To: Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
The United Nations
350 East 35th Street
New York, NY 10016
Date: June 12, 2010
Dear Sir;
As the anniversary of the disputed presidential elections in Iran on June 12, 2009 draws near; as we look back at the horrific beatings and killings of the peaceful protesters; as we remember the fallen compatriots whose lives were cut short by assassins’ bullets; as we stand in solidarity with the just demands of our fellow Iranians for democracy and the rule of law; as we show our determination to fight for the immediate release of thousands of political prisoners; and as we strive to comfort the victims of rape and torture in the prisons of the religious regime, we the undersigned members of the Iranian academic community worldwide plead to your high office and peace-loving humanity to stand with us in condemning the atrocities committed by the Islamic Republic against the Iranian people. We ask you to help us stop this killing machine.
In the past year, those who have dared to stand up to the corruption and atrocities have been subject to arrest, torture, and even execution under the watch of Sayyid Ali Khamenei, the leader of the Islamic Republic. Some political prisoners have simply disappeared, leaving their grieving families to search cemeteries for their remains. And a great many more Iranian citizens have felt the painful loss of civic and democratic rights in their everyday lives.
For many years, Sayyid Ali Khamenei has ruled the country ostensibly to establish a virtuous society, promote equality among Iranians, provide prosperity and security in this world and ensure salvation in the other, and fight for egalitarianism and the cause of the downtrodden abroad. In practice, however, he has promoted wickedness instead of virtue; a cult of personality instead of equality; poverty, arbitrary rule, and engineered elections instead of prosperity, security, and the rule of law; and international brinkmanship and support for terrorism instead of peaceful diplomacy. Mr. Khamenei is no good for Iran; worse for the world; and a disaster for the religion.
In the past year, many more Iranians have become aware of the regime’s brutality and seemingly insatiable appetite for power. Many now believe that the leader’s religious absolutism contradicts the fundamentals of human rights and violates the basic tenets of the religion itself. And, as it may happen when power threatens to slip from the grasp of tyrants, this loss in legitimacy has spurred even more outlandish claims about Khamenei’s religious credentials and attachment to honorable saints. The more Iranians criticize the absolutism and savagery of the regime, the more the regime portrays itself as representing the wrath of God. The more nations around the world distance themselves from the Islamic Republic, the more its rulers exaggerate their military power and prowess in diplomacy. The struggle in Iran today is between the cult of the engineered presidency and the followers of the rule of law; between superstitious extremism and rational moderation; and between apocalyptic end-of-day religious fundamentalism and God-loving, peace-seeking, and violence-abhorring spirituality.
Imagine a people who in protesting peacefully for their democratic rights are beaten, tortured, raped, and murdered; imagine the perished lives that are buried in unmarked graves; and imagine the unbearable pain and suffering of loving parents when they are told that their sons and daughters are gone forever—no chance to say the final goodbye, no possibility for burial ceremonies, no knowledge of the burial site, and no identifiable permanent resting place. This is a brutality beyond imagination.
The tragic death of Neda Agha Soltan, a female student of philosophy, shot by a member of the Basij militia on June 20, 2009 in broad daylight epitomizes the despotic nature of the ruling establishment. Recently, the regime executed some of the bravest sons and daughters of our beloved Kurdistan. It murdered peaceful activists, who were guided only by the feelings of love for their country. We only envisage listening to the patriots’ mesmerizing recital of their covenant with the nation as they faced their executioner; “O’ Iran, to you my blood and my soul;” and the grieving father responding, “there is no life without Iran.”
Despite the danger inherent in dissidence, many Iranians stand strong in their opposition. As observed by millions the world over, their movement not only refused to back down after the rigged elections, but has grown bigger and bolder against the beatings, mass-arrests, rapes, show trials, and killings that have followed. They are resolute in demanding the rule of law, the realization of their democratic rights, and an end to religious absolutism.
On the anniversary of this fateful day, we ask you and the democratic people of the world to join us in offering our heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims of the atrocities of the Islamic Republic, in expressing our solidarity with the political prisoners, and in condemning the brutality of the regime against our great nation.
Toward these ends, please join us in demanding the immediate and unconditional release of all political prisoners, the holding of free and fair elections, and the punishment of those responsible for the beating, killing, torturing, and murdering of peaceful protesters.
