امنیتِ انسانی

بیانیه‌ خطاب به ملت ایران برای رعایت حقوق بشر


امنیتِ انسانی
by Mir Hossein Mousavi

تضمین حقوق بشر و آزادی یکی از آرمان‌های اصلی انقلاب مشروطه و انقلاب شکوهمند مردم ایران در سال 1357 بوده است. در طول تاریخ همواره مردمان صالح مُنادی حقوق بشر و آزادی بوده‌اند و سرآمد همه آن صالحان و پاکان که زندگی خود را وقف تضمین آزادی و کرامت بشر کرده‌اند، پیامبران، با قامتی افراشته و ندایی دلنشین و پرطنین، تأثیری ماندگار‌ و فراگیر داشته‌اند. انقلاب مردم ایران که مرحله‌ای مهم از حرکت آزادی‌خواهانۀ ساکنان این مرز بوم کهن است از جملۀ حرکت‌هایی است که با اتکا به تعالیم معنوی دین راه خود را باز کرد و پیش رفت.

حقوق بشر در ایران مضمون تازه‌ای نیست، اولین اعلامیۀ حقوق بشر را به کورش پادشاه نامدار ایرانی نسبت می‌دهند که در قرآن ذوالقرنین لقب گرفته است. منشور حقوق بشر کورش شهرت و اعتبار جهانی دارد. پس از آن، مضامین حقوق بشر که در متون دینی اسلام انعکاس داشت، ایرانیان را که از ظلم و استبداد ساسانیان به تنگ آمده بودند به خود جلب کرد و به تعالیم اسلام دل سپردند.

ایران معاصر ضمن اینکه با مضامین حقوق بشر به لحاظ تاریخ خود و هم به لحاظ آموزه‌‌های اسلامی آشناست، منشور ملل متحد، اعلامیه جهانی حقوق بشر، میثاق بین‌المللی حقوق اقتصادی، اجتماعی و فرهنگی و میثاق بین‌المللی حقوق مدنی و سیاسی را نیز رسما پذیرفته است. انقلاب مردم ایران نه تنها موازین حقوق بشری بین‌المللی را هرگز مردود نمی‌دانست، استقرار و تضمین آن موازین را به عنوان یکی از مهمترین دستاورد‌های بشری و به عنوان حاصل خرد جمعی همۀ انسان‌ها در قالب شعار "آزادی" مورد تأکید قرار داد. اکثریت مردم به درستی باور داشتند که حقوق بشر، به همان مفهوم جهانی خود، به هیچ وجهی با خداپرستی و پیروی از تعالیم معنوی اسلام تعارضی ندارد، به همین علت نیز به "جمهوری اسلامی" آری گفتند و در نتیجه، موازین حقوق بشری در کنار موازین اسلامی وارد قانون اساسی ایران شد تا "آزادی" در ایران در پناه "آموزه‌های معنوی اسلام" و در قالب "جمهوری اسلامی" بیش از هر جای دیگر دنیا مورد تضمین و حمایت قرار گیرد.

حقوق بشر در اسلام به عنوان حقوقی خدادادی شناخته می‌شود بنابراین هیچ فرمانروا، دولت، مجلس یا قدرتی نمی‌تواند به هیچ طریق حقوق بشر را که از سوی خداوند اعطا گردیده، محدود یا نقض کند و هیچ فردی نمی‌تواند از این حقوق چشم پوشی نماید. این عقیده درقرآن، درقالب کلمات ژرف و آسمانی " و لقد کرمنا بنی آدم" انعکاس یافته است.

حقِ "حیات"، "آزادی"، "مالکیت"، "امنیت"، "حقِ پی‌جویی رشد و سعادت" و "حقِ ایستادگی در برابر ستم"، حقوق طبیعی و سلب ناشدنی افراداند. دولت وظیفه دارد از طریق ایجاد و گسترش نهادهای لازم، به نحوی سازمان یافته و مؤثر، این حقوق را مورد حمایت و تضمین قرار دهد.

رئیس جمهور بر اساس سوگندی که یاد می‌کند، از جمله وظیفه دارد از آزادی و حرمت اشخاص و حقوق ملت حمایت کند، پاسخگو باشد و از خود‌کامگی بپرهیزد و قدرتی را که ملت به عنوان امانتی مقدس به او سپرده، همچون امینی پارسا و فداکار به کار برد. من بر این اساس و بنا بر اختیار و تمایل قلبی خود، پیشا‌پیش با مردم پیمان می‌بندم که چنانچه برای تصدی مقام خطیر ریاست جمهوری مورد اعتماد و حمایت اکثریت قرار گیرم:

استقرار حکومت قانون را به عنوان شرط لازم تحقق حقوق بشر و حقوق شهروندی، یکی از اهداف اصلی خود قرار دهم و اصلاحات حقوقی لازم را به عمل آورم تا قانون توسط همه مقامات و سازمان‌های حکومتی مورد رعایت قرار گیرد، از قانون استفاده ابزاری نشود و قانون براساس تفسیر‌هایی سازگار با موازین حقوق بشری به اجرا درآید.

