25-Apr-2012 (one comment)
so here it is >>>


Republican جمهوریخواه

The Worst Places to Be a Woman / VALERIE M. HUDSON
Darius Kadivar
25-Apr-2012 (one comment)

In 1993 while serving as Neuilly’s mayor Sarkozy played a major role in saving the lives of an entire kindergarten class held hostage by a man strapped with explosives. 


The One-State Solution Is The Only Solution

Afshin Ehx

Can Israel Survive?

Aljazeera / MJ Rosenberg
recommended by Afshin Ehx


Impressions of Italy

Impressions of Italy

Photo essay

by Yasmine Rafii
25-Apr-2012 (5 comments)



آیا «پارلمان ایرانیان مهاجر و تبعیدی» عملی است؟

از کجا می‌توان کار را شروع کرد و به اصطلاح غلتک را به راه انداخت؟

25-Apr-2012 (6 comments)
پارلمان ایرانیان مهاجر و تبعیدی یک ایده است و تحقق آن به خواست جامعه ایرانی خارج کشور منوط است. اگر این خواست تأمین شود، توانایی هم به دنبال آن خواهد آمد. مخالفت با آن اگر از زاویه بدبینی باشد، در فرهنگ سیاسی جامعه ایرانی قابل فهم است. ولی اگر نیروهای سیاسی با آن به مخالفت برخیزند بیش از هر چیز عدم اعتماد به نفس یا نگرانی از وزن و نفوذ خود در جامعه ایرانی خارج کشور را به نمایش گذاشته‌اند>>>
25-Apr-2012 (2 comments)
The story of Roxana Saberi's time in prison with Mahvash Sabet and Fariba Kamalabadi, two of The Yaran ("the Friends")>>>


If Arizona gets its way

If Arizona gets its way

25-Apr-2012 (2 comments)
Pro:  The law is necessary because the federal government has failed to control illegal immigration into the country.  Arizona had to act to protect its security and expenses of educating and caring for “illegal immigrants.” Con: The law unfairly criminalizes law-abiding people, calls for racial profiling of minorities legally in the country and allows states to step on the federal government’s toes in the complex and plenary field of federal immigration policy>>>
25-Apr-2012 (3 comments)
I almost forgot >>>


Motherhood Sucks

Life isn't supposed to be this way

25-Apr-2012 (2 comments)
So your are a highly educated and highly paid director and you want to have a baby. Your body is screaming BABY, BABY. Every baby you see either pisses you off or makes you teary eyed, because you want your own. Finally, the time comes and you and your husband are ready; Planned parenthood, what a concept. You are settled financially, mentally and in all other ways. You've been there, done that and so now the time is right>>>
Majid Naficy
We are sitting next to each other
Scissors and combs play with our hair >>>


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