نامه سر گشاده دانشگاهیان ایرانی در سراسر جهان
به آقای بانکی مون، دبیر کل سازمان ملل
۲۱ خرداد ۱۳۸۹
در حالی که سالگرد انتخابات نا پذیرفته ۲۲ خرداد ۱۳۸۹ از راه می رسد؛ هنگامی که به سرکوب دهشتناک و کشتار صلحجویان معترض به نتیجه از پیش چیده شده آن انتخابات می نگریم؛ آنگاه که هممیهنان از میان ما رفته ای را بیاد می آوریم که زندگی شان با گلوله های جنایتکاران کوتاه شد؛ به سان آنکه از مطالبات بر حق هممیهنان ایرانیمان برای دموکراسی و حکومت قانون پشتیبانی می کنیم؛ همانگونه که عزم خویش را برای آزادی فوری هزاران زندانی سیاسی نشان میدهیم؛ و ضمن آنکه به آرامش قربانیان تجاوز و شکنجه در زندانهای رژیم مذهبی می کوشیم، ما دانشگاهیان ایرانی در سراسر جهان و امضا کنندگان این نامه، از بنیاد محترم شما و انسانهای صلحجوی جهان استدعا داریم که در همراهی با ما, جنایات جمهوری اسلامی علیه مردم ایران را محکوم کنید. ما از شما برای متوقف کردن این ماشین کشتار کمک میطلبیم.
در سال گذشته، آنانکه در برابر فساد و جنایات رژیم ایستادند، زیر نظررهبر جمهوری اسلامی، سید علی خامنه ای, بازداشت شدند، زیر شکنجه رفتند و حتی اعدام گردیدند. برخی از زندانیان سیاسی حتی ناپدید شدند و خانواده ها یشان در پیدا کردن مزارشان سر گردان ماندند. در این سال بسیاری از شهروندان ایرانی از دست دادن دردآور حقوق اجتماعی و دموکراتیک را در زندگی هر روز خویش تجربه کردند.
سالهای زیاد، سید علی خامنه ای بر ایران حکمرانی کرده ست که ظاهرا جامعه ای متعالی بسازد، برابری میان ایرانیان را گسترش دهد، بهروزی و امنیت را درین دنیا و رستگاری را در دنیای دیگر پدید آرد، و برای برابری و از بین بردن ریشه های ظلم در جهان مبارزه کند. اما در عمل، شرارت را بجای تقوا؛ گروهی بهره مند بجای برابری همگانی؛ فقر، قوانین خودسرانه، انتخابات چیده شده بجای بهروزی ، تامین و حکومت قانون؛ و پرورش و حمایت تروریسم را بجای دیپلماسی صلحجویانه رواج داده است. آقای خامنه ای برای ایران بد، برای جهان بدتر و برای مذهب فلاکتبار بوده است.
در سال گذاشته شمار بیشتری از ایرانیان به سفاکی رژیم و اشتهای به ظاهر سیری ناپذیر آن برای قدرت پی برده اند. بسیاری اکنون باور دارند که مطلق کردن مذهب از سوی رهبران جمهوری اسلامی با اصول حقوق بشر در تضاد است و موازین پایه ای مذهب را نادیده میگیرد. و، آنگونه که احتمال میرود، زمانی که رفتن قدرت از کف حکام حس شود، ادعاهای باور نکردنی و بیشتری در باره صلاحیت مذهبی خامنه ای و پیوندش با ائمه اطهار طرح خواهد شد. هر چه ایرانیان از مطلق نگری و وحشیگری رژیم بیشتر انتقاد کنند، رژیم بیشتر خود را نماینده خشم خدا معرفی خواهد کرد. بر همین منوال، هر چه کشورهای بیشتری از جمهوری اسلامی فاصله گرفته اند، رهبران رژیم بیشتر از نیروی نظامی و مهارت خود در دیپلماسی سخن گفته اند. مبارزه در ایران امروز میان دار و دسته برگزار کننده انتخابات نمایشی و پیروان حکومت قانون؛ بین خرافیگری افراطی و میانه روی منطقی؛ میان واهی گویی مذهبی افراطی از یکسو واخلاقیات خدا دوستی، صلحجوئی و بیزاری از خشونت از سوی دیگر است.