از طریق ایجاد نهادهای مناسب، شرایطی فراهم آورم تا قانون وسیلۀ اعمال خشونت‌های ناروا و موهن قرار نگیرد، خشونت و بی‌عدالتی و تبعیض، قانونی نشود و موازین حقوق بشری و وجدان جمعی جامعه در کنار آموزه‌های معنوی اسلام در وضع مقررات و تهیۀ لوایح مد‌نظر قرار گیرد.

حریم خصوصی افراد را محترم شمارم، آزادی بیان و اجتماعات را مورد حمایت قرار دهم، از طریق توسعه و تقویت جامعۀ مدنی و با برگزاری انتخابات رقابتی، آزاد و منصفانه و همچنین با حمایت از مطبوعات و رسانه‌های مستقل و با جلوگیری از سانسور، حق دسترسی آزاد به اطلاعات و حق مردم بر تعیین سرنوشت خویش و حق نظارت و مشارکت سیاسی را تضمین کنم.

امنیت تنها امنیتِ دولت نیست، امنیتِ انسانی است. امنیت را برای آحاد مردم برقرار سازم تا آزاد از ترس و رها از نیاز، تحت حمایت قانون زندگی و فعالیت کنند.

در توسعه و تقویت شوراها بکوشم، در امور روستا خود را از روستایی داناتر ندانم و امور شهر را به مردم شهر واگذارم. حکمرانی محلی را تقویت کنم.

با اقلیت سیاسی و با رقبا و مخالفان خود منصفانه رفتار کنم و حقوق آنها را برای رقابت و یا مخالفت محترم شمارم. هیچ فردی را شهروند دست دوم تلقی نکنم.

ممنوعیت اعمال هرگونه شکنجه اعم از روحی و بدنی را به اجرا در آورم.

از حقوق زنان حمایت کنم و از تبعیض جنسیتی جلوگیر نمایم.

فعالیت‌های مستقل دانشجویی و دانش‌آموزی را مورد حمایت قرار دهم.

با پی‌ریزی درست نظام اقتصادی، با ایجاد امنیت اقتصادی و با گسترش و تقویت بازار رقابتی، زمینۀ تأمین نیازهای اساسی: " غذا، مسکن، بهداشت و درمان، آموزش وپرورش و اشتغال " را فراهم آورم. با فساد اداری و مالی مبارزه کنم.

ناتوانی و نیاز و آسیب‌پذیریِِ هیچ شهروندی را وسیلۀ سلطه‌گری و افزون طلبی سیاسی قرار ند‌هم. از سؤاستفاده از اطلاعات اقتصادی و امکانات عمومی جلوگیر کنم. از استخدام کشوری وسازمان اداری به‌عنوان وسیله‌ای برای جلب حمایت افراد و یا به عنوان پاداش و امتیاز برای طرفداران خود استفاده نکنم. امکانات عمومی را وسیلۀ استمرار قدرت خود نسازم.

امنیت شغلی را برای آحاد مردم به‌‌ویژه برای هنرمندان، روزنامه‌نگارن، فعالان سیاسی، ورزشکاران، معلمان، اساتید دانشگاه و کارگران تأمین کنم.

حمایت‌های تأمین اجتماعی را گسترش داده و تقویت کنم به نحوی که همۀ افراد مردم، به‌ویژه زنان، کودکان، روستائیان، کشاورزان، کارگران و سالمندان را به نحو مطلوب پوشش دهد.

زمینۀ ابراز شادی در جامعه را فراهم کنم و برای تقویت و ارتقا امید به زندگی و نشاط اجتماعی بکوشم و اخلاق حسنه را محفوظ دارم.

به سنن ملی احترام گذارم و از آثار باستانی و میراث فرهنگی به نحو شایسته محافظت کنم.

از حق بر آموزش حمایت کنم و در جهت حذف گزینش‌های عقیدتی و سیاسی ناروا اقدام نمایم.

دانشجویان، معلمان و اساتید دانشگاه را آنچنان که در خور جایگاه بلند آنان است محترم شمارم.

از پدید آورندگان آثار ادبی، هنری و علمی حمایت کنم، تا بدون ترس از تعقیب و مجازات‌های ناروا، خلاقیت‌های خود را پرورش و بروز دهند و آزادانه در زندگی فرهنگی جامعه شرکت جویند.

حقوق اقوام را به رسمیت شناسم و بر اساس الگوی مدیریت غیر متمرکز، اقوام را در ادارۀ امور خود سهیم کنم.

کرامت انسانی و حقوق شهروندیِ اقلیت‌های دینی و آزادی عقیده و وجدان را به رسمیت شناسم و تفتیش عقاید و سرزنش و عقاب افراد به دلیل مسائل اعتقادی را ناپسند شمارم و از آن جلوگیری کنم.

برخورداری از محیط زیست سالم را حق بشر و از جملۀ حقوق شهروندی به شمار آورم، روند رو به گسترش تخریب محیط زیست را متوقف سازم و با جلب مشارکت عمومی از محیط زیست حفاظت کنم.

