Quran Burned in Florida Church

American pastor supervises burning Of Quran

NPR: Yesterday, during Dove World Outreach Center's Sunday service, without any publicity and under the supervision of Jones, Pastor Wayne Sapp soaked a Quran in kerosene for an hour, held an event he said was a "trial" for the Muslim holy book, and after the book was found guilty, Sapp set the Quran on fire using a barbecue lighter >>>


more from David ET
Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

David Jan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I am really not religious. But I do like making arguments based on their assumptions. This is what I see:

  • Many; in fact most religions are not from Abraham. Here are some: Buddhism; Wicca; Ancient Greek/Roman; Ancient Egyptian; Ancient Norse; Maya;Aztec; Hindu; Various African religions.
  • Zoroastrian is also not from Abraham. By our mythology the first man was Keyomars or in Avestan means "Mortal Man". So by that we are decedents of Keyomars not Abraham who is not even mentioned in Avesta.
  • The business of Abraham is just being pushed by people who want to homogenize it all.They did that so as to push Abrahamic religions down people throats. Islam hitched its wagon to Abraham for similar reasons.

David ET


by David ET on

All religions/messegers who believe they are decendents of Abraham, Ebrahim... regardless of their differences are called Abrahamic.

Now you can jump up and down and say one is not from one´s point of view or another , thats fine but that is not the scientific definition what the source and similarities of these religions are.

Last time I checked Wikipedia and others were not written by Muslims and Last I checked people chose what their religion (or lack of) is, not you!

FYI: God has no religion, neither do I.

Give it up!


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Mehrdad Jan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Well that was not exactly what I meant :-) Lol. I figure there must be public bathrooms near the Wailing Wall although I have no personal experience there.


VPK jaan:

by Bavafa on

"A better analogy would be taking a dump in a Mosque"

You be surprised how often it is done.  In fact the only times I have set a foot in a mosque is one time to attend a funral but many more times to take a leak (well really to leave one) when I was a yougster and there was no other toilet available but the local mosque.




by Simorgh5555 on

I agree. Why burn the Koran? That is what Nazis do. Instead let people read the Koran chapter and verse especially the surud that says:

5:51 O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends: They are but friends to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them is of them. Verily Allah guidethnot a people unjust

See how that goes down well with ordinary Americans! They will torch the book themselves or ask for it to be banned. 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Mehrdad Jan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I do not think taking a dump next to Wailing Wall is the same as burning Quoran. A better analogy would be taking a dump in a Mosque. In one situation the person is in a [;ace they do not own. In other they are burning their own property.

When someone buys a Quoran they own that book. It is their property and they burned it on their own property. Yes it was insulting and very disrespectful to Muslims. It was unwise. But it did not violate rights of other people. Now if someone burned a Quoran that did not belong to them it is a different matter. That would be vandalism and punishable. Niot by death but probably a fine and having to replace the book. We need to distinguish between insult and violating  rights of other people. 

The best reaction is to do nothing violent. Writhe an op-ed in NY Times; or  protest in a peaceful manner outside the "Church". But any reaction beyond that is out. When Muslims start to react peacefully they will shame the "Church". When they react violently they will just prove the point the pastor was trying to make. The whole point of it was to tempt them into acting out of control. Thankfully in the USA Muslims behaved properly thus discrediting the pastor. It was the right and good for Muslims.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I agree with you that God of Jesus and Abraham is not same as Muslims. Anyone could say their God is the same as that of Jesus. But that does not make it so. You need to read the teachings. Jesus teaches tolerance and forgiveness.

Islam is all about fear and revenge and is forced on people. Nor is the God of Islam same as Ahura Mazda. The Zartoshti faith is about choice. Islam is about fear; obedience and submission.

There are people who really want us all to get along. To that end just say "oh all religions are the same" but they are not. If the teachings are not the same the religions are not the same.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Re: How americans would feel seeing their flag burned ?

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


It happens all the time and they do nothing to speak of. Because Americans have enough sense to understand freedom. They also respect law for most part.

In fact the whole thing went to the USA Supreme Court and it is allowed:


This is what happened and what did not happen:

  • Americans did not riot and kill each other.
  • Americans did not murder the Judges or those who burn the flag.
  • They did try to pass laws to make it harder to legally burn the flag.  

