
Tribute to Mousavi and Karroubi

by mehrdadm

Ormazd Parsi's compilation of statements and interviews by Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi since the last presidential election:


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حالا که صفحه سیاه کردن بود٬٬٬


بت شکن

شمع نظری

بت شکن

من یه شمع دو سر واسه هردوتون روشن کردم بلکه اینقدر صفحه سیاه نکنید


شرابشو هستم


: )


باشه قبول،


من ۲ تا شمع برای شما روشن میکنم و اگر همدیگرو ایران دیدیم یه شراب شیراز هم مهمون من :۰)


How to deal with these Islamic animals?

by Siavash300 on

All of us are here to get rid of this monsters who brought misery, poverty, prostitution and drug addiction to our people for last 32 years. Now, the question is how to get rid of these Islamic bastards. How? Rostam is right. I admire his wisdom. There is no way with just by negociation to get rid of these parasits in Iran. Only military forces can do the job. They have guns and pistol and they are not educated like our late shah. They kill any voice under the name of Islam. Religion dictatorship is the worse type of dictatorship. Now, at this time, only criminals are on power. Just listen to the voice of one of them to Rafsanjani's daughter. They are not afraid to use profanity language. Lampoonism is the form of political system at this historical moments. The question is how can we change the regime?


خیله خب دیگه٬٬٬


٬٬٬ پس برای چی خودمونو ناراحت کنیم؟ شما راه خودتو برو، ما راه خودمونو میریم، اگه همه چیز درست در بیاد روز آزادی بهم میرسیم. اگر یکیمون به آزادی رسید و اونیکی نه، اونی که رسید یه شمع برای اونی که نرسید روشن کنه. اگرم هیچکدوم نرسیدیم که لا اقل سعی مونو کردیم. بله؟


شما باز اشتباه کردی !!


در این ۳۲ سال هر کی خارج از این رژیم مخالفتی نشون داد، بهش اتهامات سنگین مجاهد، سلطنت طلب، جاسوس دستگاههای امنیتی اسراییل و امریکا و غیره زدند و بیشترشون یا کشته شدند یا خودشون فرار کردند . ۲ نفر از تو خود این رژیم بلند شدند و در چهار چوب قانون اساسی قرون وسطایی حکومت، موج مخالفی رو بلند کردند که داره پایه و اساس اینارو میکنه. این مساله دیگه مشخصه که اکثریت جامعه الان دنبال تغیرات اساسی هستند، حتی خود موسوی و کروبی بارها بر روی انتخابات آزاد تاکید کردند. خود کروبی هم چندین بار گفته که این رژیم اصلاح پذیر نیست!! حالا اگر ما، بخواهیم به جای اینکه یار شاطر باشیم، بار خاطر باشیم فقط در جهت تفرقه افکنی این رژیم قدم بر داشتیم, همانطور که طائب، این جلاد مزدور خامنه ای گفته! اشتباه شما اینجاست که فکر میکنی من طرفدار موسوی و کروبی ام، نه جانم! اینطور نیست. به چه لسانی بگم؟ من طرفدار این موج آزادیخواهانه برای آزادی ایرانم و هر کی در این راه قدمی برداشت من تحسینش میکنم و میگم راهش درسته. راهی هم که شما داری میری، بنظرم به ناکجا آباد میره و به قول خودت در دموکراسی هر کی نظرشو میتونه بگه، پس جای ناراحتی نداره!


Iran 123

by Mehrban on

You are right.



by Iranian123 on

Your comments are just emotional. I am not on the side of IRI though I think all should have freedom of speech. Can you understand the difference between the two ?

freedom of speech



Iran 123

by Mehrban on

Be my guest, make it your prime occupation to protect the supporters of IR.  I do think it is a noble cause.   For me it is more important to be on the side of the victim while the perpetrator is still in power.    




by Iranian123 on

Freedom of Speech and Censorship Laws are not connected to the Hippie movement.  It is a universal concept, except in fascist countries.