آگاهم که به ثمر رساندن این اهدف، با توجه به امکانات حقوقی و حقیقی موجود، کاری است بس دشوار، اما متعهدم در مقام اجرای اصول مندرج در فصل سوم قانون اساسی، سند چشم انداز و تعهدات حقوق بشری که ایران به موجب کنوانسیون‌های بین‌المللی پذیرفته است، با ایجاد معاونت حقوق بشر و حقوق شهروندی ریاست جمهوری، با احیای هیئت پیگیری و نظارت بر قانون اساسی، از طریق تعامل و همکاری سازنده با همۀ دولت‌ها و نهادهای بین‌المللیِ فعال در زمینۀ حقوق بشر، با تصویب و اجرای طرح ملی آموزش حقوق بشر و حقوق شهروندی، از طریق انتخاب وزرا و مدیران متخصص، شایسته و مدبر که به حقوق بشر و حقوق شهروندی متعهد باشند و با جلب همکاری سایر قوا، از حداکثر ظرفیت‌های موجود برای تحقق این اهداف و آرمان‌ها استفاده کنم و در عین‌حال ظرفیت‌های فعلی را تا حد ممکن افزایش دهم. صادق باشم و شفاف عمل کنم، مشروعیت خود را در گرو اعتماد و حمایت مردم بدانم، مردم و به ویژه زنان و جوانان، سازمانهای غیر دولتی، شوراها، سندیکاها، اتحادیه‌ها و اصناف و نهاد‌های مدنی را در تصمیم‌سازی‌ها و اداره و رهبری کشور دخالت دهم، حقوق اقلیت و حق مخالفت را محترم شمارم و زمینۀ گفت و گو‌های عقلانی- انتقادی در بارۀ مصالح عمومی را فراهم آورم، بکوشم تا دست‌آوردهای فرهنگ ایران و تعالیم معنوی اسلام در حمایت از کرامت بشر، جایگاه جهانی خود را بیابد و به محافل، اعلامیه‌ها و میثاق‌های بین‌المللی راه یابد، برای گسترش فرهنگ تفاهم و روح بردباری و برای زدودن خشونت، به‌ویژه خشونت‌های عقیدتی و سیاسیِ سازمان یافته، تلاش کنم و با توکل به خدا و با تکیه بر مردم برای ساختن ایرانی آزاد و آباد بکوشم و نسبت به عهد خود، در برابر خدا و مردم، مسئول و پاسخگو باشم که به گفتۀ پیشوایم حضرت علی (ع) "‌خدا هر جباری را خوار کند و هر خودکامه‌ای را پست و بی‌مقدار سازد".




by Parham on

There are a lot of sources on the web concerning the mass murders of 1988, including this site, but now that you asked here's a quick summary:

Basically in 1988 when the Iran-Iraq war was about to end, Mojahedin decided to launch an attack from Iraq called "Forooghe Javidan" in order to take down the Islamic Republic. Of course, they didn't succeed in doing so and all they did was to make an extremely bad name for themselves; but then even more, to piss Khomeyni off.

He decided thereafter that all prisoners who were MKO (and then later the Cheriks and Tudeyis) should either pledge allegiance to Islam and the Islamic Republic, or die.

So sham "courts" (quotation mark because they weren't even courts) were setup where prisoners who, in some cases, didn't even have more than a week or two left to spend in jail (some being in jail for only having had political tracts on them when arrested) were asked a few questions like "are you a Muslim?" and in case they said "no" (which was the case for most of the communists for example), were either shot or hanged. Keep in mind that they actually didn't even know that their telling the truth to such simple questions would lead to their murder.

The number of those executed that way is still unknown, but by the list you see below, it's quite a number and it's still growing.

Now where insult was added to injury, a lot of those who were executed were buried in a then unknown cemetery called Khavaran. Except, the families of the dead made it a point to go visit the graves of their lost ones periodically and this became a ritual after a while. Now the IR has decided lately to take the remainders of those murdered out and bury them elsewhere, this after a long period where it kept destroying the gravestones, an act that didn't really scare the families off from visiting the cemetery.

Mousavi, the man running for president now was prime minister when the massacres took place, and never said anything about the killings. But then nobody really asks him anything either, even now that he's running for president -- of course because everyone's scared.

Hope that helps.


"They all must go"

by sima on

Have you heard this cry that originated in Argentina after their economic crash of early 2000s? It is increasingly gaining currency all over the world, applied to every goddamned regime that has been involved in the economic catastrophe that just lies ahead. It applies to all of them for all the catastrophes they have brought on the world: economic, political, human rights abuse, terror, gag orders, you name it.

I am very very tired of real politik. I think they all must go. Read Naomi Klein (especially The Shock Doctrine) to get a better idea of why "they all must go." If you're truly hard core read about the French Revolution.

 And Majid khan, your comments are some of the best things on this sitie. This one was just truly brilliant!

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

مجيد جان بسيار خوب گفتي.اميدوارم  روي طرف كم بشود.دمت گرم.

چپ و راست و بالاي درخت و دامنه كوه ندارد اين حكومت فاشيستي در اين سي سال بجز فساد و فحشا و اعتياد و فقر و بيكاري هديه و بقولي حواله ملت كردند.