That is what a civilized people do; they accept the judgement and work within the law to change it.



Muslims view:My point exactly

by Escape on

Wasn't it? That's why I said you are a Muslim.

You believe the God of all 3 Abrahamic religions are the same.I tried to explain to you the God of the Jews and the God of the Christians is NOT the same as the God of the Muslims.Specifically by using the obvious explanation of the Jewish/Christian God being the GOD OF ISREAL..That is the GOD OF ABRAHAM.No Muslim believes in this God.

And According to Muslims - JESUS CHRIST was a Muslim


How americans would feel seeing their flag burned ?

by radius-of-the-persian-cat on

Just as a hypothesis for myself (who has no personal relation to the Quoran or any other holy book):  How would many people (in particular  americans) feel seeing their flag being burned down on a street riot in another country ?  As you might ask "Why is a burning book such an issue, if somewhere else in the world people are killed or die from hunger or diseases?" you can ask the same about a burning flag. But most americans - does not matter of which political or religious orientiation - have a very emotional relation to their flag. If they see their flag burned down in a far place in middle east, where people think this is a good way to express their unease with the militant foreign policy of the US, they understand this as a symbolic humilation of their good values of liberalism, human rights and freedom.

Freemasons Exposed

Thankyou Pedro

by Freemasons Exposed on

I'm just rying to help people realise who the REAL enemies are and what their Agenda for the world is!!!

There are a lot of kind and hounrable people that get caught up in the Hype and miss the real issues going on behind the scene.


Freemason Exposed

by pedro on

I wished half the people on this site were as smart as you. They never seize to write page after pages of nonsense. It is all about oil and money from selling war machines. That is power!


Stop Execution and torture of Iranians in Islamic regime Prisons

David ET

To Escape

by David ET on

may be in your view Muslims do not believe in God of Abraham but in their view Allah is the God of Abraham and all the prophets before were Muslims. The stories of the three major books in general cover the same events... The 3 major religions are known as Abrahamic Religions by many non-muslims as well:



Freemasons Exposed

This Pastor is a TOOL nothing more nothing less!!!

by Freemasons Exposed on

As many other insight full people that look beyond this actual stunt, you must look at the reasons and who benefits. now we'll start with the first issue of reason (motive) 

The reason is that, in this climate of anti muslim agenda which is obviously been set up by people much higher than this moron, it is quite easy to do.He hasnt enough mental capacity to think of this sort of stunt with out years of media manupilation; as the GODFATHER SAID FAMOUSLY " WHATS ZAZO GOT TO DO WITH IT?, HE IS NOTHING BUT MUSCLE".

Now lets look at who benefits and no prizes for guessing And yes the right wing on both sides of the divide which actually control the agenda both in muslim countries and western zionist agenda which are directly dependent on this conflict to go on for EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that is what they (Military Industrial Complex) and their master Bankers feed off!!!

G. Rahmanian

Dear Souri:

by G. Rahmanian on

The "bigger picture" presupposes a larger debate which is beyond the scope of a simple comment. In other words, a larger picture demands opening a huge can of worms. In the context of a larger debate many issues are involved which include what we are saying about the regime in Tehran using religion as an excuse to perpetrate the most heinous atrocities against tens of millions of Iranians.

Dealing with the larger picture is a double-edged sword. On the one hand it's a recipe for inaction with regards to all kinds of crazy acts by other loonies in the name of democracy and freedom of expression.

The larger debate, on the other hand, allows for attacking such acts as insane and lacking in civility or tolerance vis-a-vis others who are different from us.

That, again, allows us to criticize the hypocrisy of, as I have said earlier, the mercenaries of the regime on this site, as well.

Mere condemnation of isolated acts on this site does not change much. Our names would not even make it to our dear Yolanda's list.

Let's hope he'll be ignored and won't be signing a hefty deal for writing a book on how "To Build a Fire." Jack London has already written a short story by that name.

But don't be surprised if he did become a celebrity with his teams of bodyguards, advisors and lawyers.


VPK jaan:

by Bavafa on

My point was that burning the book, Quran in this case, may mean nothing to you and I but it is sacred and means much to many billions of people, much like pissing at the West wall mean much to the Jewish people as it means nothing to me either.  It ought to be avoided unless one intends and insist of insulting others.

