Should accomplishments and contribution of Reza Shah count for anything like qualifying his grandson to be a somebody in Iran?
I was thinking about which Persian restaurant I should go tonight that would not upset my stomach with its stale, non-halal and non-Kosher Kabab
The artist Riza Abbasi worked at the court of Shah Abbas I of Safavid dynasty
Congressman 'Paul Brown' you are the result of 4 billion years of evolutionary success. Fc-king act like it!
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مصاحبه ی ماندانا زندیان در مورد شعر معاصر با لیلا فرجامی
Soundtrack Theme Indiana Jones by
John Williams
Shah and Shahbanou of Iran on State Visit to Finland face Student Protests organized by leftwing organizations hostile to the Shah's White Revolution
Kuwaiti Emir Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah has dissolved the country's parliament, paving the way for snap elections, according to state media