پرچم ايران را سه قسمت كردند

سفيدش را ملايان بسر كردند
سبزش را سيدان بكمر بستند
قرمزش را شهيدان تحويل گرفتند ...

 پس ملت چي؟


Re: To Clarify

by KavehV (not verified) on


Your discussion and comparisons are incorrect on multiple levels. You are comparing two candidates for their political views and philosophies, and that is fine at the first glance. However, one of them (Mousavi) has a long dossier and background. He has been the head of the government for 8 critical years. He has resided over a government that has been, at the very least, cooperative and in collusion with murderous fanatical Islamists (although many of us know him as a hardliner) who murdered tens of thousands of people. In earlier posts, I pointed out his criminal connection and cooperation with the genocidal factions including the nature and level of their crimes. I also mentioned some of his failures as the prime minister at a critical time. So, first off, you are comparing someone with highly suspicious criminal background at a very high level: i.e. "Crimes Against Humanity". And lets not even bother with his failures as the head of state.

Second, your US comparison is also incorrect. I am not a big fan of most US politicians, but remember, in the US presidential candidates lose elections on far far smaller misconduct(s), like marital infidelity, fund misappropriations, abusive language, etch. Just imagine and American prime minister (if there was one) who ran a disastrous war, crippled the economy, lost world respect (déjà vu ???), passed Islamic Sharia and Ghesas laws, and even worse, oversaw and probably conspired to slaughter tens of thousands of his fellow Americans as prisoners of conscious !!?? Now, imagine that this guy, somehow, survived the wrath of his countrymen and 20 years later is a candidate for presidential election ??!! Can you come up with a bigger irony, fraud, or a scam ? Who are you kidding here ?


یا قمر بنی هاشم! این دیگه چه جور سفلیسیه؟




موسوی ا‌ی مرد بزرگ وار ميهن
ای مرد ايرانزمين
به تو اميدواريم ای صدای آزادی

يا حسين مير حسين

داداش.................مطمئنی حالت خوبه؟

میگم یه سولفات دو سودی، حاج منیزی ای، شیافی، چیزی علاجت میکنه؟

یا حسین میر حسین؟؟

اینو دیگه از کجاتون در آوردین؟

تو رو سر جدّت یه دور دیگه خودت این اراجیف رو دوباره بخون..............

موسوی ا‌ی مرد بزرگ وار ميهن
ای مرد ايرانزمين
به تو اميدواريم ای صدای آزادی

يا حسين مير حسين



اَغو......ذ..........بلا بلا شیطان العجیب الغریب...............

اللّهمَ عجّل الشّفاء کلّهم الفرج المجانین و البیضه مالان (١ ) و الدستمال یزدی داران (٢ ) مع الامید المناصبة فی الحکومت الآتیه (٣ )  فلذا الامّید به چک های کلان و الکلان فی الحسابات الجّاریَه(٤) و هذا القبل از بخود آمدون واحد البیلاخ العظیم و الحجیم التحویلون (٥ )  التقدیمون واحد الصنّار جهت الآش و الابقی فی ال همین خیالات الباش (٦ )



by smhb on

Please explain to me the 1367 executions. Why it happened, what was the circumstances surrounding the executons and etc.


To Clarify

by Abarmard on

I believe most of the discussion end on the similar notes, that either you must be opposed to the Islamic Republic or for it. That is not correct.

In the United States, suppose that you are against the system. Not very common but for the sake of assumptions. You believe that the system is evil, it kills innocent people around the globe for its own survival. It Generates ideology that individualism and utilitarianism is the best possible route. It also makes certain that you believe all these are part of the human nature and not an ideology. And you don't agree. You are confronted with two choices, always. Should you disregard the candidate who at least seems more compassionate than the other? Does that mean one candidate would change the system? Does the system ever change?

Here we have two candidates (mainly, I hope). One believes that Mehdi gives him the hint and political will. The other doesn't.

One believes that things will fall in to place with the grace of God, the other doesn't (not God alone).

One sees his presidency as a sign from God to save the man kind, the other doesn't.


One sees his presidency a chance to establish a rule of law, The other doesn't

One believes that the system will be more stable if more people support it, the other doesn't

One believes that economy is a science that along with it requires good international relations, the other doesn't

One has more knowledge in controlling the inflation, the other doesn't

One cares about the image of Iran in the world politics, the other doesn't

One believes in free press, the other doesn't

One cares for art, the other doesn't

One reads, the other doesn't 

Can they change? Yes, to some extend life for the people of Iran will be very much affected by who is running the show. No doubt about it. 

I am not speaking for the people of Iran but I can't understand why it is so hard to realize that some little changes in your hard life, is a blessing.

NOTE: Based on the constitution of Iran, the president holds the highest office after the Leader. The power and influence should not be taken lightly. Unlike some of your beliefs, these guys are not robots.




by Parham on

I think you'll get your reply as to the duties of Mousavi at the time he was prime minister and the massacres took place better from this article. I hope you read Farsi.



Mousavi is no Mandela!

by LalehGillani on

Paria wrote: “I strongly encourage you to read about Nelson Mandela and his legacy in liberating his beloved country from brutal apartheid regime.”