در نظر آرید مردمی را در اعتراض آرامشان برای حقوق دموکراتیک که کتک می خورند، شکنجه میشوند، مورد تجاوز قرار می گیرند، و به قتل میرسند؛ تصور کنید زندگی های پر پر شده ای را که در گورهای بی نشان به خاک سپرده شده اند؛ و بیاندیشید به درد و رنج طاقت فرسای پدران و مادران آنگاه که میشنوند که پسران و دختران شان برای همیشه رفته اند بی آنکه دمی برای بدرود بیابند، بدون هیچ امکان برای خاکسپاری، بی هیچ نشانی از گورشان ، و هیچ شناسه ای از آرامگاه همیشگی آنها. چنین بی حرمتی ورای تصور انسانی ست.
مرگ جانخراش ندا آقا سلطان، دختر دانشجوی فلسفه، به ضرب گلوله یک بسیجی روز ۲۰ خرداد ۱۳۸۸ تجلی ماهیت رحم نشناس جریان حاکم است. اخیرا رژیم شماری از فرزندان کردستان ایران را اعدام کرد. این رژیم فعالان صلح جویی را کشت که بر انگیخته از احساس و عشق به میهن شان بودند. در گوش ما اکنون آوای سحر انگیز میهن پرستانی طنین انداز است که در رویارویی با اعدام کنندگان، پیمان با مردم را چنین میخوانند: "ای ایران، جان و خونم فدای تو؛" و پاسخ پدری از غم پریشان را که می گوید: "چو ایران مباشد، تن من مباد."
با وجود خطرات جدی که در نافرمانی نهفته است، بسیاری از ایرانیان محکم بر مخالفت ورزی خویش می ایستند. همانگونه که میلیونها در سراسر جهان دیده اند، جنبش مردم ایران نه تنها بعد ا ز انتخابات پر تقلب پس ننشست بلکه در اعتراض به زدنها، بازداشتهای جمعی، تجاوزات، محاکمات نمایشی، و کشتارهای متعاقب آن، گسترده تر و متهور تر به میدان آمده است. مردم در طلب حکومت قانون، درک حقوق دمکراتیک خود، و پایان نهادن بر سیطره مطلق مذهب مصمم اند.
در سالگرد این روز سرنوشت ساز، ما از شما و مردم دمکرات سراسر جهان درخواست می کنیم که با ما، در ابراز تاسف عمیق به خانواده های قربانیان جنایات جمهوری اسلامی، در اعلام پشتیبانی و همبستگی با زندانیان سیاسی، و محکوم نمودن قساوت رژیم علیه مردم عزیزمان، همراه شوید.
بر چنین بنیادی، خواهشمندیم با ما در طلب آزادی فوری و نا مشروط همه زندانیان سیاسی، برگزاری انتخابات آزاد و عادلانه، و کیفر رسانی مسؤولان زدن، کشتن، شکنجه، و قتل معترضان صلح جو هم آوا گردید.
Abghari Siavash,
Professor of Finance & Director, Morehouse College, Atlanta, USA
Abghari Shahla
Professor of Microbiology ,Life University, Atlanta, USA
Afary Janet
Professor, University of California Santa Barbara, USA
Afshar Ali
Professor Polytechnic Institute of NYU, USA
Afshari Reza
Professor of History, Pace University, New York, USA
Akbari Hamid
Audrey Reynolds Distinguished Teaching Professor; North eastern Illinois University, Chicago, Illinois USA
Alamdari Kazem
Professor of Sociology, California State University, Northridge, USA
Baghi Heibatollah
Professor of Biostatistics, George Mason University, VA, USA
Barati Mehran
Free University Berlin-Germany, Research Unit Globalization and Int’l Politics, Germany
Bastani Bahar MD
Professor of Medicine - Director of kidney transplantation at Saint Louis University, USA
Behdad, Sohrab
Professor of Economics, Denison University, USA
Bina Cyrus
Distinguished Research Professor of Economics; University of Minnesota, USA.
