Be aware, this is already happening here !

Shah Ghollam

How low will Israel stoop to win the propaganda war?

Uruknet / Uruknet
recommended by Shah Ghollam

Know thy enemy

Shah Ghollam

The Weight of Tradition: Why Judaism is Not Like Other Religions

Institute for historical review / Institute for historical review
recommended by Shah Ghollam

Prisoners' children are arrested too

Shifteh Ansari
recommended by Shifteh Ansari
16-Sep-2009 (one comment)

Khamenei, read the messages on city walls

Shifteh Ansari
Roozonline / Masih Alinejad
recommended by Shifteh Ansari

Group calls for end to mass trials in Iran

Press freedom group calls for end to mass trials in Iran / WashingtonTV

The least significant part of Qods Day this year

Hassan Abdulrahman


Just Another American Hit Man, Actor and Journalist Living in Iran

New York Times / Robert Mackey
recommended by faryarm
16-Sep-2009 (one comment)

Iranians will not stop until IRI is gone

Farhad Kashani

Opposition protests to start again in Iran

Uzbekistan News Net
recommended by Farhad Kashani

There goes the "U.S went into Iraq for oil" myth!

Farhad Kashani

China Oil Deal Is New Source of Strife Among Iraqis

NY Times
recommended by Farhad Kashani

Gaza. Hamas. Conflict. Facts! ==> Click Here

Shah Ghollam

Gaza’s Facts on the Ground

The Independent / The Independent
recommended by Shah Ghollam
16-Sep-2009 (6 comments)

Growing Support

Ali Najafi

When Baha'is are free, then all Iranians will be

CNN / Hamid Dabashi
recommended by Ali Najafi
16-Sep-2009 (5 comments)

Akh delam khonak shod!

An ex-Zionist speaks the truth about Israel

Shah Ghollam

How I’m Losing My Love For Israel

Forward / Jay Michaelson
recommended by Shah Ghollam

Hatred towards occupation, this ime in Toronto

Shah Ghollam

Protest over Israel roils Toronto Film Festival

LA Times / LA Times
recommended by Shah Ghollam
16-Sep-2009 (one comment)