Religious Bigotry


Religious Bigotry
by AK69

Fuck You, Your Religion and Your god – Now that we have your attention, and I have exercised my right to Free Speech, please get off your high horse, take a minute, read between all the hyperbole and profanity, and get the message already!

I previously found amusement in the discourse of the self proclaimed pious; such self righteous indignation and blind hypocrisy can be quite amusing and make for a good read, I must say. However, in reading the comments of a recent BLOG along with reviewing other commentary on this site, I find myself truly appalled and flabbergasted.

What world do you live in?

How many centuries have the Religious Folk persecuted and discriminated against the Non-Religious Folk? (Oh that’s right, it continues even today in all places such as IRAN!!!!)

 Why is it that the so called Tolerant are actually The Intolerant? Every single canon and dogma that pollutes the grey matter of the Religious, in some part advocates, bigotry/discrimination/intolerance and in most cases out right obliteration of the Non-Religious.

Wow! Ain’t that a bitch? And I can’t even tell a fucking joke without being labeled a bigot; with calls and demands to censor my voice. Demands to abolish my right to Free Speech; the same right that permits you Religious Folk to say all those lovely and wonderful things about us Non-Religious Folk.

You see, Civil Rights, Human Rights or even those pesky Inalienable Rights are for All; laws and governance cannot be comingled with religion and theocracy for they must apply equally and be dealt equitably to ALL.

You Religious Folk are not All, nor do you even attempt to mask your bigotry and discriminatory antics towards the Non-Religious Folk. So for the love god (LOL), eat shit and die or we will do to you what you did to us (Eye for an Eye anyone, anyone… Bueller, Bueller? LOL)






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What exactly does tolerance mean though

by javaneh29 on

I gave this a lotta thought last week and came to the conclusion that tolerance across the board is not trully possible. The tolerant become intolerant, the intolerant become the unaccepted which is intolerance .. it just goes round and round. I wrote a blog on it last week.



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by AK69 on

- I have no hidden agenda... "MARG BAR JOMHURIYE ESLAMI" & "FREEDOM FOR IRAN"... all out in the open

"The world needs an enema" - Nicholson


Bar Labe Goore Man, Avaz Bekhan



by capt_ayhab on

You know that you have an interesting blog here. Al thought your agenda might be little hidden, but you bring up an excellent point.

However, this could have been really a constructive debate IF you had censored yourself from profanity. You write OK, but why resort to [shock] to get the point across?

Allow me to give you an article that is rather a proof positive on the jest of your thread:



For seven terrifying centuries, heretics were punished under canon law. In 1633, Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei was condemned for “grave suspicion of heresy” when he showed that the Sun—not the crown—was the center of the universe despite what the King’s subjects—with help from the Church—had been induced to believe


The New Heretics are those few who challenge America’s faith in its “special relationship” with an extremist enclave granted nation state
recognition in 1948 by a Christian-Zionist president, Harry Truman. Critics of this enclave invite condemnation as “anti-Semites,” a modern form of social excommunication.


  • At Hampshire College in Massachusetts, students urged the school to
    divest from firms whose operations support the Israeli occupation of
    Palestine. When Israeli policies were compared to apartheid-era South
    Africa, Zionist Law Professor Alan Dershowitz condemned the students as
    “rabidly anti-Israel” (enemies of the state).
  • At Canada’s Ottawa College, Students Against Israeli Apartheid were
    prohibited from displaying a poster condemning Zionist policies that
    president Jimmy Carter had already condemned in his 2007 book, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid.
  • At the University of California, Santa Barbara, Professor William
    Robinson (Jewish) was attacked as an anti-Semite in an ADL-coordinated
    silencing campaign. His heresy: sharing with students a photo-essay
    critical of Israeli policy that had circulated for weeks online. [See
    “Treason in Plain Sight?


End Excerpt.

Many similar stories are around about same tactics by other religious zealots, Muslims in Iran, Catholic Church, etc etc.

Thanks for the thread dude