Boroujerdi Mehrzad
Professor, Middle East Institute, Washington Syracuse University, USA
Darvishpour Mehrdad
Malardalen University ,Sweden
Daryaee Touraj
Howard Baskerville Professor in the history,University of California, Irvine, CA, USA
Dastmalchi Parviz
Writer, Political Analyst, Berlin , Germany
Farhang Mansour
Professor of Political Science, Bennington College, Vermont, USA
Farhang Jahanpour
Associate Fellow, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford
Ganjbakhsh Amir Hossein
Senior Investigator, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD ,USA
Gorji Ali
Professor of Neuroscience Research and Neurophysiology; Munster University, Germany
Haghighatjoo Fatemeh
Visiting Scholar, Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy, University of Massachusetts Boston, MA, USA
Hashemi Nader
Assistant Professor of Middle East and Islamic Politics, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver, CO, USA
Hosseini Ali
Writer, Political activist, London, UK
Jafari Marzie
Professor and Dean; The City University of New York Lehman College, New York, USA
Jahanbegloo Ramin
Professor, University of Toronto, Canada
Kamaly Hossein
Fanny de Bary Asst. Professor, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Barnard College, USA
Kangarlu, Alayar
Professor of Medical Physics, Columbia University and New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, USA
Kar Mehrangiz
Visiting Scholar, Cape Town University
Karam Ghassan
Prof. Pace University ;Economics Department, Pace University; Pleasantville NY USA
Karimi-Hakkak Ahmad
Professor of Persian Language, Literature, and Culture Director, The Roshan Center for Persian Studies 1220 Jimenez Hall University of Maryland College Park USA
Karimi-Hakak Mahmood
Professor of Theatre and Film, Department of Creative Arts, Siena College, New York; Artistic Director, Mahak International Artists Inc., New York, USA
Keddie Nikki ;Professor Emeritus of History, UCLA ;Santa Monica, CA, USA
Keshavars Fatemeh
Professor and Chair, Asian & Near Eastern Languages and Literatures Washington University in St. Louis, IN, USA
Khorrami Mohammad Mehdi
Professor, Persian Language and Literature New York University Department of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies 50, NY USA
Khosrokhavar Farhad
Professor, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, France
Kian Azadeh
Professeur de sociologie, Directrice du CEDREF Université Paris-Diderot-Paris, France
Mahdavi Mojtaba
Assistant Professor , Department of Political Science, University of Alberta, Canada
Mahdi Akbar
Professor of Sociology, Ohio Wesleyan university, OH, USA
Mahdian Mohammad Ph.D.
Senior Research Scientist, Yahoo! Inc., California, USA.
Malekahmadi Farshad
Associate Professor of Sociology, Naugatuck Valley Community, College, CT, USA Mashayekhi Mehrdad
Assistant Professor, Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA
Mehdi Mansouri
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Herzing University, USA
Melikian Assieh
Associate Professor of Environmental Health Medicine, New York University, USA
Milani Abbas
Hamid and Christina Moghadam Director of Iranian Studies Stanford University, CA, USA
Mir-Hosseini Ziba
Senior Research Associate, Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Law, University of London, UK
Mirfakhraie Ahmad
BioTech College, Vice President, San Jose, Ca , USA
Moaddel Mansoor
Professor of Sociology, Eastern Michigan University, MI, USA
Moghissi Haideh
Professor and Associate Dean, FLAPS, York University, Canada
Mohammadi Majid
Professor; Stony Brook Institute for Global Studies; Stony Brook/New York
Monshipouri Mahmood
Associate Professor, Dept. of Int’l Relations, San Francisco State University, CA, USA
Mousoli Reza
BSc (Hons) MSc FHEA CED MBCS, Senior Lecturer, Canterbury Christ Church University, Kent, United Kingdom
Navab Mohamad
Professor, Project Leader, Cardiology, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Nayeri Ali
Assit. Prof of Theoretical Physics, Chapman University & University of California, Irvine
Niroomand-Rad Azam
Professor Emeritus, , PhD, DSc, DACR, FAAPM, FACMP; Fellow, Past President of International Organization for Medical Physics, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Nomani Farhad
Professor of ecomomics, Chair of department of economics, The American university of Paris, Paris , France
Paivandi saeed
Professor; University Paris 8; Paris, France
Pakravan Karim
Associate Professor ;DePaul University;Jackson;Chicago IL 60604
Parsa Misagh
Professor of Sociology, Dartmouth College, NH, USA
Rakei Ali
Theoretical Physicist, Washington DC, USA
Rahnema Saeed
Professor of Political Science and Public Policy, York University, Canada
Rahni Davood
Professor of Chemistry and Environmental Science Adj. Professor of Environmental Law Pace University Adj. Professor of Dermatology New York Medical College
Sabetian Manoucher
Consultant surgeon. MB BS, FRCS, Ex-President Iranian PEN in Exile, United Kingdom
Sadeghi Nader MD, FRCSC
Associate Professor of Surgery, Dir. Head & Neck Surgery George Washington,USA
Sebti Reza
Research assistance, Department of Philosophy, University of Alberta, Canada
Shariatmadari Hassan
Theologian and Philosopher, former Director of Publication Department of Dar-al-Tabligh Islami ( 1973-80), Publisher and Chief Editor of Pyam Shadi and Nasle. Germany
Shirazi, Arman Ph.D.
