
Tribute to Mousavi and Karroubi

by mehrdadm

Ormazd Parsi's compilation of statements and interviews by Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi since the last presidential election:


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بعدشم که بذار بیشتر بهت بگم حالا که دهنمو وا کردی!٬


اونایی که دور گود نشستن اتفاقاً ما ها نیستیم، شماهایین. خودتونم زیاد عقیده ای به موسوی و کروبی ندارین، ولی تا میبینین امثال ما ها سابقه شونو پیش میکشن دستپاچه میشین که نکنه احیاناً یه وقت روی شلوغیها اثر بذاره، معلوم نیست چرا! شماهایین که نشستین بچه مردم برن بجنگن که شما ها چیزی عایدتون بشه، نه ما ها. شماهایی که نه اسمتون معلومه نه چهرتون، نه هیچی. فقط دلتون میخواد شلوغ بشه که یه چیزی بشه، حالا هر چی شد. فکر ضررها رو نمیکنین، فکر بعدش رو هم نمیکنین که خب، آمدیم و بغول خودت ”سید علی” افتاد، بعدش چی؟ دوباره همین سیستم مسخره بازی که هر کی بجای باد از خودش یه چیزی بعنوان اسلام و ”حضرت امام” خُرد ملت میده و میریم جلو؟ درست مثل سی و دو سال پیش که این همه ملت بدبخت جون دادن و بیچاره شدن که مملکتو از دست یه سیستم دیکتاتوری دیگه آزاد کنن، آخر سر هم یه عده ابله رفتن به سیستم جمهوری اسلامی، که اصلاً نمیدونستن چیه، رأی موافق دادن؟؟
بابا بسه این جا نماز آبکشیا بخدا٬٬٬



by Parham on

پس بالاخره سی و دو سال کنار گود نشستیم یا توی گود؟؟ تکلیف ما رو روشن کن! اگر توی گود نشستیم و چیزی نشد، شاید بخاطر شما ها که کنار گود نشستین بود. اگر هم که کنار گود نشستیم که دیگ به دیگ میگه روت سیاس!٬
ببین آقا، من و تو آبمون توی یه جوب نمیره. من به عنوان یک ایرانی آمدم اینجا نظرمو در باره این دو نفر، یعنی کروبی و موسوی دارم میدم، و اینکه به این سادگی از سابقه شون نمیگذرم، تو مثل یک فاشیست آمدی اینجا داری به من میگی چطور فکر کنم. حتی داری حمله شخصی هم به من میکنی، و تا حالا زیاد چیزی بهت نگفتم. آقا، زور نیست، من مثل تو فکر نمیکنم. تو میخوای از جنایات دوره موسوی بگذری، بگذر. من نمیگذرم. تو بازم جمهوری اسلامی میخوای بعد از این همه مدت، بخواه. من دمکراسی میخوام. این یعنی اینکه من میخوام تو رو بازی بدم، ولی تو نمیخوای منو بازی بدی ــ در صورتیکه مملکت مال هر دومونه!
پس روتو کم کن دیگه. این همه زور که میگی، این همه هم که مزخرف داری بارمون میکنی، بترس از روزی که توی چشم امثال ما ها باید نگاه کنی جواب پس بدی! روی ایرانیان دات کام پیغام گذاشتن آسونه، مخصوصآً وقتی یک اسم مستعار داری و جهانشاه هم درو برای هر نوع مزخرفی ــ از جمله حمله های شخصی ــ باز گذاشته، این همه یه روز به طرز مستقیم تکرار میشه ها؟ میخوام ببینم اونروزم دوباره همین حرفارو میزنی؟


."Here was another

by vildemose on

deleted. Double post.


