Most Iranians are "not Aryan"

According to research by Dr. Maziar Ashrafian in UK

بی بی سی فارسی: گروهی از محققین ژنتیک در دانشگاه پورت موس انگلیس، به سرپرستی یک محقق ایرانی به نتایج جالبی درباره نژاد ایرانیان رسیده‌اند. این گروه معتقدند اکثر ایرانیان بر خلاف آنچه تصور می شود، نژاد آریایی ندارند بلکه به نژادی تعلق دارند که حدود ده هزار سال پیش ساکن ایران بوده‌اند. این تحقیقات که قسمتی از تحقیقات جهانی ژنتیک است به سرپرستی دکتر مازیار اشرفیان بناب سالها پیش در دانشگاه کمبریج شروع شده و در دانشگاه پورت موس به نتیجه رسیده است.


more from Sadra


by JahanKhalili on

Where did this population come from, and what happened to them, if Aryans were never a race and they were never present in Central Asia?



Bah... what is wrong with you Iranians

by KouroshR99 on

Take a course in anthropology.

There is no such thing as an Aryan race, period.


Let's do it.

by comments on

We are driven by five genetic needs: survival, love and belonging, power, freedom, and fun.
William Glasser quotes 

I hope this news have a good influence on the world.  Now everybody in the world listens to us as long as we find an Iranian with similar gene/race to command them. 

Have a good one all!

"It's not about what we believe. It's more about how we behave and influence." Comments


Div, the ground moving theory was discovered by Qazvini's

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Asking ones neighbour to bend over and measure the movement of the earth was perfected in Qazvin.  They were the first people to invent the ruler, sadly the population in Qazvin never really changed in 10,000 years.  They hold the data base of measurements in a safe burried in the ground anyone is welcome to the key.


LOL S jon

by Souri on

My two cents:

There are two users  in disguise who are trying to fool the people.

One is this anglophil, and the other one is Salman parsi....

One is trying to make the people angry by defending the Brits all the time, and the other one is always talking about Islam and how good it is.

I suspect these two individuals (if they are not the same) fooling the people here. They go too far in their statements in defense of indefensible, so they will provoke more hate toward both Islam and the British.

I think so, because they look so fake and their statements are so absourd, that I can't believe they are in fact coming from a sane mind!


Anonymous Bugger

Souri jaan, my Illami sister

by Anonymous Bugger on


Glad, it made u smile :).. raasti in ham-mihane inglis-doost chii migeh inja...inn baba Gholam ali Lord Mountbatten mano yaadeh oon moharajeh Hendi Kumar akbar mindaazeh keh rafteh bood beh court queen victoria  o yeh shabeh khodesho azz nasleh Normans hesaab mikard o baa choobe inn khedmatkar hendish ro mizad keh shoma hendia hameh retardid . So I bet kumar Akbar bacame Lord Cameron Ackbery & here we have our own gholam ali azz ghouz abad e mashad acting as reincarnated british Lord Montbatten treating his former ham-valaayaties as peasents.




regarding the Rashti jokes..

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

People of Rasht will have the last laugh :) 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


You have good memory Mehrban

by divaneh on

That's the Abadani Football theory. I also believe in that theory but I think it was Brazil that moved away from Abadan.


Anglophile, no question british values are great for the british

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Their love for sophistication has served them well. The way they treat each other puts most of the planet to shame.  Yet Your glorification regarding what they gave the world is simply not true.  I mean what they have for themselves and their own is worthy of envy, but they are not givers, not at all. 

When you go to a lake in england and you throw bread crumbs for the fish that is an examples of giving with no attachments or expectation for influence or personal gain.  On the other hand when you put the bread on the end of a rod with a hook ths is not giving, but taking. 

Using this metaphor, I hope you know that Brits are total takers and if it was not for the lust of influence and power they would not give at all.  On the balance they would not have faced such a painful and brutal end to their empire had they been 1/1000 what you feel.

The brits mixed a policy of 1) Imperialism 2)military bases 3)military alliances 4) supporting & promoting extremism & it was these 4 factors that lead to a sharp decline in their power.  After learning how deadly this policy was for themselves, they made sure to never be involved in doing it forthemselves again. 

Yet out of deep hatred they tutored the USA to do the exact same thing which means the USA sadly has no way to go but to the rocks of merciless destruction, just as the UK experienced after a painful struggle.  They steered the inexperienced Americas this way.  This was not a decent accomplishment.  Whats worse is how you can't see that the brits were not just takers, but such big takers that they invented the concept of industrial/organized taking.

I think you are mistaking being highly accomplished leaders, with being givers. 