I have studied Mandela’s life and struggle in great detail. Please show me a Mandela amongst the candidates running for the next election. None of them has opposed the regime or is a dissident.

All the candidates are IRI insiders. Yes, they do belong to different factions, but their core beliefs and allegiance is to the Islamic Sharia. Such laws have made it possible for IRI to commit cold blooded massacres in the name of God.

Mandela was a dissident and a freedom fighter. His tactics to oppose a regime and to bring it down to its knees are relevant only when used by dissidents not government insiders.

Because of their loyalty to IRI, candidates such as Mir Hossein Mousavi become incapable of using Mandela’s methods to bring about meaningful changes.

Mir Hossein Mousavi is no Mandela!


To Paria

by ??? (not verified) on

In cyberspace under an unregistered unverifiable alias you can be whatever you want to be!

why should we take your word for what you claim to be?!!!


For demagogues and liars.....

by KavehV (not verified) on

Mr. Mousavi,

These ministers were handpicked by you and were part of your team and they must have reported "something" to you in your meetings. Tell us how much more involvement did you and your cabinet have in these crimes! What other ministries and government resources were available and at the disposal of the death commission ? What did you do ? what did you know and when did you know it ?

"Administering of the executions

In Tehran the special commission for the executions had 16 members representing the various authorities of the Islamic government - Imam Khomeini himself, the president, the chief prosecutor, the Revolutionary Tribunals, the Ministries of Justice and Intelligence, and the administration of Evin and Gohar Dasht, the two prisons in the Tehran area from which the prisoner were eliminated. The chair of the commission was Ayatollah Eshraqi. His two special assistants were Hojatt al-Islam Nayeri and Hojjat al-Islam Mobasheri. The commission shuttled back and forth between Evan and Gohar Dasht prisons by helicopter. In the provinces similar commissions were established, but less is known about them. [8]"

Taken from:


To: Laleh

by Paria (not verified) on

Laleh Khanoon,

My family has lost precious members as well, my father spent years in the IRI prisons, My family house has been raided several times by the intelligent agents…… and please don’t close your eyes and open your mouth accusing people of supporting IRI just because they want to be part of the reform movement in their country. I do not support the IRI as such, I don’t support anything but the right of myself and my fellow Iranian citizens to participate in changing their destiny… You can choose to stay angry for your whole life and abandon any chance to make any change, I don’t, I want to be part of the process of gradual reform within this system and I believe it is possible…. I strongly encourage you to read about Nelson Mandela and his legacy in liberating his beloved country from brutal apartheid regime, just by not giving up on hope and on his people. Instead of being angry I prefer to be realistic and like thousands of Iranians from different generations most of them suffered greatly during the last 30 years, participate in elections and elect the most suitable candidate under the condition and make the change happen… it will be a long process and it needs a lot of patience; SABRE MARDAN VA DELE OMIDVARAN BAYADASH! Good luck


What Did We Expect Him to Do?

by LalehGillani on

Paria wrote: “what did you expect him to do? do you really honestly think he could stop the hardliner mafia who were desperately trying to monopolize their power?”

My family lost a few loved ones as the result of those massacres. Speaking on behalf of my family, I will tell you what we expected him and others to do:

Do not support IRI.

If he couldn’t do anything then while the hardliner mafia was trying to monopolize power, what can he do now? After thirty years, the hardliners have cemented their power. There is no real power in Iran but the power of this mafia.

Using your logic, we can conclude that he was helpless and incompetent then and is delusional now.


To Mr Parham

by Paria (not verified) on

I would like to draw Mr Parham's attention to the fact that in Iran like many other countries, the judiciary and the government ( DOLAT, GHOVE MOJRIEH) are independent from each other and while the judiciary was responsible for the killings in the 1360's, Mr Moosavi and his cabinet had no say in the process, what did you expect him to do? do you really honestly think he could stop the hardliner mafia who were desperately trying to monopolize their power? No he couldn’t, instead he did an excellent job in managing a country under attach during years of war... Mr Moosavi is not ideal, and is not perfect and may have flaws like any other human being, but he is not a murderer and a liar.. He did whatever he could; in fact during the time he was the prime minister, there were elements in governmental institutions who would report BAHAII's to judiciary and imprison them, Mr Moosavi meets with Ayatollah Khomeini and he tells him that no one should be discriminated against due to their religion beliefs, Mr Moosavi immediately sends a BAKHSHNAME to all governmental agencies to forbid harassing people because of their religion. Whether this helped in any way to stop BAHAII's getting imprisoned or not history has showed, so you cant blame all elements of an inhomogeneous system for the crimes a minority have committed.


Baa to hasteem ey Azadmanesh

by Shaghayegh (not verified) on

موسوی ا‌ی مرد بزرگ وار ميهن
ای مرد ايرانزمين
به تو اميدواريم ای صدای آزادی

يا حسين مير حسين


Just a reminder

by Parham on

This is the list of the names of those who were mass-executed in 1988, while Mr. Mousavi was prime minister.
I would like ONE person out of his supporters to ask him directly about that event and why he never said anything, if they're any sincere.



