Reza Aslan

Interviewed on Colbert Report on Muslim hearings in US capital


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by Doctor mohandes on

How about The followers of Mashti Ebram religions?:))

Mola Nasredeen


by Mola Nasredeen on

Open your umbrella,

it's raining in Tel Aviv.



by Simorgh5555 on

You are suffering from 'Impotent Man' syndrome - this is when a man cannot conceive and blames his wife for all his problems. You sprout off that word Zionist because you need someone to blame for your own shortcomings (no pun intended),

For what its worth you are part of the Zionist problem. All your American tazxdollars are being collected to fund settlements in the West Bank and wars in Lebanon and Gaza. You are living on land robbed by white settlers who committed genocide against the indigibous American population whose history and possessions were wiped off the face of the earth after thousands of years to make way for a Colonial entity call the USA which you have no qualms about living. Oh yes, I am sorry the lives of native Americans on the American continent from the Sous down to the Aztecs and Incas are worthless because they are not Palestinian! 

But please carry on making a fool of yourself with your hyporcrical Zionist rants because I am having a cheap laugh at your expense.  

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on



Just wondering how many of us really cringe when we see an ordinary Muslim on the street? Do you cringe if your relatives from Iran visit

How do I know someone is a Muslim in the street? If I see a normal person I do not cringe. If I see a woman with a hijab I do cringe. I do not trust them and would avoid them. If I see some young man with the classic Islamic beard and attitude specially attitude then you bet I cringe. 

My relatives do not wear hijab in the USA. Nor do they go around looking like a hizbollah goon. So no I do not cringe even when I know some are devout Muslims. It is the actions that matter.



by Simorgh5555 on

I take your point about Abrahamic religions. This is why I believe that Zoroastrianism is such a unique motheistic religion. There is no fasting. There is no mourning even in times of death. Wearing back is considered to be a sign of Ahriman. Festivity and joy are seen as praising God. 

Islam in many ways an extention of Judaism. Mohammed took all the Old Testament laws from circumcision of baby boys, to dietary laws, fasting and burial rituals and called it Islam. When the Jews rejected him he turned on them and killed an entire tribe having been inspited by the Angel Gabriel. He then banished another tribe and told them to leave carrying all the goods they can carry on their camels. 


Mola Nasredeen

In tears again!

by Mola Nasredeen on

Zionist groupies, Iranian hating Iranians on this Iranian website are in tears again when they see someone like Aslan, handsome, articulate and educated is featured on a popular, progressive TV show.


Because these losers are consumed by their own hatred

blinded by their own shortsightedness and ignorance.

Eat Your Hearts Out! You are condemned to be who you are, Zionist groupies and Iranian Hating Iranians.




by Simorgh5555 on

Good questions. I do not judge Iranians for visiting Iran. I know many relatives who have to frequently travel to Iran because they have eldery members of family or are trying to reclaim what little property they have before the Mullahs take it. Then there are other Iranians who obviously have direct or underhand dealings with the IR whilst enjoying a good living in the West.

When I see Muslims in the street I have two reactions. In every Iranian family there are older generations who recite the Koran without fully understanding what it means and fast during Ramadan out of habit. I don't condemn these people any more because they have been bought up this way and it will be difficult to change their attitutudes.

On the other hand there is no absolutely no excuse for the new generation of Iranians who embrace Islam willingly given that there is so much information about how corrupt it is. What I find extremely cringe worthy is people like Laura Booth and these other white female Muslims who have converted to Islam and taken to wear a hijab. 


 King is part of a whole

by vildemose on

 King is part of a whole industry of maligning Muslims for profit, .

Ahamdinejad is part of whole industry of maligning Jews for profit and hold on power....

Anonymous Observer

I just think that followers of all Abrahamic religions should be

by Anonymous Observer on

rounded up and shot.  The world will be a much happier place that way. :-)))



by yolanda on

Colbert cut Aslan off too many times......he should let him finish his sentence!