Yet their values are an inspiration, for those within their kingdom they truly passionately care.


faryarm :)

by comments on

Aren't you on average Six foot tall, Blond with Blue eyes?  What a shame.  I cannot believe all my fantacies went erroneous and iniquitous.

"It's not about what we believe. It's more about how we behave and influence." Comments


Divaneh jaan, we are all Berezilite anyway :)

by Mehrban on



OK Amir Parviz, Rasht was also the cradle of civilization

by divaneh on

My own research shows that 10000 years ago Rasht was close to Abadan. but then was moved away by the movements of the land. In fact that was how the population was spread, the land was just moving wherever it wanted.

You are right about the Closet being invented in Rasht and then became popular in all Iran and rest of the world, helping marriages to last longer.



by Rea on

"Americans have left an trail of death and devastations wherever they have visited as liberators - no cultural legacy and no lasting influence."

And British left what exactly in Australia and New Zealand?  How about we ask Aborigines and Maoris about the cultural legacy and influence the British left down under.


Iranians Not Naive Anymore?

by JahanKhalili on

Good one!


Vay ke ghash kardam az khandeh , AB

by Souri on

That one was hilarious!

All the comments below were funny, too.

It feels good to see that nowadays, Iranians have moved on and are not so naive as like 30 years ago to believe everything which is said to them,by every stupid institution or individu.

Anonymous Bugger

آريا رو بی خيال ..اين ترک بدبخت رو بچسب که ازمايش اين دکتر کچل

Anonymous Bugger



تاريخ هزار ساله شون رو داد به ک  گاو...با اين حساب اين بنده خداها  5000 کيلومتر کوبيدن و از قزاقستان و جنوب روسيه ريختن تو ايران  اوووپس ميبخشيد ايلام  و کشور گشايی  کردن و اينجوری که بوش مياد اينا هم اصلشون از کربلاست و امام حسن(ع).  زبونشون هم ترکيه چون    پدرانشون در انستيتو اکادمي زبانهايه بين الملل امام حسين(ع) با بورس امام ,ترکی ياد گرفتن.  کردا و گيلکها هم همينجور با بورس بسيج زبون خوندند.. تنها گروه های که از عيلام نيستند اين جماعت خاخامنشی و زرده کشتی  و جهودا اند که اصلشون از تل اويو مياد و هم گي اند و هم صهيونيست.


Div, Rasht is where it all started.

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

This explains the population boom and the multicultural nature of our heritage. The closet was also invented in Rasht.


KAareh Ingilisaast !

by faryarm on

Could it be that as usual, it is the Brits; at it again..

Did The British changed our Gene pool? 

Because as Aryans we should be on average Six foot tall, Blond with Blue eyes..   ?




Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear Anglo

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I do not have time to go into details but just want to correct you. My ex-wife is American born of mostly British background. Her family came to USA on the May Flower. Hence they are as Americas as it gets.


Human race started in Abadan

by divaneh on

I would not be surprised if one day we find out that the whole life started in Abadan. My question to those who refuse this theory outright is: What is your damn reason? I also learned the same lessons in the Dabestan, but hey perhaps that was not the whole truth. Please also stop this nonsense about the linguistic group. There was an immigration into this land and those people are addressed as Arians. We also know that this land was habituated by those existing tribes with whom the immigrants were intermixed. This theory just makes perfect sense.

What I really like about this theory is that it makes all of us one whole nation regardless of the local language. Now what is your f... problem with that? Just being jealous that Abadan was the birth place of Iran? 


Coming question.

by comments on

Are we allowed to marry with each other now?  What about if our genes are dangerously different and endanger our health?  One day for Azaye Omoomi.  Let's grow hair and moustache for a day. Tragic.  

"It's not about what we believe. It's more about how we behave and influence." Comments

Anonymous Bugger

origin of all iranians (oops ilymit)is from karbala & basra ::))

by Anonymous Bugger on


& now that u all know where u coming from stop this crap about persian this and that  o persian gulf bs  o persian new year.. & persian poetry.. BBC just proved my point after many yrs;, we are all buncha arabs in denile.

Cheers Ilymites !!! loool

Darius Kadivar

This is How I connect the Dots: Latest CNN Report on Zoroastrian

by Darius Kadivar on

How Iran persecutes its oldest religion By Jamsheed K. Choksy ( November 14, 2011)




·      Zoroastrians are not insulated from Iran's tribulations, Jamsheed K. Choksy says

·      Followers of this ancient faith are disparaged as "sinful animals," he says

·      Choksy: Many Muslim Iranians are rejecting the Shiite theocracy's intolerant ways

·     President Ahmadinejad now uses Zoroastrianism's past for political ends,Choksy says