Senior Scientist, CSM North America
Talattof Kamran
Professor, University of Arizona, AZ, USA
Tehrani Ali
Professor of Engineering, Conestoga College, Canada
Tohidi Nayereh
Professor & Chair, Department of Gender & Women’s Studies, California State University, Northridge, CA, USA
Vahdat Farzin
Research Associate, Vassar College, New York, USA
Zangeneh Hamid
Professor of Economics, Widener University, Pennsylvania, USA
Ziai Hossein
Jahangir and Eleanor Amuzegar Chair in Iranian Studies, Director of Iranian Studies, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, UCLA, CA, USA
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
Another Mean and F-ing UGLY Iranian
by TheEnemyHateMe on Mon Jun 14, 2010 11:40 PM PDTI almost barfed seeing this photo of Khamenei.Amg what would the letter writing of those inside Iran get them? Why don't you shut your pie hole man or at least think?
by yolanda on Mon Jun 14, 2010 11:16 AM PDTThank you for these words: *********************
Imagine a people who in protesting peacefully for their democratic rights are beaten, tortured, raped, and murdered; imagine the perished lives that are buried in unmarked graves; and imagine the unbearable pain and suffering of loving parents when they are told that their sons and daughters are gone forever—no chance to say the final goodbye, no possibility for burial ceremonies, no knowledge of the burial site, and no identifiable permanent resting place. This is a brutality beyond imagination.
People who signed the letter are very brave! Thank you for your effort!
God bless you all!
Abarmard sanctions was a UN "vote". What's Ban Ki-Moon to do?!
by Anonymouse on Mon Jun 14, 2010 08:25 AM PDTEverything is sacred
hmm, no mention of sanction
by Abarmard on Mon Jun 14, 2010 05:11 AM PDTNo mention of sanction and international economic pressure on Iranian people. This is not balanced.
Similar to last thirty years, Iranians outside can beg the world to pressure Iran but the reality is that the world has pressured Iran. We can ask the world to support the people for democracy with pressuring government. As before the method is useless. The core of the problem here are the sanctions that hurt the people. Sorry to see that these active intelligent people have not gotten the simple point.
Seems like we are in for another long loop of political mistakes. Instead of asking the world to pressure Iran, as they have, we should ask the world to open trade and bring Iran to the International community so they be forced to be responsive.
I admire the sentiment
by robertborden54 on Sun Jun 13, 2010 07:18 PM PDTBut neither version of the text is particularly effective. It is too long and I think it was written by committee. There has to be at least a few amongst all these profs with enough of a command of either language to be able to write an effective and moving text. Instead this feels like a comminique from the politburo.
Just him?
by MRX1 on Sun Jun 13, 2010 04:33 PM PDTIs it just him that is responsible for this night mare or it is the whole system if not the ideology that runs this system.....
Nothing short of resurection of Iran and Iranian identity, culture and language will fix what ever that was left of a place that once was called Iran. For omatestan he seems to be right person.
how stupid
by amgw4 on Sun Jun 13, 2010 01:18 PM PDToutsiders writing letters telling people inside Iran what they want. and now they probably got themselves put on a list such that they can't ever go back and enjoy tehran.
by Demo on Sun Jun 13, 2010 09:44 AM PDT“We the undersigned members of the Iranian academic community worldwide plead to your high office and peace-loving humanity to stand with us in condemning the atrocities committed by the Islamic Republic against the Iranian people. We ask you to help us stop this killing machine.”!!!!!!!
High office?? Peace-loving humanity?? Atrocities commited by a government (never heard that before!!)?? Man! These things are really heavy!!!!
No wonder that the academia with such embellished titles live in their own self made built plant & have lost their touch with the realities of a plant called “EARTH.”