Mohammad Alireza

Green Movement is NOT Mousavi and Karoubi

by Mohammad Alireza on

After spending a long time studying and observing Iran for the past ten years….in close up given that I am living in Iran….the conclusion I have reached is that we Iranians are barking up the wrong tree.

The issue is not politics.

The issue is religion.

What does "reformist" mean in a theocracy? Changes in the constitution? No supreme leader? Free elections?

Sorry, but dig deep enough and it all comes back to religion.

So, who is going to be the first to stand up and demand reforms in Islam as practiced by the Shia rulers of Iran?



I don't think so.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Vildemose jan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Right. The IRR has been saying they are indispensable. it reminds me of the "face hugger" in the movie Alien. It attaches itself to the nation and it you try to remove it will kill the host. If you leave it on it will hatch more aliens. I say *** the IR. Take the chances. If the only way we can survive is with VF and Mousavi then better not survive.

In reality when IR goes we will not only survice but rapidly advance. Then we will look back at the "bad" days of IR and say: how did anyone fall for that ***. 


The IRI apologist lately

by vildemose on

The IRI apologist lately have been creating  a poison pill that they know you will never want to take. They issue threats everyday on IC ; either accept IR lite or we will continue to support the Islamic Republic indefinitely, regardless of how despicable and corrupt it has become...The other false choice to accept IRI or face losing your "independence". As if we are retards who need the leaderships of god-king, Khameni and without it we are nothing. This zeros-sum propaganda has been overused by the IRI cronie; it has lost it's traction since the tidal wave of uprising in the ME.



by Mehrban on

I know!  But let me say that I find our freedom loving people the most confused group ever.  Look at our site, they are running around defending the Freedom of Speech of IR supporters.  Okay when you are in power by all means speak up for everyones freedom of speech but now when they are killing and raping you with pride, is it really your business to protect their freedom of speech?!!   

Then there is this love and peace thing that has become our opium, what love and peace?!  For over thirty years there have been unabashed murders in our country, to say nothing of "ya rosari ya to sari" or floggings, do we even care?  Do we even remember to be mad enough about it to make us really sick to our stomachs to stand at IR's ballot box and caste a vote for the nausiating elections of IR?   We have everything backwards because we know nothing but the status quo. Dear Rustam, I don't mean you (Rustam) I mean us as a collective force(?) of resistance.

Saying NO to murder, rape injustice and fake elections does not constitute violence.  Codeling IR will only keep us in this servile position we have been in for so long.  

Rustam- I think you know all this I am talking to others who (maybe Unknowingly) seem to have first and foremost the interest of their occupiers in mind.





by Rostam on

"What does this say about the rest of us? We are nothing but hot air.  At least these Islamists have guts."

Dear Mehrban, I completely understand your frustration. But please do not unconcsiously fall for the Islamists barrage of non-stop pre-meditated propaganda. What you said in the above quote is exactly how these Islamists want you to feel and think, which is a sense of helplessness.

The rest of us which you were referring to, are not hot air. Rather, those that we call "the rest of us" have indeed produced many brave sons and daughters in the past 32 years, but they have all been systematically eliminated by execution, assasination, murder or by being thrown in IRI's prisons.

This is not a testimony to our being weak, but a testimony to a people whose potential leaders have all been publicly or quietly wiped out year after year. And it is also a testimony and credit to IRI's brutal and successful security apparatus, which is peerless in the world.

A country, any country, can produce only so many people with leadership caliber capabilities. Wipe these leaders out, and the rest of us who remain would feel leaderless and helpless, or worst, would make us turn to the likes of Mousavi, which is exactly what the IRI and their reformist croonies want.


