Anti-war protest in New York

Rally against possible attack on Iran

AFP: Hundreds of protesters demonstrated Saturday in New York and pacifist groups took to the streets in dozens of other US and Canadian cities in a "Day of Mass Action" against a possible war with Iran. About 500 protesters gathered in Manhattan's Times Square and marched to the headquarters of the US mission to the United Nations and to the Israeli consulate. "No war, no sanctions, no intervention, no assassinations," read a banner leading the march >>>


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SK: I am sure those who genuinely oppose war…

by Bavafa on

They will show their disapproval of such design one way or another.  And those who secretly wish for an attack on Iran but they can bring themselves to admit to it openly, they will find every excuse for not expressing it in public.


As for concentration camp, I hardly think it will come to that but the destruction of Iran AND extending the life of IRI will undoubtedly be the case.



'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



Non-violence has failed in

by Simorgh5555 on

Non-violence has failed in Iran. 

Reformists are dead beats and defeated.

The Reform movement has been crushed and Mousavi has been censored and shut up in his own house.

500 offocial executions in Iran in 2011 and 300 secret executions in the same year


8,000 minors have been forced in marriage.

Prison guards given condoms to rape prisoners

Support the resistance in Iran. 

Peace and negotiations with the despotic terrorist regime of the IR has failed.

Why not give war a chance? What have you got to lose other than 500 official executions?

Support War with the IR. Regime change. Surgical strikes  against the Basij and Sepah. Target Assassinate the leader of the IR. Bomb Seyed Ali Khamenei the one armed butcher of Tehran. 


G. Rahmanian

Anti-War Posturing!

by G. Rahmanian on

Dear Masoud: thanks for the great posts and analysis.

Those opportunists whose primary objectives have been opposing every policy of the opposition forces in diaspora and inside Iran must not be allowed to hijack the anti-war movement.

For decades such groups have said nothing in the way of criticizing the atrocities of the regime against Iranians.

They have never condemned IR's masacres of Iranians.

They have never voiced their outrage regarding IR's death squads assassinating Iranians both inside Iran or in diaspora.

They have ignored regime's acts of terrorism the world over.

Not even once have they called for regime change.

They have supported IR's leaders' warmongering rhetorics and activities which were essentially aimed at provoking yet another war .

And now, using their "anti-war" posturing, the same groups shamelessly pretend to be worried about Iran and Iranians.

Opposition forces are already well aware of these groups' real agenda and will not participate in their farcical demonstrations.

Masoud Kazemzadeh

IRI = Concentration Camp with 75 Million People in It

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on


There was a war with Afghanistan. Was there a concentration camp for Americans of Afghan heritage?

There was a war with Iraq. Was there a concentration camp for Americans of Iraqi heritage?

If there is a war with the terrorist regime, there will NOT be a concentration camp.

The ONLY concentration camp for the Iranian people is called the Islamic Republic of Iran, where about 75 million Iranians are help in that camp. Lets hope, the Iranian people are freed and, we, too, can have democracy, freedom, and human rights.



97%? More like 97 people!

by Onlyiran on



Masoud khan

by Albaloo on

As a member of NIAC  I am very much disappointed by your black and white vision.  


Masoud Kazemzadeh

Dear rtayebi1

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Dear rtayebi1,

I have already provided an answer. We need to advocate for full boycott of all purchases of oil and gas from the vf regime. That should weaken the vf regime, thus enable and empower the Iranian people, ourselves, to overthrow the fascist regime out of power.

Please see my post:


All those who have been opposed to sanctions are responsible for helping Khamenei and prolonging the rule of the vf regime. I hope it is not too late. Sanctions should have been imposed long time ago. There is still time. When real sanctions are imposed, then we all should do all we can to help the toppling of the terrorist regime. By the vf regime overthrown, we will have freedom, democracy, and human rights in Iran. There will be no war when the vf regime is overthrown.




There is going to be a demonstration

by Albaloo on

There is going to be  a demonstration this coming weekedn in many major cities here in the U.S and everyone please make sure to attend. 


faramarz khan

by Albaloo on

I can order pizza if they let us keep our cell phones.

; ) 


Soosan Khanoom

by Faramarz on

If, as you are predicting here that there will be a war and concentration camps for Iranians, I hope that we get divided into at least two different camps; pro-Regime and anti-Regime camps!

I already know who I want and don't want in my camp!

Are you a good cook?


Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

In any case no matter how many groups we have been creating among us, as Iranians , once the war starts we all collectively better get our asses ready cause it is going to be kicked into the concentration camps .. 



Mr. Kazemzadeh

by rtayebi1 on

How about people like me who despise, IRI but would not like to see Iran getting bombed? I know I would never participate in any gathering that IRI will sponsor, but I would hate to see Iran getting bombed. I love both Iran, and United States. What are we?

Masoud Kazemzadeh

No to IRI, Hezbollah, Bashar al-Asad

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

I am very happy about the extremely low numbers of those who participated in these demonstrations in the U.S. and the UK. I think the primary reason is those who sponsored these demonstrations lack credibility.

