"I just got back from Iran."
In today's America, that's a conversation-stopper. Those of us able to say it become temporary objects of fascination, like our grandparents would have been if they had visited China or the Soviet Union in the 1950s. Traveling to Iran makes one seem like a bold adventurer on a dangerous foray into enemy territory.
The reality is more prosaic. Although few Americans visit Iran, there is in fact no legal obstacle to doing so. I accompanied a group of American tourists on a thousand-mile, two-week trip through the country. We met no government or opposition leaders, but we were free to talk with ordinary Iranians, and did so at every stop. Because the government has made it difficult for Western journalists to work in Iran, traveling the country this way may now be the best way to gauge its people's mood.
The first thing that strikes Americans who visit Iran is how amazingly pro-American its people are. Nowhere else in the Middle East, nowhere else in the Muslim world, and almost nowhere else on earth do people so unreservedly admire the United States. Opinion surveys confirm this phenomenon, and I remembered it from previous visits. Nonetheless it was disorienting, in the heart of the purported axis of evil, to to be surrounded, as I was at Imam Square in Isfahan, by giddy female college students shrieking "We love America so much!" At a Persian garden in Kashan, I met a solemn elder whose only English phrase is "America very good," and who pronounced it with grave reverence.
Pro-American feeling in Iran is due mainly to Iranians' admiration for what the United States has achieved. Americans have what many Iranians want: democracy, personal freedom, and rule of law. Their desire for these blessings is not abstract or transitory. It is the product of their century of striving toward liberal democracy. Since the Constitutional Revolution of 1906, generations of Iranians have assimilated democratic ideals. Today their society is the opposite of their regime: open, tolerant, and eager to engage with the world. There is more long-term potential for democracy in Iran than almost anywhere else in the Muslim Middle East.
Pro-American sentiment in Iran is a priceless strategic asset for the US. A military attack would liquidate or at least severely weaken this asset. It would probably turn the most pro-American population in the Middle East into anti-Americans, further undermining the US position in the world's most volatile region.
The second thing I learned in Iran is that last year's explosion of anti-government protest is finished, at least for the moment. Governments use repression against protesters for the simple reason that it usually works. It has worked in Iran. Many people are unhappy -- it is impossible to estimate how many -- but no one I met predicted more upheaval soon. Life is reasonably good for most Iranians, and a possibly stolen election is not enough to force them from their homes to face beatings and arrest.
This suggests that if there are to be any negotiations with Iran over the next few years -- the amount of time it may take for the Iranian nuclear program to mature -- they will have to be with the current regime. Postponing a broad negotiating offer in the hope that the regime may fall is unrealistic.
Finally, I was struck -- though not surprised -- by the unanimity with which Iranians, even those who joined last year's protests and fervently support the reform agenda, reject help from the US or any other outside power.
"Many people don't like the regime, but they don't want the Americans to come and rule us," a shopkeeper in the Shiraz bazaar told me. "They would rather live under a regime they don't like than a regime placed in power by foreigners."
This sentiment is widespread and powerful in Iran. The reason is to be found in modern history. For most of the 19th and 20th centuries, Iran was ravaged by foreigners who subjugated its people and looted its resources. Whenever Iran has sought to modernize -- whether by building a steel mill in the 1930s or by nationalizing its oil industry in the 1950s -- outsiders have intervened to block it. This has made Iranians as sensitive to foreign intervention as any people in the world. It leads them to reject political forces that they see as sponsored, supported, or encouraged from abroad.
Some Americans would like to see Congress and President Obama embrace Iran's democratic movement vigorously and publicly. But not even the movement's own leaders want this support. Far from helping them, an endorsement from Washington would stigmatize them and de-legitimize their cause. Americans often assume that their support for like-minded friends in the world is helpful. In Iran, it would not be.
"Bush was very bad," mused a math teacher I found sitting beneath a fig tree in the town of Rayen. "Obama is a little better. But Iranian people believe that when America and England look at Iran and Arab countries, it is only because they want to steal what we have."
Sobering realities shape Iranian politics: There will be no regime change soon, and there is little the West can do to hasten it. Nonetheless, Iran may have more democratic potential than almost any other society in the Muslim world. Seventy percent of Iranians are under the age of 30. Change will come, but at Iran's pace, not America's.