Another analogy, albeit a much simpler one, the word 'shut up' or 'khafe sho' does not mean much in US and are used like 'noghl o nabat' but it has a much harsher meaning for an Iranian.





by Raoul1955 on

Statements are to the point and logical.  I certainly hope that his [I think VPK is male based on writing style] postings enlighten many readers. 
Well done.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Mehrdad & RG

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


The action of soldiers in Afghanistan is not a Muslims issue. It is a human or rather inhuman issue. All people with decency should be offended at such disregard for human beings. However USA is doing the right thing: prosecuting them.

Burning a Quoran is not even in the same league. I could xerox a million copies of "holy" books; make a thousand crosses; stars. Then burn them. It means nothing. On the other hand such disregard for human life insults all good people.


Radius all your big tough talk is going to waste

by Escape on

Why not go to the front line?


I read the itiotic last line

by Escape on

  I call it itiotic because Muslims do not believe in the God of Abraham.The God of Abraham promised the land called Isreal to Abraham and the Jews. So it's either itiotic or like I said,you're just another Muslim.



by yolanda on

I agree with OnlyIran........it is just a publicity stunt.....

In his own sprawling church........only 30 people stayed and watched it!

Later if something happens to him and if he gets beat up........he will regret!


It's just a book

by statira on

no big deal. Killing and buring people like Taraneh Mousavi is outrageous.


RG: Amen to that

by Bavafa on



Bavafa, I can almost assure you that

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

painting the picture of queen of england in any derogatory manner would not cause riots in England! Personally I think muslims should be far more outraged by event like this than a few noronic attention seekers burning the Quran.


"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Sahameddin Ghiassi

Burn the paper and book does not help or?

by Sahameddin Ghiassi on

If this clergy believe really in Love and God, he should try to burn ignorant and prejudice. Our problem is selfishness, greed, and love of power and sex or money. Not reading books, many Moslems do not even read Quran and even if they read, they do not understand. Our problem is the people who do not believe in God and religion or the messenger show they do believe and use that believe as a device to make money, power , sex and kill the people and get respects and benefits. That man instead of burning Quran, could spend money or his time to teach people to know and learn and understand and respect other believes even if they are wrong. We do not know what is going on in the world and who is right and who is wrong, because everybody says I am right the other people are wrong?


For those few who are dumbfounded by the outrage

by Bavafa on

This is not as much about burning a book as it is about insulting many billions of people's sacred value. A more relevant comparison would be, just imagine how Jewish people would feel if some one goes and take a dump next to the West wall in Jerusalem, or paint the queen of England having in an orgy with a few monkeys (AN pic would do the trick) or better yet, have some one joke about our beloved Prince Olyahazrat Shah-hanshah Aryamehr Bozorgvaran Reza Pahlavi with a few hardcore monarchist here on IC.

As a rule of thumb, a sacred value as dumb as it maybe, it ought not to be insulted unless you intend to instigate and outrage those folks


بت شکن

بهوش باش که هنگام باد استغنا هزار خرمن طاعت به نیم جو ننهند

بت شکن

باد استغنا : استغنای الهی را به باد تشبیه کرده اند ، چنانکه جوینی در بیان واقعه خوارزم می نویسد : چون مغولان نسبت به قرآن و مسجد جامع ، و ائمه و سادات و مشایخ و علما بی احترامی ها کردند ، مولانا امام جلال الدین ، روی به امام رکن الدین امامزاده آورد و گفت : مولانا چه حالتست ؟ (( اینکه می بینیم به بیداری است یارب با به خواب ؟ ))
مولانا امامزاده در پاسخ بگفت : خاموش باش ! باد بی نیازی خداوند است که می وزد ، سامان سخن گفتن نیست .( جهانگشای جوینی )


shame on you holy book desecrators!

by Roozbeh_Gilani on


"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


Stupid publicity stunt by an illiterate redneck!

by Onlyiran on

and here we are talking about it.  This idiot should just be ignored.  No one cares about this hillbilly anyway.  



by pedro on

 If only 10 more prechers burn the koran, then the Pakistan’s Jamaat-ud-Dawah  must cough up 22 million dollars. At one point they are going to say: Fu** it, let it burn.


Stop Execution and torture of Iranians in Islamic regime Prisons