"Aslam is by far the

by Bavafa on

"Aslam is by far the smartest and dangerous Islamic propagandist. He serves as a great asset to the IR. His mission: To make Islam acceptable to mainstream America and to assist in political normalisation between the USA and the IR terrorist regime and to ward off any attempts to destabilise it."

This is a well thought out and intelligent comment IMHO, though the subject of this clip is not about IRI but the Muslim hearings, really a witch hunt for a political show and no real substance in US, which unfortunately is being missed by most.

Just wondering how many of us really cringe when we see an ordinary Muslim on the street? Do you cringe if your relatives from Iran visit you?


P.S. Actually, I do cringe if any of my relatives come to visit, not because they are Muslim, but because the "tour guiding" and other family duty expectations

P.S.S. I find myself in a peculiar situation as I am not considering myself a Muslim or any other religion, an atheist would be the closest.



by Simorgh5555 on

They feel a natural affinity with Aslan and Parsi. While Aslan may ciriticise the IR on occasions anyone who has read his articles or seen his veideojournals on Aslan Media will tell you his intentions to save the regime is clear. He has also travlled to Iran in recent years which shows that all said and done he supports the preservation of the regime.

Our resident Islamist here Mr/Mrs Molla Nasradeen is always keen on highlighting the plight of Muslims in Palestine and the USA but never once shows any solidarity with his Iranians who are being rapd, tortured and murdered en masse. Iran or nationality means nothig to Muslims. Only Islam.

Despite Mollah & Co wanting to show Muslims as the perpetual victims of Western crusaders most Muslims are killed by other Muslims. It is Muslims who are beheading other Muslims in Iraq. It is Muslims who are planting roadside bombs killing other Muslims. It is Muslims who place bombs in markets and carry out drive by shootings against other Muslims. 

Muslims are the most violent people on earth as evident by the way they treat themlseves.  

hamsade ghadimi

interesting take simorgh. 

by hamsade ghadimi on

interesting take simorgh.  do you think that's why all the pro regime commenters on this site can't stand criticism of aslan and parsi?



by Simorgh5555 on

Aslam is by far the smartest and dangerous Islamic propagandist. He serves as a great asset to the IR. His mission: To make Islam acceptable to mainstream America and to assist in political normalisation between the USA and the IR terrorist regime and to ward off any attempts to destabilise it. 

Darius Kadivar

Aslan should go on a Midnight Express Trip to Ankara First

by Darius Kadivar on

Turkish Version of McCarthyism ?



Why Is Turkey Arresting Journalists? Time / PELIN TURGUT / ISTANBUL


Maybe it would give him some perspective ... 


Mola Nasredeen,

by LoverOfLiberty on

Mola Nasredeen: "The most progressive, influential, popular TV programs and personalities are against the bigot Peter King and his Witch Hunt of American

However, it could be argued that, unlike witches, so-called radical or extremist Muslims do least in some people's minds.

And, I doubt you will find a single American-Muslim who's liberties have been trampled upon in any way during, or as a result of, yesterday's hearing.

But, giving you the benefit of doubt, how exactly has Peter King performed a (supposed) "witch hunt of American Muslims?" 


Mola Nasredeen


by Mola Nasredeen on

Zionist groupies

please open your umbrellas

It's raining in Tel Aviv.



by MRX1 on

of these so called experts!  They don't know jack about any thing. I remember the so called Balkan experts  years a go, all were predicting that Yugoslavia will not disintegerate!! (we all saw how that turned out)

People like aslan, dabashi,etc are academics living off of tax payers money publishing papers that are generaly worthless. Seriously has any one even learned anything impoirtant  from these folks that they already didn't know?

VPK: you nailed it on the head. There really are only two groups, one that is Iranian and struggles for revival of true Iran and one that just want to use the real estate called Iran to export their ideology. For the past thirty years the second group has had the upper hand. We have to see how the fufture pans out.  What Iran actualy needs is far more Nationalism , resurection of true Iran, Iranian values, cultures, customs languages and permannet burial of sick cult of islam manifesting as  religon.