In some of these (e.g., London), the participant were waving the flags of the fundamentalist terrorist regime, Lebanese Hezbollah, and Bashar al Asad’s flag. It is thus clear who were there.

In my opinion, good and decent people should NOT be standing shoulder to shoulder with the savage fascists supporters of the vf regime, Hezbollah, and Bashar Asad.


Masoud Kazemzadeh

Dear Roozbeh

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Roozbeh jaan,

I agree with you.



Masoud Kazemzadeh

Vildemose jaan

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Dear Vildemose,

There are many decent and thoughtful leftists and progressives in the U.S. (and Europe and elsewhere) such as those in the journal the Nation, the Progressive, and BEFORE 1991, the Monthly Review. But there are also some extremist brutal dictatorial nuts and crackpots too. In my opinion, ANSWER is not a regular good thoughtful left. From the little I know, they are a fanatical extremist anti-American group. If the fanatical anti-Americans gave a damn about human rights, freedom, and progressive issues, they would OPPOSE the ultra-reactionary misogynist fascistic vf regime ruling Iran. They care more about opposing the U.S. than about the human rights and freedom of the IRANIAN PEOPLE.

My 2 cents,




 MK: Your scenario is

by vildemose on

 MK: Your scenario is probably right. VF propaganda machinery is doing a great job.

Also, 'The Stop the War Coalition' and anti-war groups are not one and the same. I really can't figure out the left in the US...what do they gain by propping up Islamist regime across the region??

A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.--Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.


Dear Masoud, Thank you very much

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

The Hijacking of the Just cause of Anti war movement by the islamist regime through it'swestern  lobby organisations and massive fundings of "ultra left" (loony left) groups-with no grass root support- in the west, had gone smoothly up till last year, to the cost of real anti war cause. This trend needs to be challenged as a matter of priority in order to prevent a disasterous war upon our beloved country and it's people. 

The disaterously low turn out for the last week's anti war demoes in the west is both good and bad news. It is good, because it shows that public opinion in the west is becoming aware of the real agenda behind these so called "anti-war demos". It is bad, because it will help the warmongers cause. Our duty is to organise,  back, support and actively participate in true grass root anti war movements which carry a genuine massage of peace and brotherhood of all people of ME and world.   

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


 MK: Your scenario is

by vildemose on

 MK: Your scenario is probably right. VF propaganda machinery is doing a great job.

Also, 'The Stop the War Coalition' and anti-war groups are not one and the same. I really can't figure out the left in the US...what do they gain by propping up Islamist regime across the region??

A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.--Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

Masoud Kazemzadeh

من به ال گور

Masoud Kazemzadeh

من به ال گور رای دادم، ولی‌  درد و بلای جورج دبلیو بوش بخوره تو سر خمینی، خامنه‌ای، و آساما  ابن لادن




Masoud Kazemzadeh

How Some Leftists in the U.S. Have Been FOOLED by IRI

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Dear Vildemose,

The reasons why some in the anti-war or anti-imperialist movement "embrace" or allow the fundamentalist elements among them has many reasons:

1. There is an intense hatred for the U.S., or U.S. imperialism, or Israel. Thus, when there is a conflict between the U.S. and these other forces, such groups side with the enemies of the U.S. This is, of course, really stupid. If such is the guide, then these people should have embraced Hitler and Nazi Germany during WW2. It is bizarre, but many among them oppose the U.S. war against al Qaeda and Taliban!!!!!!!!

2. After the collapse of communism in 1991 and the many mistakes of the Iranian leftists (1979-1980s), many Iranian leftists simply disappeared from political participation. In that vacuum, the vf regime used many fake-leftists to infiltrate and influence the leftists around the world (U.S., Europe, Latin America). Thus, many leftists in the U.S. and in Europe have been genuinely FOOLED by the agents of the vf regime to think that the vf regime is good. Such non-Iranian leftists have been fooled by the IRI agents to think that the ultra-right wing reactionary, misogynist, anti-secular, anti-civil liberties, regime is somewhat progressive, good for women, and good for minorities!!!!!!!!!

One should give credit where credit is due. While the genuine Iranian leftists had collapsed, the reactionary vf regime sent its agents to FOOL the leftists in the U.S. and Europe for such days to use them as useful idiots.

My 2 cents,


Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

Your egoistic statement  somehow reminds me of George walker Bush 

Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists - YouTube




I think those so-called

by vildemose on

I think those so-called western anti-war groups (the far left) don't really care about Iran. Their real agenda is to defeat imperialism or to get rid of apartheid Likuniks even if it means death and destruction of Iranains.

What I don't understand is why should Iran single-handedly  be the sacrificial lamb in their fight??

A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.--Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

Masoud Kazemzadeh

Dear Anahid

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Thank you Anahid jaan

It is the responsibility of our roshanfekran moteahed (concerned intellectuals) to prevent the manipulation of the good, decent, and concerned people from being used as useful idiots by the vf regime and others in Group 2.

