
Nazanin Ghasemian
03-Oct-2007 (11 comments)
"I Pray to God that I will never know about Economics"--Mahmood Ahmadinejad, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran >>>
Darius Kadivar
03-Oct-2007 (11 comments)
Scrutinizing Dr. Ahmadinejad’s WWII Statistics during interview given in September 2006: MSNBC anchor Brian Williams ask “Dr.”.Ahmadinejad to clarify his statements about the Holocaust. >>>
Did you remember?>>>
SCE Campaign
02-Oct-2007 (one comment)
Soghra Najafpour the Iranian girl who was sentenced to execution since the age of 13 was released today after 18 years. >>>
02-Oct-2007 (44 comments)
I suggest that Iranian.com allows only registered users to leave comments on the site. Also, I suggest that the emails of the people who register be verified. That, hopefully, will reduce the number of trolls and harassments in comments. >>>
Business Manager
02-Oct-2007 (3 comments)
Now that Iranian.com supports the Iranian Diaspora in regions all over the world, we want to develop more local versions of the content and the advertising. We need part-time "Regional Representatives" for each of the major regions where readers reside.>>>
مایک گراول ، سناتور سابق و یکی از کاندیدهای دمکرات در انتخابات ریاست جمهوری امریکا تصویب مصوبه ی اخیر سنای امریکا در باره ی سپاه پاسداران را کار کمیته ی امریکایی امور عمومی اسرائیل (آیپک) خواند. >>>
Business Manager
02-Oct-2007 (4 comments)
On 1 October, Iranian.com announced several new "package deals" for advertisers who wish to reach the iranian.com community. The new site gives advertisers great options for targeting their message and seeing the results.>>>
Curious Joe
02-Oct-2007 (12 comments)

Should Islam and Qoran go through a reformation process? (Kind of like New Testament versus the Old Testament -- removing the violence, such as killing infidels or stoning adulteres) Ref *1

02-Oct-2007 (3 comments)
How the Seyyeds got snubbed by the US. >>>


Nazanin Ghasemian
02-Oct-2007 (8 comments)
02-Oct-2007 (8 comments)
When debating, Iranians tend to fall into one of the two extreme pitfalls: becoming overly friendly or overly hostile. Can't we just have a dispute without getting personal? >>>
از ميان دشتی ﭙر ازگلهای شقايق كه تا كمرم می رسيد و از هيچ سويی مرزی نداشت قدم بر ميداشتم در حالی كه دستانم را روی گلها می كشيدم . شبنم سحری به وجودم يك نوع لذت بی تعريفی می داد. آزاد و رها بودم، بدون هيچ گونه واهمه ای . قلبم احساس شادی عجيبی میكرد. میرفتم از ميان گلهای شقايق سرخ. ميرفتم و ميرفتم. نمي دانم چند ساعتی تا اينكه ديگر ﭙاهايم توان رفتن نداشتند.
Nazy Kaviani
01-Oct-2007 (8 comments)
The small group of Iranians who pulled off the feat, each were a source of pride and honor to me as an Iranian, proving that we can do anything we want to do, so long as we gather around a cause we all understand and appreciate. >>>