مردگان امنیت ندارند...


خشت خفته گان خاوران در جمهوری اسلامی ایران از خشم آخوندهای خونخوار امنیت ندارد. حالا از امنیت انسانی زندگان سخن میگویی؟

پیشوایت آیندۀ قاتلان فرزندان ایران را به درستی پیشگویی کرد: روز حساب پس دادن نزدیک میشود...


I support you Mr. Mousavi

by DemocraticIran (not verified) on

درود بر مير حسين موسوی
يا حسين میر حسين


"Kaj Dar-e Mareez"

by Abol Danesh (not verified) on

Everyone knows that the way the IRI is evolved to its present condition resembles more or less a sick political patient that requires treatment and understanding until its term is completely exhausted passing down to a new epoch in Iran's tortuous political liefe and history.

An unknown historian once said in the beginning of iranian revolition that the minimal life of a social revolution is at least 30 years when everyone thought it will go away in a matter of fewc years if not month...

Volition! Revolution! Will to the power! Will!


سرود ای ایران ای مرز پرگهر؛ نگارش آخوندی

LOL (not verified)


Look guys...

by Parham on

I'd hate to burst your bubble and/or poop your party, but the chances that Mousavi will read your comments to him are really close to zilch. More, I'd hate to break it to you --but somebody has to do it-- it wasn't even Mousavi himself who posted this article here.

So next time you want to write a long reply to someone here, please check to see whether the guy is present or not; and actually, please also check if he will give a ... I mean, I sincerely doubt he'll really give a ... to anyone even inside Iran (perhaps except for a few members of his line of breed), so counting on him from the Appalachian mountains is rather a long shot, I would say.


Sohrab Rob Shahmir

... my question to you is… will you be my President too?

by Sohrab Rob Shahmir on

Sohrab (Rob) Shahmir

Mr. Mir Hossein Mousavi, I have read what you have written… my question to you is… will you be my President too?

I am an Iranian-American, born and raised in the US.  I have spent most of my youth in the Appalachian Region of the United States of America, where I learned the simple and honest values of the mountains and the south.Here is a brief of how it all started… I have a background in the energy, environmental (sustainability, and remediation), and demining industries; I worked in the energy, environmental, and detection (landmines/unexploded ordinance) sectors.  Prior to establishing E&I Technologies Inc. (E&I Group) in 1996 (E&I was established as an offshoot of Ogden Environmental and Energy Services Inc.), I was involved with the environmental programs of US Department of Energy in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.  By the time I had established E&I, I had spent years talking to those Iranian-Americans that would listen, discussing the need to change Iran’s behavior through dialog.  I believed the Iranian-American community needed to become proactive and that instead of slogans against the government of Iran, we needed to utilize the synergies of our community to implement evolutionary programs that would eventually bring change from within Iran.  I believed that Iran could not face another revolution/bloodshed, and that the only way for Iran to be accepted back into the global community was through dialog.With the election of Mr. Khatami as the president of Iran in 1997, his visit to New York in 1998 and his invitation of Iranian-American businesses to come to Iran and help with the countries advancement (Mr. Khatami’s invitation seemed a lot more sincere than those from his predecessor, former President Rafsanjani), etc… I made a decision to take the Presidents offer and in November of 1998 traveled to Iran with one of my American colleagues to present papers at the first Caspian Energy Conference held in Teheran.  This trip would also allow me to evaluate the situation on the ground and see if I should start an operation in Iran. I still remember my feeling as the plane touched down at Mehrabad Airport; I was overwhelmed and could not stop the tears... the tears that would not leave me until today.  The reception was mostly great, Ministers to MP’s promised us the world, except for one MP (he said that we didn’t belong there, and that he would cherish the day that I left the country with my tail between my legs…). During the month I spent in Iran, I travelled to see some of the country side; however, I spent most of my time walking the streets of Tehran to see how people lived and were treated by the government.  I needed to know what to expect if I made the decision to live in Iran! While sitting on a park bench in northern Tehran one cold afternoon, I had an epiphany that would change my life; I was approached by a well dressed and well spoken girl that could not be more then sixteen years of age, she offered herself to me in exchange for money. I was shocked by what I heard; I sat there that nippy December afternoon talking and trying to understand the reasons why a young girl would turn to prostitution. 

What I heard in that northern Tehran park made me shudder at the core and led to my decision to start an environmental and demining organization in the Islamic Republic of Iran.  I still can hear her words that she was prostituting herself for money to go on a weekend skiing trip.  It was then and there, that I realized the impact of this regime on Iran and Iranians; the Islamic Republic has done to Iran in thirty years what the Mongols and Arabs jointly could not accomplish during their occupations of Persia. They had taken away the “nejabat” (closes translation of the term would be “purity of soul”) of the Iranian nation.  

