Human-Rights Centric Policy

Instead of US policy centering on Iran's nuclear industry

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by hirre on

The problem is that the only countries that create that many centrifuges like Iran does do it because they need it for nuclear bombs (high enrichment of uranium). You don't need that many centrifuges for ordinary power suppliment, that is why the world wants to stop Iran... More than 30 years ago the shah tried the same thing, he wanted to easily build a nuclear bomb if another player in the region would obtain it, and that is one of the reasons the americans turned their back on him...

On the other hand there are people who say that the world wants to stop Irans progress. This is because Iran has one of the world's biggest uranium reserves. Having many centrifuges allows Iran to enrich large quantities and sell them of to other countries. But in my opionion this is just an effect, not the actual cause..

Soosan Khanoom

I am not sure what to make

by Soosan Khanoom on

I am not sure what to make of this funny 101 cartoon for dummies ........ like are they showing these things on white house?  that is  hilarious ...

but JJ you have brought up a very good point some mentioned here and that is quite frankly the case with world of politics today.   Nuclear Iran is more of a threat to other larger populations in the world.  ( hint by larger population they only mean state of Isreal ).   World knows that their fear is baseless cause Iran needs this for peaceful purposes like any other country with nuclear reactors. They keep bugging Iran  despite the fact that Iran many times stated they are not going to make atomic bombs ........

in my humble opinion JJ , no one cares about human rights issues in Iran ...... no one even cares who is in power in Iran .......... if the very same current regime turns  from its position on the Israel & Palestine issue and becomes an Israeli supporter then the problem is solved ......... The entire regime will turn over night to a friendly nation with the right to build any nuclear thingy. Who gives a damn about their human rights records !........   

Do you seriously think they care how women, journalists, and students  are being treated in Iran?  



Matter of priority

by hirre on

The problem is that a nuclear Iran is more of a threat to other larger populations in the world. Unfortunately the world has to prioritize, and unfortunately it affects us... To some level stopping a nuclear Iran is more important, because if Iran goes nuclear, then there is a great risk that the US will be even more passive like it is with Pakistan. No nation threatens a nuclear nation, the consequences are jsut too much and at the end the people of Iran will be more forced to obey "social slavery"...

The problem in my opionion is why Obama haven't said anything negative about the supreme leader, about Ahmadinejad etc... These are just cheap words... The only consequence would be that Iran might stop future inspections, but then it only gives Israel and US more reason to bomb Iran's nuclear power plants... In real practice I think the world can afford to both stop Iran's nuclear ambitions and to support the people in Iran.

In general I think Obama has been too friendly both inside and outside of the US... If you have all the cards, it's better to play than to wait, because you might loose them later, which has been the case with Obama... I'm sceptical, I don't think he will be re-elected because he had the chance to deliver more, instead he chose to compromice... When republicans have total power, they don't compromice as much, so why are the democrats so scared? 

Mash Ghasem

Waiting for Godot

by Mash Ghasem on

was the first proposed title for this.



by yolanda on

Thank you for posting! well-said!

Jahanshah Javid

Human rights first

by Jahanshah Javid on

This is the way it should be. What we have is an international policy focused on Iran's nuclear program. What we don't have is this same international community caring half as much about the human rights disaster in Iran.

There's a meeting at the IAEA every week about what to do with Iran's uranium enrichment. Where's the weekly INTERNATIONAL meeting on Iran's gross mistreatment of its citizens?

This lack of serious attention on human rights tells me the "international community" is more concerned about its own geo-political interests than the basic rights of the Iranian people.

You want me, as an Iranian, to care more about the nuclear issue than what's going in the streets, in universities, in prisons...?