Sen. McCain slams Iran cyber leaks

"We know the leaks have to come from the administration"

AFP: US Senator John McCain on Saturday accused President Barack Obama's administration of leaking details of a reported cyber attack on Iran and other secret operations to bolster the president's image in an election year. "Again we see these leaks to the media about ongoing operations, which is incredibly disturbing. Doesn't this give some benefit to our adversaries?" McCain told reporters in Singapore, where he was attending a summit on Asian security >>>


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hamsade ghadimi

dk, i did (unfortunately). 

by hamsade ghadimi on

dk, i did (unfortunately).  you've been parroting 'oo ba ma nist' for a while now.  this wasn't your first obama bashing post.  and i didn't know that you are a u.s. citizen.  as a u.s. citizen, you should know that politics is very polarized in this country.  the hype that surrounds each candidate is exaggerated.  the obama fans of 2008 are much more jaded and are not as entusiastic. however, the other choice is romney (r-money) and like-minded republican candidates who are willing to sleep with the devil to protect their bottom line; hence, the hype you hear on news shows (on both sides).  the obamamania is long gone and i'm afraid that those disillusioned obamamaniacs may not turn out to vote this time around unlike the hardcore christians fullfilling their duty from the republican-leaning churches.  this group has a good track record on showing up at polling stations and for sure they'll turn out to vote against obama.


so, the "president's image" would improve amongst US voters.

by mousa67 on

if he "attacks iran". that's what mr mccain is saying.

which to me it means that no matter who becomes the president of USA, the attack on islamic republic is gonna happen. which is very bad news for immortal joon's mid term job stabilityl. LOL


Darius Kadivar

hamsade ghadimi Did you even bother to read my response ?

by Darius Kadivar on

I doubt you did ... 

But then I'm not surprised ...

Jumping to conclisions is typical of "Liberal Democrat's" of the Iranian Kind I'm afraid ...

The Life of Brian: The People's Front


hamsade ghadimi

republicans of iri have

by hamsade ghadimi on

republicans of iri have much in common with republicans of the u.s.: they both get much inspiration from their holy books, they've had behind the door deals since the beginning of iri and the "new republican era," and they believe in the moral majority.  one republican leader believes in crusades, the other republican leader believes in jihads.  faux news is the counterpart of press tv.  bob ney, a republican congressman from ohio (and a convicted felon), was mentor of trita parsi (their bottom line: doing business with iri is good for everyone).  ronny reagan sent a signed bible as a measure of good will to khomeini.  i bet anything romney would rather do business with iri than go to war with it or impose sanctions.

kadivar, for someone who likes to poke fun at "republicans," you sure are a big fan of republicans on this side of the pond. ;) lol (insert video here, here, and here).



by fidelio5 on

Obama, as you say, did not do the heavy lifting in Iran. the United States only provided logistical air support and intelligence. The combat aircraft were provided by European Nato allies mainly France and Italy.

He does deserve credit for assembling Nato and taking action.


He failed miserably and continues to fail miserably in Syria. 13K dead in 1 year on pace to DWARF the civilian dead in the Iraq intervention that most of the left in this country opposed.

main reason for this pussilanimous response to Assad is Obamas failure to effectively negotiate a troop presence in Iraq. If we had troops in IRAQ today our rersponse to Assad COULD have been stronger and placed real poressure on the Akhoonds.

At least hes not going to make that foolish mistake in Afghanistan.

I have no love for the American Right in this country but Obama does get a free pass from the press except for Fox.

Darius Kadivar

Faramarz Jan I am not obssessively Anti Obama I'm Anti ...

by Darius Kadivar on

I am against Blind Obamamania ...

O'BAMA & O'MAMA: The Queen and President Obama Get Drunk in Ireland ;0)

And as much as I believe Obama is Good for the US, I even voted for him against MacCain ... I don't believe he is Good for the Challenges of Middle East let alone Iran ...

As for the "Bomb Bomb Iran" I never endorsed ot nor endorse it today but quite honestly that was a Cheap Shot against him cause that was not what he said.

It's like the Casse "Toi Pauvre Con" of Sarkozy which was taken out of context :

Sarkozy : casse toi pauvre con!

But that said aside I think Obama's reelection is inevitable and a given fact. I don't know nor particularly am fond of Mitt Romney or any other Candidate.

