Be aware! Do not get infatuated again! Lest be pinched again by another group of religious rulers!
Creating the foundation of a new political party or parties NOW ...
Photo essay: Cham village and Yazd
by Nersi Ramazan-nia
Love is beauty, love is life.
What makes us be late? Is it a cultural thing?
Majid and his wife Goli are planning an Iranian Dinner party (Mehmooni). As is the case, they have to deal with the date, time, guest list, and all the details that go along with such a party. The guest list starts with eight but somehow they end up with a list of over thirty people. Having such a large number of people at the house requires lots of cooking and cleaning; neither Majid nor his wife Goli are up to the task, so they agree the food will be catered.The date is set for Saturday night and the time is set to be at 7 p.m. Dinner will be served at 8 p.m., and if all goes as planned, the party should end at midnight. So they hope