تازه من متوهمم!؟


بابا کسی که دمکراسی میخواد که طرفدار یأجوج و مأجوج نمیشه. ایدولت نباشن، از اول بحث تا حالا داری ازشون دفاع میکنی و تازه بهت برخورده که چرا من ــ که هیچکاره ام ــ بهشون گفتم دلقک! ای بابا!٬
شهامت هم اینا ندارن، اینا خودشون جزو سیستم بوده اند و هستند، تا به امروز هم پاشونو از خط سیستم نذاشتن بیرون و اتفاقاً هم چوب همین بزدلیشونو میخورن و خواهند خورد. اینها سیاستمدارند، یا لا اقل خودشونو اینطور فرض میکنند. سیاستمدار شجاع میاد میگه آقا حرف باید حرف ملت باشه، نمیره باز پشت امام و غیره قایم شه که. بعدشم که پس فرق سیاستمدار و مردم عادی چیه؟ هم این باید یه چیزی بگه و منظورش یه چیز دیگه باشه، هم اون؟
سیاستمدارانو از اینجا ها انگ میزنن٬ حالا برای شما خوب بود و شهامت داشت، خب. این فقط یه چیزی درباره شما میگه، که اونم از اسم آنلاینو عکست از قبل میدونستیم بهرحال!
برای ما نداشت، حتی خطرناکتر از اون بالاسریاش ــ ”سید علی” ــ بود٬، چرا که یه چیزی میگفت و زیر مردمو آتیش میکرد و آخر سر هم حرف خودشم قبول نداشت! لا اقل اون یکی یه چیزی میگه، پای حرفش وا میسه. اون میگه ”مرگ بر کافران و دشمنان اسلام”، لات و لوتارو راه میندازه تو خیابون میزنن و نابود میکنن. آدم لا اقل تکلیفش باهاشون معلومه. این یکیها که میگن ”حالا چپ بِده، حالا راست بِده، حالا بِده اینور، حالا اونور، اصلاً برای حفظ نظام فعلاً تعطیلش کنیم تا سکانس بعدی.” دِ، اینکه نشد اپوزیسیون! خودشو مسخره کرده یا مارو؟ اکه هی!٬٬

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Rostam is right

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Mr Mammad your side first kills all the other leaders then say: "You have no leaders". Then you quote made up numbers. Days of Stalinist propaganda are gone Mammad Khan. 85 % my foot! 


میفرمایید: موس



موسوی و کروبی هم "ایدول"  من نیستند. برای اینکه شهامت به خرج دادند و جلوی این رژیم در این مقطع که مردم احتیاج داشتند حرف زدند قدر دانی میکنم

و لابد در اون یکی‌ مقطع، یعنی‌ سال ۱۹۸۸ که داشتند دسته دسته جوانهای وطن رو تیرباران میکردند، مردم احتیاجی به این نداشتند که امثال موسوی براشون حرفی‌ بزنه. اصولاً، در تمام طی‌ این سی‌ سال مردم هیچ احتیاجی به اینکه اینها حرفی‌ بزنند نداشتند. ولی‌ امروز کی‌ بین خودشون دعوا شده، یک هو مردم احتیاج پیدا کردند که کسی‌ براشون حرفی‌ بزنه.

خر خودتی. برای این دسته احتیاج مردم هیچ وقت مطرح نبوده. همیشه احتیاج خودشون مطرح بوده. و السلام.



by Rostam on

You wrote: "85% of the same people - despite the wishes of people like you - came out to vote in 2009"

Yes, and 99% voted for Saddam. 94% voted for Castro. 80% voted for mubarak. Shall I go on? Just who do you think you are trying to deceive?

Besides, those who voted, did so because there were no other alternatives. But why there were no other alternatives? Because the IRI, which includes its reformist pimps, killed, assasinated, imprisoned or otherwise anihilated all other alternatives. And now you have the balls to come and say Mousavi is the only alternative? After he served a government that destroyed all other oppositions/alternatives? Did he serve such government or not?

So this is how it works: Kill all other forms of resistance while in bed with the mollahs, and then come forward and say: look there is nobody else (we eliminated them), we are the only alternative (because we helped eliminate all others), people are coming in the streets in our support (because we whored and pimped for the IRI and in exchange the IRI let us make some noise, making us the only hope the people have.)

You Islamists are genuinely clever, are you not?

You ask: "Who is your leader that comes even remotely close to the support that Mousavi and Karroubi have at this point in time? None, zilch, zero, nada, nay."

