Jamaica's new prime minister has said that it is time for her country to cut ties with the British monarchy and declare itself an independent republic
آن گروه از مردم که تو باغ نبودند
شاید این رباعئ را در روسیه نوشت زیرا در سنّ ۳۸ سالگی به کشور شوروی پناه
برد و دیگر نتوانست به ایران باز گردد.
Serving Sandwiches in Washington - With an 'International Accent'
اگر به پیشینه ایرج جنتی عطایی در ۶۵ سالگیاش نظری بیفکنید، تنوع کارها و سایه روشن زمینههایی که در آنها هنرنمایی کرده بسیار است
Life is a surprise, filled with other surprises. Fortunately, some of these are happy ones. Such was my one-year residence in Jordan
مستندی از روزهای خون و آتش و حماسه
هر دم از این باغ بری میرسد
تازه تر از تازه تری میرسد
Altria, by far the biggest U.S. cigarette maker in both market weight ($61 billion ) and revenue-wise (over $16 billion a year) is the biggest culprit in spreading addiction and physical infirmity
Although you are saying the prayer correctly but you seem to have confused the holes for your prayer or we say in Persian “Soolakh-e Do-a raa gom kardi aziz”
Security forces can't easy vent rage expressed through graffiti.
مسجد جمکران به دستور "تاج الملوک"، مادر محمدرضا شاه ساخته شد زیرا او اصرار داشت که "حضرت مهدی" را در خواب دیده بود و او از مادر شاه ایران خواسته بوده که در آن محل کنونی، برایش مسجدی بسازند
What exactly happened among JM leaders during 25-28 Mordad, 1332 in regards to establishing a republic?
Sometimes I get tired of my own nagging about what the U.S. should not
do to Iran. No war, no sanctions, no demonizing, no bullying
Constitutionalist Shahram Aryan from Hamburg Germany explains why Mohamad Khatami and other Islamists are bound to fail on the long term in reforming the IRI