I Am Proud Never To Have Been A Muslim

I Am Proud Never To Have Been A Muslim
by AK69

I am proud to be an Iranian.
I am proud to be “Persian”.
I am proud to have been born and raised in the land of my ancestors.
I am proud to have been in an enlightened, educated and loving Iranian family.
I am proud to have had the opportunity to forge my own belief system.
I am proud to have seen Iran alive and vibrant, building its foundation for the future.
I am proud to have had my path enriched by people of many cultures and nations.
I am proud to have been awake and actively fighting before 1979.
I am proud to have so many hammihans voices awakened in June of 2009.
I am proud to have of every brave hammihans giving of their life in the streets of Iran this day.
I am proud to have wanted nothing more than freedom, for my country and countrymen.
I am proud to have my blood wash away the wretched stains of islamic regime, for a free Iran.
I am proud to have my generations that follow live in their land of Iran; as, Iranians [Free].

I am proud never to have been a Muslim.
I am proud never to have been forced to believe or not believe.
I am proud never to have adopted the oppressive belief systems of the barbaric islamic invaders of Iran.
I am proud never to have stopped fighting the oppressors of my people.
I am proud never to have blamed a foreign state for the misfortunes or shortcomings of my people.
I am proud never to have forgotten that god(s) and religion belong only in the hearts of man and not codified in law.

“Bar labe goore man, avaz bekhan; az avaze azadiye Iran bekhan.”




more from AK69

@Iran Pars

by A-t-h-e-i-s-t on

"Shah was not bad", uhhh..umm have you 4goten the savakis?

yes, he was! He was a dictator as much as hitler was and as much as Maryam rajavi IS. 



No, Mehdi,

by IranPars on

One billion people are not bad per se, they're just stupid, or rather, ignorant. That's all.

And no, the Shah was not bad -- a bunch of khaens and khengs (traitors and jackasses) got together and manufactured our national suicide in 1979 and turned our country into shit.

The Shah was just ahead of his time, that was his problem. While the Americans were 10 years removed from sending a man to the moon, in 1978 we're were still a bunch of dahatis, who were fascinated with discovering mullah Khomeini's face on the moon!

We were, and sadly to some extent, we still have a monumentally ignorant nation, thanks in LARGE part to our bedouin belief system, and the criminal perverts (mullahs) who enforce its rules upon us. In short, Iran is good. Islam is bad. And mullahs are the worst of all.

That's all.




What are you talking about?

by Mehdi on

- You are an "Iranian?" What does that mean? Iran's borders have changed a million times. So what does it really mean that you are Iranian?

- Persian? Another hard-to-define word. Are you not human then? Are Persians not human? What does it mean anyway? Are Afghanis also Persian? Are you Afghani? Please claify.

- Your ancestors? Who are they? Is it possible that one of the Mongolians may have raped one of your ancestors and you are now part Mongolian? How about Arabians? Did any of them ever rape any of your ancestors of possibly fell in love with them and got married? How do you know?

- You had an opportunity to forge your own belief system? Are you saying Shah was not a dictator? I thought Shah was bad. No?

- I don't know why you are proud of not being something. I assume you mean it is a bad thing to be a Muslim? Are you saying one billion people are bad and you are good? 


Khar Gir

Loser ....

by Khar Gir on

Didn't this donkey have the word "Love" as the first word of his blog?


این دین اسلام مفت گرونه بابام جان


این هم فقط یه دلیلش:

ramin parsa


by ramin parsa on

Khanoum Souri writes: "Who cares what you are proud of?" If you don't care, why do you to comment? What's more, WHO CARES WHAT YOU THINK?

Well done Aka69! Keep it up! I'm proud of you!!! Before the Arab invasion, Iran was the ruler of the world. After the Arab conquest, Iran is a third-rate country on par with Zimbabwe. Remove the oil and Iran is Afghanistan, and maybe worse (thanks to our massive heroin and prostitution epidemic, thanks to our mullah masters!).

Since Islam has been so good to us, I should be proud to be a muslim, right Khonoum Souri? 


I'm proud that my prophet

by Iraniandudeee on

didn't molest and rape a 6 year old too :)


My favorite..

by yolanda on

My favorite line is:

I am proud to have had my path enriched by people of many cultures and nations.

 I love the cultural diversity of Southern California!



I am proud too AK

by Cost-of-Progress on

AK - I am with you too. And I hope that more of our countrymen and women will hopefully see the light the way we do!

That'll be the day................, ay???

I leave you with a quote:

"The greatest tragedy in mankind's history may be the hijacking of morality by religion" - Sir Arthur C. Clarke

Khar Gir

Ohhh AK47

by Khar Gir on

You know so much about love, you should be a shithouse poet. You and Khamenei have one thing in common. You both stink on ice. 

Kojast labe gooret? Mikham beram barat avaz bekhanam.


Skeptics may or may not rule, Okay? Fozolie was here!!

by fozolie on

"I am proud never to have forgotten that god(s) and religion belong only in the hearts of man and not codified in law."


Mr. Fozolie


Thanks AK69

by Sohraby on

Well down. I enjoyed it, Keep it up, pal.


I am proud of You aka 69

by masoudA on

That was FAN TAS TIC

"I am proud to have had the opportunity to forge my own belief system.
I am proud to have seen Iran alive and vibrant, building its foundation for the future.
I am proud to have had my path enriched by people of many cultures and nations."

damet garm

khaleh mosheh

My dearest Souri

by khaleh mosheh on

Delighted to witness your humanistic way in action. I believe I have learned something precious today.

Your examplary humanistic ways are touching.. very touching indeed...Dear Souri Khanom. 


Khaleh mosheh khanom

by Souri on

I was ironic, dear. Of course everybody can write everything they like and in the way they like. I myself, just had copied a story from a great writer, nothing original.

My point form the comment below was that, I didn't like what he wrote here. That was an objection made in a more polite and humoristic way.

I am not here for setting the rules, khanom.

khaleh mosheh

I like it Aka69

by khaleh mosheh on

You should also be proud about not conforming with any set regulations about blogging.

Since when do bloggers have to read a manual to express themselves?

I believe the site motto is nothing is sacred- which presumably includes the writing love series. 




by Souri on

Khosh be halet ke enghadr proudee !

But they said "writing Love" not  writing a "declaration of Pride" !

Who cares what you are proud of?

Easy baba, easy.