In Praise of Britain and British Values

by anglophile on

The degree of uninformed comments passed by my equally uniformed friends and foes on this blog comes as no surprise to me. Why? Because all those Iranians who take up residence in the US of A catch the same bug as the overwheling majority of the American citizens have caught over the short history of this former colony: neivete (to put it politely). An average American is world famous for being, short-sighted, narrow minded, arrogant and foolhardy. Mix it with the inferiority complexes of the average Iranians and their hero-starved pyche, the first and the first-and-a-half generations (which constitute 99  percent of the Iranina.comers) of Iranians get this false sense of superiority and as JK would like to put it, a kind of I know-it-all attitude (of which he is an exmaple).  I have not seen a more shallow analysis of the Anglo-American relations as offered on this blog which is understandable: here in Britain we squirm when we watch the Ameircan news and their analysis of the world affairs on Britsh TV as they are so unsophisticated that one does not know where to begin to criticize it. THe Iranian-American crowd who have populated this site are not much different from their news analysts.  Americans have left an trail of death and devastations wherever they have visited as liberators - no cultural legacy and no lasting influence. On the contrary look at India today. From their democracy to their educational system to their judicial establishment not to mention their military are all deeply influenced by the British way of doing things. This is the same in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and a trail of African commonwelth countries who were influenced by the British system and opted to choose the British way of doing things to the American way. Even American democracy copied and borrowed its fundamentals from the British democracy. Please stop being mini Daijon Napoleans and wake up to the realities of the world beyond the US borders. Both Mossadegh and the Shah fell victims of their superfcial or in the case of Mossadegh, his total lack of understanding of the sophisticated UK-US relations. I know it is difficult for most of you even though some of you like VPK were married to the Brits - your marital embitterment should not be allowed to influence your judgement.  


If we're not Aryan how come we drive Mercedes?

by bahmani on

Also how do you explain the following words in our language:

Kot (coat)
Poliver (Pullover)
Adams (Adams chewing gum)
Sosees ( sausages)
Asansor (elevator)
Masheen (automobile)
otomobeel (automobile)
Taxi (taxi)
Taski (Taxi in Tabriz)
Cinema (cinema)
Seem-nema (Cinema in shahrestan)
Televizyoon (television)
Telephone (telephone)
Mobile (cell phone)
FaceBook (facebook)
Tveeter (Twitter)
Pelay Estayshen (plays station)
EstarBock (Starbucks)
United Estate (United States)

Actually, according to another University in Italy, Iranians are more Mongolian than anything now. You can send them a blood sample and they can tell if you are the great great great great grandson of Ghenghis Khan. Only men carry the GK gene identifier.

I did, and found out that I carry the Ghenghis Khan gene identifier. Which could explain why I hated my Dad as a teenager, and feel the unexplainable growing urges to pillage and burn.


To read more bahmani posts visit: //

Maryam Hojjat

VPOK, I gree with your statement:

by Maryam Hojjat on

I warn again not to put Britain and America in the same boat. They are totally different. Britain is a trouble maker in the world. They delight in the misery of other people. America just wants to make money and has no malice towards Iran.



The Significance of the "Y" Chromosome

by JahanKhalili on

The conquering foreigners who left their genetic legacy among the indigenous people, would probably have been mostly men.

So a look at Y Chromosomes among Iranians would show any foreign invaders who had invaded Iran and impregnated the indigenous women, since only the Y Chromosome can be inherited from men.

The Aryans may have been one of the most ancient invaders, so their genetic legacy - if present - is probably very diluted, and concentrated only sparsely.

The Mongols have probably left a greater genetic impact on modern Iranians.

This is in fact quite visible in many Iranians. No genetic test is even needed to tell, in many cases. 


So Based on That...

by JahanKhalili on

I would say that the scientist's assumption that the Aryan invaders were a distinct racial group from the native inhabitants of Iran that they conquered is correct, and so is his conclusion that most modern Iranians aren't Aryan.


Iranians Prefer Light Skinned People

by JahanKhalili on

So do the Indians.

Is this a legacy of European colonialism, or is it a throwback to a conquest by light-skinned Aryans who were the originators of the caste system that once existed in Iran, and still exists in India?

The upper castes of India are more closely related to Europeans than the lower castes.


This shows that the Aryans were in fact not only a genetically distinct race, but were probably the authors of one of the world's first Apartheids.


A Good Analogy is Mexico

by JahanKhalili on

Spanish is the national language of Mexico, but the majority of Mexicans are "mestizo" (mixed Indian and Spanish), or Natives. The minority are pure Spanish, and that minority is decreasing as mixing and entropy deplete this last remainder of the Spanish.

Modern Iranians are the outcome of such a process. They are "mestizo", with a strong influence of native.

...and unlike Mexico that process has been going on in Iran for not a few hundred years, but for a few thousand.