Who are my leaders? My leaders are Bakhtiar, Ayatolah Boroojerdi, Foroohar, Osaanloo and many others who were either executed, assasinated or thrown in prison by the IRI (which you and the reformists are a part of.) If the IRI had given them the same privilege than it gave to its whores (read: reformists), they would have had massive support today, and any movement would have been ahead of today by leaps and bounds.

And you, after being a supporter of the IRI's right arm, the reformists, who anihilated all my possible leaders, you dare to say, "None, zilch, zero".

But now, you know where the "none, zilch, zero" is coming from, don't you Mr. Islamist? Who is shameless now?


Look at these Four, they are our problems and our solutions

by Mehrban on

our heroes and our criminals.  What does this say about the rest of us? We are nothing but hot air.  At least these Islamists have guts.  The rest of us dress up and go clap for googoosh as resistance.  If we really had an ounce of self respect not a single one of us would have gone to the ballot boxes of the criminal IR and extend their legitimacy.  We are so confused, so uninformed so eager to please, I am surprised IR has not completely used us as slaves.   We sure act like it.   


آدم متوهم همینه دیگه!


"اگر دور گوده" پس چرا اومدی اینجا ۱۰ خط فلسفه میبافی؟ تازه من به جمهوری اسلامی چی کار دارم؟ سرنگون شه جزو اولین کسایی که خوشحال میشن خواهم بود. موسوی و کروبی هم "ایدول"  من نیستند. برای اینکه شهامت به خرج دادند و جلوی این رژیم در این مقطع که مردم احتیاج داشتند حرف زدند قدر دانی میکنم. حالا چرا برم خودمو بکشم؟ تو داری اینجا خودتو پاره پوره میکنی و از دموکراسی که بوشو نبردی هی افاظه کلام میکنی!




بالا چشم موسوی و کروبی ابروئه. حالا خودتو بکش٬



by Parham on

اصطلاحش دور گود نشستنه، اونوقت من فارسی بلد نیستم؟
۳۲ سال هم کسی دربدر نبوده، دلتو حتی به اینم نمیتونی خوش کنی. برو بابا جان، خراب کردی. فقط یه دهن داری وازه و هیچی دیگه. آقایان موسوی و کروبی ”انشالله” روزیتو میرسونن. نشد بالاخره جمهوری اسلامی هست، یکی میچرخوندش٬ برو٬


فارسی هم که بلد نیستی!!


آقا جان، در با دور فرق میکنه! نه توشه نه بیرونش، درشه. اینکه ۱۰ خط تفسیر نداره. بعد، اومدی اینجا هر چی انگ خواستی زدی: فلانی دلقکه، من دموکراسی سرم نمیشه، ... حالام من فاشیست شدم این وسط. فکر میکنی وقتی کلمات بدون اینکه معانیشونو بلد باشی استفاده کنی, مردم عالم صدات میکنن؟ یا اینکه این برات یه وسیله خالی کردن عقده های ۳۲ سال در به دریه ؟ تازه من نبودم با شما باب کلامو باز کردم اون شما بودی. امدی اینجا حرفتو زدی، منم زدم. خوشت نیومد پاچه منو گرفتی. اخه آقای دموکراسی دون، همون قدر که برای خودت حق قائلی که بیای حرفتو بزنی چرا برای دیگران نیستی؟


As Rostam Said! Green & Red Same!

by Tokyoarea on

As Rostam said newly every one will realized ,, some ppl  early and some later...If anything’s must happened for sick of our ppl ! real Islam if they say or democracy here now :they fighting to each others (reformist, and Hardliners) with body of each young ppl in Iran,   I’m not supported Mosavi, kar,,,, etc nor like them they lost power and position they fight for it, we should work on third option, with the green movement ppl think that is it,, it is 100% wrong and at the mmoments no political party and good back ground availabe that we should be pride! or follow,, that’s is main issue,



Parham and Rostam: Dametoon

by vildemose on

Parham and Rostam: Dametoon garm. Khaili be ja bood. khasteh nabashid.