Over the next seven years I saw how these hypocritical theocrats actually feed on the youth of Iran (prostitution made legal with a few words; I don’t know if those words are to soothe there conscious, or appease God and/or ridicule God).  What I also realized was that the oppression and lack of freedom served on a silver platter to the Iranian nation over the past thirty years has (by design) indoctrinated the people of Iran in the art of deception and lies… this has become a function of survival in the Islamic Republic, the norm has become “JUST DO IT” and then “DENY IT” (drink and deny, don’t fast and say that you do, ask for a bribe and then say you didn’t, promise something and don’t deliver, etc…).   With this in mind, I made a decision to help Iran evolve and maybe to do my part to change what these theocrats had inflicted on my homeland.  I told myself that I had come to Iran to make a difference and here was my chance to make a difference, and do my part to make Iran a stronger and better place for Iranians. 

What I did during the next seven years included but not limited to the proper training of Iranians to perform commercial and humanitarian demining; updating/upgrading of landmine detection and neutralization technologies; and the introduction of innovative risk assessment and stochastic methods that allowed my organization Mine Action Iran (MAI) to successfully clear over 60,000,000 square meters (60 square kilometers) of land in some of the worst mine infested areas of Iran (contaminated with landmines and unexploded ordinance (UXO’)) without a single injury or death. 

Concurrently, I established an environmental organization E&I-MKD Corp (Mashal Khazar Darya) that was heavily involved in the implementation of environmental programs, that included but not limited to the implementation of environmental training at a cultural level in rural and urban communities in Iran; as well as implementation of massive environmental projects for the onshore and offshore oil and gas, steel, cement, copper, and pulp & paper sectors of Iran (I also successfully represented Islamic Republic of Iran’s environmental claim against Iraq for impacts associated with the Persian Gulf War at the United Nations).   The précis of this was an effort to help my homeland move towards a free society, a society free for all Iranians, similar to what I have as an American.  I tried to accomplish this task by creating jobs (created over 300 jobs paying an average monthly salary of $1,300 USD in a country where the average monthly pay is less than $ 400 USD) in a country where unemployment and even worst, underemployment is rampant; and where this problem has led many towards drugs and prostitution.  Today I can say that these efforts have established Mine Action Iran and E&I-MKD Corp the respective vicars of modern demining and environmental/sustainability initiatives in Iran; and a thorn in the sides of many in the Iranian government.  

The job was not easy, I spent over seven years in the most deprived regions of Iran dealing with natural and manmade calamities; in Iranian minefields clearing the silent killer of innocents; and an eleven (11) month period being interrogated over 60 times by the security apparatus of the Revolutionary Guard, and Ministries of Petroleum, Defense, and Intelligence on accusations ranging from bribery, being Jewish, working for the Pentagon, CIA, the US State Department, etc…  

What people need to realize is that the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran is afraid of freewill.  Freewill is the disease that these theocrats’ believe is carried by Iranian-Americans with an interest in Iran.  The Islamic Republic believes that freewill can serve as a vector for democracy.  If the Islamic Republic thinks that you are a patriot with freewill then they will try to take you out.  They will try many means; first they will use economic force, then threats and scare tactics, then they will try to kill you (the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran tried to kill me by replanting a stolen landmine in the path of a bulldozer that I was driving through a minefield), and if you’re lucky enough not to die then they try to arrest you on false charges of espionage (I left Iran at the behest and with the assistance of some friends within the government prior to the issuance of my arrest warrant in April 2007).  Yes it sounds like novel material; however, sadly enough it is true. The Islamic Republic of Iran (a theocracy which I call a Theatrical Democracy) has no interest in having Iranian-Americans returning to Iran; there only interest in the group is to take what they need from them and then spitting them out.  This Theatrical Democracy fears us; because, we can see beyond their theatrics.  People outside of Iran need to understand that the policies of the Islamic Republic are set by the Supreme Leader, Mr. Ali Khamenei; the Presidents of Iran serve as the rotating window dressing for the deception of the Iranian people and world community.   Mr. Mir Hossein Mousavi, ARE YOU JUST ANOTHER WINDOW DRESSING… so what is it that you would do for Iran and Iranians worldwide… and I would like to know how would you would deal with any situation like the one described here by me… will you be a president for all Iranians or a president for your revolutionary comrades?

Sohrab E. Shahmir


Criminal intent, or imcompetence ? or both ?

by KaveV (not verified) on

Mr. Mousavi,

By all accounts, you are assured to be a defendant at the Crimes Against Humanity tribunal, it is only a matter of time and your legal apprehension. I am sure, as one of the highest ranking officials of the Islamic Republic, you are, and have been, privy to more Islamic monstrosity than has ever been revealed to the public. Your public cross-examination at the tribunal will be the only hope for partial healing of a traumatized country in your hands.

