مروری بر قهقرای روشنفکری در ایران بعد از انقلاب مشروطیت و چگونگی از بین رفتن دستاوردهای ان
we all have time, how do we spend it is the issue.
طرف صحبت من اونائی هستن که میگن «خودت مسئول اتفاقات زندگیت هستی»!
Freemasonry blackmailed Gen. Fardoust, the closest confidant to the Shah of Iran over his homosexual tendencies
When I first began to read your book,
Letters to My Torturer, I almost put the book away unfinished.
Abbas Milani takes a look at the conditions that surrounded Hoveyda's Arrest but beyond that the Shah's mishandling of the revolutionary crisis as opposed to the current IRI regime's supreme leader's handling of it's own.
Well, so far I haven't learned much
If you have comments on this thread - please grant me the courtesy and tell me if you are in Fact American or live here in America. Thanx in advance
We should work for the unity of mankind regardless to the past mistakes and regardless to the religions, nationalities or races or other man made differences
I am writing to say that I am happy to see that you have made statements against war with Iran
Georges Dumézil (1898- 1986) was a French academcian and comparative philologist best known for his analysis of sovereignty and power in Proto-Indo-European religion and society. His last interview with Bernard Pivot here.