David ET
24-Feb-2010 (15 comments)

 پس از ۳۱ سال تجربه های مختلف شکست خورده با قانون اساسی جمهوری اسلامی، هنوزبعضی رفرمیستها ی روشن فکر نمای مذهبی از دوباره فروختن لاک پشت شان بجای فولکس واگن دست بر نداشته اند


State terrorism and crimes against humanity


Israeli assassinations: crime against humanity?

Aletho / Aletho
recommended by IranMilitaryForum.net
24-Feb-2010 (one comment)


Economizing My Way Up

On a cold day in early December, I finally arrived in Norman, a small college town in Oklahoma

24-Feb-2010 (2 comments)
I was quite young and full of joy and pride when I graduated from Tehran University - the only major state university in Iran in early 70s, - because my long held dream had come true. Back then in Iran, just being accepted to a major university was considered quite an achievement, but successfully sticking with it right through graduation was even more of an accomplishment. This was especially true for me because I was the first one in my family to go to college or have any kind of formal education for that matter>>>


دختر جوان و مرغ فروش

سمیه به شوهرش سرکوفت می‌زد که آدم بهتر از مرغ فروش سراغ نداشتی؟

وقتی صدیقه گفته بود اِلا و بِلا زن مرغ فروش نمی‌شود، پدرش چند مشت و لگد به او زده و گفته بود: "غلط می‌کنی." وقتی گفته بود اگر مجبورش کنند، خودش را آتش می‌زند، پدر با شلاق به جانش افتاده و گفته بود: "مگه شهرِ هِرته که بالای حرف بابات حرف بزنی؟ اگه زنش نشی، خودم آتیشت می‌زنم." مادرِ صدیقه، برادرِ بیمارش اسماعیل که همیشه چسبیده به مادر حرکت می‌کرد و ملیحه خواهر کوچک‌تر هم که خواسته بودند جلوی پدر را، در یورش با کمربند بگیرند، چند ضربۀ شلاق نوشِ جان کرده و تا یکی دو روز جای شلاق را مالش می‌دادند>>>

چندهمسری مردان

Israeli complicity in UN war crimes investigations


Israel’s contemptuous response to Goldstone findings

Aletho / Aletho
recommended by IranMilitaryForum.net

IRI to be erejected again


Iran nuclear offer falls short

recommended by IranFirst

Where is UN when you need it?


Iranian MP: Missile program not IAEA's business

PressTV / PressTV
recommended by IranMilitaryForum.net

Knowing a terrorist nation better


Israeli Unaccountability and Denial: Suppressing the Practice of Torture

Aletho / Aletho
recommended by IranMilitaryForum.net
24-Feb-2010 (one comment)


Song in the Key of B

For my brilliant B-bestowing buddy who bought me a laptop ridding me of the old one - bereft of the all important B key!

24-Feb-2010 (10 comments)
Bosom buddies bleeding
Baring  breasts to beastly
Baton bearing bullies
Bent on death.
Behind  burdened
Brotherhood we stall
Buying time to bury fears >>>

Karim Sdjadpour on CBS News


Iran's Nuclear Secrecy (video)

recommended by IranFirst
24-Feb-2010 (2 comments)
24-Feb-2010 (one comment)
Photo journal of a European (Belgium) couple and their 4 (yes 4) children who set out for a world tour in their SUV in Sep 2006>>>

Young and educated vs. Brain-dead IRI Islamists


Iran between dictatorship and a Hobbesian free-for-all

recommended by IranFirst



UN names March 21st, International Day of Nowruz

PressTV / PressTV
recommended by IranMilitaryForum.net
24-Feb-2010 (9 comments)

IRI's Story About Rigi Capture Was a Lie!


Iranian regime caught in a lie about Sunni Baluchi leader arrest

Planet Iran
recommended by Onlyiran