In retrospect I think Hillary Clinton was the right choice for President and Not Obama ...

I can only credit Obama for one thing and that is that he is not a dumb ass like Carter but his foreign Policy objectives go against my Interests as an Iranian.

He will cut a deal with the Mullahs at some point given that his trusted advisor on the Middle East is NIAC Founder's Mentor: Zbigniew Brzezinski and Madelaine Albright ( who apologized for the so called CIA Coup which wasn't one)

On the otherhand I admire Obama's Policy in Asia particularly Burma where he has been helping the Democratic Transition by Supporting the Lady:

THE LADY: Michelle Yeoh is Burma’s Aung San Suu Kyi in Luc Besson’s Bio Epic

And picking on the Chinese on Human Rights Issues ...

Without Mentioning Chen, Obama Nudges China on Human Rights ...

I Just don't want Obama to think Shirin Ebadi and other of these ex revolutonaries now converted to Secular Democracy in order to only advocate a Secular Jomhury to win on the long run.

Sarkozy went as far as invite our Shahbanou to the Elysee Palace and gave lots of Coverage to the man I consider my Sovereign Shahzadeh Reza Pahlavi.

I never saw Any American President Be them republican or Democrat do the same ...

So sorry Obama won't have my vote this time round ...

The only gift I can give him is that I won't vote for his opponent !

But that's where my Loyalty ends ...

I remain a Constitutionalist Monarchist and my Hambasteghi has it's limits ...

Drifting to the Left! (Mel Brooks History of the World Part 1)



DK Jaan

by Faramarz on

There are two groups in the US that whenever Obama does something they complain; Fox News and the Republicans.

When Obama sent the Seals to take care of Osama, the same thing happened by the Republicans and Fox. When he did all the heavy lifting in Libya to not only enforce the no-fly zone, but also take out all the artillery pieces and tanks, they complained that he was not doing enough. Obama was smart enough to let Sarkozy and Cameron be the "Face" of NATO, while NATO's air force is basically US Air Force.

In the 20 years that the Republicans have been in the White House while the IR Regime has been in power (Reagan, Bush and Bush Jr.) all we got was lots of tough talk, hot air and back-door dealings.

In less than 4 years, Obama has brought this Regime to its knees through smart policies and decisiveness.

If you are looking for "Bomb, Bomb Iran" rhetoric, McCain is your man. But if you want results, "No Drama" Obama is the way to go!

Darius Kadivar

If Bush had made the same Gaffe Pedarosho dar meeyovordand ...

by Darius Kadivar on

But because it's OU BA MA NEEST ... It's OK ? ...


BLAZING ‘LIBERAL DEMOCRAT’ : Obama angers Poles with 'death camp' Gaffe

Darius Kadivar

McCain is right ! Blind 'Obamamania' rules the world ...

by Darius Kadivar on

The level of Propaganda on these Liberal Media Corporations ( including MSNBC, CNN and others ) in favor of Obama is just over the top ...


Added to all the hype the Hollywood Whores are throwing in his favor ... 


George Clooney Obama Fundraiser Nets $15 Million


Not long ago the same whores were throwing a party for the Russian President for Life ... ( Well till 2024 at least):


Putin Sings for Hollywood Stars - YouTube



Now Obama even has got the approval of Raul Castro's Daughter who said in an interview with that other "Liberal Democrat" Christian Amanpour:

'as a "Citizen of the World" I would like to see Obama be reelected':


Obama wins endorsement from Raul Castro's daughter -

Not that Mitt Romney is my cup of tea but truly the Elections in the US echo the exact mirror image of what happened in France.

As much as the Media here was against Sarkozy from Day One the media in the US is Pro Obama to the degree of inobjectivity ...


Mageh Barayeh Cheshmo Abrooyeh Obama Ray Meedeed ya barayeh eenkeh masaeleh keshvaresho dorost koneh ?

Cheh bereseh beh dadeh Mardomeh Donya ? ... 


NO KENNEDY: French Star Blasts Obama for Inaction on Syria 




FART ALERT: Nobel Peace Prize Committee Struggles to Choose 2011 Laureate 

Immortal Guard

I am waiting for mousa67 to comment!!!

by Immortal Guard on

I am waiting for mousa67 to comment!!!

He puts in the most interesting comments!