
Najmedin Meshkati

Member of BP Oil spill investigation committee

Project Information: Analysis of Causes of the Deepwater Horizon Explosion, Fire, and Oil Spill to Identify Measures to Prevent Similar Accidents in the Future

Najmedin Meshkati is a professor of engineering at the University of Southern California. Also, as a Jefferson Science Fellow, he is serving as a senior science and engineering advisor to Office of the Science and Technology Adviser to the Secretary of State. For the past 25 years, he has been teaching and conducting research on risk reduction and reliability enhancement of complex technological systems, including nuclear power, aviation, and petrochemical and transportation industries. He has written many articles on human factors, safety culture and accident causation. In addition, Dr. Meshkati has inspected many petrochemical and nuclear power plants around the world, including Chernobyl in 1997. He worked with the U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board, as an expert advisor in human factors and safety culture, on the investigation of the BP Refinery explosion in Texas City. He was elected Fellow of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society in 1997. Dr. Meshkati served as a member of the National Research Council (NRC) Committee on Human Performance, Organizational Systems and Maritime Safety. He also served as a member of the NRC Marine Board's Subcommittee on Coordinated R&D Strategies for Human Performance to Improve Marine Operations and Safety. Dr. Meshkati received a Ph.D. in industrial and systems engineering from the University of Southern California >>> More board members


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Iran is Proud of you

by Ksepanloo on

Motherland is proud of having such an adorable talented scientist and at the same time such a respectful and humane gentleman. We Iranians are proud of you. Surely your deep knowledge on human and organizational factors contributing to this accidents will help the world to prevent recurrence of such regretful accidents.



by Demo on

Your judgment/comment goes with your name well.

Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

If we have possibilities we can have many like him.

by Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi on

You see if the Iranian have the same possibilities, they will also grow.


Good man

by divaneh on

I knew at the end of the day it was down to Iranians to save the world. He makes all of us proud. 


I am a proud fried and ...

by Aarash4545 on

I don't know how many people can claim that they knew this highly intelligent Scientist/Engineer from his early youth. I was there as a proud family member and a successful academic when Najeeb joon (as we used to call him affectionately) started at Alborz College. Alas.. pre-revolutionary fervour caught up with us and I left that loving respectful family with much sadness and broken heart! 

After many years of post-revolutionary turmoil I found myself in the remote land of OZ.  I eventually caught up with him after nearly 25 years, during one of my many conference trips to USA, and met up with him in his office at the USC. I found him a very caring gentleman and as dynamic and energetic as ever on his meteoric rise in the academia. He told me about his visit to Chernobyl among many other of his achievements that made me more and more proud of him. We exchanged fund memories of his loving father and his highly educated mother. Topics we didn't touch on we left untouched on unspoken gentemen's agreement.  Few years later I caught up with him again and exchanged a few emails where he confided to me his affiliation with the State Department as Science Advisor to Secretary of State.

If we ever could change the tides, and I don't care green or yellow, purple or brown, we will definitely need active and knowledgabe patriots like him to rebuild our broken home. I am at twilight of my life, and this is the only dream that keeps me alive...

I am proud to call Najeeb a friend and my brother!



We are proud of him

by iamfine on

I wish him the best.