. "Here was another

by vildemose on


"Here was another irony, in view of the recent pro-democracy uprisings in the Middle East that Ahmadenijad purported to support. Karroubi, a senior cleric, is a former Speaker of Parliament; Mousavi was prime minister and guided the country through the difficult years of the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s. Their “crime” was to have posed a serious challenge to Ahmadinejad as candidates in the 2009 presidential elections, which many Iranians believed were blatantly rigged. Millions of Iranians poured out into the streets to protest when Ahmadinejad’s victory was announced. “Where is my vote,” became the slogan of the protesters, and some even cried “death to the dictator”—meaning Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei—an almost unprecedented attack on the regime itself. .."



Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime

American World War II senior military officers could bring law&

by Everybody Loves Somebody ... on

order to the barbaric countries of the ME! But what for?


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Siavash Jan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I am very familiar with the American system; I am afraid you are wrong. Foreign and military policy is almost fully under control of the President. He {or she} is the Commander In Chief and as so has full power.  McCain has no say whatsoever. He is too old and has little power even in the Senate. The new generation of Republicans are busy fighting over who is going to challenge Obama and not interested in Iran. 

Remember I am on your side; just don't want to give people false hope. Obama is basically Jimmy Carter mark II. He is a bit less stupid but his guiding philosophy is the same. In fact even the Republicans are just as stupid if not more. Look at Bush. He goes and calls Islam a "religion of peace" see:  // . Now we could excuse him because he wanted to keep people from attacking Muslims in wake of 9/11. But then he goes; takes over Iraq and Afghanistan and lets them both establish Islamic governments!

What we need is neither Bush nor Obama rather MacArthur. General who wrote the Japanese constitution; paving the path to democracy.  Unfortunately we just don't have anyone like that. We have the lame Islam apologists and the nut job Republican radicals. 




شما که هی دم از دموکراسی میزنی اومدی اینجا با افترا و تهمت میخواهی ناسزاهاتو به خورد ملت بدی!

اول اینکه یک سال و نیم پیش مردم نرفتند به موسوی و کروبی رأی بدن چون میخواستند جمهوری اسلامی رو تثبیت کنند. رفتند رأی دادند چون نمیخاستاند به کاندیدای سد علی رأی اعتماد بدند. خود سد علی هم اینو گفت. شما دور نشستی میگی جمهوری اسلامی خوب نیست، ۳۲ سال از این حرفا زدی، آب رو آب تکون نخورد. مردم یک راهی پیدا کردند که از تو خود سیستم، نظام رو عوض کنند و تا به حالش هم موفق بودند.

دوما, جوونها برای کسی نمیرن کشته بشن، برای ایران جون خودشون تو کفه اخلاص گذاشتند. شما در گود نشستی معلومه که این مساله رو نمیفهمی.

سوما، ملت زورش داره به این دجالین میرسه، فقط ببین تواین مدت این نظام به چه فلاکتی رسیده.

در آخر من جزو دار و دسته دباشی، گنجی، نبوی و دیگران نیستم. خیلی به خودت زحمت نده برچسپ پیدا کنی


U.S military intervention ....

by Siavash300 on

U.S administration is not limited to Obama. Most of the chair luckily is occupied by Republicans. Mc Caine plays major role in administration decision. It is duty of Iranians who reside in U.S to inform them about the nature of these Islamic monsters who brutally kills Iranian oppositions. 



by Parham on

سفسطه رو جنابعالی ــ سرکار عالی؟ ــ میفرمایین که به هیچ عنوانی معنای دمکراسی رو نمیفهمین و اینجوری که معلومه نخواهید فهمید. رأی گیری پارسال که تحت شرایط دمکراتیک نبود، تحت شرایط دیکتاتوری جمهوری اسلامی بود که یک عده ای رو از قبل تعیین کرده بودند و می گفتند حالا بیاین به اینها رأی بدین. این یک.
بعدش هم که ملت رفتن رأی دادند و همون رأیشون هم که محترم شمرده نشد تا حدی که ریختند توی خیابونها ــ پس همون بهتر که نمیرفتند رأی بدن و خودشونو سکه یه پول نکنن. این دو.
الآن هم که برای همون دلقکهایی که بهشون رأی دادن هی میرن و کشته میشن و دستگیر میشن و غیره ــ البته به گفته شما، به گفته خیلی دیگه این تظاهرات دیگه برای اون دلقکها نیست و برای آزادیه، که البته خدا از دهنشون بشنوه. این سه٬
ولی حالا اگر بیایم و بگیریم که حرف شما درست باشه، پس چه فایده ای؟ زورشون که به اینها نمیرسه، اگر هم بخوان به حرف دغلدوستان باند شما اعم از نبوی و بهنود و دباشی و غیره گوش کنن که حتی باید وقتی میخورند هیچی هم نگن، پس دیگه چی؟ دستی دستی جوونای مردمو بفرستین به مرگشون دیگه!٬
رو که نیست، که تازه کاش سنگ پای قزوین بود٬٬٬


