Is islam Intolerant?

by AK69

I found the above interesting and thought it might provide some topics for discussion here. The topics in the video directly relate to some of the recent blogs and commentary here on

I found the above interesting and thought it might provide some topics for discussion here. The topics in the video directly relate to some of the recent blogs and commentary here on


Comment Please!


more from AK69

Silly Questions get Silly Answers?

by AK69 on

- "the Islamic Ottoman Empire was reknowned for its tolerance for other religions"

Only as compared to others such as Byzantium Catholics (note the attached RELIGION). Also, the oh so nice islamic Ottomans had a little boo boo called the Armenian Genocide, right? I think there were millions killed???


Bar Labe Goore Man, Avaz Bekhan


silly question because...

by skhel on

ANY religion requires you to conform to its ideals.  If you are FORCED to conform to those ideas under law, then those laws dictate your life. the Islamic Ottoman Empire was reknowned for its tolerance for other religions, however the Mullahs dont even spare their own Muslim bretheren.Ask Muslims in countries like Kazakhstan, Tajikstan, and Uzbekistan which were ruled under Communism if they were tolerant? 


I nearly chocked

by javaneh29 on

Islam's tolerance is unchallengeably  zero, unless you are a devout male of course!


Louie Louie

Can we dump that kolah ghermezi and the 37% idiots

by Louie Louie on

right in the middle of the sea? People who move to the civilized world better adapt otherwise they should get the hell out.


Ahmed from Bahrain

Sohrabi said

by Ahmed from Bahrain on

"Islam says: Either you are with us or against us"

Correction. Actually thats what Bush said, and I don't recall him saying he was a Muslim!

Ahmed from Bahrain

Ahmed from Bahrain

I just couldn't listen

by Ahmed from Bahrain on

to this man. Sorry!

Religion is meant to bring you blessings - rahammat - and therefor find peace within yourself. Those who have found peace in themselves totally abstain from judging others and those who hang on to outdated rules based on hearsay and stuff that belongs to times gone by, can not be put in a mantle where they lead young people and given air time to slander those Muslims who believe in the inner peace and are not concerned with women and whatever they do in free societies.

We will never come out of bondage with such thinking.

Ahmed from Bahrain


Islam is the religion of peace !

by jimzbund on


let them go to their own backward countries and prctice Shariah and whatever, . Islam is good for Arabs in Saudi Arabia only.


Bund, Jimz Bund


is Atheism tolerant?

by Q on

Hitler, Moussolini, Stalin, Franco, Mao, Pol Pot, Kim, Milosevic... countless other right wing or left wing dictators.

who could possibly top this?


You should know that these questions are irrelevant. Is it fair to look at Ahmadinejad and say "are Iranians tolerant?" Anybody could "act" in the name of a group or any association, that doesn't make that group bad. Obviously it can be cited for good or for bad. Numerous examples in Christianity and Judaism are available.

1 hamvatan

Is islam Intolerant?

by 1 hamvatan on

 اینها به خوشون رحم نمیکنند, میخواهی بدیگران رحم کنند؟




پاینده باد ایران



by Sohraby on

Oh yeah, it's very tolerant but only if you are a Muslem.

Islam says: Either you are with us or against us, you kaafar.


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