In the meantime, centrifuges will keep spinning at Iran's nuclear plants. This looming crisis cries out for creative diplomacy, but Washington remains frozen in the paradigm of confrontation.
First published in HuffingtonPost.com.
Stephen Kinzer is an author and newspaper reporter. He is a veteran New York Times correspondent who has reported from more than fifty countries on five continents.
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What the HELL!!!
by Javadagha on Thu Jul 15, 2010 01:31 PM PDTWhat the Hell eroonman is talking about?!! Are you out of your trees?
Anyone who dares to touch Iran can be assured to receive the same favor in kind. End of this non-sense.
USA is NOT what Hollywood shows through Satellites. Use your bunker bombs on AIG, Bank of America, and other financial institutions that have brought the whole world down.
by Bavafa on Thu Jul 15, 2010 01:30 PM PDTYou may distinguish between the nuclear facilities and Iranian people, but I would think since the nuclear program is supported by vast majority of Iranians, they would not make such wild assessment as you. Beside, attacking those facilities will give IRI every reason for retaliation and that surely will involve Iranian people one way or another. So, such idea of bombing specific places only with nuclear bomb or otherwise will be received with open arms from Iranian is a wishful thinking of Rumsfield and company when they were telling us that Iraqis will receive us with flowers and open arms.
West wants to attack the facilities, not the people...
by eroonman on Thu Jul 15, 2010 01:06 PM PDTAll the chatter has been about Iran's nuclear weapons ambitions. These facilities are under hardened structures, hundreds of feet below ground. The Israeli and US games that simulate how they would attack these facilities have centered around buster bunking nuclear bombs, that would penetrate between 20-50 feet beneath the surface and detonate causing massive damage below ground, with almost 0 contamination above.
This is certain to delay Iran's development of nuclear weapons, if not destroy the facilities completely. This will also minimize loss of life above ground, as if there was anyone who ever lived near the Natanz nuclear facility before, they've moved by now for sure.
Given that the same Iranians who love the US so much, don't like the perilous position the IRI has put them in with nuclear weapons ambitions, an attack limited to the facilities, might not hurt the US image as much as the writer thinks.
The reason is that it may not be that Iranians love the US so much as Iranians love the enemy of their enemy, and as much as the Iranian Government hates the US, average Iranians love that which the IRI hates, out of spite.
Absolutely though, if there are any Nuclear facilities workers who love the US, they will be greatly disappointed in the US, should the US or Israel attack Iran. Especially if they are scheduled to work that day.
just came back from Iran
by iamfine on Thu Jul 15, 2010 12:19 PM PDTWhat the author said is true. Just came back from Iran. If you are not involved with politics, nobody would bother you. I was interested to sale a piece of land and it was done free from any harassment with no money paid under the table (roshveh). Having said that people were complaining about the lack of freedom specially among the taxi drivers.
Great article,
by Bavafa on Thu Jul 15, 2010 12:02 PM PDTYour experince and observation is shared almost uniformely with all of those who have visited and talked to the ordinary Iranians inside Iran, so no surprise to hear Iranians admiration for America or your predicted outcome of any possible attack by US or Israel on Iran.
Glad you had enjoyed your visit and many thanks for the honest report.
One question
by Raoul1955 on Thu Jul 15, 2010 11:39 AM PDT“The first thing that strikes Americans who visit Iran is how amazingly pro-American its people are. Nowhere else in the Middle East, nowhere else in the Muslim world, and almost nowhere else on earth do people so unreservedly admire the United States. Opinion surveys confirm this phenomenon, and I remembered it from previous visits.”
Can you provide details of your survey/research such as when and where they were administered, in what language or languages, over what period of time, and how many took your surveys? You are making a statement that includes opinions of a few hundred million people in various Muslim nations and [indeed] a few billion people on earth. You can post links to your survey that respond to my inquiry .
Thank you,
by fooladi on Thu Jul 15, 2010 11:10 AM PDTThanks for the good blog Stephan,
Problem posting
by Raoul1955 on Thu Jul 15, 2010 11:03 AM PDTFormatting issues resulted in my deleting my response here. I will try later.