""A close   aid close to

by vildemose on

""A close  

aid close to the Supreme Leader, known as Vahid, to have been personally involved and led the kidnap of Karroubi and his wife, Fatemeh.

Vahid Haghanian, more commonly known simply as Vahid, is the deputy executive of the Supreme Leader's office. He has become known as an influential figure whose duties include co-ordination of various military, political and security units as well as delivering the Supreme Leader's messages. He is said to be the Supreme Leader's right hand man and yet very little is known about him. None of the better known people around the Supreme Leader have ever commented or mentioned anything about him in their memoires.""





چرا سفسطه میکنی جانم؟ شما، گفتی که تعین و تکلیف نمیکنی برای مردم; گفتم که چرا! ۱ سال و نیم پیش شما اینجا نبودی میگفتی مردم نرند رأی بدند ؟ بر خلاف حرف شما، ایرونیا رفتند به کسانی که جزو گروه سیا سی شما نبودند رأی دادند! بعد  میگی باید به خواسته اکثر یت مردم ارجعیت قائل شد؛ ولی در بقلش میگی این کسانیکه اکثر یت مردم بهشون رأی دادند، دلقکند!! بعد میای میگی، در دموکراسی شما هر چی دلت میخواد میتونی به دیگران انگ ببندی!! بلاخره کدوم حرفتو قبول کنیم، عزیز؟



by Parham on

اگر مردم رو یک عده گوسفند حساب کنی که هر کاری بهشون بگی انجام میدن، آره حرفت درسته. حالا کی افکار استبدادی داره؟

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

I bet a televised confession is in the offing!

I am afraid you are right. The solution is to hit back and really hard. All Islamists including: Imams; IR officials and their goons must be put on an international terrorist list. They should be arrested whenever possible and sent to GITMO. All their property confiscated and used to compensate their victims or returned to original owners.

Islam should be reclassified from a religion to a cult and put under strict watch. Any attempt at terrorist behavior and they should be prosecuted.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


USA to act requires Obama to decide Obama's sympathies lie with Islam and Arabs.  This will be a long drawn out struggle. It is not realistic to excpect help from USA. Obama does not even have what it takes to help out the Libyan protesters.

Obama is truly a "Nobel Peace" prize winner. Meaning: he is a gutless; all talk and no action worm.  We should not expect anything from him or Billary.  Not what I want but unfortunately the truth.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

 Prophet of bigotry

Such maturity is only expected of an Islamist. What is biggoted about opposing the most bigoted cult of the world "Islam"?" Let me point out a free things:

  • I don't go around labeling others najis: Islam does.
  • I don't go saying  woman has half a man's mind: Islam does
  • I do not blow myself up: Muslims do.

Now who is sane and who is insane. Keep  your 6th century desert cult to yourself. I have better things to do.

But, 85% of the same people - despite the wishes of people like you - came out to vote in 2009 because they had a basis to compare AN and his group with Mousavi, Karroubi, and the reformists who supported them. Three days after the election, the same voting people came out spontaneously to demonstrate, because they were ready.