Hala be in shir zan goosh bedid. Pishbeenish khaili dorosteh:




by Parham on

موافقم. در واقع تُشَک فرود تندرو ها هم هستند و بوده اند که هر وقت اونها افتادند یا داشتند میافتادند سپر بلاشون هم شدند٬
خیلی فلان فلان شده اند!٬
: )


شماهایین که


شماهایین که نشستین بچه مردم برن بجنگن که شما ها چیزی عایدتون بشه، نه ما ها. شماهایی که نه اسمتون معلومه نه چهرتون، نه هیچی. فقط دلتون میخواد شلوغ بشه که یه چیزی بشه، حالا هر چی شد. فکر ضررها رو نمیکنین، فکر بعدش رو هم نمیکنین که خب، آمدیم و بغول خودت ”سید علی” افتاد، بعدش چی؟ دوباره همین سیستم مسخره بازی که هر کی بجای باد از خودش یه چیزی بعنوان اسلام و ”حضرت امام” خُرد ملت میده و میریم جلو؟ درست مثل سی و دو سال پیش که این همه ملت بدبخت جون دادن و بیچاره شدن

اقای پرهام، قربان دهنت برم! این چند کلام که نوشتید از سیلی‌ هم بهتر بود! امیدوارم این IamTheKing ده بار این متن رو بخوانه و یک چیزی یاد بگیره.

ولی‌ ببینید دوست عزیز، این طرفداران "انحصار طلبها" یا همون رفرمیستها، سالهاست که با همین آخوندها سر یک سفره نشستند. از یک طرف بنیاد گراها رو دوست ندارند (یا بهتره بگم که یک موقع نوکرشون بودند ولی‌ امروز دیگه از نوکری خسته شدند)، و از طرف دیگه هم، این رو خوب میدونند که اگر امثال شماها بیان سر کار، بساط سفره‌شان بر چیده میشه. یعنی‌ بگم فاتحه هست.

واسه همین هست که وقتی‌ کارنامهٔ سیاه این "انحصار طلبها" رو نشونشون میدی، به قول شما دستباچه میشن و میزنند به سیم آخر، یکیشون هم همین اقای سهیمی هست که کامنتش رو پایینتر میتونی‌ بخونی‌.

بعدش هم میزنن به بوق و کرنا که آقا ما تنها آلترناتیو هستیم! اون هم بعد از اینکه همین خوداشون هر چی‌ آلترناتیو دیگه بود رو یا کشتند یا انداختند زندان.

خیلی‌ با هنر و زرنگ هستند، نه؟



by Rostam on

You wrote: "You also are absolutely positively shameless in telling me how I should feel or react about the loss of my loved ones. Yes, you and people like you do not know how it feels."

"you and people like you do not know how it feels"???

Do you even know me? Do you even know how the IRI have ruined my life and the lives of many other good people I knew, including relatives and friends?

I do not know how it feels? So now knowing how IRI's brutality feels has also become "enhesaarie" reformists too? roo ke nist...

You wrote: If you have an iota humanity in you, you would apologize for your senseless remark.

No, I do not apolgize to a person who himself has been in bed with those that today are considered Khomeini's past enablers and pimps.

You wrote: "Ask yourself: What has prophetizing of "revolutionary" people like you accomplished?"

And what the fuck have you and your reformists accomplished in the past 35 years? Here is the answer:

1. They helped bring khoemeini to power.

2. Acting as modern Salmane Farsi, they helped establish the IRI, showing the mollahs how things work.

3. While in bed with the mollahs, many innocents were executed early in the revolution and later, many more, including the 1988 massacre. Great accomplishment.

4. Their Islamic government looted and destroyed Iran's economy.

5. The IRI that they helped create brought to Iran rampant corruption, poverty, prostitution, unemployment, drug addiction, at unprecedented levels. Great great accomplishment.

6. While in bed with the mollahs, they layed the foundation that has caused the best brains of our country to leave, again at historically unprecedented levels.

This is a list of what your reformsits have accomplished in the past 32 years. And now because Mousavi is making some noise, all the sudden, they have accomplished something? No, the above list is what they have truly accomplished. Today, they are only trying to undo their sins.