Perplexed; Confused; In Need of Help (KOMAK!!!)

Perplexed; Confused; In Need of Help (KOMAK!!!)
by AK69

Perplexed; Confused; In Need of Help

With all due respect to the individuals that reference themselves “Iranian – (Whatever)”, I pose this question and open for discussion a matter that, in my opinion, we all need a little more help in understanding. First off, leave the standard claims of racism and discrimination of minorities aside. Because, I am sure if we all tried really hard we could all call ourselves “Iranian – (Whatever)”, but why? I am Iranian (DASH NOTHING); I am also Persian (DASH NOTHING). One is my nationality and one is my ethnicity; it is what it is dadash. Why are we hyphenating ourselves into further and further segregation and isolation; with direct correlation to the current world’s plight of intolerance against all man; no matter race, creed, color or where yo daddy and mommy did the nasty?

P.S. See Also, P.S.S.



more from AK69

Flowers in a Garden

by Anvar on

The varieties of beautiful and colorful flowers add to the aesthetic value of a garden; with each flower having its own scent and characteristics.  Even a Rose garden will not measure up to a garden whose different flowers are all nurtured and taken care of with love.

I hope there are never any attempts to artificially de-hyphenate or homogenize a group or country.  




by javaneh29 on

Its OK with me, I dont really mind how ppl describe themselves. It's an expression of how they think about themselves, who or where they identify themselves with.... Its also helpful to be able to place ppl, eg If I meet someone who calls themselves 'Iranian american' I know they're Iranian based in US as opposed to UK or where ever.

And I dont know if I want to segregate ppl up .. I quite the mixing going on....Im all for multi nationality.

Freedom of choice




by capt_ayhab on

I don't think using terminologies[prefix] such as Iranian American or Mexican American is to divide, rather it is to unify all ethnicity under [Americanism], while allowing the minority groups to proudly keep their original ancestry.

Good blog though



Dear Also Confused

by AK69 on

- My point is general and to the groups/people that call themselves, for example, Irainian-American or Armenian-Iranian or Irish-American or Chinese-African, etc. etc.

We have enough pre-exising divisions; we don't need to create additional false ones to further divide society. I could understand if the individual was of mixed parents, but Iranians that live in the US call themselves Iranian-Americans. WTF - To that I say pick a team! LOL



Bar Labe Goore Man, Avaz Bekhan


Agha Fozoli

by AK69 on

- Of course it is a term invented by non-Iranians, we wre communicating in English on this Blog. I am using generally accepted English terms to communicate my thoughts. And in doing so, using the terms Persian Ethnicity, I am stating what I mean based on the definitions of those words.

Please explain further on this:
Your problem has been caused by too many people trying to tinker with with things unnecessarily to prove their credentials.


Bar Labe Goore Man, Avaz Bekhan


Kojai Mr. Dash-Nothing?

by Qoldor on

Kojai khoshtip?! Mazerat mikhaam, Mr. Dash-Nothing! loooooooooooool

Akbar! Akbar pasho kaaret daaram :-)



 PS: Begoo Koo!

gitdoun ver.2.0


by gitdoun ver.2.0 on

i agree with fozolie. alot of times, personally, i am disconnected or completely ignorant of things within iran. and newly acquainted iranian friends will ask "where u been on a deserted planet ???"  and i have to explain to them --no i was born and raised in america and only been to iran once so i don't know alot of things. but to make a contraction of that statement i simply say --iranian-american. i don't have any vile intention in saying that .  it simply is what it is.  


Persian ethnicity?

by fozolie on

Now that is complete bull, a term invented by non-Iranians  which is totally meaningless. 

Your problem has been caused by too many people trying to tinker with with things unnecessarily to prove their credentials. Because we get too emotional about things we should leave alone. 

Mr. Fozolie


Mr. AK69 JooooooooooooooooooN

by Qoldor on

That was NO nasty what my Mom and Dad did!

As I recall they enjoyed it very much, since they made a few more after the first successful attempt!


Your Iranian-Iranian Friend

PS: Please see PPS



Also confused ...

by javaneh29 on

Ok I will put aside that you think Im pretending to an angel ... only kidding. Though I prefer to think of myself as aspiring towards being an angel:)

I'm not with it here ... who is calling themselves 'iranian.... something'? OR are you asking generally about why we identify ourselves by using prefixes such as Im iranian or persian or zoroastrian etc. ?  