Do you not get tired of Soviet style claims. First it was 3 million Vietnamese killed by Americans. Now it is 85% of Iranians voting this or that. Dude: these are IR numbers. Same kind of numbers that gave Saddam 99% of the vote or "elected" Mubarak. How stupid do you think we are. 

You really need to pack up and go find a nice Islamic home. There is nothing for you in the increasingly aware USA.


U.S military intervention is necessay

by Siavash300 on

Islamic thugs has no mercy on killing any one who speak out. Stinky mullahs will do anything with any price just to stay in power. Nazi who had been marked as a devil in hitory never raped women the night before their execution, but Islamic thugs in Iran did. They have guns and they're in power. Only U.S military intervention can remove these islamic bastards, otherwise,we have to witness day by day our country men, women get raped,tortured, forcefully disappeared or executed.   


Rostam khaan

by Mammad on

You did not respond to my comment to you in response to what you had written. Instead, you jumped on another comment of mine to Prophet of bigotry and David ET, because you did not have anything to say.

You also are absolutely positively shameless in telling me how I should feel or react about the loss of my loved ones. Yes, you and people like you do not know how it feels. Therefore, it is easy for you to prophetize for others! Shame on you sir. If you have an iota humanity in you, you would apologize for your senseless remark, but your desire to "win" the argument took away from you any trace of decency that you might have had.

Since you jumped on "process of democratization" anyway, let me explain: What I meant by "process of democratization started in 1979" was that the revolution came to democratize Iran. But, the process was aborted after the U.S. embassy was taken over and Bazargan resigned. After the war with Iraq ended, the reformists were the FIRST group that began working on changing the system.

What you say about reformists is sheer nonsense. No political group can move faster than the people. If people are not willing to pay the price, even the most radicals will be isolated. You think that people were ready right after the war with Iraq to come out and demonstrate? If you think so, you live in another universe. They were not ready even a decade ago.

In the 2004 elections of the 7th Majles, the reformists staged a sit-in in Majles to protest the vetting and disqualification by the GC. Did people come out to support them? No. Why? Because the society was not ready. But, 85% of the same people - despite the wishes of people like you - came out to vote in 2009 because they had a basis to compare AN and his group with Mousavi, Karroubi, and the reformists who supported them. Three days after the election, the same voting people came out spontaneously to demonstrate, because they were ready. These are simple principles in social and political science, but your hot air has blinded you!!

Someone - may be you - commented that, "yes, I said the 2009 election was fake and did not vote.... would you vote next time?"

First of all, let me understand: the same people like you who told others not to vote - the very voting that started all of this - are now "vanguards" of revolution? Even the universe, as vast as it is, is finite, but the extent of your nerves is infinite!

Secondly, of course, voting in 2013 - if it actually gets there - should be boycotted, because the conditions have changed. When to vote or not to vote has not been written on stone for God's sake! It is dynamic. It changes with the conditions. This is another simple principle that your hot air does not allow you to see sir!! Unlike you, though, the Iranian people who live in Iran are well aware of this dynamism and know how to use voting or not voting to press for their demands. People like you are miles and miles and miles behind Iranians living in Iran.

I repeat: Without the reformists and Karroubi and Mousavi we will not be anywhere even remotely close to where we are today. Anyone who has an iota of honesty in him/her knows that. Mousavi asked people not to demonstrate on the anniversary of 2009 election; people did not. He asked them to come out and demonstrate on 25 Bahman, they did. This is called popular support, legitimacy, and respect by the people. Eat your heart out sir!

So, you and others like you can scream, knock on the table, knock your head on the walls, distort the history, exaggerate, attack people like me, etc. BUT, you cannot change the history. That is the great thing about history. Ask yourself: What has prophetizing of "revolutionary" people like you accomplished? What is it that you can point to? Who is your leader that comes even remotely close to the support that Mousavi and Karroubi have at this point in time? None, zilch, zero, nada, nay!!! Look at the courage of Dr. Rahnavard, Fatemeh Karroubi, Fakhri Mohtashamipour, Nasrin Sotoudeh, Bahareh Hedayat, etc. - all practicing Muslims - the same women whose Islamic hejab people like you constantly attack and mock!

