A Fictional Tale of Ari’s Trip to the Holy Land, Meeting Virgin Mossad Agent, Magda and More!
Treatment Models for Children with sexual Behaviour Problems
Humpty Dumpty if it was written by Stephen King, Hemingway, Gabriel Garcia Marquez or Azar Nafisi.
دستان قوی و امروز لرزان تو را میفشاریم و توی را به سلسله کوهای البرز میسپاریم تا تو را استقامت و توانایی بخشد....
I would like to respectfully request that...
The question is do they have Khomeini's balls?
انگولک به جراید را پی میگیریم با نگاهی موشکافانه به مسائل روز
It remains to be seen what impact Ali-Reza’s death will have on a society in turmoil
by Omid Memarian & Roja Heydarpour
Aside from a loyal group of monarchists in exile, very few Iranians pay heed to the Pahlavi family’s aspirations to return to power, making the news of Ali-Reza Pahlavi’s suicide that much more heart-wrenching. Even for the eldest surviving brother, Reza, there is something nearly suicidal in grasping for a throne that will never be again. Still, he has some connection to the world outside himself
Alireza Pahlavi's suicide
This shocking act of self-slaughter was the latest violent tragedy in the long history of a family drenched in blood—first that of the Iranians it tortured and killed, then its own. It is a drama of Shakespearean dimensions. The shah once ruled Iran with an iron fist, but his family later paid dearly for his sins, echoing Hamlet's judgment that royal crime “cannot come to good.”
Speaking Persian with Shirazi Accent! (very funny)
Alireza Pahlavi and the aftermath of his death
by Maral Karimi
The death of a young man in the prime of his life is sad, but here’s why I think some may not feel the same. In academics, we learn early on that every phenomenon must be studied in the context in which it happens; otherwise we fail to see the full picture. Alireza Pahlavi wasn’t just any 44 year old committing suicide; he was the son of the much controversial former Shah of Iran, and naturally this attachment stirs much sympathy along with abhorrence. To expect individuals to treat this as just any other suicide is trivializing it
خودکشی دردی را دوا نمیکند
by hamneshine bahar
علیرضا پهلوی در آغاز سال نو میلادی، به خودش گلوله زد و در غربت جان سپرد. آیا این خودکشیها نمادی از بنبست است؟ آیا خاطرۀ دردناک مرگ پدر و خواهرش لیلا، او را به این اتنخاب کشید؟ آیا چون «از آنچه به ناروا بر میهن عزیزش میگذشت آزرده و غمگین بود...» ـ خود را کشت؟