Mola Nasredeen


by Mola Nasredeen on

all the losers,

Iranian Hating Iranians,

Muslim hating Iranians,

the ones who are enslaved by their hatred  

and those who are enslaved by their inferiorty complex

for being an Iranian and a Muslim:

Eat your hearts out!

The most progressive, influential, popular TV programs and personalities are against the bigot Peter King and his Witch Hunt of American Muslims.

More power to all successful, law abiding American Muslims and their families.

God Bless USA! 

And to those who liked the above clip go ahead and watch Jon Stewarts show regarding this subject:


hamsade ghadimi

poor performance by aslan.

by hamsade ghadimi on

poor performance by aslan. comedy is obviously not his forte. colbert had to correct him at times to get the facts straight to the audience.  and aslan contradicted himself by first citing the "almost half" of the would-be terrorists were turned in by other muslims and then claimed that peter king doesn't provide evidence that muslims are not cooperating with authorities.  ahem, how about "more than the other half?" 

i do agree that the hearings are extremely important and should be held but they are poorly structured.



by rtayebi1 on

what U got against Reza Aslan? U R a very smart person but U make personal attack against him. I will continue to read and take to heart what U say even thou I think sometimes U R against all

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


If your idea of respectable is Aslan then we have a lot of disagreement. Who is a loser anyway? Who appointed you to decide who deserves respect and not. So should we clear who we criticize with you first? Is there an email we can use to get your approval before we speak?


I would like to see for once ...

by pas-e-pardeh on

I'd like to see for once a prominent Iranian, in any arena, not get trashed by other Iranians.  

The only Iranians other Iranians approve of are losers and dead ones. 


Dear VPK

by vildemose on

As I said before this is not meant to be an insult. A "true" Muslim does not respect nationalism; they are a part of the greater "Muslim" nation whatever that is. So please be honest; there is too much pretense going on.

Eloquently put. Thanks.



by afshinazad on

This guy is becoming more and more stupid than ever, what happened to nationality and country. What the hell is Islam that becomes nationality?Pakistani and Somali or Arabs and rest of the terrorist and fanatic and stupid people have lost their identity and country and nationality these days have no importance anymore and everything is ISLAM, most of the Iranian happened to be Muslim and we all Iranian even Christian or Zoroastrians and others become part of this hole shit Islam, and these days we don't have other identity than monster religion like Islam, Today we have a country that because of our parents and  because of foreign powers, called Islamic Iran and we have lost our Identity and culture and history and who the hell knows when we would be able remove this dirt out of our system and country.   


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on



Too little interest in the nation we live in is our problem not too much. We have Islamists saying "we were barbarians" before the dear Arabs raped and murdered us. I think a bit of nationalism will do us a lot of good.

You can keep your sarcasm and sit on your high horse. It does not amuse me. As far as I am concerned  you are neither Persian nor Iranian. You are a Muslim. Just be honest and admit it. As I said before this is not meant to be an insult. A "true" Muslim does not respect nationalism; they are a part of the greater "Muslim" nation whatever that is. So please be honest; there is too much pretense going on.


Soosan Khanoom

Too much Nationalism is the

by Soosan Khanoom on

Too much Nationalism is the same as Fundamentalism ......  both have contributed to numerous  bloody wars through out the history .......... 

if jumping over fire and celebrating Nooruz makes me an Iranian then I am one .......... Oh , no sorry dear , I meant I am Persian ! 




by aziz on

Well said.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Soosan Khanoom

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Why am I not surprised that you think of Aslan as a hero? There are two kinds of people in Iran. Those who are Iranian first and may have a religion. And those who are Muslims who happen to live in land of Iran. 

Then there are those with some Iranian ancestry. They are now living in the West. They have no loyalty to Iran or the nation they live in. Just Islam. You and Aslan fit that mold. This is not meant to be an insult. It is reality.

The last group is what King is going after with good reason. If you have your primary alleagence to Islam you have no place in America. If you want to live in America better put it first before Islam; same goes for Iran or any other nation except for Ommat.