her yet, it's difficult to get pople to rally behind her.
I am not aware of what goes on inside someone's heart, but if there are people who still buy your message, and as long as you do not have any blood on your hands, or have not been accessory after the fact of a murder, you are still on the running to become Iran's next top leader, in my book!
That's all I am saying :-)
Al P.
MiNeum!!! Then who does?
by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on Wed Mar 18, 2009 06:52 AM PDTSeriously? What is the f-ing deal with monarchy anyway? How can anyone deserve anything? There's no standard really. Even if one man or woman showed leadership, are we medieval to think that their spawn will automatically be as talented? Clearly no. Clearly never. Clearly monarchy is a failure just as much as communism.
Look at the moron kids belonging to the Prince in UK. They aren't morons as much as they are just regular warm walking blobs with extra money hanging off them. Reza is the same but worse. Why is he worse? Because he pretends to be esteemed and noble. He's not. He's a lucky father and a lucky son. Outside of these, he has ZERO achievement. These "norooz wishes" are just formalities. I guess it would be weird if he DID NOT do them.