First Amendment
11-Oct-2012 (one comment)
A word or two >>>
The silence is incredible. The Ayatollahs are already sending missiles across to Israel, and the world is keeping quiet.>>>
M. Saadat Noury
11-Oct-2012 (7 comments)

رگبار قطره های زلال آب

11-Oct-2012 (3 comments)
by Manuel de Falla >>>
Maryam Raeesdana
11-Oct-2012 (one comment)
ترجمه زیرنقدی‌ست از مجله تله‌راما بر روی «سنگ صبور»، نوشته عتیق رحیمی،نویسنده >>>
Payam Mim
11-Oct-2012 (3 comments)
آنجا شهر ما بود ٬ خاک ما بود .قرار بود ما هم مثل نسل قبلیمان و نسل قبلترشان که همانجا به دنیا آمده بودند٬ همانجا باشیم در همان مختصات جغرافیایی>>>
So anyone born in the first ten days of Virgo listen up. Love is on your side. >>>
Darius Kadivar
11-Oct-2012 (17 comments)
A Syrian-bound plane intercepted by Turkey was carrying Russian-made defence equipment destined for Syria's defence ministry>>>
11-Oct-2012 (11 comments)

 در این قسمت به معرفی چهل و پنجمین کارپرداز یعنی سید حسن آیت می پردازیم

Darius Kadivar
11-Oct-2012 (8 comments)
Less than a week after dissolving the parliament, Jordan's King Abdullah II appointed a new prime minister Wednesday >>>
11-Oct-2012 (34 comments)
داغ و درفش و جیغ بنفش >>>
shahireh sharif
11-Oct-2012 (2 comments)
یه خاطره>>>
Saba Vasefi
نظام‌های توتالیتر برای بقای خود مدام درصدد حذف اندیشه مخالف بوده‌اند>>>
Iqbal Latif
11-Oct-2012 (6 comments)
She was callously denied that by those who consider every word of Quran as their eternal constitution>>>