Abbas Mehran
24-Feb-2012 (6 comments)
It is a while that I have not been able to login to my account at the by using my password, old or newly set. Am I the only one to have this problem? >>>
Abbas Mehran
10-Aug-2011 (4 comments)
I do not know why this donkey is yellow, and how it got to the top of an eight meter high wall>>>
Abbas Mehran
Let's put women high above; we are not; women are doing it themselves; we have failed. >>>
Abbas Mehran
Armed conflicts have ruined the lives of millions of people, and global warming threatens to destroy life on earth >>>
Abbas Mehran
03-Jun-2011 (2 comments)
An Australian intellectual artist asked me whether Iranian women can paint >>>
Abbas Mehran
02-Jun-2011 (2 comments)
I am me; you are you; we are us. Come and help to add up to this raw poem of mine. Let's reveal the truth about our humanity. >>>
Abbas Mehran
31-May-2011 (one comment)
Moving on is the only way to survive and advance. >>>
Abbas Mehran
I am an Iranian artist living in Australia>>>