Obama’s badly performed travesty


Has Iran Already Nuked Us!?

The Huffington Post / John Knefel
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Do americans really want a friend like Israel?

Shah Ghollam

U.S. Interests vs. The Jewish State

Payvand.com / Jeff Gates
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UN cheif and his legacy so far

Shah Ghollam

Iran accuses U.N. chief of parroting West on nukes

Seattletimes / Seattletimes
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Poor becoming poorer and rich becoming richer

Shah Ghollam

US income gap widens as poor take hit in recession

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Verdicts for 20 prisoners on "show trials"

رهبر دست از خیره سری بردارد.

Shifteh Ansari
Rooz Online / Ahmad Ghabel/Fereshteh Ghazi
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Why is Iran demonised?

Shah Ghollam

Demonising Iran conveniently hides uncomfortable truths for the West

Global Research / Global Research
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29-Sep-2009 (12 comments)

Green Card for Ahmadinejad

Ehud Barak a war criminal

Shah Ghollam

Lawyers seek arrest of Israeli defence minister in UK for alleged war crimes

The Guardian / The Guardian
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29-Sep-2009 (one comment)

And they point to Iran as the basin of fanatics

Shah Ghollam

Israeli drive to prevent Jewish girls dating Arabs

The National / The National
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Addressing the "sincere military dictators of IRI"

Shifteh Ansari

U.N. Chief Says Iran Must Prove Its Sincerity on Nuclear Issue

Washington Post / Colum Lynch
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29-Sep-2009 (one comment)

How to maufacture a new monster to attack

Shah Ghollam

Everything You Know About Iran Is A Myth

Informationclearinghouse / Informationclearinghouse
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29-Sep-2009 (2 comments)

"A change in Iran requires a change in government"

Shifteh Ansari

We've Been Talking to Iran for 30 Years

Wall Street Journal / Michael Ledeen
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Ban can talk?!! How about on human rights now?!

June events "Fact Finding Committee" on vacation!