26-Dec-2009 (2 comments)
Regarding the rumors that Khamenei is going to be declared the Imam Zaman and the antidote to destroy this nonsense! >>>

IRI must Go


Iranians' green revolution refuses to wither and die

recommended by IranFirst

Khatami's speech


Khatami's speech in Jamaran disrupted by Basiji's

recommended by M.R.

Khatami's speech


Khatami's speech in Jamaran disrupted by Basiji's

recommended by M.R.
26-Dec-2009 (3 comments)
ویدیوی فراری دادن دو محکوم به اعدام در شهر سیرجان >>>

"Chilling possibilities" loom

Ali Lakani

Iranians' green revolution refuses to wither and die

Guardian / Robert Tait
recommended by Ali Lakani

Islamic Thugs Attack, Disrupt Speech

With more to come

Majid Zahrai

Tehran Protesters Defy Ban and Clash With Police

New York Times / Nazila Fathi
recommended by Majid Zahrai

"The mullahs are facing down a revolution"

Majid Zahrai

EDITORIAL: Iran's perfect storm

Washington Times
recommended by Majid Zahrai
26-Dec-2009 (one comment)
The irony of recent political events shaking and shaping Iran. >>>

Unconfirmed but reasonable


Operation Azadi: Military forms new army, declares war on coup forces

Anonymous Iran / MikVebrugge
recommended by FG
26-Dec-2009 (one comment)

Throwing a brick at Khatami

Another op-ed missing latest Iran events

Shifteh Ansari

Going rogue - the militarization of Iran

Boston Globe / Raja Kamal and Karim Pakravan
recommended by Shifteh Ansari
26-Dec-2009 (2 comments)
Brian Appleton
26-Dec-2009 (9 comments)
a belief in the power of love and our common humanity >>>


On the Ropes

For the Iranian people victory is near

26-Dec-2009 (7 comments)
The military regime in Tehran is in its final days. The signs of an imminent collapse, perfectly traceable on the Iranian streets, are evading the most prominent Washington experts. The slogans on the walls, the nighttime chorus of Allah-o-akbar on the rooftops, the crowds chanting "death to the dictator," all signaling a collective defiance despite the brutal backlash, and all reflecting a mass mobilization unseen since the 1979 revolution. The recurring cycles of peaceful protests and state violence is part of a larger transformation sweeping through Iran. But in Washington, this magnificent collective action spurs only arrogant dismissal on the part of the Iran policy industry >>>