Aside from your involvement and collusion with the vast criminal activities of the 1980s, you were also an incompetent administrator and prime minister. Your lengthy tenure coincided with the sharpest economic, cultural, human rights and military decline of Iran, in centuries. You inherited a war economy and failed to turn that around, or to improve any aspect of the war, or the economy, despite the free oil revenue. Your 8 year tenure brought progressively diminished resources, capabilities and economic output in all areas and your only claim to (infamy) fame is your success in introducing the "ration", or "coupon" economy. Your prioritizing war effort and developing a winning strategy were nonexistent, or failures. Instead of continuous shuttle diplomacy, back and forth to world capitals, to gain foreign support and alliances to fight Saddam, you sent your muted brutes (ambassadors and emissaries) to UN and other world capitals who could not speak a word of English, much less convincing the host countries that Saddam was really the aggressor. In 7 years of fighting Saddam you showed no tangible positive results, NOTHING, NO STRATEGY, NO ALLIANCES, not even a recognition from UN that Saddam was the aggressor. You continued the ride to oblivion until 1988, and near collapse, when US stepped in to force you stop the war. These tasks were your JOB and high priority national interests, and you failed in every one of them. Not only that, you caused unbelievable damage, hardship and excessive deaths to the country by prolonging the war without a feasible strategy, plan or any inclination to end hostilities with Iraq on reasonable terms. You were the agent of demise and a catalyst that lead the historic slide from an affluent nation in 1979, into Islamic oblivion that began in 1981. What makes you think you should have another go at it ? Your future is assured in the tribunal of Crimes Against Humanity.



by Parham on

As they say, well I'll be damned!



by KouroshS on

And please keep in mind that Ananymous 8 is not just quoting these numbers and stats just for the sake of quoting, Esshoon bar in agheede hast ke since IRI has has a major role in cutting the hands  and legs of the zionists from our beloved iran then they should be praised and given credit for. To hell with internal supression and economic problems.



by KouroshS on


I am glad that you have picked a name that aptly matches your choice of words to express your profound and misplaced excitmenet for our little candidate here and the shameless disdain toward the negativity of iranians.

What "changes" are being invalidated here? Why is so hard to understand for certain people that when it is hoped that there will chnages in iran, it is usually deep and meanigful changes that can not take place by recycling and regurgitating nonsensical, good-on-paper arajeef, when the evidence to the contrary is in plain sight, and it is well kown that we are being taken for a ride based on empty promises.



by Parham on

You can also say "har chahar sal ye bar some come and say vote and this has not solved anything for 30 years."

The reality is whether you vote or not, you have to fight to make these guys go, It doesn't happen just by voting or not. Totalitarianism, especially a brutal one like this, doesn't just leave like that; no matter how many times Khatami or supporters of the "softliners" (!) say it. It actually does the opposite: It makes it stay! That's why Khatami was here, that's why Mousavi is here, that's why Karoobi is here, and that's why they're tearing themselves apart so that we all go vote. All they want to do is to extend their supposed legitimacy and (now) stinky shelflife.

This said, you started this post by insulting me (and others who won't vote), but now it has been edited. This only tells me what type of person I'm dealing with and be aware that I won't be replying to you after this unless you apologize.


جوابیه به نیابت از طرف میر حسین موسوی........





کاپیتان عزیز و بقیه هموطنانِ (هرچهار سال یکبار) شریف...........

من هم مثل بقیه کاندیدا ها و طبق اصول معمول در اطراف و اکناف جهان سر بزنگاه انتخابات اومدم اینجا و یه چیزهایی گفتم که خودم هم میدونم شرّ و ورّه، ولی خُب گفتم شاید شد!

حالا لطفاً سؤال های انحرافی نکنین و بذارین بنده طبق دستورالعمل واصله از بیت رهبری یه خورده بذر امید (قاطی با حق و حقوق زنان، آب و برق مجانی، آزادی مطبوعات و پول نفت.......و ایندفعه به حضرت عباس قسم بر مبنای دلار حساب میکنیم) تو دل این امت فراموشکار کاشتم!

خدا رو چه دیدین..............تا چهار سال دیگه هم کی مرده و کی زنده؟

اگه ایندفعه زد و انتخاب شدم که هیچی....... الْخُبزُنا فی اْلزّیتْ  «نانِمان در روغن است»......... و اگرنه که بخواب زمستانی فرو رفته تا بیست سال دیگه و  ........لقّ حقوق زنان و اقلیت ها و مطبوعات و سندیکاها ! چون موارد مذکور هر بیست سال یکبار اولویت پیدا میکنن!

حالا میذارین ما برگردیم سر کار شیره مالی یا نه؟



جناب موسوی.


جناب موسوی.
سوالاتی براتون مطرح شده که هنوز جواب ندادید.
اکثریت خانم ها و اقایان پرسیدند که شما در  طی جنایات و قتلهای زنجیره ای سال 1367  کجا تشریف داشتید. و ایا ان دوره هم حقوق بشر براتون مفهوم و معنائی داشت؟؟؟؟؟
یا این اواخر به صرافت انسان دوستی افتادین؟؟؟
لطفا جواب حضار محترم را بدهید.


Ali P.

Question for Mr. Mousavi

by Ali P. on

Some on this site, like you, some don't.


Friend or foe, I think your answer to the following question, Mr. Mousavi, would clear things up for many of us: 

"The massacre of 67 (Summer of 1988) happened when you were prime minister, Mr. Mousavi. We never heard a word out of you, in protest.

As the elected President, how would you react if a similar massacre was to happen? Would you stand up and defend the victims of such illegal acts, or should we expect the same reaction out of you, that we got two decades ago:

Dead silence?"