On this site, Roozbeh has been doing a fantastic job countering the propaganda of those in Group 2.

I wish more of our intellectuals were as bright, far-sighted, and courageous as our friend Roozbeh.



Anahid Hojjati

Great Comment Masoud

by Anahid Hojjati on


you wrote:"...

This means that those in group 1 should NOT participate side by side with those in group 2 in any demonstration. If those in group 1 would like to have a demonstration to express their opposition to war, they should organize such events themselves, with the primary slogan being OUR OWN slogans such as: "Free Iran," "Down with the Terrorist Regime Ruling Iran," "Iran, Democracy Yes; Dictatorship No," along with slogans against war. Or any other slogan which clearly shows that our goal is the overthrow of the terrorist regime. .."

Indeed. it is disappointing to see pro democracy groups who are constantly being used by pro IRI groups.

Masoud Kazemzadeh

NO Islamic Republic, NO Dictatorship, NO Theocracy

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

In my opinion, the primary contradiction is between the following 2 sides:

Group 1: Those who want to replace the fundamentalist terrorist regime ruling Iran. This includes: Iranian pro-democracy activists, Iranian socialists, Iranian monarchists, Iranian ethnic parties (e.g., Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdestan, Komele), independents.

Group 2: Those who oppose the overthrow of the terrorist regime, and/or oppose policies that weaken the terrorist regime (economic sanctions), and/or oppose political sanctions (measures that isolate the terrorist regime). This group includes the vf regime, CASMII, NIAC, Lebanese Hezbollah, Syrian regime, ANSWER (a group that opposes the U.S. and Israel).

In my opinion, those in group 1 should NOT allow themselves to be used as useful idiots by those in group 2.

This means that those in group 1 should NOT participate side by side with those in group 2 in any demonstration. If those in group 1 would like to have a demonstration to express their opposition to war, they should organize such events themselves, with the primary slogan being OUR OWN slogans such as: "Free Iran," "Down with the Terrorist Regime Ruling Iran," "Iran, Democracy Yes; Dictatorship No," along with slogans against war. Or any other slogan which clearly shows that our goal is the overthrow of the terrorist regime.

Moreover, I think if one decides to show up for the demonstrations organized by those in group 2, then those in group 1 should clearly stay away from those in group 2. And bring their own slogans and from the get-go shout slogans for democracy, freedom, and human rights in Iran. Their slogans should clearly state that we want the overthrow of the fundamentalist terrorist regime and the establishment of democracy in Iran.

My 2 cents,



وقتی نقاب ضد جنگ سپری برای بقاء رژیم می‌شود


وقتی نوشتیم و گفتیم که لابی های رژیم در خارج از کشور از جنبش ضد جنگ سوء‌ استفاده می‌کنند تا از فشارها و تحریم‌های نفتی و بانکی، بر علیه رژیم ایران جلو گیری کنند، یک ادعای پوچ و تو خالی نبود، بسیجی‌هایی که تا دیروز از دیوار سفارتخانه انگلستان بالا می‌رفتند امروز می‌بینیم با سر بند لبیک یا خامنه ای در خیابان‌های لندن جولان می‌دهند! چه کسانی این راه را برای بسیجیان هموار کردند؟ چه کسانی دست این بسیجیان را در دست جنبش ضد جنگ و چپ‌های ضد امپریالیسم غرب گذاشته است؟


Masoud Kazemzadeh

درگیری حامیان رژیم در تظاهرات ضد جنگ در لندن. ۸ بهمن ۱۳۹

Masoud Kazemzadeh


One’s stands against war ought not be dependent…

by Bavafa on

On who organize such events, if anything be appreciative and supportive of it.  I am grateful to all of those who took time to express their disapproval of war and all the destruction that comes with it.


Vildemose:  Excellent comment/quote. 

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 


iraj khan

No war on Iran!

by iraj khan on

   Demonstrators gathered at White House and across the country to demand: No assassinations! No intervention! No sanctions!

In Los Angeles, over 400 people came out to in response to the the National Day of Action. Protesters gathered at one of the centers of public transportation in the city, passing out hundreds of informational anti-war leaflets, and bringing the message to the heart of LA.

In San Francisco, approximately 600 people participated in the protest action. Demonstrators came together at Powell and Market in the heart of downtown San Francisco for a rally and march denouncing U.S. threats against Iran.

Thousands more demonstrated in cities across the United States and around the world as part of this day of action.



Do not buy the IRI more time...

by Marathon-Man on

If the definition of war is killing inocent people then Iran and the iranians have been in a war zone for the last 44 years.

If you are scared and worried that the contry MIGHT be  invaded by the forigners then Iran  has been invaded ALREADY by them.

If you think removing the sactions will help ordinary people then you must be absolutly out of your mind.

If you think the Mollas would  give up on terrorism  and power then you must be living in a different palent.