20-Jan-2011 (4 comments)

It's beyond Religion (At least Christianity doesn't teach it)It's beyond Politics.It's a disease of sexual dysfunction.


Attacking Australia and the PM's recent response


PM go and 'let the Muslims take over'

The Australian / Sally Neighbor
recommended by Escape
20-Jan-2011 (one comment)
20-Jan-2011 (2 comments)
Iranian movie>>>

US Was a Cheerleader for Gaza Massacre

Afshin Ehx

Wikileaks Cables on Israel's Gaza Onslaught

CounterPunch / Kathleen Christison
recommended by Afshin Ehx
20-Jan-2011 (one comment)

Democracy: Lies and Deceptions

Sahar Naaz

Capitalism, Market Fundamentalism, and the Duplicitous Meanings of Democracy

Dissident Voice / Charles Sullivan
recommended by Sahar Naaz

The So-Called "Free Press" and Objective Reporting

Sahar Naaz

The Media in America: Selling Views, Calling it News

Global Research / John Kozy
recommended by Sahar Naaz

Another unaccountable security organization born

Shifteh Ansari
Radio France International / Foaad Roostaei
recommended by Shifteh Ansari
20-Jan-2011 (2 comments)
20-Jan-2011 (5 comments)
As we stood there and talked, a few of the more friendly horses approached us >>>

What part of No Soccer For Women don't you get?

20-Jan-2011 (8 comments)
JJ I have a question about the rules of this site for you. Right there on top left next to your logo says “Nothing is sacred”. As you might have guessed by now my question is...>>>
20-Jan-2011 (18 comments)

برای اونایی که خیلی دلسوزی برای علیرضا پهلوی می‌کنن

20-Jan-2011 (22 comments)
زدی ضربتی، ضربتی نوش کن >>>