I know Rostam; I have read about Rostam. You are no Rostam, sir!



I bet a televised confession is in the offing!

by shahabshahab on

I bet they two of them are being primed for a televised cofession. This is the senario: They are shown picture of their whole famil, and the totrurer names every one of their family members. He then asks them if they love that person. Then they ask do you want this person alive or dead next week. Then they are given an alternative:If you want everyone, including you and your followers and family to live a happy happy life, simply go on TV and say that you are a paid CIA or Mosad agent. WE promise that we wiill ask Rahbar for amnsesty and he will give you amnesty. This way, NO ONE will get hurt and we will in fact, make you a head of a small minority group. The alternative is that you and all your family will die. You pick.

If they fall for this trick, we may be seeing a televised confession soon. 





اینجا من نیستم که برای کسی تعیین تکلیف میکنم، جناب ! شما هستی که داری میگی جوونهای که دارند زیر لگد آخوندا له میشند دنبال دلقک راه افتند، چون دارند میگن "یا حسین میر حسین". خوبه کسانیکه تو غرب نشستند برای مردم تعیین تکلیف میکنند که کی برند رأی بدند یا کاری که میکنند درست یا غلط ، هنوز تو افکار استبدادی خودشون با زر ورق دموکراسی غرقند :۰) مهم این نیست که ما چی فکر میکنیم یا چی به هم انگ میبندیم ، در این مورد من با شما موافقم! مهم اینکه جوونهای ایران دارند تاریخ ایران را مینویسند!



by Rostam on

You wrote: "Sahimi has lived the entire time that the IRI has been in power outside Iran (aside from going there to teach up until 4 years ago). Sahimi lost his brother, cousins, and countless number of friends, classmates, ham daneshkadehei, etc. to execution by the IRI. He has never ever been yaar-e ghaar-e IRI."

My reply: words are just words. However, actions speak louder, much louder. Also, true unredeemable shame on any person who have lost so many closed ones to the IRI, and yet still defends what has long been the right arm of the this same regime, i.e., the reformists


Questions from Mammad

by Rostam on

In your response to David ET, you claim that it was the reformists who began the movement that we have today.

Question#1: is this clever or not: During its shameful existance, the IRI has allowed a number of accomplices in crime (read: khodis/reformists) to have the privilege of making some noise, and thereby making them the only vent (soopaap) for the people.

This in effect allowed the IRI and the khodis (reformists) to have control over the direction of resistance by cleverly disguising themselves as being the only resistance, and also to busy people and their hopes with the reformists, while at the same time, hand in hand with the reformists, annihilating any other resistance through executions, imprisonments and chain murders.

And then you come forward and say: Hey lookie here! We, the reformists, are the "only" meaningful movement against the regime! We were in bed with the hardliners, killing and fucking any other resistances, and guess who remains standing to resist and offer a meaningful movement?

Us, the reformists of course! Aren't we clever or what?

Now question#2: If in the past 30 years, in the same way that the reformists were tolerated by the IRI, other forms of "gheyre khodi" oppositions such as secular jebehey melli, secular republicans, communists and others, were tolerated as well, then where would the movement be today? How far ahead would it have been today? Whom would the people be supporting today?

No, Mammad, you and your reformist buddies who sold themselves out to the regime in order to prevent it from being overthrown, do not represent the only movement, in fact, reformists represent one of the main barriers to all other potential true and meaningful movements that could have existed today.

You underestimate the abilities of Iranians and how far ahead they could have been today, had it not been for the IRI's brutal suppression, in which the reformists were their "prime" accomplices.

And one other thing, you are so enhesaar talab that you shamelessly claim that Iran's democratization started in 1979. No, it did not. It began more than a century ago with the constitutional revolution.

But then again, you being a enhesaar talab reformist, you can only see yourselves as being the only movment, the only hope, the only starters of democratization, the only everything.

G. Rahmanian

Sahimi Is A Shameless Demagogue

by G. Rahmanian on

who would even use people's deaths to promote his own historical revisionism and justify the barbaric acts perpetrated by the regime in Tehran!


از مثالهای ٬٬٬


٬٬٬ این طرفداریهای آبکی ملت ایران یکیش طرفداری از نوری در دوران به اصطلاح اصلاحات جناب خاتمیه. اونموقع چند نفر فدای نوری بودند، الآن چند نفر اصلاً یادشونه نوری کی بود و کی نبود؟



by Parham on

از کی تا حالا جنابعالی تعیین میکنین اکثریت کیه و کی نیست؟ بعد حتی اگر در دمکراسی هم بودیم، من میتونستم بهشون بگم دلقک!٬ در واقع مخصوصاً اگر در دمکراسی بودیم من میتونستم دلقت خطابشون کنم٬
میگم، واقعاً هیچی، و یعنی هیچی، از دمکراسی نمیفهمین!٬
: )




اکثریت مردم ایران، اون کسایی نیستند که شما تو خیالت پروروندی. اکثریت مردم ایران، کسایی هستند که بر خلاف نظر شما ۱ سال و نیم پیش رفتند بر علیهه کاندیدای رژیم (احمدینژاد) رای دادند و الان هم دارند دنبال این کسا اون چیزی رو میگن که شما خوشت نمیاد.

احترام گذاشتن به خاست اکثریت این نیست که بیای اینجا به کاندیداهای کسای که زیر لگد مزدورای حکومت داد میزند، یا حسین میر حسین، بگی دلقک!

نه جانم، برای شما دموکراسی یک هنر تخیلی مثل نقاشیهای دالیه! و با تعریف اصلیش خیلی داره


Good call

by oktaby on


Dishonesty is hallmark of islamists



Missing them

by MRX1 on

hardly! They are very fond of the so called late  imam and his era! I hope they join him soon.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Mammad Aga

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Do you really believe in what you write; I think you do.  The 1979 "process of democratization" never existed. After the Shah specially during Bakhtiar we had some political freedoms. That was due to the weakening of the central government. Khomeini tolerated them for a while because he had to. Then as soon as Khomeini could he started to consolidate his power. That meant pushing out the Nationalist and Marxists. What you see as a "process of democratization" is really a one way transition from Bakhiar era freedoms to the present totalitarian regime.

But you and other revolutionaries are not willing to be honest. You don't want to admit you messed up so you make up these tails. Just admit your system and your revolution failed. We should have stopped with Baktiar when we had freedom. The rise of Khomeini and Islamic Republic has never been democratic. There will not be a democratization of IR. Because the whole theocratic rule is anti democratic by nature.


The third person method

by Fred on

In not telling the truth, someone is talking about himself in the third person.


Rostam khaan

by Mammad on

Sahimi has lived the entire time that the IRI has been in power outside Iran (aside from going there to teach up until 4 years ago). Sahimi lost his brother, cousins, and countless number of friends, classmates, ham daneshkadehei, etc. to execution by the IRI. He has never ever been yaar-e ghaar-e IRI. Your baseless accusation is just that, baseless.He was never part of power, or had ambitions for power to begin with. Your slogan is cliche.

As for Mousavi, if we accept your suggestion - or mine - that "of course there is no hard evidence that Mousavi was directly involved in the 1988 executions" (during which three friends, a classmate from university, and a high school classmate of Sahimi were also executed), then the question is: Which one is more rational, you who says that there is "of course" no hard evidence, but "convicts" the man any way, or Sahimi who says the same thing but says that if hard evidence ever emerges Mousavi must take responsibility in a court of law?

Finally, you are dishonest about the article, because you took one paragraph out of context. That article has many other paragraphs about the same issue, but because you have also "convicted" Sahimi in advance, you chose to conveniently set them aside.And, of course, you are a democracy lover!
